Water Damage Restoration Services in Greater Austin

Water damage is one of the most common and potentially destructive problems you can face as a homeowner. If not taken care of immediately, water damage can lead to mold, warping, and other serious issues which can be more expensive down the line. That's why it's important to act quickly to mitigate the damage and repair the problem.

We understand that water damage can be a very stressful and overwhelming experience. That's why we're here to help. Time is of the essence when it comes to water damage. The sooner you contact us, the faster we can get started on restoring your property. Our team of certified professionals is available 24/7 to respond to your call. We'll arrive on the scene quickly to assess the damage and begin the restoration process. Don't hesitate, give us a call today.

Our Water Damage Restoration Process From Start To Finish

Our water damage restoration process is designed to prevent further damage and cross-contamination and to protect your family's health and safety. We ensure that damaged areas are dried and restored according to industry standards. In order to restore your property from water damage, we use the following steps:

1. Inspection

Our technicians will assess the damage at your home to determine the extent of the water damage. This helps us determine the type of water damage, contamination level, and equipment required for a successful restoration. The inspection serves to estimate how much work is needed.

Our technicians can also find and stop the source of the water leak during the first visit, especially if it's an emergency. A timely response is important, so we aim to make the inspection immediately after your call.

2 .Water Mitigation

Our team removes all water and moisture as soon as possible to prevent additional damage. Aside from preventing the spread of water in the structure, it can also help to significantly reduce drying time. Our technicians use powerful pumps and extraction units to quickly remove standing water or dry wet surfaces.

3. Damaged Material Removal

We will inform you if any materials cannot be successfully restored. Usually, these materials are removed as soon as possible to expedite the drying of any materials that are restorable.

4. Drying and Dehumidification

Once the water has been removed, effective drying must be carried out. During the drying process, both the structure and materials are dried. Meanwhile, the process of dehumidification removes moisture from the air and prevents secondary water damage from condensation. We check the moisture levels in the walls and floors to make sure the area is sufficiently dry.

5. Sanitization and Cleaning

Once the area is dry, we perform deodorization to eliminate unpleasant scents. After deodorization, we perform an extensive, professional cleaning. This process can include spray and wipe cleaning, dry cleaning, and wet cleaning. We might use foam, abrasive, and immersion cleaning procedures. Our specialists work hard to preserve as much of your property as possible. If mold restoration is required, it will be done at this stage. Also, sanitizing surfaces and making sure to do it right is part of the process.

6. Contents Restoration

We will thoroughly clean and disinfect your objects that can be restored. Among the items we clean and restore are carpets, furniture, gadgets, books, documents, and art.

7. Monitoring

Our technicians may visit your property periodically throughout the drying process to ensure materials are drying properly, check drying equipment performance, and make changes as needed. We consider monitoring to be a vital part of ensuring the best results of the restoration process for your property.

Get In Touch To Get A Free Estimate On Our Water Damage Restoration Services

Water damage is a terrible thing to deal with. The good news is we've got a team of water damage restoration experts ready to help. We will work quickly and efficiently to get your property back to its pre-loss condition. Give us a call today to get your life back to normal in no time! You can also inquire and get an estimate for free.

Water Damage Restoration