GCSE Light - Scheme of Work and Resources
Creative commons physics teaching resources and scheme of work
created by Simon Poliakoff
GCSE - Light
These links take you down to the summary of the activities in each lesson along with the teacher advice video. Buttons below the image carousel takes you directly to the full written lesson plans pdf and google drive folder of resources. The lessons were based around the AQA Specification but I have inlcuded some material for other exam boards. The total internal reflection lesson is NOT required for AQA. With a weaker group you may wish to use some of the more basic resources from the KS3 - Light SOW.
Lesson 1 - Reflection
Starter questions
Discussion of photographs of sound mirrors and what they were used for.
Practice exam question comparing sound and light waves
Mini whiteboards - drawing ray diagrams to show how we see and BEST questions.
Quick practical to prove the law of reflection using ray boxes.
Law of reflection simulation and discussion of the difference bewteen specular reflection and diffuse scattering.
Showing where the image is formed and describing its nature.
Self paced interactive about drawing the ray diagram for the image formed in a plane mirror
Simulations for drawing the ray diagram formed by a plane mirror 1 2 3
Optional: Reflection in a plane mirror from reality to a ray diagram
Drawing a ray diagram step by step on 1cm squared paper (students draw along with the video)
Drawing a ray diagram step by step on white paper with a protractor (students draw along with the video)
Plenary discussion - What have you learnt in today's lesson.
Optional: Cheat method to quickly draw ray diagrams in the exam
Extension: Mirascope / floating coin illusion with curved mirrors.
Lesson 2 - Reflection and Refraction
Starter Questions
BEST questions to review refraction (assumed knowledge from KS3 or GCSE waves topic)
Optional: BEST instructions to introduce the practical
Complete the appropriate GCSE required practical for your GCSE specification. Use videos to show how to trace the rays and measure the relevant angles. You will need to get the instructions from the relevant exam board.
Discuss findings and results
Exam question from appropriate past paper.
Lesson 3 - Visible Light and Colours
Starter questions
Ray box dispersion practical filling in observations on the ray diagram or drawing their own.
Alternative: Dispersion with a triangular prism in the phet bending light simulation.
BEST Question on dispersion
Introduce key terms (hopefully familiar from KS3)
Quick fire questions about why different objects look different colours (could use mini whiteboards).
Students draw diagrams illustrating why different objects appear different colours.
BEST gap fill absorb / reflect.
Interactive - what will different characters look like under different light.
Demonstration of action of coloured filters (or could do practical with ray boxes)
Simulation to predict the appearance under different coloured lights and through different filters.
Lesson 4 - Convex or converging lenses
Starter questions
Discussion of crystal ball fires including suggesting how the ray diagram might look.
Discussion of uses of lenses in everyday life and Katharine Blodgett
What happens to parallel rays when they hit a convex/converging lens - demo or practical using ray boxes.
Notes on Convex lens
Practical making the three different kinds of image with a convex lens:
What are the steps to draw a ray diagram using step by step diagram and sequence activity.
Students draw ray diagrams on 1cm squared paper using step by step videos. Video 1. Video 2 (virtual image)
Student practice drawing ray diagram on squared paper. Instructions. Optional template. Solutions.
Review ray diagrams with solutions.
Discuss careers that might use lenses.
Lesson 5 - Concave or diverging lenses
Starter Questions
What happens to parallel rays when they hit a concave/diverging lens - demo or practical using ray boxes.
Notes on concave lens
Practical - looking through a concave lens and describing the nature of the image.
Students draw ray diagrams on 1cm squared paper using step by step video.
Students try more example ray diagrams on 1cm squared paper with optional templates. Check with solutions.
Optional: 6 easy steps to draw lens ray diagrams for your exams summary video with template.
Discuss uses of concave lenses and sight correction.
Exam questions practice (print some past ray diagram exam questions from your exam board) for students to complete.
Lesson 6 - Total internal reflection ( not all exam boards )
Starter questions
Physics is magic or not demonstration. Don't explain it now. Students will have to explain it later!
Demonstration of total internal reflection with a laser and water tank.
Student practical to observe total internal reflection and measure the critical angle with protractor OR without protractor.
Students draw ray diagrams for angle of incidence less than, equal to and greater than the critical angle.
Optional: simulations to create total internal reflection: 1 and 2.
Discussion of everyday examples of total internal reflection and introduce optical fibres.
Demonstration of total internal reflection in a stream of water.
Demonstration of total internal reflection along a model optical fibre.
Optional: Demonstration using an optical fibre transmission kit.
Discussion of where the first optical fibre link in a public phone network was.
Simulation of total internal reflection in an optical fibre.
Student try to explain the physics is magic or not demonstration. Ray diagram solution explanation in the PowerPoint slides.
Discussion of bike reflectors.
Review of topic.