AR and Grade Level Goals

Accelerated Reader

Accelerated Reader’s goal is to motivate students to increase their reading comprehension and improve literacy skills. The children read books on the AR list and take quizzes on a computer at school. These quizzes can be taken on any computer in the school during school hours. 

AR Book Finder

Accelerated Reader Book Finder (AR Book Finder) is a place where students, teachers, parents, and librarians can search for books using criteria such as Lexile Level, interest, title, author, fiction/nonfiction, subject, and award-winners.  You may also find information such as: the book number (useful for taking AR quizzes), reading level, amount of points students would be able to earn if they pass their quiz at 100%.  Students may use this website to help determine appropriate books to read.

FREE AR Book Find App!!!

There is also a free app for AR Book Find called POINTS SCAN FREE that you can download to your phones.  The app contains a scanning tool to help scan books to see book information such as appropriate reading levels.

Click image to enlarge

AR Point Goals by Grade Level

(All grade levels strive to earn an 80% or higher on all quizzes)

Student point goals will be individualized based on student reading levels. Teachers and students will conference about appropriate goals and achieving those goals. 

AR Celebrations

Students are rewarded for earning points in their classroom as well as in the media center. At the end of the year, K-2 students who have achieved 50 or more points earn a surprise. Students in K-5 who have achieved 100 or more points earn a larger surprise. These are planned by the media specialist are based on the number of attendees and budget. 


Students will earn points for successfully passing quizzes.  These points will continue to build and add up each nine weeks toward a goal set the Renaissance Program based on the student's reading level