Tempe Union High School District 


JROTC Introduction Video by the S-5



To send in pictures email s5tuhsdjrotc@gmail.com



Saturday, March 1, 2025 6-9 pm Embassy Suites Tempe 

4400 S Rural Rd Tempe, AZ 85282

 Tickets are $25 each Each cadet may bring a guest (no adults/siblings) Need meal choices when you pay (chicken, pork or vegetarian)

Men will be in dress uniform, ladies have the option of dress uniform or formal gown.

Talk to the SAI or AI for details about purchasing tickets.  

Music Google Form

Fill out this google form if you want any music to be played at the Military Ball. 

All music must be the clean version of the song.

Click HERE to continue. 

Military Ball Assistance Sign Up sheet

 If your considering doing saber team or color guard please use this link below.

Click HERE

Uniform for this week: Alternate Uniform 2/10-2/14

Uniform for next week: Dress Uniform 2/17-2/21

Go to Uniform Rules for help

Upcoming Events

For a view of the calendar please click HERE.

2nd Semester

19 FEB: District CG (6:45pm-7:15pm)

22 FEB: Tombstone Raider Challenge

1 MAR: JROTC Military Ball

5 MAR: District CG (6:45pm-7:15pm)

7 MAR: Ben Avery Air Rifle Competition

10 MAR-21 MAR: Spring Break 

24 MAR: District support at MDN campus (select cadets)

11-14 APR: JCLC (JROTC Cadet Leadership Challenge)

7 MAY: Awards night ( 6 pm, MDN auditorium)

29 MAY: TUHSD Graduations 

JROTC is designed to prepare high school students/cadets for responsible leadership roles in society while making you aware of your rights, responsibilities and privileges as American citizens. The program has proven to stimulate students to excel in high school and in life after graduation. Students with positive attitudes and who want to be leaders will gain the most from this learning experience. 


We are not Drill Sergeants.

We are not Recruiters, we work for the school district.

This is an elective class, and 2 years of JROTC provides your PE credit necessary for graduation.

The lessons are designed to provide the maximum growth opportunity for each cadet. Cadets receive military style training and discipline fostering obedience and teamwork. Training is organized into four levels designated as Leadership Education and Training (LET) Levels I, II, III, and IV. Each succeeding year introduces increasing leadership and staff opportunities. 

We sponsor extra-curricular teams that compete statewide against other JROTC programs. These teams are the Armed and Unarmed Drill Teams, Color Guard, JLAB, Rifle Team, and Adventure Team. Achievement on any of these teams offers superb activities that will provide you additional skills and can lead to a Varsity Letter from your respective high school. Deserving teams may qualify to compete out-of-state to Brigade, Army Championships or National Championships.


Please email Rfore@tempeunion.org if you have any questions.  

Recent Event

Raider Red Mountain Competition, Congrats them winning second overall!

"Unit Over Self, Prepared and Loyal"

Honor Unit with Distinction continuously since 1979.


                                                     Lay out of the school 

MDN map.pptx

Army Instructors

Major Fore

Phone: 480-730-7685

Email: rfore@tuhsd.k12.az.us 

SFC Pinon

MAJ Robert Fore

Favorite quote: "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

Assignment: JROTC second and thrid year cadets

Started at MdN: 2015

Coaching or club responsibilities: Raider team and JLAB

Degrees: BSBA, MBA

Universities/Colleges: Western International University/ Touro University International

Teaching experiences: U.S. Army (21 years), JROTC Instructor (11 years)

Born in: Phoenix, AZ

Family Information: Lovely wife named Summer and four great kids.

Other: AZ Cardinals and AZ Rattlers fan.

SFC Pinon 

Favorite Quote: "The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. 

The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires." 

William Arthur Ward

Assignment: JROTC first and fourth year cadets 

Started at MdN:  2024

Coaching or Club Responsibilities: Rifle team 

Degrees: Military Leadership Psychology

University/College: University Of Maryland/ Rio Salado CC

Teaching experience:  Spent 12 years in Germany training JROTC

Born: El Paso Texas

Family Information: Wife's name is Diama, has 3 kids and 3 grandkids 

Other: Rifle Team Coach