
There are several insights about terrorism and its relations with the press:

  • Countries that are more related to United States are getting more attention in The New York Times (E.g: United States, Russia and Iraq are being covered more in NYT than Sri Lanka, El Salvador and Sudan)
  • North America, Europe and the Middle East are being covered more by NYT than Africa and South America. Asia is somewhere between them.
  • Hijacking, hostage taking, assassination and bombings are being covered more by NYT than Assaults and Facility/Infrastructure attacks
  • Terror incidents that were done by Extreme-Islamic organization are being covered more by NYT than, for example, South American guerilla organiztions.

There are also some insights about terrorism itself:

  • The number of casualties by acts of terror have increased since 1970. There is a drastic rise in recent years.
  • Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Nigeria are the countries with the most casualties
  • Hijacking is the most deadly terror type of attack with an average of 280.16 casualties per attack. While the second most deadly type of terror attack is kidnapping with an average of 77.87 casualties.