
Graduate Certificate in Teaching, University of Pennsylvania Center for Teaching & Learning

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Cost-Effectiveness & Benefit-Cost Analysis, Instructor

Economics of Education, Instructor

Debates in Higher Education Policy, Instructor

Quantitative Methods in Education Policy, Instructor

University of Pennsylvania

Big Data & Program Evaluation in Education, Instructor

Advanced Public Policy, Teaching Assistant

Higher Education Finance, Teaching Assistant

Program Evaluation and Data Analytics, Teaching Assistant

Quantitative Research Methods, Teaching Assistant

Quasi-Experimental Design, Teaching Assistant

University of Tennessee

Ethics in Leadership (online), Instructor

Theory and Practice in Leadership, Instructor

Servant Leadership and Social Justice, Co-Instructor/Teaching Assistant

Student Leadership Development, Co-Instructor/Teaching Assistant

Introduction to Leadership, Teaching Assistant


Advanced Quantitative Methods for Policy Research in Higher Education.

Welcome Agenda Slides Data Code

Network Analysis of Qualitative Data: Relying on Freeware, Rigor, and Transparency for the Public Good.