Teacher Education for Flourishing Collaborative

Transforming Our World by Promoting Flourishing in Teacher Education, Research, and Policy 


Our mission is to collaborate and exchange ideas with researchers, administrators, practitioners, and thought-leaders on the promotion of flourishing in teacher education. We believe that focusing on flourishing within teacher preparation and training programs is the first step towards a much needed paradigm shift in education.


Given the current mental health and well-being challenges of our children and young adults, the need for comprehensive social and emotional learning (SEL) education is clear. Studies have found, however, that teachers feel either moderately or poorly prepared to support students’ emotions (Onchwari, 2010). Moreover, students’ SEL is not only directly influenced by the pedagogical skills of their teacher, but also by their teachers’ social emotional competence (Jones & Bouffard, 2012). As such, it is imperative that colleges and universities equip educators with the skills and expertise to not only respond to students' social and emotional needs, but also provide teachers with knowledge and practices to flourish themselves. 

The idea of flourishing is central to Catholic intellectual tradition and social teaching (Annett, 2016) and prioritizes not only living well and actualizing one’s potential through personal development, but also helping others find a sense of purpose and a sense of community. According to research in wellbeing, for an individual to flourish they must do well in at least five domains: (1) Mental and Physical Health (2) Meaning & Purpose (3) Close Social Relationships (4) Character & Virtue and (5) Happiness & Life Satisfaction (VanderWeele, 2017). 

Teachers are in a position to make an incredible difference in the lives of young people by promoting flourishing in their classrooms. Therefore, focusing on flourishing within teacher preparation and training programs is the first step towards a much needed paradigm shift in education.

The Teacher Education for Flourishing Collaborative partners with:

The Human Flourishing Program at Harvard University

The Consortium for Human Flourishing at Saint Louis University


Contact Kristine E. Larson, Founder and Chair of the TEFC, at klarson2@ndm.edu for more information