(Kings, 2016)

Diversity and It's Importance

What is Diversity?

According to the US Census Bureau, diversity can be defined as:

"All of the ways in which we differ. Among these dimensions are age, gender, mental/physical abilities and characteristics, race, ethnic heritage, sexual orientation, communications style, organizational role and level, first language, religion, income, work experience, military experience, geographic location, education, work style, and family status". (Frank, n.d., p. 4)

Why is diversity important in education?

As demographics across the US rapidly shift there is an increased need to prepare teachers to work with diverse learners and families. With preparation and awareness of important diversity related issues/topics, teachers will be able to not only improve their teaching style but will also encourage students to recognize acknowledge and accept individual differences (Farah, 2017). Educators have a huge responsibility as they are preparing the next generation of leaders and professionals. Instructors can open students' minds so they explore new opportunities and be more accepting of diversity and related issues (Frankenberg & Siegel-Hawley, 2008). In the business world, the inability to work with individuals of different races and ethnicities is not acceptable as employees are supposed to act maturely in day-to-day operations and especially when it is expected to deal with a diverse population base. It is extremely important for instructors/educators to start having these conversations early on with their students so begin to recognize diversity and approach problems with open mind (Frankenberg & Siegel-Hawley, 2008).

In this video, Dr. Amy Stuart Wells who also serves as the Director of the Center for Understanding Race and Education (CURE) at Teachers College, Columbia University talks about the importance of diversity and how teachers can enhance the diversity in the classroom.