Examples of well-received interactive whole-of-class delivery approaches in ICT

Tuesday 28th November: 10.00am - 10.55am

Authors and presenters


Staff in the School of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) have been delivering student-centric, interactive, whole-of-class experiences in different ways to suit the highly varied topics of the discipline (i.e., technical vs. non-technical, foundational vs. specialised topics such as mobile and game development); and staff have designed teaching materials to support this.

Standard techniques such as break-out rooms, polls and in-class quizzes are combined with more bespoke solutions in individual units.

In technical units, multiple approaches to student-focused live-coding are explored to promote active and experiential learning: including ‘code-with-me’ sessions with participants working in parallel, and lecturer-led development with students prompting what to do next.

In creative units, co-lecturing experiences (Wells, 2022a) are used to expose students to multiple lecturer viewpoints and to support additional discussions in parallel to the main live content. These are combined with industry-standard streaming techniques (Wells, 2022b) and Discord integration (Wells, 2022c).

In addition, we use high-quality preparatory content (including videos recorded and edited with industry-standard techniques) to support lecture sessions through flexible blended learning. Some units also use an administrative-only/hybrid approach where the sessions are dedicated to ensuring students are updated on deadlines and current concerns, as well as highlighting and summarising core online pedagogical content: highly appreciated by our cohorts.

The positive impact of these delivery methods on students’ learning and approach to assessment has been evidenced in high agreement and positive feedback in both eVALUates and a bespoke survey designed by ICT staff.


Wells, L. (2022a, January 22). Synchronous but Asymmetric Team Teaching - University of Tasmania [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_5NcGNJTl8&ab_channel=LindsayWells

Wells, L. (2022b, February 2). Streamer Style Lectures - University of Tasmania [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFCBBWINpn0&ab_channel=LindsayWells

Wells, L. (2022c, January 26). Discord for Community Building - University of Tasmania [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3r4f-KLSauQ&t=26s&ab_channel=LindsayWells


View the exemplar on the Good Practice Exemplars staff intranet page.