
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

11. Delaney, J.A., & Odle, T.K. (Conditionally accepted). State-level common application policies and college enrollment. Education Finance and Policy.

10. Freeman, J.A., Gottfried, M.A., & Odle, T.K. (2024). Explaining course enrollment gaps in high school: Examination of gender-imbalance in the applied sciences. Educational Policy, 38(4), 897-936. doi: 10.1177/08959048231174884.

9. Delaney, J. A., Trinh, T.M., & Odle, T.K. (2023). Direct admissions: Policies and principles. College & University, 98(3), 75-80.

8. Gottfried, M.A., Freeman, J.A., Odle, T.K., Plasman, J. S., Klasik, D., & Dougherty. S. (2023). Does high school STEMM career coursework align with college employment? Teachers College Record, 125(3), 207-236. doi: 10.1177/01614681231175199.

7. Odle, T.K., Bae, J., & Gonzalez Canche, M.S. (2022). The effect of the Uniform Bar Examination on admissions, diversity, affordability, and employment prospects across law schools in the United States. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 45(3), 520-529. doi: 10.3102/0162373722113180.

6. Odle, T.K., & Russell, L.C. (2023). The impact of reverse transfer associate degrees on education and labor market outcomes. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 42(3), 648-676. doi: 10.1002/pam.22480.

5. Gurantz, O., & Odle, T.K. (2022). The impact of merit aid on college choice and degree attainment: Reexamining Florida's Bright Futures program. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 44(1), 79-104. doi: 10.3102/01623737211030489.

4. Odle, T.K. (2022). Free to spend? Institutional autonomy and expenditures on executive compensation, faculty salaries, and research activities. Research in Higher Education, 63, 1-32. doi: 10.1007/s11162-021-09642-y.

3. Odle, T.K., & Delaney, J.A. (2022). You are admitted! Early evidence on enrollment from Idaho's direct admissions system. Research in Higher Education, 63, 899-932. doi: 10.1007/s11162-022-09675-x.

2. Odle, T.K., Lee, J.C., & Gentile, S.P. (2021). Do promise programs reduce student loans? Evidence from Tennessee Promise. The Journal of Higher Education, 92(6), 847-876.  doi: 10.1080/00221546.2021.1888674.

1. Odle, T.K., & Monday, A. (2021). Spending more or spending less? Institutional expenditures and staffing in the free-college era. AERA Open, 7(1), 1-21. doi: 10.1177/23328584211034491.

Revise & Resubmit

Odle, T.K. No pay? No way! Declining teacher preparation enrollment.

  • Revisions requested at Educational Researcher.

Odle, T.K. The power of 'free' college: Reducing racial and socioeconomic inequalities in college expectations.

Odle, T.K., Gottfried, M.A., Miller, T., & Andrews, R. Who’s matched up? Access to same-race instructors in higher education.

Under Review

Odle, T.K., & Russell, L. The role of education-industry match in college earnings premia.

Odle, T.K., Wright-Kim, J., & Castrejón, A. Whose last dollar? Estimating the effects of promise programs on financial aid awards.

Working Papers

"Another unfunded mandate? Institutional effects of Maryland dual enrollment," with J. Wright-Kim.

"Experimental evidence on "direct admissions" from four states: Impacts on college application and enrollment," with J.A. Delaney.

“A ‘Fast Pass’ to college access: An evaluation of Hawaii’s direct admissions system,” with J.A. Delaney.

"Geographic and community influences on college savings: Evidence from the universe of Pennsylvania 529 account holders,” with R. Nathenson.

"High Performing Pell institutions: A typology and analysis of institutions with high low-income student success," with E. Dunens & S. Duke.

"Non-submitters:" Evidence on students who start but don't complete a college application," with P. Magouirk.

Research in Progress

“Can targeted college and career information improve college-going outcomes? Experimental evidence from the College Advising Corp.”

"Did institutions alter financial aid during the test-optional movement: Early quasi-experimental evidence," with A. Castrejón.

"Difference-in-differences with endogenous treatment: Issues and solutions in education policy settings."

"Does free tuition make a difference? Assessing the impact of Michigan Reconnect on adult enrollment," with S. Duke.

"Held too tight (or not enough)? Tuition regulation and institutional behavior," with S. Otero.

"The impact of cultural capital provided by counselors at school on students' postsecondary attendance," with E. Hsieh.

"The impact of stacking degrees: Are returns to a bachelor's degree different for workers who also have associate degrees?," with L. Russell.

"Investing in equity: Cost and cost-effectiveness of community college student success initiatives."

"A PLUS or a minus? A mixed methods investigation documenting the decisions and outcomes of students, families, and institutions in the Parent PLUS Loan portfolio," with J. Burmicky, & J. Wright-Kim.

"Pre-college supports: Effects of AdviseTN on college enrollment, retention, and earnings."

"Simplifying enrollment in practice: Studying the integration of direct admissions programs and financial aid," with J.A. Delaney.

Book Chapters

Delaney, J.A., & Odle, T.K. (2022). Direct admissions: Proactively pushing students into college. In O.A. Poon, & M.N. Bastedo (Eds.), Rethinking college admissions: Research-based practice and policy (pp. 165-184). Harvard Education Press.

Selected Reports, Policy Briefs, Books Reviews, and Other Research

Odle, T.K., Delaney, J.A., & Magouirk, P. (2023). Complex applications create barriers to college—some are trying to change that. Brown Center on Education Policy, Brookings Institution.

Odle, T.K. (2023). Direct admissions: Reimagining college applications to promote equity. The Campaign for College Opportunity.

Odle, T.K., & Glave, C. (2022). Review of P.B. Levine (2022), A problem of fit: How the complexity of college pricing hurts students—and universities. Teachers College Record. Review.

Odle, T. K., Dundar, A., Shapiro, D., Chen, X., & England, B. (2022). PDP insights: Credit accumulation and completion rates among first-year college students. National Student Clearinghouse Research Center. Report.

Gonzalez Canche, M.S., Bae, J., Odle, T.K., Edgerton, A., & Fahl, C. (2021). Employment volatility in the academic workforce: Implications for faculty financial and retirement plans. TIAA Institute. Insights Report, Research Dialogue.

Gonzalez Canche, M.S., Odle, T.K., & Bae, J. (2021). The effect of the Uniform Bar Examination on admissions, diversity, affordability, and employment across law schools in the United States. AccessLex Institute. Report. 

Perna, L. W., & Odle, T.K. (2022). Do some forms of paying for college “cost” more than others? Examining how the role of student work impacts postsecondary value. Postsecondary Value Commission, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Policy Brief.

Delaney, J.A., & Odle, T.K. (2020). Reducing red tape through simplification: How Idaho radically reimagined college admissions. Hack the Gates: Radically Reimage Admissions. Policy Brief.

Odle, T.K. (2020). Strategies to support adult learners and some college, no degree students "to and through" a postsecondary credential. Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness. Report and Materials.

Odle, T.K., & Finney, J.E. (2020). "Faultlines" shaping higher education policy and opportunity in California. Institute for Research on Higher Education. Executive Summary, Full Report.

Delaney, J.A., & Odle, T.K. (2019). Direct admissions: Investing in a promising, low-cost policy innovation to increase college access and equity. Forum on the Future of Public Education. Reports.

Perna, L.W., & Odle, T.K. (2019). Recognizing the reality of working college students. American Association of University Professors / Academe, 106(1), 18-22. Article.

Perna, L.W., & Odle, T.K. (2019). Before you decide to work in college, ask yourself these questions. The Conversation. Article.