
Sharing science with general public is something I enjoy as well as consider it being part of my duties while having the privelage of working in Astronomy.

Apart from giving outreach talks in Czech Republic, contributing to Czech outreach astronomical journals when asked and writting blog from my current stay at the GRANTECAN telescope, the biggest optical telescope in the world, I collaborate with Solar public observatory in Senec, Slovakia.

Delivery of educational workshop done by Chris Harrison within IAU100 inicitive to Slovakia. I had the plesuare to deliver the workshop for free! Now the visitors of the Senec planetarium can learn about infra-red observations, basic principles or the telescopes and even how the ELT will work!

With my help delegation from Senec Observatory visited ESO headquartes in Germany and also APEX site in Chile!

They reported both visits with amazing pictures on their website and other social media!