Topological Data Analysis and its Applications for Medical Data

In conjunction with the 24th International Conference on Medical Image Computing & Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2021), September 27 - October 1, 2021 / Strasbourg, FRANCE


We welcome submissions that present how TDA techniques, solely or combined with other computational techniques, have been, or potentially could be, employed to tackle interesting problems in several areas of medical data computing and computer-assisted intervention. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Ensemble of topological and deep learning models for medical applications

  • Topological-based approaches for disease diagnosis, monitoring, and prediction

  • Topological-based approaches for classification and segmentation (e.g., level sets, graph cuts and fuzzy connectedness)

  • Topological-based approaches for medical signal processing (e.g., images, audio, texts, etc.)

  • Topological-based approaches for personalized medicine

  • Shape models and analysis for medical data

  • Topological-based learning and optimizations for medical applications

  • Topological-based medical data registration, summarization, and enhancement

  • Explainability, interpretability, and visualization of medical data

  • Scalable TDA methods for medical records

  • Topological Structures for the Analysis of biomedical data

Important Dates

25 June 2021(AOE) Paper submissions due, now extended to 02 July 2021 (11:59PM Pacific Time)

16 July 2021 Notification of paper decisions

30 July 2021 Camera ready papers due

6 August 2021 Workshop proceedings due

27 September Workshop date

Submission Instructions

We welcome short or full length papers describing interesting work.

Extended Abstracts: We encourage the submissions of short papers (2-4 pages) describing new, previously, or concurrently published research or work-in-progress. The paper will be published in the workshop webpage and presented as posters.

Full Length Papers: We encourage the submissions full length papers (8 pages excluding references) describing new work that has not been previously published, accepted for publication, or submitted for review at another venue during our review period. Accepted papers will be presented as orals and published with MICCAI Proceedings in the Springer LNCS Series. Please carefully read the MICCAI Submission Guidelines when preparing your submission.

  • Please carefully read the Submission Guidelines when preparing your submission.

  • The reviewing process is double-blind. The papers will be evaluated by external reviewers and Area Chairs.

  • Authors of all accepted papers will be invited to present their work either as a poster or an oral. .

  • We strongly encourage authors to highlight the contribution of all authors in the paper.

  • We strongly encourage authors to improve the reproducibility of their research along three directions: open data, open implementations, and appropriate evaluation design and reporting.

  • Submission page:

Paper template: Please use the most recent MICCAI2021 template.

Attendance Awards

Attendance grants will be awarded to a selected number of accepted papers. Unfortunately, we are unable to guarantee award grants to all accepted papers. Final grant amounts will depend on the number of applications received and will be announced after acceptance notifications. The grants will be used to cover the cost of attending the workshop and registering in the event. Grant recipients will be asked to provide receipts for expenses prior to receiving their award. The reimbursements will be sent shortly after the workshop.

Registration Instructions

This is a MICCAI2021 workshop, so your registration should be handled via MICCAI2021 webpage. Make sure your MICCAI2021 registration includes workshops.

Submission Guidelines

Authors should avoid providing information that may identify them in the acknowledgments (e.g., co-workers and grant IDs) or citations. Avoid providing links to websites that may identify any of the authors. Violation of any of these guidelines may lead to rejection without further review. All papers will be reviewed by at least three referees.