Storm Damage Cleanup in Greater Austin

When a storm rolls through, it can destroy your property. If nature surprises you with storm damage, we've got the training and experience to handle it. We are here to take care of the damage so you don’t have to worry about it. Just call us and we’ll be there at a moment’s notice.

Storms can wreak havoc on your home and turn your life upside down without warning. Our goal is to get you back to your routine as soon as possible. We have the expertise and the equipment needed to clean and restore your home following storm damage, no matter how minor or large the damage may be.

The sooner you contact us, the faster we can address the mess and damage. Our team of certified professionals are available 24/7 to respond to your call. We'll arrive on scene quickly to assess the damage and begin the restoration process. Don't hesitate, give us a call today.

Our Storm Damage Cleanup Process

We have a team of fully licensed service providers who will not only clean out the debris from your property but also dispose of it properly. With our detailed cleanup process, we can protect your belongings, safely and carefully remove backup waste, and get your home back to normal as quickly as we can. Here’s what we do:

1. Assess the Damage

We'll inspect your house and give you an estimate. We use a comprehensive checklist to see how the storm affected your property. An inspection usually includes the structure, windows, siding, gutters, as well as electrical systems and major appliances. In addition, we want to know if your property has been contaminated with gray or black water.

2. Secure Your Property

Your property will be tarped and boarded up if necessary. Window, door, and siding breaks are obvious safety hazards that must be addressed as soon as possible. Until we can make permanent structural repairs, we fortify your home by securing plywood over broken windows and tarps on a damaged roof.

3. Remove Water

We then remove floodwaters or sewage from your home or business. When your home is saturated for a longer period, the damage becomes worse. That’s why we aim to respond to every call as soon as possible.

4. Dispose of Damaged Materials

Next, we get rid of things that are too damaged to keep or reuse. There are a lot of nasty things that can happen on your property like fallen branches and wind-swept debris. You can count on us to remove all of the debris so that the mess is all cleaned up.

5. Dry the Area

Following that, we dehumidify and dry out your property with high volume fans. This is done to ensure long-term water damage, such as structural rot and hazardous mold growth is prevented.

6. Clean Your Property

We clean your home once it has dried so that everything is in perfect order.

7. Disinfect and Deodorize

After storm damage has been cleaned up, we disinfect and deodorize your property to ensure that it remains safe.

8. Rebuild and Restore

The final step of storm damage restoration is to rebuild and restore your property to its pre-loss condition.

Get In Touch To Get A Free Estimate On Our Sewage Cleanup Services

It's a pain to clean up sewage. The good news is we've got a team of water damage restoration experts ready to help. We will work quickly and efficiently to get your property back to its pre-loss condition. Give us a call today to get your life back to normal in no time! Get in touch today and get an estimate for free.

Storm Damage Restoration