Take Action

Our Goal Statement:

Our goal is for teachers to receive training focused on bias.

The specific training would involve students and their families coming in to talk to the teachers about their cultures and their present identity. This can be done by having a "Culture Day" and parents and students submit videos and pictures they find important.

-Every three months teachers can be evaluated by a teacher educator related to bias. (Maybe students can give evals?)

-Teachers will receive professional development on what Bias is and what it can look like.

Take Action on the Personal/ Individual Level

As an individual, one needs to stand up for themself, and make the teacher understand that we all deserve equal opportunities.

Take Action on the local, state, & National level

This means contacting the school board, like high people. Organizing a strike with a big group of people.

take action on the issue in other ways

Have teachers do a self reflection on any bias they might have about certain students. Another action that could help would be having a diverse amount of teachers in the classroom.