What are Junior Officers?

Junior Officers are members of the teachHOUSTON Student Society who have already paid their dues and are interested in joining the Governing Board or simply want to be more involved in the teachHOUSTON program. Interested students may apply at any point during the semester.

Junior Officers work closely with specific officers and assist in the preparation of society events like community service events, professional development workshops, fundraisers, and socials. Junior Officers are also required to attend one monthly meeting.

Why Become a Junior Officer?

If a current officer steps down or is removed from office, a vacancy is created in the Governing Board. When this happens, only Junior Officers are allowed to apply and run to fill this vacancy. 

Additionally, Junior Officers gain extensive knowledge of student society operations which significantly increases their chances of winning their respective races during our annual spring officer elections. Although Junior Officers are not guaranteed a place on the Governing Board since any paid member can run, these experienced members almost always become the next officers of the teachHOUSTON Student Society. 

Apply to be a Junior Officer

TeachHouston Student Society is currently looking for Junior Officers for the 2023-2024 school year. APPLY TODAY!

Meet the Current Junior Officers

Treasurer Junior Officer

Melanie Ramirez

Community Service Junior Officer

Marcella Smith

Professional Development Junior Officer

Anderson Chitsosa

Professional Development Junior Officer

William Huang

Mentorship Pod Program Junior Officer

Danielle Lyons

Social Junior Officer

Judy Koussayer

Public Relations Junior Officer

Kayla Le

Mentorship Pod Program Junior Officer

Tony Alecio

Historian Junior Officer

Eliana Caro Rodriguez