Meet The Team

The team behind the TechCamp grant comprise of four members. They are;

Dr. Nuurrianti Jalli, Team Lead

Dr. Nuurrianti Jalli is an assistant professor of communication studies at the Northern State University in South Dakota. She received her Ph.D. in Mass Communication from Ohio University and has two graduate certificates in Data Science and Computational Social Science from Harvard University and the University of California Davis. Her research areas focus on information disorder; media and democracy; media and information literacy in Southeast Asia. Recipient of multiple research grants, including from Malaysia National Security Council, Sarawak State Government, United Nations, Dr. Nuurrianti is currently working on a project focusing on media and information literacy, a project led by the National University of Malaysia, funded by UNESCO. She is currently writing a book on digital propaganda published by Lexington Press, Kentucky, USA.

Meeko Camba

Meeko Angela Camba writes for VERA Files (, a nonprofit online media organization in the Philippines that undertakes in-depth reporting and fact-checking. She leads the organization’s Fact-Checking Public Figures project under VERA Files Fact Check, which is a verified signatory of the International Fact-Checking Network at Poynter. In this capacity, she writes and edits fact-check stories, and works closely with a team of reporters and editors to monitor and debunk falsehoods, flip-flops, and misleading claims spread by public figures. Apart from producing fact-checks, Meeko develops modules and conducts training programs on fact-checking and online verification catered to different audiences — including university students, teachers, civil society organizations, and local media — across the country.

Chee Yik Wai

Chee Yik Wai holds a Bachelor’s degree in Law from Multimedia University majoring in Cyber Law. He is the co-founder of the Crowdsukan project, a Crowdsourcing platform for sport infrastructures and sustainable sport solutions, and a Malaysian member at the UNESCO Youth and Sport Task Force within the APEC region. He is also a freelance author for South China Morning Post on intercultural understanding and sport diplomacy issues and subsequently, selected as a fellow from Malaysia in International Cooperation Youth Forum (ICYF)'s Online Media Training Program in 2020. Due to his work in the area of digitisation and internet governance, he was selected as a fellow at the European Summer School on Internet Governance (EuroSSIG) 2021 in which he focused on the broader impact of social media activities on societal issues.

Trinna Leong

Trinna Leong is Google News Lab's first Southeast Asia Teaching Fellow. A former correspondent covering the triple beat of politics, economy and general news, her work over the decade has appeared in Reuters, Al Jazeera, The Wall Street Journal and The Straits Times.

In her role at Google, she is running newsroom training across an incredibly diverse market spanning different cultures and languages. Much of her work now at Google involves building stronger digital skill sets, raising work efficiency and developing fact-checking knowledge among local reporters and editors.

Extended Team

Irma Garnesia, Research Assistant

Irma Garnesia is a fact-checker and researcher at Tirto. id, one of the Indonesian fact-checking agencies. She is also currently doing her master's degree in media studies at Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany. Responsible for collecting TikTok data on Malaysia and Indonesia, setting up interviews with content creators, and helping to identify misinformation based on the developed misinformation framework.

Rachel Rosalie Torres - Research Assistant

Rachel Rosalie T. Torres, a graduate student of Master of Arts in Media Studies major in Broadcast Communication majoring in Social Media Influencers and Social Media Trends, University of the Philippines-Diliman. Responsible for collecting TikTok data on the Philippines, setting up interviews with content creators, and helping to identify misinformation based on the developed misinformation framework.

Associate Prof. Dr. Ika Idris - Data Analyst

Associate Prof. Dr. Ika Idris is a professor of public policy at Monash University, Indonesia. Responsible for advising, assisting in data analyses, particularly ones focusing on sentiment analysis, and textual thematic analysis.