Course 課程

Our Teachers 師資

Tseng Laoshi instructs Novice-Level Mandarin. Leveraging real-life conversations, she adeptly cultivates an engaging and interactive learning environment to enhance learners' presentational and interpersonal speaking skills. Through Tseng's innovative approach, Novice-Level Mandarin classes become more than just language lessons; they evolve into captivating explorations of culture, communication, and connection.

Tseng LaoShi, Joyce LaoShi, Wang LaoShi



Joyce Laoshi specializes in teaching Novice-High Mandarin classes, placing a strong emphasis on achieving impeccable pronunciation, alongside foundational reading and writing skills. Her curriculum incorporates authentic news articles, fostering dynamic class discussions and enhancing overall language proficiency.

Wang Laoshi leads Intermediate-High Mandarin classes, seamlessly integrating thematic topics with rigorous reading and writing components. Students actively participate in selecting speech topics, drafting their presentations, and engaging in thoughtful debates. Wang Laoshi's tailored course materials not only bolster students' confidence but also instill essential life-long learning skills in Mandarin.

Our 2023-2024 Courses Syllabus 課程表

Mandarin Chinese 1 : Novice-Low 中文一:曾老師 Tseng LaoShi

Professor Tseng is currently serving as an assistant professor at Wisconsin State University. In her role, she is dedicated to engaging in real-time conversations and interactive teaching activities with first-year students, creating a friendly learning environment. Students not only learn Chinese in the classroom but also enhance camaraderie through peer discussions. 曾老師目前在威斯康辛州立大學任職,為第一年的助理教授。她致力於與學生進行即時對話和進行互動的教學活動並且創造友善的教學環境。學生不僅能在課堂中學習中文,也可以透過與同儕間的對談增進情誼。

Course highlights include a focus on everyday adult conversations, allowing students to improve both their Chinese language skills and interpersonal relationships. 


2023-2024 Adult I syllabus.docx
Adult I 2023 Fall.docx
中文一 2024Spring.docx

Mandarin Chinese 2: Novice - High 

中文二:萬老師 Wan LaoShi

我從1994年開始兼職教中文,雖然我從護理專業退休了,但從未自中文教學的工作中退休。 教中文始終是我最大的熱情。為了提供學生學習口語、聽力、閱讀和書寫的實用方法,我選擇日常生活中的經驗、時事,將之融入語言學習中。 另外,也注重口說、聽力、書寫的練習,這樣才能提升學生聽與說的流利程度,甚至也提升讀、寫能力。我的目標是建立一個自由、開放、充滿互動力的學習環境,讓學生享受學習中文的樂趣。

I have been teaching Chinese part-time since 1994. Even though I retired from nursing, I never retired from teaching Mandarin Chinese. Teaching Chinese has always been my top passion. To provide students with a practical approach to learning speaking, listening, reading, and writing, I like to incorporate experiences from everyday life into language learning. It is also important to focus more on drills to enhance students’ fluency in speaking and listening and even their reading and writing skills.

I aim to establish a free, open, and dynamic learning environment where students can enjoy learning Chinese.

TCCLS 成三 2023-24 Syllabus.docx
萬老師-Spring semester 2024.docx

Mandarin Chinese 3 : Intermediate 中文三:汪老師 Wang LaoShi

我在台灣的時候是一名中學老師,同時也是一名成人識字教育工作者,後來到美國取得成人教育領域的博士學位,在大學做了多年教學和研究工作。我在2014年加入雙城中文學校的教師團隊,教了多年的高年級學生,從2022年秋季開始接任成人班中階程度的中文教學工作。對我而言,教學工作的核心價值是人文關懷,因此課堂教學最為觸動我的部分是「師生互動」,和成人學習者的互動自然有更多生活經驗的分享、文化交流、互相學習、一起成長。During my tenure in Taiwan, I held dual roles as a secondary school educator and an adult literacy education specialist. Subsequently, I pursued and successfully obtained a doctoral degree in the field of adult education upon relocating to the United States. Over several years, I dedicated my efforts to teaching and engaging in research at the university level.

In 2014, I started to teach at Twin Cities Chinese School, initially instructing advanced-level students for an extended duration. Commencing in the fall of 2022, I was responsible for instructing intermediate-level Chinese courses tailored for adults.

My instructional philosophy centers around the fundamental value of humanistic care in education. The most resonant aspect of my classroom instruction revolves around the nuanced dynamics of "teacher-student interaction." Engaging with adult learners inherently involves the exchange of life experiences, cultural insights, mutual learning endeavors, and shared growth experiences. This commitment to fostering meaningful interactions and facilitating a collaborative learning environment underscores my approach to adult education.

TCCLS 成五 2023 秋季課程表_20230908.docx
TCCLS 成五 2024 春季課程表_20231128.docx