
Articles in peer-refereed journals

Job loss and migration: Do family connections matter? The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy (accepted) 

Least-cost decarbonization pathways for electricity generation in Finland: A convex quantile regression approach (with N. Kuosmanen, T. Kuosmanen and X. Zhou), Journal of Environmental Management (accepted)

Occupational mobility of routine workers, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 2024

The incidence and effects of decentralized wage bargaining in Finland (with A. Kauhanen and K. Riukula), Journal of Labor Research, 2024 

Going green while getting lean: Decomposing carbon and green total factor productivity  (with N. Kuosmanen), Journal of Environmental Management, 2024, 352, 120046

Personality and public sector employment in Finland (with J. Viinikainen), LABOUR, 2023, 1-28.

Losing a job and (dis)incentives to move: Interregional migration in Finland (with P. Böckerman), European Urban and Regional Studies, 2023, 4, 430-445.

Self-confidence predicts entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial success (with J. Viinikainen), Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 2023, 19.

Determinants of prescription opioid use: Population-based evidence from Finland (with P. Böckerman, C. Hakulinen, M. Haapanen and H. Karhunen), Addiction, 2021, 116, 170-175. 

Measuring the gender wage Gap – A methodological note (with J. Nyblom), Applied Economics, 2020, 52, 2239-2249.

Within and Between firm trends in job polarization: The roles of globalization and technology (with S. Kerr and M. Maliranta), Journal of Economic Geography, 2020, 20, 1003-1039. 

Harsh times: Do stressors lead to labor market losses? (with P. Böckerman), European Journal of Health Economics, 2019, 20, 357-373.

If you drink, don’t smoke: the joint associations of risky health behaviors on labor market outcomes (with P. Böckerman, A. Hyytinen and J. Kaprio), Social Science & Medicine, 2018, 207, 55-63.

Is personality related to permanent earnings? Evidence using a twin design (with J. Viinikainen), Journal of Economic Psychology, 2018, 64, 116-129.

Unfit for work: Health and long-term labor market prospects (with P. Böckerman), Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 2018, 46, 7-17.

Who becomes a public sector employee?, International Journal of Manpower, 2017, 38, 567-579.

Alcohol consumption and long-term labor market outcomes (with P. Böckerman and A. Hyytinen), Health Economics, 2017, 26, 275-291.

Higher education and public sector employment: Evidence from Finland using data on twins, International Review of Applied Economics, 2016, 30 (5), 605-619.

Devil in disguise: Does drinking lead to a disability pension? (with P. Böckerman and A. Hyytinen), Preventive Medicine, 2016, 86, 130-135.

The education-health nexus: fact and fiction (with P. Böckerman), Social Science & Medicine, 2016, 150, 112-116.

Employment sector and pay gaps: genetic and environmental influences, Labour Economics, 2013, 23, 89-96.

Public-private sector wage differentials and the business cycle, Economic Systems, 2013, 37, 284-301.

Spot market wages, implicit contracts and technological change: Skill-level evidence from Finland (with S-M. Hynninen), Applied Economics, 2013, 45, 2715-2723.

Public-private sector pay gaps in Finland: A quantile regression analysis, (J. pehkonen), Finnish Economic Papers, 2011, 24, 111-127.