Program Protection
Program Protection Planning (PPP)
Program Protection Planning (PPP), a key part of Systems Security Engineering (SSE), encompasses critical planning activities for ensuring that operational systems containing Critical Program Information (CPI) and Critical Technical Information (CTI) do not fall into the hands of adversaries and, if they do, the critical technology and data contained in them are not usable by those adversaries to threaten our national security or technological superiority. The PPP process includes central Evaluation Criteria defined by the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Systems Engineering. These criteria assess whether a proposed PPP meets the requirements of the principal DoD policy and guidance concerning PPPs and for meeting milestone reviews goals (at Milestone A, B, C and post FRP Decision) to field Operations and Support systems. A core component of the PPP process is developing a robust Anti-Tamper (AT) Plan and ensuring its implementation. The core mission of AT is "to deter the reverse engineering and exploitation of our military’s critical technology in order to impede technology transfer, stop alteration of system capability, and prevent the development of countermeasures to U.S. systems." In other words, AT is identifying the CPI and CTI, both organic and inherited in a system; determining the potential threats and vulnerabilities inherent in a specific system or configuration; identifying the countermeasures to those threats, and applying those countermeasures to the operational system; with ongoing evaluation throughout the system lifecycle.
Seem convoluted and complicated?
TECHFORGE Solutions brings critical expertise to the Program Protection process to simplify the process, providing easy to follow procedures and delivering on expectations. TECHFORGE Solutions provides the critical SME guidance, managed processes, and proven workflow tools for capturing, evaluating, and documenting outcomes that meet all DOD, Air Force and OSD requirements for Anti-Tamper and Program Protection. Our workflow process, training, and tools have been utilized by leading Air Force Autonomy systems; and have been vetted and approved by OSD to meet (and exceed) program security requirements.
Contact Us
A: 2681 Commons Blvd | Beavercreek, OH 45431
P: (937) 815-1875