Teaching Physics with quizzes and group work

Tuesday 28th November: 11.30am - 11.55am

Author and presenter


Effective teaching requires students to actively engage with content. Teaching physics is no exception. This Lightning presentation highlights how quizzes and group work can be incorporated to actively teach Physics. The presentation is based on practice developed teaching 1st-year Physics: which is based on a flipped approach. Students are required to watch pre-lecture recordings and then attend face-to-face sessions where the content is re-reinforced with active learning. The active component requires students to solve problems as well as to communicate concepts between each other. The element of the group work is found to be essential in ensuring deeper understanding of the material (Fung, 2020).

The implementation of this approach is done with Socrative Quizzes. This approach has been acknowledged by students in recent eVALUate survey responses:  "I think that Krzysztof’s teaching strength comes from his usage of Socrative, which allows for repetition of material in order to insure it is properly memorized in an engaging way".

This Lightning presentation addresses Domain 1a (Design of curriculum and assessment for student learning) of the UTAS Teaching Principles and is dedicated to lecturers in the “developing teacher” category who would like to see some examples of how to constructively align and implement group work in their teaching.


Fung, C. (2020). How Does Flipping Classroom Foster the STEM Education: A Case Study of the FPD Model. Technology, Knowledge and Learning, 25, 479-507. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10758-020-09443-9