The Building E-Learning Community of Practice (BELCoP)

Monday 27th November: 1.50pm - 2.05pm

Authors and presenters


Welcome to the Building E-learning Community of Practice (BELCoP): a dynamic network for professional staff supporting online learning and teaching at the University of Tasmania. Established in 2012, our community has grown into a thriving force.

Current Activities

Mission Realignment: With recent leadership changes, we are currently redefining our mission. Our focus is to provide even stronger support for online learning at the University of Tasmania. We are committed to helping each member reach their full potential within their roles by creating an environment of continuous learning and collaboration.

Join us in nurturing online learning. Be part of our supportive network that values knowledge sharing, professional growth and the advancement of online education.

In this session you will gain an understanding of how the Building eLearning Community of Practice continues to support professional staff engaged in online learning and teaching at the University, and how you can benefit by being part of this inclusive and supportive team.