Group Projects


You will have the opportunity to form multidisciplinary, cross-institution teams to work on a project of your choice related to accessibility. At the end of the week you will present your work to a team of industry experts who will provide you with feedback to develop your idea further.

Goals for the Project

This project fits within the overall goals of the study away program around increasing awareness of the importance of accessibility and the ways in which accessibility is being addressed (or not addressed) by the technology industry. Beyond these general goals, we hope that the project serves to provide you with an opportunity to develop an actionable plan for how you could play a role in improving access, either digital or physical, to people with disabilities. While not every project will persist beyond the week of the study away, we imagine that some of these projects will spur initiatives that you will carry forward with the aim of having a tangible impact.

Areas of opportunity

There are many possible areas that you might explore. This list is not meant to be exhaustive, so please let us know if you have an idea that doesn’t seem to fit into these areas of opportunity. The identified areas range from the development of specific access technologies to the creation of proposals for creating large scale societal systems in support of accessibility.

Project Groups

We have designated project groups of 3-4 students each. Each group has a faculty and industry advisor who will be available to answer questions and provide guidance as you dive into the project. You will have time at the end of each day to meet and work with your group before we leave each location. Refer to the Itinerary for a full schedule.

Student Groups - Teach Access Study Away (Public)

Note: For a version of the above spreadsheet that includes student and advisor email addresses, please visit this private link.