What happens when parents "PHUB" children 12 and under?

Lv et al findings emphasized the importance  of the effects of the internet and its technology on young children. They reported "young children are in a sensitive period of development that may be hindered by an indifferent, environment, uncaring parents and a lack of interactive language"(Lv et al, 2022). With the all the accessibility of the internet, its become a part of children's daily lives with some parents choosing to introduce the internet to child as young as infants. Even before introducing them, most children are exposed to internet/mobile phone use just by watching their parents. Phubbing happens when one ignores their physical company to be on their phone or device. Parents can do this to their children for many reasons such as to avoid parental stress, or just to take a break from their world. Lv et al researched the effects of parental phubbing in children's lives and they defined parental phubbing as a form of rejection, neglect, or indifference to young children that will influence their emotional and behavioral problems (2022). Parental phubbing has been observed in other studies such as Radesky et al in their observational study on caregiver-child interaction (Radesky et al, 2014). Some of the reactions of children who were phubbed ranged from acting out for attention, singing, to not being bothered by it at all and entertaining themselves (Radesky et al2014). Kienfer-Burmesiter et al, did a similar study in Italy and observed the acting out as well as the parents response times to the bids(2020). They called it bids for attention (2020). Overall, the effects of parental phubbing can lead to bids of attention and parental phubbing was positively correlated with children's emotional and behavioral problems such as singing, hitting, yelling, and acting up to get the parents attention away from the mobile device and to aim the parents attention back to the child (Radesky et al 2014, Kienfner-Burmesiter et al 2020).

What is phubbing?

Phubbing is the act of ignoring someone physically to play/be on your own mobile device (Lv et al, 2022).