Neural Conversational AI Workshop
What’s left to TEACH (Trustworthy, Enhanced, Adaptable, Capable and Human-centric) chatbots?

 Call for Papers

The 2nd Workshop on Neural Conversational AI Workshop - What’s left to TEACH (Trustworthy, Enhanced, Adaptable, Capable and Human-centric) chatbots solicits novel contributions that relate broadly to Neural Conversational AI, accepting submissions of long and short papers (including demo papers) with both empirical and theoretical nature on recent progress in conversational artificial intelligence and its applications. The event will be co-located with ICML 2023 on July 29th, 2023. Relevant topics include (but are not limited to):

Important Dates

Submission Instructions

Short papers can be up to 4 pages and long papers can be up to 8 pages in ICML submission format (double-blind), excluding references and supplementary material. We allow an unlimited number of pages for references and supplementary material, but reviewers are not required to review the supplementary material. Accepted papers will be presented at the workshop as contributed talks and/or posters. At the discretion of authors, accepted papers can be published through the workshop website.

Concurrent Submissions

We welcome research papers currently under review at archival NLP and ML conferences (e.g., ACL 2023 and ICML 2023). Submission to this workshop will not break the anonymity or dual submission policies for these conferences. The workshop is non-archival. Please note that we do allow the submission of previously published work. However, when selecting papers for oral presentation, preference is given to original works. 

Submission Website

Submission link: