Ian Carter

Follow on Twitter. @g0gri I was first licensed as G6ZXN (reissued) in September 1983 after studying the RAE at Trowbridge Technical College. I was introduced to the hobby by Alan G6HDU (G0HEL) & Andy G3VMZ. I am one of the founder members of Trowbridge & DARC. I am also a member of the Chippenham & DARC. I passed the 12 wpm morse test in 1986. I am involved with Foundation License training, act as exam secretary and occasionally invigilator when required. I was a GB2RS newsreader for six years on VHF. I am mainly active on VHF/UHF (& 50MHz). I also dabble with digi-modes (recently FT8). I do occasionally appear on Echolink. I enjoy contesting as part of a team, generally with fellow T&DARC members. For three years I was RSGB Regional Liaison officer. I am a member of the RSGB.  I am currently a member of Chippenhan & DARC as well as my ‘local’ group Blackmore Vale ARS. 

I was working for an international firm of Consulting Engineers as a senior technician. My work was predominantly CAD based but I also undertake other engineering support duties. I was widowed during 2016 and have three children and two grandchildren. I moved from my previous QTHR (in IO81UH) in September 2018.  I now live in south east Somerset (IO80SX; ST72; 108m ASL).  Aerial restrictions mean loft antennas and a single tri-band antenna.  I try to be active on 2/4/6m 70 and 23cms with some MGM on 20/17/12/10m.

 Picture shows me (left) and Adrian G0HAS.

Telephone: 01225 864698

E-mail: ian.g0gri@btinternet.com

Web site: @g0gri