Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I contact the website manager?

A: You can contact our S-5, Head of Public Affairs and Media, at 

Q: Where do the cadets meet the bus at his/her home or high school?

A: The cadets will be picked up from their school at a location chosen by the school. The pick up points are designated on the Bus Pick-up Times section.

Q: What time is class?

A: Students who attend Marcos de Niza can take it alongside their other classes. Non-Marcos students have class at 07:00-08:00 AM.

Q: Do students pay for the uniform? 

A: There are no costs for uniforms unless the cadet loses or damages an item or fails to return it at the conclusion of the school year.

Q: Do I need a sports physical to participate in the extracurricular activities?

A: Yes, however it is only required for adventure teams.

Q: Do I have to wear a Army uniform every day? 

A: No, the Cadet Command Regulation states that a cadet will wear the Class "A" or Class "B" uniform at least once a week. Our uniform days are on Wednesdays unless specified by the Senior Army Instructor.

Q: Do I have to get a military haircut?

A: Many hairstyles are acceptable, as long as they are neat and conservative. Hair will be neatly groomed. The length and bulk of hair will not be excessive or present a ragged, unkempt, or extreme appearance. Hair will not fall over the eyebrows or extend below the bottom edge of the collar in uniform. Lines or designs will not be cut into the hair or scalp. If dyes, tints, or bleaches are used, colors used must be natural to human hair and not present an extreme appearance. 

Q: Do I have to join the military after graduation?

A: No. JROTC is designed to prepare high school students/cadets for responsible leadership roles in society while making you aware of your rights, responsibilities, and privileges as American citizens. The program has proven to stimulate students to excel in high school and in life. Students with positive attitudes and who want to be leaders will gain the most from this learning experience. 

Q: Do I have to do PE, and can I get a PE credit if I join JROTC?

A: Cadets will participate in physical-related activity every Friday. Cadets will also participate in a physical training test four times during the school year. If a cadet satisfactorily completes two years of JROTC, he/she will have their PE requirements fulfilled. 

Q: Do cadets have to participate in weekend activities?

A: Everything we do is voluntary. There are some weekend activities. Most are associated with our extra-curricular teams. We annually sponsor a Military Ball, Parades, Field Training Exercise that are on a Saturday; and may sponsor a Service Learning Project on a Saturday. However, all are still voluntary.