return of the jedi

This story starts in the early '90s when my mum and I went to buy my first computer. Thanks to her savings, this was the time when we were finally able to afford one, so we set out to buy an Amiga 500. Arriving at the shop in Kecskemét, Hungary, I had to realize that the A500 was so popular there weren't any left. Then the assistant showed us another device that was sitting quietly on the shelf, saying, "This can do the same thing." I loved the shape of it, but it wasn't our original goal to buy anything else. However, this guy persuaded us to buy the Atari 520 STFM. I was probably the proudest kid on the bus, holding the white Atari box on the way home.

Actually, I hated this guy for what he did. It was a real pain in Hungary to have an ST. There were only two main shops that sold them (and accessories , software) in Budapest. All my friends had C64s or A500s, so we were not compatible.

I remember sending only 10, sometimes 20 DS/DD disks at a time to Budapest to a club for exchanging programs when my friend bought hundreds of these for his needs. I even bought lots of original games (which we know wasn't the preferred option back then). But slowly, I built up a nice collection of disks. My father and I went to buy a Philips CM8833-MKII monitor as well, and I made the cable for it. So we had lots of fun with it.

I recall a story when there was a copy/game party organised at GAMF (John von Neumann University today) and it was filled with Commodore computers. I finally found one desk in the hall with an Atari ST on it and few people around. So I went there and started watching the guys. One turned around and asked me if I knew the ST and I said I had one of these at home. I still remember his reply saying: "Come on then, this is your place here with us". It felt great.

But as times had changed, PCs came forward we sold the 520 to be able to get a 486DX2-66 so it went to a friend of my brother whom I didn't know. 

When I finished my studies and started earning, I thought about that STFM more and more often, so when I registered on ebay my first ever purchase was a 520 STFM that arrived from Bristol, UK. And of course with a slight damage to the corner. I still have this ST but I turned into this. My next two purchases were a C64c and an A500 because my two best friends had those. But the love for Atari was a bit stronger so my attention turned to Atari 16/32 bit machines so the saga had started (that you can see in the Projects and Collection sections).
This is how the collection looked right at the beginning.

However, with the ever growing collection there was always something missing, the FIRST. Let's get it back! I asked my brother about the guy we sold it to and through his brother I got his number. But when I called he didn't even remember that he had an ST. Argh! Dead end immediately?! How come you don't remember? I know it was you, c'mon?!  So hopes seemed to be fading away.

And at the beginning of this year I talked about the ST to my brother again and he mentioned another guy who might be able to know something about it. So I got in touch with him and he said he'd actually has one. Oh, ok let's see. So he sent me a photo.

Well that's not a lot, the only thing it confirmed that it has the same small button drive than mine and it's a 520STFM. He assured that the keycaps are there so as the floppy drive, they are just being cleaned. That's ok but I needed to know if it's mine or just another ST. More questions I asked the more boxes this ST ticked. It is German, and the TOS is 1.04 (rainbow). Even the serial looked familiar, but I just simply wasn't sure. I'm geek but not that much to remember the serial just like that. And then....

...he said there are few disks as well. Ok let's see them. BANG, THIS IS IT! That's my handwriting right there under the new content. Woohoo!

Only one question left, if I can have it back? How much is it? What do you need -  you'd get it, just name the price. I paid a lot for other rare machines like ATW800, STBook, etc. This won't be an issue here.

Fortunately (or not) he said this ST belongs to his late father so it would be better not involving money. But he was ok with me getting it back because it'd come to the right place and will be well kept. I offered a fully boxed and upgraded STE for it and sent 2 boxes to Hungary (I moved to UK in 2007).  One with the STE and the other empty for double boxing mine. I simply couldn't afford to get it damaged so I went OTT with it for sure. He said he took it from a pile of stuff that belonged to his father and they wanted to get rid of, so this was really a last minute save. He only took it because he likes old computers too and collector of old midi keyboards, synthesizers. Lucky me.

When the ST arrived I started the refurb and the more time I spent the more obvious it became that it's definitely mine. Seeing the re-soldered mouse/joy ports (my not so finest work in the 90s) and the small cigarette burns that I blame my brother for and can be seen above the numeric ")" on the last photo. So all small details started coming back that I forgot over the years. 

I changed the worn rubber feet, cleaned inside and out. The keyboard had some faulty elements so it's refurbished with new power led, couple of rubber pads for non functioning keys but no major repair needed to the board. The mouse had the missing ball and door so I got that from another. Also had to make some adjustments to the door because it's the X5 version I have and it's little clips are different to the others.

After 25 years, today it is back to a nice condition and have a rock solid place on my desk. Even if I have to sell the whole collection this STFM stays with us, I have no doubt about that.
