
Students are novice professionals who count on your expert guidance. Are you looking for support in giving instructions, guiding or assessing the student? Or do you want to know how to create a (socially) safe working environment? Check out our training and resources and six actions.

5.1 Safety first

Safety comes first. You and your work placement company ensure that the student can do his work safely. A student will perform better in an environment where he or she feels protected from inappropriate behavior such as bullying, harassment and discrimination.
Learning requires a climate where you feel comfortable, where you can practice and where you are allowed to make mistakes. Where there are no stupid questions and where you can always turn to someone. That's not so easy. View our tips on how to create a (socially) safe learning environment for students.

5.2 Instruct the student
Discuss what the student wants to learn. Tailor your style of instruction to the learning style of the student. Then give instructions and check whether the student can perform the task himself next time.

5.3 Guide the student
Teach the student the trade. If necessary, involve work supervisors/colleagues who have the right competences. Tailor the supervision to the development of the student.

5.4 Stay in touch
Conduct counseling conversations with the student, work on a good relationship between you and the student. Challenge the student and ensure that the assignments match his or her knowledge and skills. Make the student feel like he or she can do it. Make the student responsible for his or her own development.

5.5 Evaluate and give feedback
Discuss progress with the student on the basis of open questions. Record any agreements.

5.6 Midterm assessment
Both you and the student complete an interim assessment. We offer a handy form for this. Discuss with the student the differences between the completed assessments. Then coordinate the assessment with the school counselor.


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