20 Oct 2014


I recently took a visit to the twin town of Trowbridge, Leer in Ost Friesland, Northern Germany.

This trip was with a group from our twinning association, and included the Mayor and the Town Crier.

The visit had a full programme, including a visit to the Gallimarkt, a traditional October festival in the town, that this year was held for the 506th year. Early this year, I had a QSO with Ulli, DK7AU in Leer. When I mentioned my QTH as being with their twin town, we kept in contact via email. 

In June, Ulli and his XYL travelled to Trowbridge with a visiting party from Leer, and we met up for a chat. During this discussion, I mentioned that having never been to Leer before, I would be interested in visiting the town, and perhaps meeting up with local amateurs there if it was possible.

The opportunity arose in October, when the annual visit from Trowbridge had been arranged. I joined this group and took the 14 hour coach journey from Trowbridge to Leer for a 5 day stay. When I mentioned to Ulli that I would be travelling to Leer, I also received a message from Gűnther, DL1BAV who also expressed in interest in meeting up.

The afternoon of October 9th was free, so Ulli picked me up from the hotel and drove me to the Radio Club headquarters in the town. Here are two radio clubs in Leer, Ulli, is a member of the DARC Club, Gűnther is a member of the VFDB Club.

DARC and VFDB are the two national Amateur Radio Societies in Germany. Both of the Clubs in Leer share the same headquarters, this is situated in the “Tor Ost Frieslands”, this is a large building which housed a water tower.

After my arrival at the building, I first visited the VFDB club, callsign DK0LR, this is located on the floor at the top of the building. I was greeted by Gűnther, DL1BAV, and he introduced me to other club members present; DL2BV, DL3BU and DJ7UP, the VFDB Club has a well equipped workshop for home construction along with a well equipped shack, with antennas on the top of the tower, with other wire antennas sloping down from the top of the tower down to ground level. The VFDB club has a strong interest in home construction and VHF/UHF operation. During the visit I was shown some very well built equipment for the bands, with the shack itself also housing 2m, 70cm voice and digital repeaters along with an ATV repeater, all constructed by the clubs members.

After this, I went down 2 floors and visited the DARC club, callsign DL0LO. This also has some impressive facilities, including workshop, store room and lecture room, along with another well equipped shack, for operation on HF and VHF bands, club members DK3NE, DF8BZ, DC1DK, DJ9ZW, along with Ulli and his XYL had all attended to welcome me to their club. After my tour of their facilities at the club, they presented me with a DARC pennant for the Trowbridge club, and expressed an interest in fostering greater link between our two clubs.

The afternoon passed all too quickly, but I left thanking all the members of both clubs for their warm hospitality.

clubs for their warm hospitality.

73 Dave G0GKH 

DL0LO  Club Station QSL

DL0LR Club Station QSL

DL2BV, DL3BU and DJ7UP with the repeater systems at DK0LR 

DK7AU’S XYL, DK7AU, DF8BZ, DC1DK, DJ9ZW and DK3NE in the lecture room at DL0LO