(Gaia back-up M4 mirror as a cover image)

Tereza Jerabkova (updated on March 3 2022)

Faculty astronomer at ESO, Observing Programmes office

nationality: Czech Republic

contact: tereza.jerabkova(at)

Science output (PhD finished in August 2020, first paper in 2016):

35 accepted refereed papers, 6 first author, 25 major contribution

2 book chapters (contributed)

h-index = 19

for full list of my publications see Publications

PDF of my PhD thesis can be viewed bellow.

work experience:

  • 2020- 2021 ESA Research Fellow ESA/ESTEC, Netherlands

  • 2019-2020 ERASMUS+ studentship GRANTECAN,La Palma, Spain

First student at the GTC, 50% support astronomer duties for GTC
  • 2017-2019 ESO studentship ESO, Germany

Study of star forming regions using OmegaCAM and Gaia data (Giacomo Beccari)
  • Aug 2015 DAAD student DLR, Berlin

Reduction and analysis of photometric and spectroscopic data (Juan Cabrera)
  • Aug-Oct 2014 Undergraduate studentship ESO, Chile

Optimisation of transmission spectroscopy of exoplanet pipeline for WHT (Petr Kabath)


  • Nov 2016 -- May 2020 PhD Astronomy/Astrophysics University of Bonn, Germany

Stellar populations and dynamics of self-gravitating systems, supervisors: Prof Dr. Pavel Kroupa, Prof Dr. Karl Mentengrade: Summa Cum Laude (0.0, Ausgezeichnet)
  • Sep 2013 - Jun 2016 Mgr Astronomy/Astrophysics Charles Uni Prague, Czech Republic

Supernova driven super star cluster winds, grade: excellent, with distinction
  • Sep 2010 - Jun 2013 Bc General Physics Charles Uni Prague, Czech Republic

Spectral analysis of the B[e] star V743 Mon, grade: excellent

awards & achievements:

  • Mar 2021 Astronomy & astrophysics highlight, cover image, ESA-wide press lease of Jerabkova et al. (2021)

  • Jan 2021 PhD award: the best PhD thesis in Physics and Astronomy (The Foundation of Physics and Astronomy in Bonn)

  • Aug 2020 Doctoral degree summa cum laude, 0.0/ausgezeichnet

  • Feb 2020 ESA Research Fellowship at ESTEC (2020-2023, accepted), ESO Fellowship in Garching and PSL Fellowship in Paris (declined)

  • Mar 2019 Deans Prize: significant publishing activity (Charles University)

  • Jan 2019 GTC ERASMUS+ Studentship La Palma (2019-2020)

  • Nov 2016 ESO studentship in Garching (2017-2019)

  • Jun 2016 Master degree with honours (Charles University in Prague)

Conference & workshop organisation:

  • Nov 2021 ESA science faculty workshop SOC

  • Jul 2019 ESA Artificial Intelligence in Astronomy workshop LOC Chair

  • Nov 2018 Take a Closer Look (ESO workshop) LOC

  • Jul 2017 The Impact of Binaries on Stellar Evolution (ESO) LOC

Institute and community services:

  • 2021 ESA Fellowship Selection committee ESTEC/ESAC/Baltimore

  • 2021 Golden Webinar series invited expert panellist Uni Catolica, Chile

  • 2021-now Reviewer for International journal of High School Research NY, USA

  • 2020-now Reviewer for the ESA/HST communication office ESTEC/ESAC/Baltimore

  • 2020-now ESA Breakfast Seminar organiser ESTEC Netherlands

  • 2019-2020 Joined Journal Club (GTC,ING,NOT telescope) founder & Organiser La Palma, Spain

  • 2019 Selection committee for the ESO summer research program ESO Germany

  • 2018-2019 Student Representative at ESO ESO Germany

  • 2017-2019 ESO Journal Club ESO Germany

  • 2017,2019 Scientific assistant for the Observing Programmes Commitee meeting (OPC) ESO Germany

  • 2016 Joint Journal for Astronomical Institutes departments (founder) Astronomical Institute, Czech Republic

Teaching experience:

  • 2017 Lecturer Summer School on Exoplanets (IRAF/PYRAF) Stellar department, Czech Republic

  • 2015,2016 Lecturer, Introduction to Python (2h lecture), invited to lecture series Charles University, Czech Republic

  • 2011-2014 Organizer/Lecturer at Camps of Physics and Mathematics ( Charles University, Czech Republic


  • 2020-now Organiser of the Czech Space Academy to support University students Czech Republic

  • 2020-now Art-Astronomy project in collaboration with Elias & Shepherds band Czech Republic/Spain

  • 2019-2020 Online blog about my GTC duties within ERASMUS+ project Spain

  • 2019 Delivery and demonstration of IAU100 initiative education workshop tools Slovakia

  • 2019 Article contribution to the Czech outreach astronomy magazine (Astropis) Czech Republic

  • 2018-2019 ESO ambassador focusing on Charluse University and Astronomical Institue Czech Republic

  • 2018 Invited public talk at Senec Outreach Observatory Slovakia

  • 2018 tour at ESO and ESO Supernova for a delegation from Slovakia Germany

Conferences, workshops, talks:

  • 2021 Jun 28 - Jul 2 EAS 2021 (European Astronomical Society meeting) online/Netherlands

Invited talk: Session SS28 Variation of the stellar Initial Mass Function between and within galaxies

talk: Session S15, Gaia: The (Two) Billion Star Galaxy Census: The Science of EDR3 and the promise of DR3

  • 2021 Jun 2 Galaxy coffee IAC, Tenerife

Invited talk: The search for the tidal tails of the Hyades star cluster

  • 2021 Jun 1 - 4 Gaia Early DR3 Early Science and Best Practices workshop online/NY, USA

Invited talk: The detection of the 800pc-long tidal tails of Hyades: new ways of constraining the Galactic potential with eDR3

  • 2021 Jun 2 TRACERS group meeting IAC, Tenerife

Invited talk: The history of the stellar initial mass function

  • 2021 Apr 26 OPINAS group seminar (MPE/USM Germany) online/Germany

invited talk: The disruption of the nearest star cluster to the Sun captured by the Gaia telescope

  • 2021 Apr 14 Colloquim at the Astronomical Institue of the Charles University online/Germany

invited talk: The 800 pc long tidal tails of the Hyades star cluster

  • 2021 Apr 13 Science presentation, Milky Way group at MPIA Heidelberg online/Germany

invited talk: The 800 pc long tidal tails of the Hyades star cluster

  • 2021 Apr 8 Seminar at the department of Theoretical Phyics at Charles University online/Czech Republic

inivited talk: The disruption of the nearest star cluster to the Sun captured by the Gaia telescope

  • 2021 Feb 22 - 26 Streams 21 (constriants on Dark Matter) workshop online/USA

talk: Open star clusters and their tidal tails as new probes of Galactic potential

  • 2021 Feb 17 ESO Science coffee online/Germany

invited talk: Detecting extended stellar structures in the Gaia data

  • 2021 Jan 29 Prize Colloquim (Prize for the best PhD thesis in 2020) online/Germany

invited talk: From stars to galaxies

  • 2021 Jan 29 Colloquim at Radbound University online/Netherlands

invited talk: Star-formation near and far, from stars to galaxies

  • 2020 Dec 1 - 3 ESA Science workshop SSW#13 online/ESA

talk: From stars to galaxies with Gaia

  • 2019 Jul 31 ESO Informal discussion: Relic filaments of stars discovered by Gaia Germany

invited talk: The galaxy-wide variable stellar initial mass function and its effect on chemical evolution

  • 2019 May 27-31 IAU 351 & MODEST19: Star Cluster, from the Milky Way to the Early Universe Italy

talk: Multiple bursts of star formation in young star clusters: The case of the Orion Nebula cluster

  • 2019 May 19 Astro-colloquim at University of Vienna Austria

invited talk: The galaxy-wide variable stellar initial mass function and its effect on chemical evolution

  • 2019 May 6-10 Metails in Galaxies, Near and Far: Looking Ahead, Lorentz Center, Leiden Netherlands

invited participation: Time variable galaxy-wide stellar initial mass function

  • 2019 Jan 7-11 Chemical abundaces in the ISM: the lutmus test of stellar IMF variations accross comic time, ISSI Bern Switzerland

invited external expert: The IGIMF theory

  • 2018 Nov 15-16 ESO TMT talk Chile

talk: Multiple stellar populations in the Orion Nebula Cluster: Do we know how star clusters form?

  • 2018 Oct 30-31 Seminar at Cerro Calan Observatorio Chile

talk: Multiple stellar populations in the Orion Nebula Cluster

  • 2018 Mar 20 ESO Overview 2018 - Young Highlights: our top science picks Germany

invited talk: Multiple stellar populations in the Orion Nebula Cluster

  • 2017 Sep 18-22 Modelling and observing dense stellar systems - MODEST17 Czech Republic

talk: Stellar populations in extreme star burst clusters and UDS

  • 2017 May 11-12 20th Meeting on Research in Astronomy Iran

invited talk: The sellar and galaxy-wide IMF

  • 2016 Dec 12 Astro-seminar at Masaryk University Czech Republic

invited talk: Supernovae in massive star clusters
