Teacher Bias

"It doesn't matter how big the problem is, the solution is always bigger"

While our broader issue is racism in education, our group specifically decided to focus on the subject of teacher bias.

Teacher bias is when teachers treat students differently than other students based on their race.

Also, 30.3% of teachers showed explicit bias and 77% of teachers showed implicit bias.

Some examples of teacher bias include:

  • The unacceptable gap in white test scores compared to people of color's, POC's, test scores.

  • POC are also punished more harshly and frequently than their white peers, even though they are not more likely to misbehave.

  • A 2016 study monitored preschool teachers' eye movement and found that they were more likely to look for and identify misbehavior among black students; however, no child was behaving in a way that warranted punishment.

Teacher Bias can have direct effects on the students' academic life which can ultimately lead to a failure in learning. It can also diminish their self-worth, and they might start to believe that they are actually less worthy than other students.

Because of all of this, we think that the root cause of teacher bias is because of a lack of training and awareness of the students' background and their experiences.


Teacher training and acknowledging bias is where to begin. We should get to know students and families "as a person." -Flip Alexander

There are multiple types of bias and and bias is not always negative but mostly based on personal preference. -Flip Alexander

There should be a diverse amount of teachers in the Classroom, teachers of "other genders and of other colors." -Courtney Streat

"In general, teachers expect more black boys and girls to be in need of special education....Yes, if you see the statistics for kids that stay in ISS (in school suspension) they are 2/3 black boys and 1/3 rest. Even if the "transgression" was the same, black boys receive a harsher punishment." - Cristina Cleveland

"Stop having preconceived ideas about race and educational performance." - Cristina Cleveland

"hire,fire" -Mr. Taylor