Welcome to the Music Playlist for Virtual Ashram 2020! Please enjoy these videos during our week of the Ashram! All of these videos are on our Made for Kids YouTube channel TexasChristianAshram2020 so there shouldn’t be any inappropriate ads.
Thanks to all of the contributors to our YouTube Channel – Christina Tannert, Nikki Turman, John Maklary, Charles Mallory, Mary Lou Florian, Esther Mallory, Debbie Tannert, Sheri Maklary, Beth Maklary, Kay Greenhaw.
Hymns and Praise Songs to Sing-Along:
Visit to sing-along with Sister Christina Tannert and her ukulele on This Little Light of Mine, gospel song by Harry Dixon Loes.
Visit to sing-along with Sister Mary Lou and Brother Charles on All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name.
Visit to sing-along with Sister Esther and Brother Charles on Be Thou my Vision.
Visit to sing-along with Sister Mary Lou and Brother Charles on For All the Saints.
Visit to sing-along with Sister Mary Lou and Brother Charles on Holy Holy Holy.
Visit to sing-along with Sister Mary Lou and Brother Charles on Leaning On the Everlasting Arms.
Visit to sing-along with Sister Mary Lou and Brother Charles on Morning Has Broken.
Visit to sing-along with Sister Mary Lou and Brother Charles on Because He Lives.
Visit to sing-along with Sister Mary Lou and Brother Charles on I’ve Got the Joy, Joy.
Visit to sing-along with Sister Mary Lou and Brother Charles on This Is My Father’s World.
Visit to sing-along with Sister Debbie and Brother Charles on Standing on the Promises.
Visit to sing-along with Sister Mary Lou and Brother Charles on Victory in Jesus.
Special Music:
Visit to hear Sister Christina Tannert sing Requiem: Pie Jesu by Faure with Charles Mallory, Piano.
Visit to hear Brother Russell Gregory sing Mud Mud Glorious Mud by Flanders and Swann with Brother Charles Mallory, Piano.
Visit to hear Brother Johnny Wills sing/play All the Way Home by Larry Norman.
Visit to hear Brother Phil Noe sing O Holy One, a song he composed.
Visit to hear Sister Jessica Steels and Sister Leslie Bruce perform I’ve Just Seen Jesus by Larnelle Harris and Sandi Patty.
Visit to sing-along with Brother John Maklary, Guitar and friend, Johanna Bonno, on You’ve Got a Friend in Me by Randy Newman.
End of Ashram Slideshows, Youth and Short clips of Participants singing together in worship service:
Visit to see the End of Ashram Slideshow from 2005.
Visit to see the End of Ashram Slideshow from 2006.
Visit to see our talented youth of 2007 perform a synchronized swimming ballet extravaganza!
Visit to see the End of Ashram Slideshow from 2007.
Visit to see the End of Ashram Slideshow from 2010.
Visit to hear a very short clip of Holy is the Lord by Chris Tomlin sung by the Ashram participants.
Visit to hear a very short clip of All Hail the Power, Christian hymn, lyrics by Edward Perronet, sung by the Ashram participants with Sister Peggy Brunner, Song Leader and Brother Russell Gregory, Piano.