THANK YOU to our Partners!

This event is proudly supported by our awesome partners!

Young AMP

As our biggest partners, they funded our venue booking, audiovisual logistics support and refreshments. They have also guided us tirelessly throughout our planning journey!


Co-founder Lee Zhi Hui has a strong passion for empowering people to be their greatest. He has happily sponsored our Data Science Workshop and some of our value-packed goodies!


With an ultra-cool vibe, the Hive Lavender has kindly subsidised part of our venue booking. Without them, TCCRefactor may not have found a cozy space to be!

We are part of an even bigger goal...

Tertiary Career Conference

We are only one field out of eight presented by the Tertiary Career Conference. To check out seven more awesome fields, click our parent TCC logo!

Tertiary Career Conference 2019 is also supported by:


CLF Labs

Student Career and Welfare Office, MUIS

People's Association Malay Activity Executive Committees Council