STBook disassembly

This is a step-by -step guide how I do it. Hopefully you find it useful.

Step 0 - Tools and Thinking

This job needs a clean, large enough (and non scratching) surface to work on. Think what you want to do before doing it. STBooks are fragile enough, no need to torture them more than necessary. Tools needed: a Philips screwdriver, a tweezer.

Step 1 - Disconnect everything
Simple step, of course no power source plugged in. Also remove battery pack.

Step 2 - Trackpad
I do this first because I almost paid the price for it. To release the panel, remove the side locking panel by sliding it backward. After this lift the trackpad carefully up and see where the cable connects. Be careful working with these ribbons and not to rip them. Use your fingernails or the tweezer to release the lock then remove the cable. Place the trackpad somewhere safe.

Step 3 - Keyboard
Next is to remove the 3 screws that are at the front of the laptop. After this, flip the STBook around (holding the lid and the base together) and carefully lift the keyboard up. Lift up the front first, then the back will slide out. Turn it towards you, facing the keys down while placing it in front of the laptop as photo shows below. If you're here to change the TOS you can do right away (for TOS upgrade there's no need for step 2). It's on the left side of the photo with 2.08 written on it. Use proper plcc extractor tool to remove the chip. If you want to go further, disconnect the 2 keyboard cables.

Step 4 - Top & Screen
To access the hard drive you need to take the whole top off. This is secured at the back (2) and inside (3) with screws, plus some tabs.
First remove the ones at the back. Also make sure you leave the port cover opened.

Then remove the 3 shiny screws . Hold the top after removing the last one to make sure it's secure. It will not go anywhere but it's always good to give it some support. To remove the top I usually turn it to its side. The right side comes up easily, there are small tabs at both sides of the battery, 4 total. I turn it to its left side (when facing the laptop).

Like this.

Through these small holes you should be able to release the plastic tabs with the tweezer. Again, do not force it, rather peek around to see how they're locked and where to press. When it happens and the top comes off a little, carefully turn the STBook back as it was and place the screen above the base.

Step 5 - Disconnect the cables

The next steps really depend on what you want to do, replace HDD or repair mainboard, screen, etc. To access them you need to disconnect the ribbons either way. There are 4 types of connectors here. The display ones (orange wires) are two simple plug ins. The other ones have some sort of locking: move forward and lift / side locks / lift up and release (sorry, this description might not be 100% product accurate - just using my own words here). Also disconnect the battery and power connectors.

Step 6 - motherboard removal

I found that to take the HDD out you need to slightly lift the motherboard too because of how the HDD frame sits in place. What I do here is after disconnecting everything I lift and tilt the motherboard up to slide it back letting the 2 controls (volume and contrast) sliding out of their place. I usually grab the board by the 2 metal frames on the sides, lift the back part up first, make sure the rigid power connector and pcb is not in the way and slide it that way. When the 2 controls are free and above their holes you can take the board out by moving forward.

Step 7 - HDD removal

After this the hard drive is accessible and can be taken out.

Step 8 - Screen removal

In case you want to remove the screen completely, first you need to disconnect the wires as in step 5. There are 2 supports that guide the cables through their way. One is at the corner of the HDD, the other one is a metal piece right at the top part. This last one can be a bit tight so be very careful when bending, and keep away from the display wires as much as you can.
Photos show of these areas:

Put back together

Same steps as above but in reverse order. Make sure the screen wires are not trapped when putting the top back on (no need to turn it to its side this time). Be careful with the other ribbons too.