What’s the process for gaining union recognition and where are the Claremont library workers in that process?

On Thursday, February 3rd, 2022, a supermajority of the library staff (70% of our staff of 39 workers on that date) filed our signed authorization cards with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) seeking to be represented by The California Federation of Teachers for the purposes of collective bargaining with TCCS. (NLRB Case #21-RC-290066)

Per a stipulated agreement negotiated between our representative at CFT and TCCS, Inc., an election by mail will be conducted between March 7th, 2022 and March 21st, 2022. If a majority of workers in the potential bargaining unit approve of the union, we will achieve recognition.

The next step will be contract negotiations.

Why are library staff and librarians in the same union?

While many institutions chose to organize librarians (typically with MLS degrees) and other library staff under separate bargaining units, we realized at the beginning of this process that our strength was in our unity and our concerns related to the workplace we widely shared. We decided that we would do this together, or not at all.

Who is eligible to join the union?

All regular (non-temporary, non-student) employees of The Claremont Colleges Library who are not in supervisory positions.

A full list of positions is available in the Notice of Election.

What role will the California Federation of Teachers play in the union?

They will support our contractual negotiations and provide legal and other forms of organizing support. More information from the union is available on their website. However, the terms of our employment and the management of our union of library workers will be decided by our local Claremont workers.

Still have a question?

If you'd like to reach out to us directly, feel free to email us and one of our organizing committee members will be in touch.

-at- gmail.com