QST Seminar

Team QST regularly hosts QST seminars, inviting experts from various fields such as quantum information theory, quantum technology, applied mathematics, and artificial intelligence to give talks, presentations, and Q&A sessions, striving to facilitate scholarly exchanges.
If you are interested in attending the QST seminar, please contact the organizer, Kabgyun Jeong (kgjeong6@snu.ac.kr).

The QST seminar has been held 87 times from 2020 until before 2023.  For seminar information before 2023, please refer to the following website:

From 2023

[128] TBA
Prof. Hyukjoon Kwon (KIAS)
(October 25, 2024) 14:00 ~ 16:00 [Online]
Sponsor: KISTI Project

[127] TBA
Prof. Changhun Oh (KAIST)
(October 11, 2024) 14:00 ~ 16:00 [Online]
Sponsor: KISTI Project

[126] TBA
Dr. Candidate. Shin Ho Choe (Technical University of Munich & MCQST)
(September 27, 2024) 14:00 ~ 16:00 [Online]
Sponsor: KISTI Project

[125] Quantum loss sensing under a noisy environment with classical Fisher information
Dr. Candidate. Sangil Park (Kyungpook National University)
(August 02, 2024) 14:00 ~ 16:00 [Online]
Sponsor: KISTI Project

[124] Learning shallow quantum circuits of O(1), O(log n) depth
Undergraduate. Myeongjin Shin (KAIST)
(July 26, 2024) 14:00 ~ 16:00 [Online]
Sponsor: ETRI Project

[123] Time evolution of subspace in parameterized quantum circuits
Dr. Kyunghyun Baek (ETRI)
(June 14, 2024) 14:00 ~ 16:00 [Online]
Sponsor: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)

[122] Local classical/quantum algorithms for MAX-CUT problem
Dr.  Eunok Bae (KIAS)
(June 07, 2024) 14:00 ~ 16:00 [Online]
Sponsor: KISTI Project

[121] Uniqueness of quantum state over time function
Prof. Seok Hyung Lie (UNIST)
(May 17, 2024) 14:00 ~ 16:00 [Online]
Sponsor: ETRI Project

[120] Riemann surfaces of double exceptional points for topological chirality and its generalization by Galois covering
Dr. Kyu-Won Park (Kyung Hee University)
(May 03, 2024) 14:00 ~ 16:00 [Online]
Sponsor: ETRI Project

[119] Function classes generated by quantum machine learning models
Dr. Candidate. Seongwook Shin (Seoul National University)
(April 19, 2024) 14:00 ~ 16:00 [Online]
Sponsor: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)

[118] T-depth of quantum circuits
Dr. Taewan Kim (ETRI)
(March 20, 2024) 14:00 ~ 16:00 [Online]
Sponsor: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)

[117] Low-overhead Lattice-surgery-based Quantum Computing with the Color Code
Dr. Seok-Hyung Lee (The University of Sydney)
(March 15, 2024) 14:00 ~ 16:00 [Online]
Sponsor: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)

[116] Shape-morphing cortex-adhesive sensor realizes closed-loop transcranial ultrasound neurostimulation
Dr. Sungjun Lee (Sungkyunkwan University)
(March 08, 2024) 14:00 ~ 16:00 [Online]
Sponsor: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)

[115] Understanding Digital Marketing ; Applications in Quantum Science
General Manager. Hyun Dong Shim (Obzen Inc.)
(February 23, 2024) 14:00 ~ 16:00 [Offline + Online]
Sponsor: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)

[114] Quantum-secured single-pixel imaging under spoofing attacks
Dr. Yonggi Jo (ADD)
(February  16, 2024) 14:00 ~ 16:00 [Online]
Sponsor: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)

[113] Neural Quantum Embedding: Pushing the Limits of Quantum Supervised Learning
Prof. Daniel Kyungdeock Park (Yonsei University)
(January 26, 2024) 14:00 ~ 16:00 [Online]
Sponsor: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)

[112] Improved algorithms for Quantum Max Cut approximation
Dr. Eunwoo Lee (KIAS)
(December 15, 2023) 14:00 ~ 16:00 [Online]
Sponsor: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)

[111] Additivity of zero-error classical capacity with classical noiseless channels
Dr. Jeonghoon Park (Kangwon National University)
(November 24, 2023) 14:00 ~ 16:00 [Online]
Sponsor: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)

[110] Predicting Agricultural Commodity Using Deep Learning Networks with Multiple Time Series Data
Dr. Youngho Min (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)
(November 08, 2023) 14:00 ~ 16:00 [Online]
Sponsor: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)

[109] Graph data analysis based on quantum probability theory
Prof. Hayoung Choi (Kyungpook National University)
(October 20, 2023) 14:00 ~ 16:00 [Online]
Sponsor: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)

[108] Artificial sensory E-skin devices
Dr. Candidate. Jiyong Yoon (Sungkyunkwan University)
(October 13, 2023) 14:00 ~ 16:00 [Online]
Sponsor: ETRI Project

[107] Implementation of a general single-qubit POVM on a circuit-based quantum computer
Dr. Candidate. Sekang Kwon (Kyung Hee University)
(September 15, 2023) 14:00 ~ 16:00 [Online]
Sponsor: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)

[106] Introduction to the quantum error mitigation
Dr. Candidate. Haesol Han (Kyung Hee University)
(September 08, 2023) 14:00 ~ 16:00 [Online]
Sponsor: ETRI Project

[105] Quantum-inspired algorithms for estimating matrix functions
Dr. Youngrong Lim (KIAS)
(August 25, 2023) 14:00 ~ 16:00 [Online]
Sponsor: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)

[104] Unconventional Tissue-Interfacing Bioelectronics
Prof. Donghee Son (Sungkyunkwan University)
(August 11, 2023) 14:00 ~ 16:00 [Onsite + Online]
Sponsor: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)

[103] Local Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computing based on [[7,1,3]] Steane Code in 2D Architecture
Dr. Yongsoo Hwang (ETRI)
(July 21, 2023) 14:00 ~ 16:00 [Online]
Sponsor: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)

[102] The necessary and sufficient conditions for equality between global and local fidelities 
Prof. Yonghae Lee (Kangwon National University)
(July 14, 2023) 14:00 ~ 16:00 [Online]
Sponsor: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)

[101] Thermal operations can be decomposed into simpler operations under catalysis
Dr. Candidate. Jeongrak Son (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
(July 11, 2023) 14:00 ~ 16:00 [Online]
Sponsor: KISTI  Project

[100] Minimal Data May Be Sufficient for Quantum AI
Senior Researcher. Junseo Lee (Norma Inc.)
(June 30, 2023) 14:00 ~ 16:00 [Online]
Sponsor: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)

[99] Quantum loss sensing with two-mode squeezed vacuum state under noisy and lossy environment
Prof. Changsuk Noh (Kyungpook National University)
(June 16, 2023) 14:00 ~ 16:00 [Online]
Sponsor: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)

[98] Computational Quantum Chemistry on NISQ Devices
Dr. Minjin Choi (KISTI)
(May 26, 2023) 14:00 ~ 16:00 [Online]
Sponsor: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)

[97] QST special seminar: KISTI-SNU joint mini-Workshop
Invited Speakers: Prof. Dong Pyo Chi (SNU) and Dr. Wonhyuk Lee (KISTI) + 7 invited speakers
(May 12, 2023) 10:00 ~ 18:00
Sponsor: KISTI, CQNC & National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)

[96] Getting Started with Qiskit
Dr. Candidate. Ha-Eum Kim (Korea University)
(April 21, 2023) 14:00 ~ 16:00 [Online]
Sponsor: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)

[95] Non-destructive quantum state discrimination via pre-shared entanglement
Prof. Hyukjoon Kwon (KIAS)
(April 7, 2023) 14:00 ~ 16:00 [Online]
Sponsor: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)

[94] Provable separation between QNC0 circuits including non-Clifford gates and NC0 circuits
Dr. Candidate. Jeonghyeon Shin (KHU & KIST)
(March 17, 2023) 11:00 ~ 13:00 [Online]
Sponsor: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)

[93] Introduction to fiber-optic communication system
Prof. Sunghyun Bae (Kangwon National University)
(March 10, 2023) 14:00 ~ 16:00 [Online]
Sponsor: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)

[92] Quantum state discrimination and its application to optical communication
Dr. Min Namkung (Kyung Hee University)
(February 17, 2023) 14:00 ~ 16:00 [Online]
Sponsor: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)

[91] Spatiotemporal classification of quantum correlations
Dr. Candidate. Minjeong Song (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
(February 3, 2023) 14:00 ~ 16:00 [Online]
Sponsor: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)

[90] From the Hardness of Detecting Superpositions to Cryptography: Quantum Public Key Encryption and Commitments
Dr. Minki Hhan (Quantum Universe Center, KIAS)
(January 27, 2023) 14:00 ~ 16:00 [Online]
Sponsor: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)

[89] Nonclassicality and Entanglement beyond Gaussian Regime
Prof. Hyunchul Nha (Texas A&M University at Qatar, Qatar)
(January 13, 2023) 15:00 ~ 16:00 [Online] Special talks
Sponsor: CQNC 2023 (Kick-off) Workshop, National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)

[88] Correlated Quantum Randomness and Koashi-Imoto Theorem
Dr. Seok Hyung Lie (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
(January 13, 2023) 14:00 ~ 15:00 [Online]
Sponsor: National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)