Terror Attacks Analysis


Terrorism is a big subject, and a major issue worldwide.

There is terror in almost every place in the world. When there is terrorism in your country, you will probably hear it on your local news, however, will the local press cover an act of terrorism that was placed in a different, irrelevant country?

A major part of the news is about terrorism, and it raises some other questions between the relations of terrorism and the press:

  • Which kinds of terror incidents does the news report more and which ones less?
  • Which terror groups are covered more in the news?
  • Is there an upward trend of terrorism coverage by the news in the course of time?

Furthermore, there are some questions about terrorism itself:

  • Which countries and regions suffers the most from terrorism?
  • Is there an upward trend of terrorism over the course of time?
  • Which kinds of terror acts are more severe and which are less?

We are here to answer all these questions!

About The Process

We mostly did our work based on 2 main sources.

At first, we took the 'Global Terrorism Database', which is a database that covers roughly 180,000 incidents of terrorism worldwide from 1970 until 2017.

With this database, we wanted to see how many of the incidents were reported by the news.

We found an interesting API to one of the most big newspapers in the world, The New York Times, and checked for every incident with at least 20 casualties in the 'Global Terrorism Database' if it was covered by The New York Times (And shared the link to the article if indeed was covered)

We processed this information, and found some interesting insights, you can find it in the Results tab.