What is the Best Tattoo Supply You Can Get For Your Budget?
If you're in the market for new tattoo supplies, it's important to consider what type of supplies are necessary for your particular tattoo business. Are you starting a small business or doing work for a large company? Large companies will obviously have more options available, but you may be a small, independent business and need to find your own tattoo supplies. Good tattoo shops tend to stock a wide variety of tattoo supplies so there should be no problem. If your tattoo shop is one of those few places in your town that offers cutting-edge tattooing technology, then you should look for a supplier who also has a great selection of tattoo supplies. Your tattoo shop may be able to suggest someone who can get the supplies you need, but why not do it yourself?
Purchasing your own tattoo supplies means being able to choose the correct needles and syringes for the tattoo job. You will need different sizes and types of needles depending on what the job is, but there are basic supplies that every tattoo artist should possess. You'll need different sizes and kinds of tattoo artists needles depending on what type of work you do, but the basic ones should always be in your supply room. Here is a list of basic supplies used by tattoo artists:
Needles. Needles come in different sizes to match the job you want done. You should always have a few different sizes of inks available for your tattoo artists to use on their clients. Different types of inks are better for different applications, so ask your tattoo artists which inks they normally use and ask them which inks are best for the job. They will probably have an ink chart to show you what type of inks they normally use.
Needles and syringes are also known as gunna. These items are used in conjunction with tattoo artists brushes and ink to complete the process of tattooing. The needles and syringes will come with your tattoo artist's kit or you can purchase them separately. There are even kits and supplies available for purchase that come with all of the things you need to finish a tattoo!
Sticks. If you don't already have a collection of tattooing equipment, this would be the first thing you'd need. You need a variety of tattoo sticks, blades, ink tubes and other tattoo supplies to complete your tattoo. You'll want several different size tattoo sticks and possibly different sizes of blades. You'll also need to have several different colors of ink, but that depends more on what type of tattoo you're doing.
Inks. You'll need to have plenty of ink bottles, caps and brushes to complete your tattoo supplies checklist. You'll want between three and five different ink colors and a few different sizes of needles. Needle sizes can vary depending on how large your tattoo is and what type of needle you use. And of course, you'll need the basic tattoo supplies of needles and the ink too.
Stencils. There are literally an unlimited number of stencil products available to purchase for tattooing. These stencils are used to draw the design on your skin. They're great because they keep your tattooist's design intact while saving them time and money. These stencils are often easy to use and are essential to any tattoo artist's business.
Inks. Your tattoo supplies usually include two types of ink: permanent and non-permanent. Non-permanent inks are made from all-natural ingredients. They last a long time, but you have to clean them regularly and apply additional ink if you want them to stay looking their best.