Taylor McAdam

Welcome!  My name is Taylor McAdam.  I am currently a Visiting Assistant Professor at Pomona College in Claremont, California. 

Previously, I was a Gibbs Assistant Professor and NSF Postdoctoral Fellow in the math department at Yale University.

I received my PhD in mathematics in 2019 from University of California San Diego under the supervision of Amir Mohammadi.

Before transferring to UCSD, I was a PhD student at the University of Texas at Austin, where I received my master's in mathematics in 2017.

I received my B.S. in mathematics from Harvey Mudd College in 2013.

Contact info:
Email: taylor.mcadam@pomona.edu
Office: Estella 2381
Institutional address:
Estella Laboratory
610 N. College Avenue
Claremont, CA 91711

My research interests lie in the intersection of dynamics, geometry, and number theory. My primary area of study is in homogeneous dynamics, especially effective and sparse equidistribution problems for horospherical flows, but I am also broadly interested in dynamical systems and ergodic theory, discrete subgroups of Lie groups, hyperbolic geometry, number theory, functional analysis, and the fascinating ways in which these fields are intertwined.

In the classroom, I focus on creating opportunities for students to actively engage with challenging mathematics and on fostering an equitable and inclusive environment where all students feel supported and empowered to succeed. 

Outside of the classroom, I seek out opportunities to improve diversity within the field, mentor younger mathematicians, and share the joy of mathematics with the broader community.