AOL Desktop is Not Opening Error

#Read These Tips To Eliminate A0L Desktop Is Not Opening Error

AOL is a well-known American multimedia corporation that offers web-mail services. Instead, AOL offers a variety of features that make it the preferred choice of millions of consumers throughout the world. Occasionally, the user attempts to launch your AOL Desktop but is unable to do so. “AOL Desktop is Not Opening Error" is the name of this error code. Dial our toll-free number to speak with our AOL Technical Team for immediate assistance. As a result, they will provide you with the necessary solutions to your problems.

Effective Reason of AOL Desktop Not Opening Problems

  • Improper installation

  • System compatibility Problems

  • Virus, Malware Attack

  • Low internal memory

  • Compatibility problems with flash player

Quick & Fast Methods To Fix AOL Desktop Not Opening Issues

To begin browsing on AOL Desktop Gold, you must first eliminate its unresponsive behavior. Following the steps below will assist you in gaining access to AOL.

#1: Remove cached files from your system

To begin, delete the browser's history and cache files. Files accumulated in the history and cache folders may prevent you from launching AOL Desktop Gold. To proceed, navigate to the browser settings, select all files, and then click clear browser history. Restart your computer and then open AOL Desktop Gold.

#2: Disable the Firewall for the time being.

In the event that your firewall identifies AOL Desktop Gold as a threat to your system, it will shut down your computer's operations completely. You can try temporarily disabling the firewall and relaunching AOL Desktop Gold. If it begins to work properly, you will need to update your antivirus software.

#3: Remove Footprints

Browser crashes and AOL Gold Desktop not responding errors can be resolved by removing the footprints from the browser.

If you are frequently encountering these errors, you must first contact AOL Desktop support to report the problem. Skip this step if it doesn't respond in any way.

  • You will be prompted to launch AOL Desktop Gold.

  • To edit a document, locate and click on the Edit menu at the top of the screen.

  • Now, from the dropdown menu, select the option "Clear Footprints.

  • Mark the box next to Browser Cache to enable it. It will now be possible to delete the temporary browser files.

  • Relaunch AOL Desktop if necessary.

#4: Eliminate Flash Player

If your AOL Desktop Gold is still not opening, uninstalling the Flash player may help you resolve the issue. To finish the process, follow these steps.

  • On your computer, look for the Control Panel.

  • In the Control Panel window, click Program.

  • Select Programs and Features now.

  • In the list, look for Flash Player and select all files related to it.

  • Uninstall or Trash/Change should be selected.

#5: Reinstall AOL Desktop Gold

Follow the steps below to uninstall AOL Desktop Gold and then reinstall it.

  • Go to the control panel on your computer and uninstall it.

  • Programs & Features can be accessed by clicking on Programs and then tapping on it.

  • Uninstall AOL by clicking on the AOL Desktop icon and then selecting Uninstall.

You can now download AOL Desktop Gold as part of your AOL subscription. Click All Products on the official website after logging in to your account. AOL Desktop Gold can be found by scrolling down the page and clicking on the Download Now button.

  • To install – Go to the File Explorer and click on the Install button.

  • Once you've done that, go to the Downloads folder and click on it

  • Double-click on the AOL Desktop Gold Installer when you find it.

  • Click Run and then click Install Now to start the installation process.

Read Also: AOL Mail Not Working Issue


If AOL Desktop Gold is not opening error, follow these steps to quickly fix the problem. The primary causes of AOL Desktop Gold's unresponsiveness have also been discussed in order to provide more clarity on the subject. AOL Email Supports Technical Specialists can assist you if any problems are encountered while following the instructions in this guide.