
<DIV style="DISPLAY: block; TEXT-ALIGN: left"><IMG src="" useMap=#imagemap border=1></DIV>

<DIV><MAP name=imagemap>

<AREA title="Shiawassee Arts Center" shape=RECT alt="Shiawassee Arts Center" coords=24,5,195,39 href="">

<AREA title="Shiawassee Regional Chamber" shape=RECT alt="Shiawassee Regional Chamber" coords=76,49,392,87 href="">

<AREA shape=RECT alt="" coords=0,0,0,0></MAP></DIV>

Insert the above code using the code option of the Embed edit function.

I used an Image Map program to create the code.

The program I used is MapEdit

I believe imagemaps can also be made using Photoshop.

Also search Google

I used an image uploaded to Google Drive.

To get the usable URL for a Google Drive image you need to get the image's ID and append to this URL: