MD 300:

Intro to Ed Tech



My Vision as an Ed Tech Leader: To create an Educational Technology program that removes barriers from student learning in order to support and enhance the academic experience of our unique learners.

Course Topics:

  1. ISTE Standards for Educators and Students
  2. Universal Design for Learning and Educational Technology
  3. Professional Learning Networks and Crowd Sourcing
  4. MakerSpace Education
  5. Digital Citizenship
  6. Technology Integration Frameworks
  7. Instructional Models for Blended Learning
  8. Trends in Ed Tech: Personalized Learning, AR/VR, Cloud Computing, 3D Printing...
  9. Digital Equity and the Digital Divide
  10. Eyes on the Prize: Selecting Appropriate Tools

Required Text:

Learning First, Technology Second: The Educator's Guide to Designing Authentic Lessons. by Liz Kolb.

We will be using this text to conduct an online book study using Twitter. You will need a Twitter account.



On-line Requirements:

  1. You will need to create a professional Twitter account if you do not already have one. We will use Twitter to build our PLNs and participate in online discourse. Questions will be posted in advance and must be submitted according to the schedule provided.
  2. Technology tools practice and analysis. We will review and use several technology tools during the course. One of your regular online assignments will be to test and analyze educational technology tools.

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