Technology and Child Development 

Explore our website to see how technology affects children in the ways that they navigate through life. 

How does technology effects children in their social life, at home, and within themselves?


Our Mission

Through this project our mission is to showcase the various aspects of children and how these important aspects can be affected by technology use. 

  Over the years technology has become such a big topic. Using technology in everyday life has become the norm and what is expected of society. In the most recent years the topic of technology and children has grown. Specifically, the effect that technology has on children’s development. Through this website we explore cognitive abilities, social interactions, different types of media and their effects on child growth. After reviewing those topics we have provided our viewers with some tips to better navigate through a world filled with technology. 

 As we reviewed the necessary information we found that there were negative and positive findings. However, the negative findings seem to overshadow the positive findings. Under our cognitive skills page we first define cognition. Cognition can seem like a very broad term being that this defines a large group of abilities. However, we wanted to take the time to try to define it for you and provide some examples of cognitive abilities that children thrive to obtain. On the topic of defining cognition you will also find two linked videos. One contains more information about cognitive skills in children. This video discusses some of the most important cognitive abilities that are expected of kindergarten aged children. This video also gives some clarification on cognitive skills at a certain age. If you click on the video below the first one you will find an informational video about Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development. This was important for us to include to give some clarity on a theory of how children develop cognitively. In the second column of the page we go into detail about some of the findings that we found about how technology can affect cognition. We talk about language and self-regulation and how they are affected by technology. Here we also touch on educational vs. non-educational media and active vs. passive use.

As mentioned above, on the cognition page we touch on educational vs. non-educational media and passive vs. active use. However, we have a page devoted completely to media use and types. Here you will learn more in depth about educational vs. non-educational forms of media. Here we talk about the difference in effects that media for entertainment and media for education has. Active and passive use was also able to be connected to educational vs. non-educational media. For example, we discuss how children are able to interact with technology/media. Another big topic discussed on this page is the idea of background television. Here we were able to first define this idea and talk about its effects on children, as well as parents. 

On our social interactions page we focused on the idea of Phubbing. Instead of focusing on social growth in children we wanted to discuss how children are affected by technology in their social life. More specifically, we focus on parental phubbing towards children. Here we discuss the effects that technology has on parents, which causes the phubbing and how this affects children. After reviewing all of this information we wanted to end on a good note. Therefore, we decided to include some tips for our viewers to better understand ways to navigate through technology in the best way possible. Technology is something that could get out of hand if we don't get control over it and promote healthy media use in children as well as parents.   



Here we explore some of the ways that technology can affect children's cognitive skills.

Dive into the world of how children are able to interact with people around them. On this page you will learn how technology effects children's social interactions at home.

Here we discuss different forms of media and how they are used.

Become "in the know" on out tips page. Learn ways to better utilize technology. 


Terryn Baldwin & Brittany Myrick