6th July 2019, Saturday

10am - 3pm

Common Space

Guthrie Building, 150 Changi Road

#04-07, Singapore 419973

Get your tickets now!

Not a techie? We have so much more for you!

Click on our parent Tertiary Career Conference logo to see our other SEVEN fields!

Awesome things to do at TCCRefactor 2019!

Open Mic Session

Start off with rapid-fire open mic sessions - be inspired by each 5-minute story!

Tech & Coding Workshops

What is a tech event without hands-on workshops? Bring your laptops, join us and let's code away!

Ask-Me-Anything Corner

Network and learn from industry professionals - really, just ask them everything you're curious about!

Networking Lunch

Networking & Food - chill out with us and get connected with SG's Muslim tech community. And yes, free food!

Panel Discussion

There's more than one way one can get into and staying ahead in the tech industry. In this Panel discussion, we will discuss the different experiences others have had getting into the industry.

Get your tickets now!

This is all part of a bigger movement to increase Muslim representation across eight different fields!

Not a techie? We have so much more for you!

Click on our parent Tertiary Career Conference logo beto see our other SEVEN fields!