What is TEMP?

Temperature Evaluation Monitoring Process (TEMP).

During these unprecedented times many different procedures and processes have been put into place in order to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19. From wearing masks to social distancing, many things can be done to slow, but not completely eliminate the spread of the virus. At ERAU, daily wellness check stations have been implemented to act as a gateway onto campus. Wellness check station employees check the temperature of students and faculty, and based on that temperature issue them a daily sticker of varying color for their school ID. By having this interaction between two individuals there is a low risk of COVID-19 spread, but a risk nonetheless. TEMP aims to eliminate the potential for spread at wellness check stations by providing an autonomous robotic alternative to human employees at the stations.


Some images of our model, along with pictures of our progress and testing

Black and white Isometric view of system from the front. Shows screen above a dispenser on the left and a thermometer on the right

Isometric view of front

Black and white Isometric view from behind. Shows a touchless card reader and thermometer on the left and a gear system on the right.

Isometric View of system of rear

Close up of gear system. Shows two forward rollers pulling a green strip of stickers between them. There is a large green roll located slightly behind the rollers providing the stickers.

Close up of sticker dispenser system

Motor wiring

ID testing

Brennan assembling the casing

Sticker dispenser


Ayrin soldering the board

Finished system after trial runs

Measuring distance to scan IDs

Measuring distance to grab sticker


Some short clips of us testing various components.


Servo is Alive

We gave the servo a short program to go from a 45 degree angle to a 135 degree angle. There is an orange wire temporarily attached to the servo blade in order to mark the desired side. We will be attaching a sharp blade to the servo once we have confirmed the orientation of the servo.


Motor Testing

After a short wiring incident, we got our motor running. We have tested that the motor rotates in both directions. For our use, we only need the motor to rotate clockwise, as you see above. We will be doing further testing on motor speed and duration, along with the motor position encoder to ensure that the system spits out exactly one sticker.


Sticker Dispenser

The sticker dispenser spitting out stickers. We are working on accuracy to minimize error over a long period of time.


Full Operation

Ayrin operating the TEMP system from start to finish.