Weekly Updates

Spring Semester 2021

Week 15

(April 26-30)

This week we finished up our documents and PowerPoints. We got ready to give our final presentation on Friday.

Have a nice summer ☺

Week 14

(April 19-23)

Now that testing has been completed, we're all working on our final document and presentation. Brennan is touching up our stress analysis and Ayrin made a Gantt chart for the paper. We intend to divide and conquer. We all got our parts and got to writing.

Week 13

(April 12-16)

The testing has begun. At the beginning of the week we did some last minute detail changes, along with any remaining test prep. We set up our tables to go in our document. Our voltage regulator arrived on Wednesday evening. Thursday morning we added the regulator and did some wire management before completing our testing and finalizing the testing document.

Week 12

(April 5-9)

The GUI is completed and the PCB mill is still down so we are using a solderable breadboard in its place so that we can do our testing. We continued test prep and started writing out our intended test plans into our test document and will have that proof read by Dr. Mangum before submission.

Week 11

(March 29-April 2)

Ayrin got started on the GUI as Luz worked on the PCB. Sadly, the PCB mill is down so we could not print this week. Our design is ready and we have out ribbons set up. We just need the board. Brennan designed and printed the holder for the blade after we ran into a design flaw with our previous version. We hope to be testing by the end of next week.

Week 10

(March 21-26)

We finished coding all the sub components together. We configured the thermal camera for accuracy and tested the code containing all the electronics. Luz is drawing up the PCB for printing and Brennan is working on guides for the stickers so that the stickers don't slowly work their way to one side or the other.

Week 9

(March 14-19)

We successfully managed to get the stickers to output at a constant rate. We assembled the ID scanner, servo, and sticker dispenser coded them to work together. Luz started coding the thermal camera. Ayrin made some tweaks to the shelling so that the ID slot is a smoother insertion. We tested that the ID scanner can read from the required distance away and was successful.

Week 8

(March 8-12)

The frame material was cut out with a water jet and we almost completed the assembly. We refrained from adding in the gearbox because we are still testing with it. We are in the process of ensuring the motor is dispensing stickers at a consistent and accurate amount.

Week 7

(March 1-5)

The frame material and bearings arrived. We finished the gear assembly. The adhesive to attach the gears to the wheels is set to dry overnight and we can start the framework next week. We hit a few bumps with communication from the thermometer. We ordered the blade and can do speed and interval testing for the servo and motor starting next week.

Week 6

(February 22-26)

We finished programming the ID scanner and logged the ID values of our classmates for future testing purposes. We also received our 3-D printed parts on Friday. Brennan cleaned up any rough edges for the parts, while Ayrin took a look at the thermometers manual before starting the code. Luz initialized the Email that will be sent to students and faculty that did not get their ID scanned when they were on campus.

Week 5

(February 14-19)

We programmed the motor and servo. They both move as needed. We started programming for the ID scanner and submitted the orders to 3-D print our gear box on Friday. The nuts and screws to mount the screen and thermometer were found in the machine shop. We plan on getting together to finish the ID scanner over the weekend.

Week 4

(February 8-12)

This week we started writing our test document. We received several parts including the thermometer, Raspberry Pi, and ID scanner. We set up and formatted the Raspberry Pi. We made final adjustments to our model and made a small adjustment to the design to accommodate the minor discrepancies from parts, including making plans to cement our gears and wheels together in place of set screws. We are excited to continue programming and potentially testing parts next week.

Week 3

(February 1-5)

Gears, axles, and wheels arrived on Wednesday. We edited the Gantt chart to accommodate some time to machine a key hole in the gears so that they don't slide on our axles. We messaged some professors to revise our electrical diagram and make some minor modifications. The CAD model has been updated and the gearbox for the system should be ready to 3-D print by next week.

Week 2

(January 25-29)

This week Team TEMP ordered gears, axels, a thermometer, a raspberry pi, a screen, and an identification scanner. Additionally, worked on the drawing package that was not completed last semester. Lastly worked on some pseudo code for the motor and servo using python as the coding language. Hopefully shipping will not take a too long, would love to meet in the lab and work hands on. Lastly, Team TEMP met with Dr. Mangum to work on writing techniques for future documents.

Week 1

(January 20-22)

This is Team TEMP's first week back to classes. School has started online until February so we utilized this half week to update and rearrange our schedule and divide up responsibilities for the online portion of the semester. We had a redistribution of authority for our group in which Ayrin became the new team lead for the detail portion.

Fall Semester 2020

Week 14

(November 23-27)

Early this week, we filled out large portions of the document and added to the presentation. Then we spent time with our families. We hope you have a happy holiday.

Week 13

(November 16-20)

This is Team TEMP's last week on campus before break. We double checked the Gantt chart and updated it to reflect our status on each task. Ayrin initialized the presentation and put in the first few slides. Luz updated the Preliminary design document. Brennan updated and finalized the CAD model. We ran our model through SOLIDWORKS to calculate structural analysis and made copies of our model to run through ANSYS while we are away.

Week 12

(November 9-13)

This week Team TEMP worked on the MATLAB animation, documentation, controls, velocity of sticker dispenser and electrical schematic. Short week, Wednesday was veterans day so we did not meet up to work on the robotic system. Lastly Friday, was spent working on controls, MATLAB animation, and electrical schematic.

Week 11

(November 2-6)

Controls was started, looking through old notes and using knowledge from the mechatronics course. Final Preliminary Document is getting edited as well, requirements were rewritten to become clearer to the reader. In addition, equations used for the forward kinematics, inverse kinematics, velocity kinematics and equations of motion have been added to the Final Preliminary Document.

Team TEMP was able to produce a robotic system model in MATLAB. stay tuned, we will have the animations.

Week 10

(October 26- 30)

Team TEMP has used revisited old notes and are mostly complete with code which includes forward kinematics, inverse kinematics and equations of motion that will be utilized for the animation process in MATLAB. In order, to move forward we will need to figure out materials, masses and inertias from SOLIDWORKS.

Week 9

(October 19 - 23)

Team Temp is near finished working on the CAD model and got started on the forward and inverse kinematics for the system. We revisited old notes and started a mock-up code for the animation process in MATLAB.

Week 8

(October 12-16 )

This week Team TEMP finished up Electrical Schematic and started working on the CAD for the automatic system. On Wednesday we met with Wendy Martinez, the director of summer programs, she went into detail with us about the complete wellness check process, along with providing details about the frequency of each location, correcting process details in our flow chart, and giving a warning about some of the obstacles they faced and how they overcame.

Week 7

(October 3-9)

Through out this week Team TEMP put together a Gantt Chart for the rest of the semester, along with started the software flowchart, electrical schematic, and block diagrams. They scheduled a meeting with a rep from the wellness center at ERAU for next week to get more information on data collection and started the final Preliminary Design Document.

Documentation can be accessed here.

Week 6

(September 26 - October 2)

This week we are reevaluating the requirements and creating specifications for our project. We are focusing on accuracy, speed, computation, control, and power. Documentation can be accessed here.

Week 5

(September 19- 25)

Through out this week Team TEMP worked on a few Morphological Charts, created a few CAD models in SOLIDWORKS and composed a few decision matrices to narrow our Group Conceptual Design.

Documentation can be accessed here.

Week 4

(September 12-18)

This week, the team worked on individual conceptual designs. Using Computer Aid Design (CAD) softwares, models were created for a system that meets the teams requirements. Check out the Individual Designs and the software they used.

Week 3

(September 7- 11)

This week team TEMP is searching existing patents and literature. Before designing our system, it is crucial to us that we look over patents, peer-reviewed research articles, and news articles for what already exist. Stay tuned next week we will start designing.

Presentation can be accessed here.

Week 2

(August 31 - September 4)

Second week was a continuation of writing good requirements. In addition, we created a team style guide for documents and presentations.

Documentation can be accessed here.

Week 1

(August 24- 28)

First week back from COVID-19. Getting to know the team members while following the distance learning guidelines and assigning roles; as a result, Brennan Butcher was voted for Team Lead. We collaborated to create a team name, logo, website, and requirements .