Tatsuhiko Koyama's Homepage

Tatsuhiko Koyama is against New Zealand, what it stans for and what it is doing to sponsor organised crimes in violation of the international law.



In the long run my observations have convinced me that some men, reasoning preposterously, first establish some conclusion in their minds which, either because of its being their own or because of their having received it from some person who has their entire confidence, impresses them so deeply that one finds it impossible ever to get it out of their heads. Such arguments in support of their fixed idea as they hit upon themselves or hear set forth by others, no matter how simple and stupid these may be, gain their instant acceptance and applause. On the other hand whatever is brought forward against it, however ingenious and conclusive, they receive with disdain or with hot rage—if indeed it does not make them ill. Beside themselves with passion, some of them would not be backward even about scheming to suppress and silence their adversaries.

Galileo Galilei (1632)  in Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems

...what is a good citizen? Simply one who never says, does or thinks anything that is unusual.

H. L. Menken

What is normalised is what is unimaginable in other parts of the world, and there is no mechanism at all in this part of the world to expose the scam of the nation: the clandestine publicly funded organised crimes in public institutions of New Zealand. It is undisputed, and the insidious organised crimes go on, due to the prevailing culture impunity of the nation and people who have no internal morality.



26 July 2024

Rt Hon Christopher Luxon MP

Prime Minister of New Zealand

cc: Hon Paul Goldsmith, Justice Minister; Ministry of Justice; Hon Mark Mitchell, Police Minister; Mr Andrew Coster, Police Commissioner; and others

Dear Prime Minister

Yesterday, Hon David Seymour, Deputy Prime Minister of New Zealand, responded on the state-sponsored organised crimes of New Zealand (his email is attached below).

Now, you, Prime Minister of New Zealand, must act.



(1)     There was NO hearing in Wellington High Court on 16 April 2014 in the case of CIV-2013-485-006873.

* There is no record in Wellington High Court to verify that there was a hearing in the Court on this matter on 16 April 2014.

(2)     Michaela Stack, Court Registry Officer, High Court of New Zealand, wrote in her email, dated 13 June 2014, attached, following: "In general civil proceedings, a typed transcript is provided by our transcription service where evidence is given by witnesses who appear and are cross examined by counsel. The provision of a transcript in these circumstances occurs automatically. An appeal hearing does not involve evidence from witnesses appearing in court or any cross examination. Therefore a transcript is not prepared automatically. This situation applied to your hearing on 16 April 2014. If you wish to pursue this request, you will need to file a formal memorandum for consideration by Justice Clifford. You will need to include your reasons in the memorandum. Orders for the preparation of transcripts, can only be made by the presiding Judge. I cannot make a request without a Judge’s authority."

(3)     "Legal discussion before the Hon Justice Clifford" sent by Michaela Stack, court registry office, High Court of New Zealand, on 8 September 2014, attached

* This fake transcript was created and used for fraud in the High Court of New Zealand.

* It is not possible to create a transcript without the recording from which to transcribe, and Wellington High Court cannot produce a copy of the recording of the hearing.

(4)     On 3 June 2014, Paul Collins, Barrister, Shortland Chambers, emailed to Michaela Stack, Deputy Registrar, Wellington High Court, with four documents attached (letter, dated 3 June 2014; memorandum, dated 3 June 2014; "Judgment Dated:  June 2014"; "Order of the Court (costs) Dated:  June 2014"). These documents are attached to this email.

* The date of submission of the four documents is 3 June 2014 which was later than 28 May 2014, the date when Anna Smith, Deputy Registrar, the High Court of New Zealand, supposedly signed and sealed.

(5)     "Judgment  Dated: 28 May 2014" enclosed in the letter of Paul Collins, dated 9 June 2014, attached

* "Judgment  Dated: 28 May 2014" falsely states, "This proceeding was heard on 16 April 2014 at Wellington before the Honourable Justice Clifford, who, having heard from Paul Collins...gives judgement..."

This fake, forged document was later used in the extortion and bankruptcy fraud committed in the High Court, aided by Insolvency and Trustee Service, Minister of Business, Innovation and employment.

(6)     The letter of Mitch Singh, Associate, Glaister Ennor, dated 25 September 2015, attached

(7)     Affidavit of Mary Elizabeth Olliver in support of interlocutory application without notice for substituted service on judgement debtor SWORN 9 SEPTEMBER 2015, attached

* Mary Ollivier, General Manager Regulatory, New Zealand Law Society, made the false affidavit in the bankruptcy fraud committed in the High Court of New Zealand.

* This is a false document and was created on 2 October 2015, NOT on 9 September 2015, in her effort to conceal the non-existent hearing in Dunedin High Court on 18 September 2015.

* There is a false, forged, document, dated 18 September 2015, on this matter: "Judgment of Associate Judge Osborne as to substituted service of bankruptcy notice" with an digital image of the signature of Associate Judge Osborne on the document, attached.

* There is NO practice in the High Court of New Zealand to file a document as the original without actual signature of the person who created the document; it is forgery per se.

* This false affidavit was sent by Brian Sceats, Deputy Registrar, Dunedin High Court, on 2 October 2015.

* Mary Ollivier, LLB, is Deputy Commissioner in the office of Judicial Conduct Commissioner.


(8)     FORGED DOCUMENT - “JUDGMENT OF ASSOCIATE JUDGE OSBORNE upon review of Deputy Registrar’s decision,” dated 1 March 2016, (sent by Keroli Smith, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 1 March 2016)

* There are two distinctly different signatures on the document, clearly indicating forgery.



* Associate Judge Matthews was NOT at the hearing; someone impersonated the judge at the hearing.

(10)     FAKE NEWS PUBLISHED on 18 March 2016

* Hamish McNeilly, Dunedin Bureau Chief, Stuff, attended the FAKE HEARING and published FAKE NEWS with false information which was not available to him nor could not be found anywhere in the public (fed false information), on 18 March 2016: “Decade-long legal stoush ends with lawyer declared bankrupt.”


* It is highly likely that New Zealand Law Society fed the false information to Hamish McNeilly to spread public disinformation on the bankruptcy fraud committed in the High Court of New Zealand, perhaps being feared that the recording of the FAKE HEARING was published in YouTube.

(11)     FORGED DOCUMENT - "MINUTE OF DAVIDSON J (following memorandum of counsel for judgment creditor dated 9 March 2016 in relation to alleged recording of hearing by judgment debtor)," dated 12 April 2016, sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 12 April 2016, attached

* This false, forged document states, "Mr Koyama is given the oppotunity to respond to the memorandum of counsel dated 9 March 2016. He should respond given that he is said to be in breach of the Court's order that the hearing not be recorded. His response...should be filed within 10 working days of this minute i.e. Wednesday 27 April 2016 at 5.00pm (given ANZAC day)."

* The fact simply proves itself; the recording of the fake hearing still exists in the public domain, which means that this document, dated 12 April 2016, is a false, forged document, using the name of Davidson J for fraud.

(12)     Memorandum of Grant Slevin, Senior Investigating Solicitor, Insolvency and Trustee Service, Ministry of Business, Innovation and employment, dated 12 December 2016, stating: "...counsel submits the hearing scheduled for 15 December should be vacated and a date in January 2017 allocated for a determination on the papers, or if the need arises, a case management conference by way of telephone conference."

(13)     FORGED DOCUMENT - "JUDGMENT OF ASSOCIATE JUDGE OSBORNE annulling adjudication," dated 13 December 2016, (Sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 4 January 2017)

* The signature on the document, dated 13 December 2016, is a computer-generated image, pasted on the document. There is NO practice in the High Court of New Zealand to put an digital image on the original court document. It is forgery per se.

* Christchurch High Court did not have the jurisdiction on 13 December 2016 while I was not in New Zealand.

(14)     Email of Grant Slevin, dated 23 December 2016, stating: "If what you say is true you have committed an offence under s 433(f) Insolvency Act 2006 by leaving New Zealand without the Assignee’s consent. A person who commits this offence is liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or a fine not exceeding $5,000, or both."

(15)     Comparison of various signatures purported to be signed by Osborne AJ.


The modus operandi is very much established, and all New Zealand Courts, without any exception, are used as the means and covers to commit all kinds of crimes in violation of the laws of New Zealand.

New Zealand's organised crimes are centrally organised with multiple layers of interconnected, collusive networks of criminals, operating in and out of public institutions, committing all kinds of crimes with impunity.

These organised crimes are part of the hidden official state policy of New Zealand as the criminals are protected, supported, and concealed by the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government.

They are state-sponsored organised crimes, committed in violation of the international law.

You, prime minister of New Zealand, must take leadership in investigating the state-sponsored organised crimes of New Zealand.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Deputy Prime Minister of New Zealand responded (25 July 2024)

Subject:  Prime Minister of New Zealand must act on the proven evidence and undisputed fact of state-sponsored organised crimes of New Zealand

Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2024 03:02:34 +0000

From: David Seymour (MIN)

To: Tatsuhiko Koyama

Dear Tatsuhiko 

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing on behalf of David Seymour to acknowledge your email.

Please know that your email has been received. We assure you that your concerns are being taken seriously. 

I understand that the issue you've raised is important and appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts with us. 

Your correspondence has been passed on to David’s ministerial team for their consideration.

Thank you for getting in touch to share your thoughts.

Kind regards,

Liam Collett| Private Secretary Executive Support

Office of Hon David Seymour

Deputy Prime Minister (from 31 May 2025)

Minister for Regulation

Associate Minister of Education (Partnership Schools)

Associate Minister of Justice (Treaty Principles Bill)

Associate Minister of Finance

Associate Minister of Health (Pharmac)

DDI 04 817 6819 I 7.6 Executive Wing, Parliament Buildings

See another sets of systemic organised crimes committed in New Zealand Courts

25 July 2024

Hon Paul Goldsmith

Justice Minister

cc: Ministry of Justice; Hon Mark Mitchell, Police Minister; Mr Andrew Coster, Police Commissioner; and others

Dear Justice Minister

You must see another sets of systemic organised crimes committed in New Zealand Courts.

These sets are from the Court of Appeal of New Zealand.

Two sets of fraud were committed in the Court of Appeal in two separate legal proceedings on two different legal matters.

A.     "Judgment of the Court Dated: 8 November 2013"

"Judgment of the Court Dated: 8 November 2013" was closed in the letter of Paul Collins, Barrister, Shortland Chambers, dated 12 November 2013.

This document falsely states, "At 3:00pm on 17 April 2013, the Court of Appeal of New Zealand…delivered a judgment… The Court of Appeal determined:…The applicant must pay the respondent costs for a standard application on a band A basis and disbursements. With reference to Order C, the Court of Appeal orders the applicant to pay costs to the respondent in the sum of $3,383.00 and disbursements in the sum of $635.10…"

The following facts clearly establish this is a false statement.

(1) Paul Collins submitted four documents on the costs application, which was "LATER" than 17 April 2013, while increasing the costs from $2,386.90 to $4,018.10 (these documents are attached).

a. Document, dated 24 April 2013: $2,386.90 ($1,782.00 + $604.90)

b. Document, dated 26 April 2013: $2,848.90 ($2,244.00 + $604.90)

c. Document, dated 22 May 2013: $2,879.10 ($2,244.00 + $635.10)

d. Document, dated 6 November 2013: $4,018.10 ($3,383.00 + $635.10)

(2) Clare O’Brien, Registrar, Court of Appeal, in her email, dated 8 November 2013, wrote, "the Orders were sealed and returned to Mr Collins on the day they were received in this office" (her email, dated 8 November 2013, is attached).

The fact, undisputed by anyone, is that the Court of Appeal (O’Regan P, Wild and White JJ) did not make the seal order, dated 8 November 2013, at 3:00 pm on 17 April 2013, as stated in the document, dated 8 November 2013.

The false, forged, document, dated 8 November 2013, is one of the several false, forged, documents, used later in the bankruptcy fraud in the High Court, resulted in the bank robbery committed by Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment.

B.     "MINUTE OF WHITE J," dated 16 June 2015

DLA Piper (Grant Macdonald, Misha Henaghan, Sacha Thom), represending Southern Response, committed the fraud in the Court, following the undisputed insurance fraud committed by Southern Response (see the emails attached below).

"Minute of White J," dated 16 June 2015, was sent by Justine Bird, Court Registry Officer, Court of Appeal on 16 June 2015, attached.

The follow facts clearly indicate the document, dated 16 June 2015, is a false, forged, document.

(1) Grant Macdonald, in his email, dated 20 May 2015, wrote, "We confirm that we were not served with your application to dispense with security. Your application was forwarded to us by the Registrar, who asked us to provide any comments to her" (his email, dated 20 May 2015, is attached).

(2) The Court of Appeal did not have the jurisdiction to hear the case as the appellant was not in New Zealand on 16 July 2015.

(3) Jan A Flood, Registrar, University of Otago, in her email, dated 7 August 2015, wrote, "...Clare O'Brien, Court Manager/Registrar of the Court of Appeal. Her communication regarding the appropriateness of the Library allowing you to see the documents involved was: 'No you can't. No judgment or any documents get issued for public release with judge's signatures on them" (her email, dated 7 August 2015, is attached).

(4) The signature of the document, dated 16 June 2015, is significantly different from the signature of Douglas White QC in his letter, dated 29 July 2009 (the link to his letter, dated 29 July 2009, is below).

"Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Income Sharing with Patent Attorneys) Regulations," dated 29 July 2009, Douglas White QC

Please see the comparison of the signatures, attached.

New Zealand Police must conduct forensic document examination on the document, dated 16 June 2015.

How easy is it for New Zealand Police to contact Mr Douglas White and inquire about the forgery committed in the Court of Appeal in which his name was used for fraud?

Grant Macdonald later sent “Judgment for sealing,” dated 6 November 2015, signed and sealed by Justice Bird, Deputy Registar, Court of Appeal,

enclosed in his letter, dated 17 November 2015, attached, using the names of Ellen France P, Wild and Cooper JJ of the Court of Appeal for extortion.

C.     Conclusion

The Court of Appeal of New Zealand is just another instrument for the organised criminal syndicates to commit all kinds of crimes with impunity.

The multiple layers in the justice system nor various judges in different courts in New Zealand make absolutely "NO" difference in the outcome because neither fact nor law is relevant to the judiciary of New Zealand which is the legal black hole.

"ALL" New Zealand Courts, without any exception, exist simply as the means and covers for the organised criminal syndicates to commit all kinds of crimes with impunity.

This insidious situation is created and maintained by the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government which provide protection, support, and concealment for the organised criminal sydicates which are using state power and machinery to commit crimes in violation of the laws of New Zealand.

Unfortunately, these publicly financed systemic organised crimes will continue to suppressed or otherwise concealed by the authorities, regardless of the veracity of the fact nor evidence, creating and maintaining the culture of impunity among those who are committing all kinds of crimes using state power and public institutions, in violation of the laws of New Zealand and international law.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Prime Minister of New Zealand must act on the proven evidence and undisputed fact of state-sponsored organised crimes of New Zealand

24 July 2024

Rt Hon Christopher Luxon MP

Prime Minister of New Zealand

Dear Prime Minister

You, as prime minister of New Zealand, have witnessed numerous evidence, proving the undisputed fact of state-sponsored organised crimes of New Zealand.

Now, you can witness another set of evidence of normalisation of publicly financed organised crimes committed in and by public institutions of New Zealand.

EQC has not been able to answer some simple questions.

You must ask them for their reason for the refusal to answer the simple questions following:

(1) Does EQC has any policy or procedure to conduct second assessment on settled claim?

(2) If there is, does your assessor conduct such second assessment without actually visiting the property for the assessment?

(3) Is there any reason that EQC cannot provide the name of the assessor on the second assessment on the claim?


Subject:     Re: Inquiry the insurance fraud and involvement of EQC

Date:     Wed, 22 Nov 2023 22:34:21 +0000

From:     Resolutions Team <resolutions@eqc.govt.nz>

To:     Tatsuhiko Koyama

Mr Koyama,  

Thank you for your emails received on the 13th and 14th November 2023.

The issues you have raised relate to historical concerns which have previously been considered by Toka Tū Ake EQC and the subject of Court proceedings.

The documentation provided in your email dated 13th November 2023 does not alter our previous assessment and we remain satisfied that your Toka Tū Ake EQC claim has been dealt with appropriately.


Steven Hodgson  

Workflow Coordinator I Kairuruku Rerenga Mahi  

Toka Tū Ake | EQC

DDI: 03 669 8194 | Mobile: 027 370 9142 | Christchurch


From: Tatsuhiko Koyama

Sent: 14 November 2023 17:08

To: Resolutions Team <resolutions@eqc.govt.nz>; EQC Info Mailbox <info@eqc.govt.nz>; Complaints <complaints@eqc.govt.nz>

Cc: Stuart Smith <stuart.smith@parliament.govt.nz>; d.russell@ministers.govt.nz <d.russell@ministers.govt.nz>; Deborah.Russell@parliament.govt.nz <Deborah.Russell@parliament.govt.nz>

Subject: Inquiry the insurance fraud and involvement of EQC

14 November 2023


Dear Kim

Thank you for responding to my email regarding the insurance fraud committed, involving EQC.

As for the background, please read the following:


(1) On or around 27 August 2012, Arrow International, on behalf of Southern Response, issued a full, detailed assessment report (dated 24 February 2012, revised 27 August 2012) on the earthquake damage on the property, located at 15 Bounty Street, Bryndwr, Christchurch, estimating the total amount of the repair of $228,846.55 ($218,519.55 + $10,127.00). Please see a copy of this document, attached.

(2) On 11 December 2013, I received a letter from Emma Brown, Southern Response, sending me a computer printout sheet, dated 19 August 2013, for their refusal to settle the insurance claim on the property. Please see a copy of this document is attached.

(3) On 2 December 2013, I called Emma Brown, Southern Response, regarding the insurance claim, and she talked about alleged paper-based assessment on the claim by EQC. This phone call was recorded.


(4) On 13 February 2014, I received a phone call from EQC in Dunedin, and staff at EQC did not mention any onsite scoping visits by EQC on the property in Christchurch. This phone call was recorded. Please see a copy of the transcript.


(5) On 11 August 2014, I received "Response by defendant," dated 22 May 2014, stating, "On 26 August 2013, EQC sent the defendant a batch of reassessed claims which included a file note relating to the plaintiffs' claim," "EQC had completed a further, paper-based, review of the damage to the House on 29 March 2012...(Second EQC Assessment)," during the District Court proceeding (CIV-2014-012-186). Please see a copy of this document, attached.

(6) On 16 December 2014, I received an email from Sacha Thom, Solicitor, representing Southern Response, stating, "...Southern Response provide copies of:

1. The communication between Southern Response and EQC on 26 August 2013.

2. EQC’s second assessment completed on 29 March 2012.

We attach three documents and note that:

· On 26 August 2013, EQC physically handed to Southern Response these three documents as part of a weekly collection of a batch of documents relating to various claims.

· The first attachment is addressed to Southern Response employee Kate Legg because she was the person at Southern Response who requested the documents from EQC in relation to your claim.

· Southern Response understands that EQC inserted Southern Response’s logo at the top of the document in order to identify which insurer the document needed to be provided to.

·  The attached scope of works is the only document relating to EQC’s amended assessment that was provided to Southern Response.

Please see copies of the documents, attached.

(7) On 5 February 2018, I received an email from Leanne Stewart, Senior Investigator, Office of the Ombudsman, stating, "I have made some enquires of EQC regarding your complaint about access to the name of the person who generated the settlement recommendation dated 12 February 2014," "EQC has confirmed that the names of the EQC staff members who had completed assessment reports following onsite scoping visits at the property have been disclosed to you." Please see a copy of this email, attached.


Could you answer the following questions?

(a) Does EQC has any policy or procedure to conduct second assessment on settled claim?

(b) If there is, does your assessor conduct such second assessment without actually visiting the property for the assessment?

(c) Is there any reason that EQC cannot provide the name of the assessor on the second assessment on the claim?

If you require more information than what I have provided, please feel free to contact me.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand


As it has been proved, New Zealand Courts are being used routinely to commit all kinds of crimes with impunity in violation of the law.

The organised crimes committed in and by public institutions are very systemic and ubiquitous in New Zealand.

They exist because of the state-protection of clandestine criminal operations, using state power for criminal purposes, as part of the hidden state policy of New Zealand.

The modus operandi is very much established and entrenched in New Zealand.

New Zealand will never carry out a genuine investigation on its state-sponsored organised crimes, unless you, prime minister of New Zealand, act.

You must act on the undisputed fact and evidence on the state-sponsored organised crimes of New Zealand.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Normalisation of systemic organised crimes committed in New Zealand Courts is a very serious problem in the governance of New Zealand

22 July 2024

Hon Paul Goldsmith

Justice Minister

cc: Ministry of Justice; Hon Mark Mitchell, Police Minister; Mr Andrew Coster, Police Commissioner; and others

Dear Justice Minister

You, Justice Minister of New Zealand, must accept the undisputed fact, which have been proven with evidence for several years by now, that all New Zealand Courts are being used as the means and covers for the organised criminal syndicates to commit all kinds of crimes with impunity in violation of the laws of New Zealand.

These publicly funded organised crimes are normalised and committed routinely in and by public institutions of New Zealand.

These organised crimes are enduring, entrenched, and prevalent in New Zealand because they are part of the hidden state policy of New Zealand as they are protected, supported, and concealed by the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government.

These clandestine criminal operations committed in and by state institutions are state-sponsored organised crimes committed by New Zealand in violation of the international law.

You must personally witness another set of several false, forged documents used in New Zealand Courts.


FALSE, FORGED DOCUMENTS, USING THE NAME OF MANDER J FOR FRAUD (the evidence is attached to this email)

(1) FALSE DOCUMENT - “MINUTE OF MANDER J,” dated 26 February 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 27 February 2015)

(2) FALSE DOCUMENT - Signed, “MINUTE OF MANDER J,” dated 26 February 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 24 August 2015)

(3) FALSE DOCUMENT - Handwritten minute of Mander J, dated 27 February 2015, (retrieved from the official court file found in Dunedin High Court on 19 February 2016)

(4) FALSE DOCUMENT - “MINUTE OF MANDER J,” dated 5 March 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 5 March 2015)

(5) FALSE DOCUMENT - Signed, “MINUTE OF MANDER J,” dated 5 March 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 13 March 2015)

(6) FALSE DOCUMENT - Unless order of Mander J, dated 12 March 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 12 March 2015)

(7) FALSE DOCUMENT - Handwritten minute of Mander J, dated 12 March 2015, (sent by sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 13 March 2015)

(8) FALSE DOCUMENT - Signed, “MINUTE OF MANDER J,” dated 13 March 2015, (sent by sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 13 March 2015)

* There is "NO" signed minute of Mander J, dated 13 March 2015, in the official court file.

(9) FALSE DOCUMENT - “MINUTE OF MANDER J,” dated 13 March 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 16 March 2015)

(10) FALSE DOCUMENT - “MINUTE OF MANDER J,” dated 17 March 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 17 March 2015)

(11) FALSE DOCUMENT - Signed, “MINUTE OF MANDER J,” dated 17 March 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 17 March 2015)

* There is "NO" signed minute of Mander J, dated 17 March 2015, in the official court file.

(12) FALSE DOCUMENT - Email of Mander J, dated 20 March 2015 (at 12:11 pm), (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 10 August 2015)

“Friday, 20 March 2015  12:11 p.m.”

"Amelia, I record a brief note of my decision. I don’t think I can wait any longer for the respondent’s response in order to give the appellants’ time to comply with the order.

The appellants’ application for an extension is declined.

The appellants cite Rule 12.7(1) HCRs as providing a time requirement for service, however this rule concerns summary judgment applications and does not apply for the present situation.

The appellants appeal remains extant notwithstanding the operation of the unless order.

I also note for completeness that a hearing of the respondent’s application was attempted to convened however the appellants declined to make themselves available despite repeated efforts by the registry. The matter was dealt with by way of memorandum.

The appellants have still not provided reasons for their non-compliance.

Mander J"

(13) FALSE DOCUMENT - Email of Mander J, dated 20 March 2015 (at 12:18 pm), (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 12 August 2015)

“Friday, 20 March 2015  12:18:41 p.m.”


Our emails passed. I have read the respondent’s submissions. My ruling stands and may be notified to the parties without modification.

Many thanks

Mander J”

(14) FALSE DOCUMENT - Order of Mander J, dated 20 March 2015 (at 12:26 pm), (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 20 March 2015)


From: "Nicholson, Amelia" <Amelia.Nicholson@justice.govt.nz>

Date: Thursday, 19 March 2015 at 2:13 PM

To: Tatsuhiko Koyama <tatsuhiko.koyama@gmail.com>

Cc: "Henaghan, Misha" <Misha.Henaghan@dlapf.com>, "Macdonald, Grant" <grant.macdonald@dlapiper.co.nz>, "Thom, Sacha" <sacha.thom@dlapiper.co.nz>

Subject: RE: Appellant's submissions - Koyama v Southern Response (CIV-2014-412-0202)

Dear Tatsuhiko,

Many thanks for your email. All our Christchurch Judges are in "Wellington" today and Friday attending a conference but as the Unless Order is for close of business tomorrow I will forward this application and any other relevant documents on to the Honourable Justice Mander to deal with as soon as he has the opportunity.

If counsel for the respondent wishes to reply to this application could they please let me know as soon as possible.

Kind regards,


From: "Nicholson, Amelia" <Amelia.Nicholson@justice.govt.nz>

Date: Friday, 20 March 2015 at 8:26 AM

To: "tatsuhiko.koyama@gmail.com" <tatsuhiko.koyama@gmail.com>, "Macdonald, Grant" <grant.macdonald@dlapiper.co.nz>, "Henaghan, Misha" <misha.henaghan@dlapiper.co.nz>, "Thom, Sacha" <sacha.thom@dlapiper.co.nz>

Subject: CIV-2014-412-000202 - Koyama v Southern Response Earthquake Services Limited

Dear Counsel and Mr and Ms Koyama,

Following the receipt of the appellants application for an extension of the unless order and the respondents memorandum in reply, the Honourable Justice Mander has minuted the above named matter as follows:

"The appellants' application for an extension is declined.

The appellants cite Rule 12.7(1) HCRs as providing a  time requirement for service, however this rule concerns summary judgment applications and does not apply to the present situation.

The appellants appeal remains extant notwithstanding the operation of the unless order.

I also note for completeness that a hearing of the respondent's application was attempted to be convened however the appellants declined to make themselves available despite repeated efforts by the Registry. The matter was dealt with by way of memorandum.

The appellants have still not provided reasons for their non-compliance.”

Kind regards,


Amelia Nicholson

Deputy Registrar | Christchurch High Court

DDI: +64 3 962 4273 | Ext 54273

From: "Nicholson, Amelia" <Amelia.Nicholson@justice.govt.nz>

Date: Monday, 10 August 2015 at 10:23 AM

To: Tatsuhiko Koyama <tatsuhiko.koyama@gmail.com>

Subject: RE: Request for a copy of the handwritten minute of Mander J, dated 20 March 2015

Dear Mr Koyama,

I do not have a hand written copy of this minute as the Honourable Justice Mander was in "Auckland" for a conference. This minute was given to me by way of email which I have attached a copy of now.

Kind regards,


* Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, was involved with Grant Macdonald, Misha Henaghan, and Sacha Thom of DLA Piper New Zealand in the confirmed insurance fraud, causing loss by deception, forgery, using false document for pecuniary advantage, in violation of the Crimes Act 1961.


(15) FALSE DOCUMENT - “JUDGMENT OF MANDER J,” dated 23 March 2015, (sent by Rebecca Fahey, Civil Caseflow Manager, Christchurch High Court, on 23 March 2015, on the same day when a telephone case management conference was held and before the scheduled hearing on 5 April 2015)

(16) FALSE DOCUMENT - Signed, “JUDGMENT OF MANDER J,” dated 23 March 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 24 March 2015)

(17) FALSE DOCUMENT - “JUDGMENT OF MANDER J,’ dated 26 May 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 26 May 2015)

(18) FALSE DOCUMENT - Signed, “JUDGMENT OF MANDER J,’ dated 26 May 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 5 August 2015)

* There is NO signed judgement of Mander J, dated 26 May 2015, in the official court file.

(19) FALSE DOCUMENT - Minute of Mander J, date 5 June 2016, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 5 June 2015)

(20) FALSE DOCUMENT - Handwritten minute of Mander J, dated 5 June 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 14 July 2015)

(21) FALSE DOCUMENT - “Order for Costs,” dated 12 June 2015, (sent by Grant Macdonald on or around 15 July 2015) - THIS DOCUMENT WAS SENT "AFTER" THE CASE WAS APPEALED TO THE COURT OF APPEAL, where the continuous stream of false, forged documents were made and used for fraud in the Court, conspiring to defeat justice, in violation of the Crimes Act 1961.

(22) Comparison of signatures - you can see extreme variation of the signatures of the fake, forged documents from the signature on the letter written by Mr Cameron Mander, dated 16 November 2012.


Normalisation of systemic organised crimes committed in New Zealand Courts is a very serious problem in the governance of New Zealand.

You, as Justice Minister of New Zealand, must act on the undisputed fact and evidence on the systemic organised crimes committed in New Zealand Courts.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

By not taking any action on this matter or otherwise continuously suppressing or concealing state-sponsored organised crimes will destabilize the internal affairs of New Zealand

15 July 2024

Rt Hon Christopher Luxon MP

Prime Minister of New Zealand

Dear Prime Minister

You, Prime Minister of New Zealand, must accept the proven and undisputed fact of state-sponsored organised crimes of New Zealand.

Acceptance comes with corresponding responsibility and duty of the office of Prime Minister.

You must not rationalise what has been normalised and ubiquitous in New Zealand is good and right; normalisation does not make it legal, right, nor ethical, if that normalisation is systemic organised crimes committed in and by public institutions in violation of the law in New Zealand.

By not taking any action on this matter or otherwise continuously suppressing or concealing state-sponsored organised crimes, using or allowing the use of state power for criminal ends, will eventually destabilize the internal affairs of New Zealand.

This matter requires your immediate attention and urgent action.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Witness the evidence of systemic organised crimes committed in Dunedin High Court (part 2)

13 July 2024

Hon Rachel Brooking

MP for Dunedin

cc: Hon Paul Goldsmith, Justice Minister; Ministry of Justice; and others

Dear Hon Rachel Brooking

I would like you as MP for Dunedin to witness the evidence of systemic organised crimes committed in Dunedin High Court, again, to see how widespread and entrenched as to making systemic organised crimes normalised in New Zealand Courts, especially in Dunedin High Court.

Attached, please find evidence of systemic organised crimes committed in the High Court of New Zealand, using the name of Osborne J for fraud, in violation of the Crimes Act 1961.

(1) FORGED DOCUMENT - “JUDGMENT OF ASSOCIATE JUDGE OSBORNE as to substituted service of Bankruptcy Notice,” dated 18 September 2015, (sent by Dunedin High Court on 1 October 2015)

* The signature on the document, dated 18 September 2015, is a computer-generated image, pasted on the document. There is NO practice in the High Court of New Zealand to put an digital image on the original court document. It is forgery per se.

(2) FORGED DOCUMENT - Handwritten minute of Associate Judge Osborne, dated 26 January 2016, (sent by Rebecca Fahey, Civil Caseflow Manager, Christchurch High Court, on 18 February 2016)

(3) FORGED DOCUMENT - “JUDGMENT OF ASSOCIATE JUDGE OSBORNE upon review of Deputy Registrar’s decision,” dated 1 March 2016, (sent by Keroli Smith, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 1 March 2016)

* There are two distinctly different signatures, clearly indicating forgery.

(4) FORGED DOCUMENT - "JUDGMENT OF ASSOCIATE JUDGE OSBORNE annulling adjudication," dated 13 December 2016, (Sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 4 January 2017)

* The signature on the document, dated 13 December 2016, is a computer-generated image, pasted on the document. There is NO practice in the High Court of New Zealand to put an digital image on the original court document. It is forgery per se.

(5) EXPERT OPINION - "Analysis of signatures for detection of forgery, dated 6 May 2016," Andrew Straw, US lawyer and notary public

(6) Memorandum of Grant Slevin, Senior Investigating Solicitor, Insolvency and Trustee Service, Minister of Business, Innovation and employment, dated 12 December 2016, stating: "...counsel submits the hearing scheduled for 15 December should be vacated and a date in January 2017 allocated for a determination on the papers, or if the need arises, a case management conference by way of telephone conference."

(7) Email of Grant Slevin, dated 23 December 2016, stating: "If what you say is true you have committed an offence under s 433(f) Insolvency Act 2006 by leaving New Zealand without the Assignee’s consent. A person who commits this offence is liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or a fine not exceeding $5,000, or both."

This matter requires you to act.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

New Zealand must warn the international community on the undisputed state-sponsored organised crimes

 11 July 2024

Rt Hon Winston Peters

Deputy Prime Minister & Foreign Minister of New Zealand

Dear Mr Peters

I received an email from Hon Mark Mitchell, Police Minister of New Zealand, on the undisputed fact of systemic organised crimes committed in New Zealand Courts.

These crimes are state-sponsored organised crimes due to the protection, support, and concealment provided the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government.

They are centrally organised clandestine criminal operations as part of the hidden official policy of New Zealand.

All New Zealand Courts, including the Supreme Court of New Zealand, are being used by the organised criminal syndicates to commit all kinds of crimes with impunity.


They are simply the means and covers for the covert publicly funded criminal operations, protected by the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government as part of the hidden official state policy of New Zealand.

This matter requires your attention and urgent action.

Yours sincerely

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Police Minister responds on "New Zealand Police must act on the undisputed fact of systemic organised crimes committed in New Zealand Courts" (8 July 2024)

Dear Tatsuhiko

On behalf of the Minister of Police, I acknowledge your email of 8 July.

What you have raised in your email is noted.

We have forwarded your email onto Police National Headquarters to consider.

Ngā Mihi,

Police – Correspondence Administrator | Office of Hon Mark Mitchell

Minister of Corrections | Minister for Emergency Management and Recovery

Minister of Police | MP for Whangaparaoa

James Meager MP (National Party) responds on the undisputed fact of systemic organised crimes committed in New Zealand Courts (8 July 2024)

Hi Tatsuhiko

 Thank you for including James in your email but we will leave it for the Minister to respond. 

Kind regards


Judy Cunningham

Team Coordinator

Office of James Meager | MP FOR RANGITATA


South Canterbury +64 3 683 2009

Mid Canterbury +64 3 307 1729

Parliament +64 4 817 8246

Response from Ministry of Justice (4 June 2024)

Kia ora Tatsuhiko,

Thank you very much for submitting your feedback on the UPR recommendations.

We appreciate your time and input.

Kind regards,

The Human Rights team at the Ministry of Justice

From: Tatsuhiko Koyama

Date: 1 June 2024 at 11:14:31 AM NZST

To: "Johnston, Anna" <Anna.Johnston@justice.govt.nz>

Cc: P.Goldsmith@ministers.govt.nz, paul.goldsmith@parliament.govt.nz, ContactUs <contactus@justice.govt.nz>, complaints@justice.govt.nz, "correspondence, official" <official.correspondence@justice.govt.nz>, judith.collins@parliament.govt.nz, J.Collins@ministers.govt.nz, JudithCollinsPapakura <judith.collinspapakura@parliament.govt.nz>, duncan.webb@parliament.govt.nz, chchcentral@parliament.govt.nz, Hon Phil Twyford EA <PhilTwyford.EA@parliament.govt.nz>, Christopher.Luxon@parliament.govt.nz, National Leader's Office <nlo@parliament.govt.nz>, botany@parliament.govt.nz, C.Luxon@ministers.govt.nz, information@dpmc.govt.nz, chris.hipkins@parliament.govt.nz, david.parker@parliament.govt.nz, newstips@alliedpress.co.nz, editor@odt.co.nz, odt.editorial@alliedpress.co.nz, info@thestar.co.nz, newsdesk@nzme.co.nz, newstips@stuff.co.nz, contact@newsroom.co.nz, news@newshub.co.nz, qanda@tvnz.co.nz, breakfast@tvnz.co.nz, feedback@amshow.co.nz, Hon Mark Mitchell <mark.mitchell@parliament.govt.nz>, M.Mitchell@ministers.govt.nz, Police <Police.portfolio@parliament.govt.nz>, virginia.andersen@parliament.govt.nz, jonathan.milne@newsroom.co.nz, news@rnz.co.nz, Andrew.Coster@police.govt.nz, FMCTWP@police.govt.nz, Matthew.SHEAT@police.govt.nz, ethnicauckland@police.govt.nz, ginny.andersenMP@parliament.govt.nz, mayor@oa.dcc.govt.nz, mayor@dcc.govt.nz, customer.services@dcc.govt.nz, rachel.brooking@parliament.govt.nz, ingrid.leary@parliament.govt.nz, taierimp@parliament.govt.nz, hlinfo@parliament.uk, andrew.rosindell.mp@parliament.uk, Presidente@pec.governo.it, wellington.embassy@esteri.it, Enquiries.wellington@fcdo.gov.uk, delegation-new-zealand@eeas.europa.eu, courrier.president@elysee.fr, enquiry@wl.mofa.go.jp, "JAPAN EMBASSY(CONSULAR AND VISA)" <consular@wl.mofa.go.jp>, consular@wellington.mfa.gov.il, service@americanbar.org, AucklandACS@state.gov, Info <info@ombudsman.parliament.nz>, Infoline <infoline@hrc.co.nz>

Subject: Feedback on the recommendations from New Zealand’s fourth Universal Periodic Review at the Human Rights Council

1 June 2024

Ms Anna Johnson

Policy Manager

Human Rights Policy Group

Ministry of Justice

New Zealand

cc: Hon Paul Goldsmith, Justice Minister of New Zealand, Ministry of Justice; Hon Judith Collins, Attorney-General of New Zealand; Hon Mark Mitchell, Police Minister; and others

Dear Ms Johnson

I have reviewed "Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review, New Zealand," dated 3 May 2024.

I understand that various international treaties are recommended to ratify by the state of New Zealand (II. Conclusions and/or recommendations).

New Zealand has extremely serious problems in its governance, especially in regard to its implementation of international treaties.

The undisputed fact clearly indicates that all New Zealand Courts, including the Supreme Court of New Zealand, are being used as the means and covers to commit all kinds of crimes with impunity in violation of the law, subverting or otherwise undermining the law, including international treaties for which the state of New Zealand is a signatory.


The systemic organised crimes committed in the secrecy of the Court and Government are normalised; these publicly financed organised crimes are routinely committed in and by public institutions because of the protection, support, and concealment provided by the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government.

The modus operandi is very much established and entrenched in New Zealand, clearly evidencing the hidden official state policy of New Zealand.

New Zealand will never carry out a genuine investigation on its state-sponsored organised crimes.

It is hoped that the international community will provide necessary oversight on New Zealand so that it is possible for New Zealand to implement international treaties properly and enforce its domestic law competently.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Subject: Universal Periodic Review - New Zealand - at Human Rights Council

Date: Mon, 20 May 2024

From: Tatsuhiko Koyama

To: Johnston, Anna

20 May 2024

Ms Anna Johnson

Policy Manager

Human Rights Policy Group

Ministry of Justice

New Zealand

cc: United Nations Human Rights, Office of the High Commissioner, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR); Hon Paul Goldsmith, Justice Minister of New Zealand, Ministry of Justice; Hon Judith Collins, Attorney-General of New Zealand; and others

Dear Ms Johnson

I am enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand.

I received your email today.

I understand that your consultation will close on 2 June 2024.

Meanwhile before I write a proper feedback on your request, I would like to inform you the following:

(1) on 26 March 2024 I sent an email to United Nations Human Rights regarding the undisputed fact of New Zealand's state-sponsored organised crimes, using or otherwise allowing the use of all New Zealand Courts, including the Supreme Court of New Zealand, for committing all kinds of organised crimes in violation of various international treaties, including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), seeking the international community to act and intervene on the undisputed and totally proven state-sponsored organised crimes of New Zealand, attached; and

(2) on 13 May 2024 I sent another another email to the Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, seeking Canada, along with other nations including the United States, United Kingdom, to intervene on the undisputed fact of New Zealand's state-sponsored organised crimes, attached.

ICCPR in part states, "All persons shall be equal before the courts and tribunals. In the determination of any criminal charge against him, or of his rights and obligations in a suit at law, everyone shall be entitled to a fair and public hearing by a competent, independent and impartial tribunal established by law..."


Needless to say, New Zealand has completely failed to honour ICCPR and violated the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990, which states in part:

An Act—

(a) to affirm, protect, and promote human rights and fundamental freedoms in New Zealand; and

(b) to affirm New Zealand’s commitment to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

27 Right to justice

(1) Every person has the right to the observance of the principles of natural justice by any tribunal or other public authority which has the power to make a determination in respect of that person’s rights, obligations, or interests protected or recognised by law.

(2) Every person whose rights, obligations, or interests protected or recognised by law have been affected by a determination of any tribunal or other public authority has the right to apply, in accordance with law, for judicial review of that determination.

(3) Every person has the right to bring civil proceedings against, and to defend civil proceedings brought by, the Crown, and to have those proceedings heard, according to law, in the same way as civil proceedings between individuals.


It is my wish that the international community will intervene on New Zealand and stop the flagrant violation of international treaties, including ICCPR.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand 

Subject: We are seeking your feedback on the recommendations from New Zealand's fourth Universal Periodic Review

Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 05:51:26 +0000

From: Johnston, Anna

Tēnā koutou,

The Ministry of Justice invites you to send us your feedback on the recommendations from New Zealand’s fourth Universal Periodic Review (UPR) at the Human Rights Council in Geneva. 

Eighty-eight countries made a total of 259 recommendations on how New Zealand can take further steps to improve our human rights situation.

We are seeking feedback on which of these recommendations the Government should prioritise progressing via an online survey. The link to the online survey is here: https://consultations.justice.govt.nz/policy/4th-universal-periodic-review-feedback

The consultation closes on Sunday 2 June 2024. The short timeframe is necessary to enable the survey results to inform the Government’s consideration of the recommendations. The Government response is due to the United Nations by 26 August.

You are welcome to forward the link on to other stakeholders, who you think would also be interested. 

Thank you for your engagement on human rights issues, and for providing us with your valuable input. We look forward to continuing the conversation with civil society. 

Ngā mihi

Anna Johnston (she / her)

Policy Manager | Human Rights | Policy Group

Cell: +64 27 217 0465 |



Police Minister responded (18 January 2024)

Dear Tatsuhiko

On behalf of the Minister of Police, I acknowledge your email of 30 November 2023.

Thank you for taking the time to write, please do be assured that what you have raised is noted.

Ngā Mihi,


Police – Correspondence Administrator | Office of Hon Mark Mitchell

Minister of Corrections | Minister for Emergency Management and Recovery

Minister of Police | MP for Whangaparaoa

Website: www.Beehive.govt.nz

Private Bag 18041, Parliament Buildings, Wellington 6160, New Zealand

Nicola Willis, deputy leader of the National Party responded (16 November 2023)

On behalf of Nicola Willis, thank you for your email. Nicola appreciates people taking the time to share their feedback, concerns and ideas.

Your email will be placed in front of Nicola for her information.

Once again thank you for taking the time to write, it is much appreciated.


Celia Horner

Office of Nicola Willis MP| Deputy Leader of the National Party

Opposition Spokesperson for Finance & Social Investment 

National List MP, Wellington Central

Stuart Smith, National MP responded on the undisputed insurance fraud committed EQC and others (13 November 2023)

Dear Tatsuhiko,

Thank you for sharing this information.


Stuart Smith 

MP for Kaikoura

Spokesperson for Energy & Resources, EQC and Viticulture

Parliament House | Parliament, Wellington 6160, New Zealand


Hon Megan Woods MP, Minister for Building and Construction, responded (21 November 2023)

On behalf of Hon Dr Megan Woods, Minister for Building and Construction, thank you for your email.

The Minister has asked the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) officials to advise her on this matter and she will respond once she has received advice. 

Ngā mihi,

Iris Millington-Bree

Private Secretary (Building and Construction) 

Office of Hon Dr Megan Woods

Minister of Housing | Minister for Infrastructure | Minister of Energy & Resources | Minister for Building and Construction | Associate Minister of Finance

Hon Phil Twyford MP responded twice (20 & 24 November 2023)

(20 November) Regarding the undisputed fact on the systemic organised crimes committed in New Zealand Courts

Thank you for your email.

On behalf of Hon Phil Twyford office, I acknolwedge that we have received your email for consideration on 20 Nov 23.

Anania Kerehoma-Cook | Executive Support and Researcher

For Hon Phil Twyford, MP for Te Atatū 

(24 November) Regarding failure to answer questions by EQC - admission on the insurance fraud by EQC

Thank you for your email.

On behalf of Hon Phil Twyford office, I acknolwedge that we have received your email for consideration on 23 Nov 23.

Anania Kerehoma-Cook | Executive Support and Researcher

For Hon Phil Twyford, MP for Te Atatū 

Hon Phil Twyford MP responded again (11 December 2023)

Subject: Reference number 005846 - Ombudsman investigates the systemic organised crimes committed in public institutions of New Zealand

Thank you for your email.

On behalf of Hon Phil Twyford office, I acknolwedge that we have received your email for consideration on 8 Dec 23.

Anania Kerehoma-Cook | Senior Executive Assistant

Office of Hon Phil Twyford, MP for Te Atatū

Parliament Buildings | Free Post PO Box 18 888

Wellington 6160, New Zealand 

Subject: Ombudsman investigates the undisputed state-sponsored organised crimes of New Zealand

Thank you for your email.

On behalf of Hon Phil Twyford office, I acknolwedge that we have received your email for consideration on 11 Dec 23. 

Anania Kerehoma-Cook | Senior Executive Assistant

Office of Hon Phil Twyford, MP for Te Atatū

Parliament Buildings | Free Post PO Box 18 888

Wellington 6160, New Zealand

Hon Carmel Sepuloni, Deputy Leader for the Opposition, responded on the systemic organised crimes committed in public institutions of New Zealand (12 December 2023)

Good Afternoon,

Thank you for your email to MP Carmel Sepuloni’s Electorate Office.

This is to confirm receipt of your email which has been put forward to the MP.

Kind Regards,

Alma Ali

Member Support  to Hon Carmel Sepuloni

Deputy Leader for the Opposition

Spokesperson for the Ministry of Development & Employment

Spokesperson for Pacific Peoples

Spokesperson for Auckland Issues

Spokesperson for Child Poverty Reduction


New Zealand Police must act on the undisputed fact of systemic organised crimes committed in New Zealand Courts

8 July 2024

Hon Mark Mitchell

Police Minister

Dear Police Minister

You must personally witness the evidence, attached, on the undisputed systemic organised crimes committed in New Zealand Courts.

These crimes are extremely serious, as they are committed in and by public institutions while the criminals are protected, supported, and concealed by the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government.

They must be centrally organised clandestine criminal operations as part of the hidden official policy of New Zealand.

This matter requires your leadership.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Dunedin MP must act on the undisputed fact of systemic organised crimes committed in New Zealand Courts

7 July 2024

Hon Rachel Brooking

MP for Dunedin

Dear Hon Rachel Brooking

I am a resident of the city of Dunedin.

I would like you as MP for Dunedin to witness the evidence of systemic organised crimes committed in Dunedin High Court.



* Associate Judge Matthews was NOT at the hearing; someone impersonated the judge at the hearing.

(2)     Letter of Hayley McKee, Senior Associate, Glaister Ennor, dated 9 March 2016, attached

(3)     "MINUTE OF DAVIDSON J (following memorandum of counsel for judgment creditor dated 9 March 2016 in relation to alleged recording of hearing by judgment debtor)," dated 12 April 2016, sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 12 April 2016, attached

This false, forged document states, "Mr Koyama is given the opportunity to respond to the memorandum of counsel dated 9 March 2016. He should respond given that he is said to be in breach of the Court's order that the hearing not be recorded. His response...should be filed within 10 working days of this minute i.e. Wednesday 27 April 2016 at 5.00pm (given ANZAC day)."

* The fact simply proves itself; the recording of the fake hearing still exists in the public domain, which means that this document, dated 12 April 2016, is a false, forged document, using the name of Davidson J for fraud.

We must accept the undisputed fact and the evidence on systemic organised crimes committed in New Zealand Courts, and the normalisation of using the Courts as the means and covers to commit all kinds of crimes with impunity in violation of the law.

This very serious situation in New Zealand would not have existed except that these publicly financed organised crimes committed in public institutions, protected, supported, concealed by the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government, are part of the hidden official policy of New Zealand to sponsor organised crimes in violation of the international law.

This matter requires you to act.

Yours sincerely

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

New Zealand must act on the undisputed fact of blatant violation of the international treaties by sponsoring publicly financed organised crimes

16 June 2024

Rt Hon Christopher Luxon MP

Prime Minister of New Zealand

Dear Prime Minister

New Zealand must act on the the undisputed fact of blatant violation of the international treaties by sponsoring publicly financed organised crimes.

New Zealand has extremely serious problems in its governance, especially in regard to its implementation of international treaties.

The undisputed fact clearly indicates that all New Zealand Courts, including the Supreme Court of New Zealand, are being used as the means and covers to commit all kinds of crimes with impunity in violation of the law, subverting or otherwise undermining the law, including international treaties for which the state of New Zealand is a signatory.


The systemic organised crimes committed in the secrecy of the Court and Government are normalised; these publicly financed organised crimes are routinely committed in and by public institutions because of the protection, support, and concealment provided by the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government.

The modus operandi is very much established and entrenched in New Zealand, clearly evidencing the hidden official state policy of New Zealand.

As I stated in my email to Ministry of Justice, attached below, it is imperative that the international community provide necessary oversight on New Zealand so that it is possible for New Zealand to implement international treaties properly and enforce its domestic law competently.

This matter is extremely serious and you, Prime Minister of New Zealand, must act immediately.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Feedback on the recommendations from New Zealand’s fourth Universal Periodic Review at the Human Rights Council

1 June 2024

Ms Anna Johnson

Policy Manager

Human Rights Policy Group

Ministry of Justice

New Zealand

cc: Hon Paul Goldsmith, Justice Minister of New Zealand, Ministry of Justice; Hon Judith Collins, Attorney-General of New Zealand; Hon Mark Mitchell, Police Minister; and others

Dear Ms Johnson

I have reviewed "Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review, New Zealand," dated 3 May 2024.

I understand that various international treaties are recommended to ratify by the state of New Zealand (II. Conclusions and/or recommendations).

New Zealand has extremely serious problems in its governance, especially in regard to its implementation of international treaties.

The undisputed fact clearly indicates that all New Zealand Courts, including the Supreme Court of New Zealand, are being used as the means and covers to commit all kinds of crimes with impunity in violation of the law, subverting or otherwise undermining the law, including international treaties for which the state of New Zealand is a signatory.


The systemic organised crimes committed in the secrecy of the Court and Government are normalised; these publicly financed organised crimes are routinely committed in and by public institutions because of the protection, support, and concealment provided by the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government.

The modus operandi is very much established and entrenched in New Zealand, clearly evidencing the hidden official state policy of New Zealand.

New Zealand will never carry out a genuine investigation on its state-sponsored organised crimes.

It is hoped that the international community will provide necessary oversight on New Zealand so that it is possible for New Zealand to implement international treaties properly and enforce its domestic law competently.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Far North District Council must act on the undisputed fact of New Zealand's violation of international treaties

26 May 2024

Mayor Moko Tepania

Far North Mayor

Far North District Council

cc: Ms Kelly Stratford, Deputy Mayor, Far North District Council; and others

Dear Mayor

I am an enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand.

Attached, please find information on the undisputed fact of state-sponsored organised crimes of New Zealand.

New Zealand violates several international treaties by sponsoring organised crimes in New Zealand, which are committed in violation of the laws of New Zealand.

The undisputed fact shows the systemic organised crimes committed in the secrecy of the Court and Government, which are protected, supported, and concealed by the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government.

This matter requires your immediate attention.

It is my wish that you act on the undisputed fact.

Yours sincerely

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Dunedin must act on the undisputed fact of New Zealand's violation of international treaties by sponsoring organised crimes in New Zealand

24 May 2024

Dunedin Mayor Jules Radich

cc: Hon Mark Mitchell, Police Minister; and others

Dear Mayor

I am a resident and rates-payer of Dunedin City.

Attached, please find information on the undisputed fact of New Zealand's violation of international treaties by sponsoring organised crimes in New Zealand.

If you do not act on this undisputed fact, you are in fact condoning the state-sponsored organised crimes.

Dunedin High Court was used in the organised crimes and the evidence is published.



You must act on the undisputed fact.

Yours sincerely

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Universal Periodic Review - New Zealand - at Human Rights Council

20 May 2024

Ms Anna Johnson

Policy Manager

Human Rights Policy Group

Ministry of Justice

New Zealand

cc: United Nations Human Rights, Office of the High Commissioner, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR); Hon Paul Goldsmith, Justice Minister of New Zealand, Ministry of Justice; Hon Judith Collins, Attorney-General of New Zealand; and others

Dear Ms Johnson

I am enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand.

I received your email today.

I understand that your consultation will close on 2 June 2024.

Meanwhile before I write a proper feedback on your request, I would like to inform you the following:

(1) on 26 March 2024 I sent an email to United Nations Human Rights regarding the undisputed fact of New Zealand's state-sponsored organised crimes, using or otherwise allowing the use of all New Zealand Courts, including the Supreme Court of New Zealand, for committing all kinds of organised crimes in violation of various international treaties, including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), seeking the international community to act and intervene on the undisputed and totally proven state-sponsored organised crimes of New Zealand, attached; and

(2) on 13 May 2024 I sent another another email to the Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, seeking Cananda, along with other nations including the United States, United Kingdom, to intervene on the undisputed fact of New Zealand' state-sponsored organised crimes, attached.

ICCPR in part states, "All persons shall be equal before the courts and tribunals. In the determination of any criminal charge against him, or of his rights and obligations in a suit at law, everyone shall be entitled to a fair and public hearing by a competent, independent and impartial tribunal established by law..."


Needless to say, New Zealand has completely failed to honour ICCPR and violated the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990, which states in part:

An Act—

(a) to affirm, protect, and promote human rights and fundamental freedoms in New Zealand; and

(b) to affirm New Zealand’s commitment to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

27 Right to justice

(1) Every person has the right to the observance of the principles of natural justice by any tribunal or other public authority which has the power to make a determination in respect of that person’s rights, obligations, or interests protected or recognised by law.

(2) Every person whose rights, obligations, or interests protected or recognised by law have been affected by a determination of any tribunal or other public authority has the right to apply, in accordance with law, for judicial review of that determination.

(3) Every person has the right to bring civil proceedings against, and to defend civil proceedings brought by, the Crown, and to have those proceedings heard, according to law, in the same way as civil proceedings between individuals.


It is my wish that the international community will intervene on New Zealand and stop the flagrant violation of international treaties, including ICCPR.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Subject: We are seeking your feedback on the recommendations from New Zealand's fourth Universal Periodic Review

Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 05:51:26 +0000

From: Johnston, Anna

To: Johnston, Anna

Tēnā koutou,

The Ministry of Justice invites you to send us your feedback on the recommendations from New Zealand’s fourth Universal Periodic Review (UPR) at the Human Rights Council in Geneva. 

Eighty-eight countries made a total of 259 recommendations on how New Zealand can take further steps to improve our human rights situation.

We are seeking feedback on which of these recommendations the Government should prioritise progressing via an online survey. The link to the online survey is here: https://consultations.justice.govt.nz/policy/4th-universal-periodic-review-feedback

The consultation closes on Sunday 2 June 2024. The short timeframe is necessary to enable the survey results to inform the Government’s consideration of the recommendations. The Government response is due to the United Nations by 26 August.

You are welcome to forward the link on to other stakeholders, who you think would also be interested. 

Thank you for your engagement on human rights issues, and for providing us with your valuable input. We look forward to continuing the conversation with civil society. 

Ngā mihi

Anna Johnston (she / her)

Policy Manager | Human Rights | Policy Group

Cell: +64 27 217 0465 |


Canada must act on the undisputed fact on New Zealand's state-sponsored organised crimes

13 May 2024

The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau

Prime Minister of Canada

cc: Rt Hon Christopher Luxon, Prime Minister of New Zealand; and others

Dear Prime Minister

Canada must act on the undisputed fact of New Zealand's state-sponsored organised crimes.

What New Zealand has been doing is clearly undermining the rules based order of the international community.

This matter must be discussed at the G7 summit in Italy.

It is my wish that you take time to read the attached emails on this matter and act now!

Yours sincerely

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

French President contacted on New Zealand's organised crimes (13 May 2024)

Dear Sir or Madam,

Your message has been received.

It will be processed by our teams then passed on, as appropriate, to an adviser or close colleague of the President.

Best regards,

Direct Communication Service

Communication Directorate

Élysée Palace

Please read the following:

9 May 2024

American Bar Association

cc: Hon Paul Goldsmith, Justice Minister of New Zealand, Ministry of Justice; Hon Judith Collins, Attorney-General of New Zealand; and others

Dear Sir/Madam

I understand that American Bar Association is under investigation on the systemic corruption of New Zealand Judiciary

This matter is being acknowledged by the House of Lords of the United Kingdom, and may be under investigation by the United Kingdom.

The undisputed fact of state-sponsored organised crimes of New Zealand and the hidden official policy of New Zealand to use and allow to be used New Zealand Courts as the means and covers for committing all kinds of impunity in violation of the law, being protected, supported, and concealed by the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government, must be investigated and acted by the United States.

It is my wish that you ensure that the United States of America as a member of G7 push this matter as one of the agenda to be discussed at the G7 summit in Italy.

Yours sincerely

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Subject: G7 must act on the undisputed fact on New Zealand's state-sponsored organised crimes

Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2024 09:50:49 +0900

From: Tatsuhiko Koyama

To: Presidente@pec.governo.it, wellington.embassy@esteri.it

29 April 2024

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni

Government of Italy

cc: Rt Hon Christopher Luxon, Prime Minister of New Zealand; and others

Dear Prime Minister

I understand that Italy will host G7 summit in June of this year.

Attached, please find information on the undisputed fact of New Zealand's state-sponsored organised crimes.

There is no controversy; no one disputes the fact.

This matter requires G7 to act.

G7 must stop New Zealand and other countries similar to New Zealand from undermining the rules based order of the international community.

If you require more information on this matter, please feel free to contact me.

Yours sincerely

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Subject: The United Kingdom must act on the undisputed fact on flagrant violation of the international law by the state of New Zealand

Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2024 22:08:41 +0900

From: Tatsuhiko Koyama

To: contactholmember@parliament.uk

8 April 2024

Lord Booth

House of the Lords

cc: Rt Hon Christopher Luxon, Prime Minister of New Zealand; Rt Hon Rishi Sunak, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom; Judicial Committee of the Privy Council; and others

Dear Lord Booth

I have been advised by the House of Lords to contact you and other members of the House of Lords and the House of the Commons, regarding the undisputed fact of New Zealand's flagrant violation of the international law.

It is my wish you to read my email, dated 27 March 2024, below, along with several emails, attached to this email, regarding this matter.


Evil practice of New Zealand must end

27 March 2024

Rt Hon Christopher Luxon

Prime Minister of New Zealand

Dear Prime Minister

You must have been advised by your officials, by now, that New Zealand is violating the international law by sponsoring organised crimes committed in the secrecy of the Court and Government.

They are normalised and ubiquitous as part of the hidden official policy of New Zealand, and the criminals are committing all kinds of crimes with impunity, knowing that they are protected, supported, and concealed by the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government.

Severe lack of professionalism among judges, lawyers, court registrars, government agents, journalists, and academics of New Zealand, is partly blamed for the systemic organised crimes, committed in and by public institutions in New Zealand.

These crimes would not have existed if any of them has acted, but none did.


A.     Some international experts raised their voices, which were not heard.

(1)     UK medical professional  -  "With the privy council now gone, this [certain systematic organised crime in New Zealand] needs to be exposed by the media of another country. I am a medical doctor, with 3 medical science books published internationally. I am also an authority on Narcissistic Personality Disorder, sociopathy and psychopathy - and the people we are dealing with are extreme examples of this trait. However, the problem in NZ is the apathy, timidity and cognitive dissonance of the people. We have built up conclusive evidence - all in the public domain. Are there any university professors of law who have the integrity to join our fight?"

(2)     NZ practising lawyer, educated in US  -  "I have been following with great interest the numerous communications that you have sent to the PM and other members of the Establishment, without knowing whether you have managed to achieve any satisfactory resolution of the issues you have mentioned. Like you, I too have been battling the very evident pathologies in the New Zealand 'Justice' system, so far without any success to speak of, despite my being active in it for the past 17 years since my enrolment in the High Court."

(3)     US lawyer  -  "I think the courts are really the most fundamental and important part of government. If you cannot get justice, none of your rights exist," "Life liberty and property cease to exist," "I think the word you're looking for [the criminals using the Courts for systematic organised crimes] is psychopathy," "Group psychopathy," "If you can reform the New Zealand courts with the support of New Zealand people, that will be a miracle.”

B.     Published evidence was ignored and not acted upon.









What New Zealand has been doing is undermining the rules based order of the international community.

New Zealand is sending clear messages to other nations how to commit organised crimes in duplicity, while being actively engaged in the international community.

Evil practice of New Zealand must end.

Truly yours

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand


This matter requires international intervention.

Your consideration on this matter will be greatly appreciated.

Yours sincerely

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Subject: Prime Minister of New Zealand must act on the undisputed fact, advised by your officials, on flagrant violation of the international law by the state of New Zealand

From: Tatsuhiko Koyama

Sent: Sunday, April 7, 2024 10:33 PM

To: Christopher.Luxon@parliament.govt.nz; National Leader's Office <nlo@parliament.govt.nz>; botany@parliament.govt.nz; C.Luxon@ministers.govt.nz; information@dpmc.govt.nz


8 April 2024

Rt Hon Christopher Luxon

Prime Minister of New Zealand

cc: Hon Mark Mitchell, Police Minister; Hon Paul Goldsmith, Justice Minister; Hon Judith Collins; Attorney-General; and others

Dear Prime Minister

This email follows my email, dated 27 March 2024, with the subject of "evil practice of New Zealand must end."

The undisputed fact, which must have been advised by your officials, is that New Zealand is flagrantly violating the international law by sponsoring organised crimes in the secrecy of the Court and Government.

New Zealand must have been sponsoring organised crimes, committed in the secrecy of the Court and Government, using state power for illicit ends in violation of the law for many years.

The publicly financed systemic organised crimes are very much entrenched, ubiquitous, and normalised in New Zealand, and as they are protected, supported, and concealed by the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government, the criminals are committing all kinds of crimes with impunity.

All New Zealand Courts, including the Supreme Court of New Zealand, are being used for the criminals to subvert the law and commit organised crimes in New Zealand as part of the hidden official policy of New Zealand.

You, Prime Minister of New Zealand, must act on the undisputed fact, advised by your officials.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

The United States of American must act on the undisputed fact on New Zealand's state-sponsored organised crimes

9 May 2024

American Bar Association

cc: Hon Paul Goldsmith, Justice Minister of New Zealand, Ministry of Justice; Hon Judith Collins, Attorney-General of New Zealand; and others

Dear Sir/Madam

I understand that American Bar Association is under investigation on the systemic corruption of New Zealand Judiciary

This matter is being acknowledged by the House of Lords of the United Kingdom, and may be under investigation by the United Kingdom.

The undisputed fact of state-sponsored organised crimes of New Zealand and the hidden official policy of New Zealand to use and allow to be used New Zealand Courts as the means and covers for committing all kinds of impunity in violation of the law, being protected, supported, and concealed by the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government, must be investigated and acted by the United States.

It is my wish that you ensure that the United States of America as a member of G7 push this matter as one of the agenda to be discussed at the G7 summit in Italy.

Yours sincerely

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

G7 must act on the undisputed fact on New Zealand's state-sponsored organised crimes

29 April 2024

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni

Government of Italy

cc: Rt Hon Christopher Luxon, Prime Minister of New Zealand; and others

Dear Prime Minister

I understand that Italy will host G7 summit in June of this year.

Attached, please find information on the undisputed fact of New Zealand's state-sponsored organised crimes.

There is no controversy; no one disputes the fact.

This matter requires G7 to act.

G7 must stop New Zealand and other countries similar to New Zealand from undermining the rules based order of the international community.

If you require more information on this matter, please feel free to contact me.

Yours sincerely

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

The United Kingdom must not allow New Zealand to continue violating the international law

15 April 2024

Members of Australia and New Zealand (ANZAC) All-Party Parliamentary Group

Chair & Registered Contact: Mr Andrew Rosindell MP

cc: Rt Hon Christopher Luxon, Prime Minister of New Zealand; Rt Hon Rishi Sunak, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom; Judicial Committee of the Privy Council; and others

Dear Sirs/Madams

I have been advised by the House of Lords to contact you and other members of the House of Lords and the House of the Commons, regarding the undisputed fact of New Zealand's flagrant violation of the international law.

You, as members of All-Party Parliamentary Group, interested in issues of Australia and New Zealand, must act on the undisputed fact.

Attached below, please find information on the undisputed fact of New Zealand's state-sponsored organised crimes committed in violation of the international law.

There is no political controversy as this matter is now widely known and the evidence is published on the internet for anyone to see.

The problems of New Zealand are very severe.

There is nothing anyone in the jurisdiction can do to stop the state-sponsored organised crimes which are conducted in the secrecy of the Court and Government, as part of the hidden official state policy of New Zealand.

All New Zealand Courts, including the Supreme Court of New Zealand, are being used as the means and covers for clandestine publicly financed organised crimes in violation of the laws of New Zealand and international law.

These organised crimes are protected, supported, and concealed by the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government.

Due to the state sponsorship, these crimes are extremely profitable for the criminals, and entrenched, widespread, and normalised in New Zealand.

This matter requires the United Kingdom to act.

You must not allow New Zealand to continue violating the international law.

Truly yours

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

The United Kingdom must act on the undisputed fact on flagrant violation of the international law by the state of New Zealand

8 April 2024

Lord Booth

House of the Lords

cc: Rt Hon Christopher Luxon, Prime Minister of New Zealand; Rt Hon Rishi Sunak, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom; Judicial Committee of the Privy Council; and others

Dear Lord Booth

I have been advised by the House of Lords to contact you and other members of the House of Lords and the House of the Commons, regarding the undisputed fact of New Zealand's flagrant violation of the international law.

It is my wish that you to read my email, dated 27 March 2024, below, along with several emails, attached to this email, regarding this matter.


Evil practice of New Zealand must end

27 March 2024

Rt Hon Christopher Luxon

Prime Minister of New Zealand

Dear Prime Minister

You must have been advised by your officials, by now, that New Zealand is violating the international law by sponsoring organised crimes committed in the secrecy of the Court and Government.

They are normalised and ubiquitous as part of the hidden official policy of New Zealand, and the criminals are committing all kinds of crimes with impunity, knowing that they are protected, supported, and concealed by the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government.

Severe lack of professionalism among judges, lawyers, court registrars, government agents, journalists, and academics of New Zealand, is partly blamed for the systemic organised crimes, committed in and by public institutions in New Zealand.

These crimes would not have existed if any of them has acted, but none did.


A.     Some international experts raised their voices, which were not heard.

(1)     UK medical professional  -  "With the privy council now gone, this [certain systematic organised crime in New Zealand] needs to be exposed by the media of another country. I am a medical doctor, with 3 medical science books published internationally. I am also an authority on Narcissistic Personality Disorder, sociopathy and psychopathy - and the people we are dealing with are extreme examples of this trait. However, the problem in NZ is the apathy, timidity and cognitive dissonance of the people. We have built up conclusive evidence - all in the public domain. Are there any university professors of law who have the integrity to join our fight?"

(2)     NZ practising lawyer, educated in US  -  "I have been following with great interest the numerous communications that you have sent to the PM and other members of the Establishment, without knowing whether you have managed to achieve any satisfactory resolution of the issues you have mentioned. Like you, I too have been battling the very evident pathologies in the New Zealand 'Justice' system, so far without any success to speak of, despite my being active in it for the past 17 years since my enrolment in the High Court."

(3)     US lawyer  -  "I think the courts are really the most fundamental and important part of government. If you cannot get justice, none of your rights exist," "Life liberty and property cease to exist," "I think the word you're looking for [the criminals using the Courts for systematic organised crimes] is psychopathy," "Group psychopathy," "If you can reform the New Zealand courts with the support of New Zealand people, that will be a miracle.”

B.     Published evidence was ignored and not acted upon.









What New Zealand has been doing is undermining the rules based order of the international community.

New Zealand is sending clear messages to other nations how to commit organised crimes in duplicity, while being actively engaged in the international community.

Evil practice of New Zealand must end.

Truly yours

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand


This matter requires international intervention.

Your consideration on this matter will be greatly appreciated.

Yours sincerely

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Prime Minister of New Zealand must act on the undisputed fact, advised by your officials, on flagrant violation of the international law by the state of New Zealand

8 April 2024

Rt Hon Christopher Luxon

Prime Minister of New Zealand

cc: Hon Mark Mitchell, Police Minister; Hon Paul Goldsmith, Justice Minister; Hon Judith Collins; Attorney-General; and others

Dear Prime Minister

This email follows my email, dated 27 March 2024, with the subject of "evil practice of New Zealand must end."

The undisputed fact, which must have been advised by your officials, is that New Zealand is flagrantly violating the international law by sponsoring organised crimes in the secrecy of the Court and Government.

New Zealand must have been sponsoring organised crimes, committed in the secrecy of the Court and Government, using state power for illicit ends in violation of the law for many years.

The publicly financed systemic organised crimes are very much entrenched, ubiquitous, and normalised in New Zealand, and as they are protected, supported, and concealed by the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government, the criminals are committing all kinds of crimes with impunity.

All New Zealand Courts, including the Supreme Court of New Zealand, are being used for the criminals to subvert the law and commit organised crimes in New Zealand as part of the hidden official policy of New Zealand.

You, Prime Minister of New Zealand, must act on the undisputed fact, advised by your officials.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Covering up of the organised crimes by Judicial Conduct Commissioner

6 April 2024

The Otago Daily Times

cc: Hon Mark Mitchell, Police Minister; Hon Ginny Andersen, Spokesperson for Police, Labour Party; New Zealand Police

Dear Sir/Madam

Thank you for your continuous interest on systemic organised crimes committed in New Zealand Courts and other public institutions of New Zealand.

Attached, please find the evidence of systemic organised crimes, committed in New Zealand Courts, by New Zealand Law Society, the sole and exclusive regulator of the legal profession in New Zealand, and several New Zealand lawyers, which are covered up by Alan Ritchie, Judicial Conduct Commissioner.

What you must realise is that the problems of New Zealand are very severe.

The clandestine criminal operations, using state power and institutions, are made possible by numerous criminals who are interconnected, pursuing the end of subverting the law and committing all kinds of crimes with impunity.

These organised crimes are state-sanctioned and state-sponsored.

The undisputed fact is that New Zealand is flagrantly violating the international law; it is likely that New Zealand has been committing its state-sponsored organised crimes for many years, as these organised crimes are systemic, ubiquitous, entrenched, and normalised in New Zealand.

It is my wish that your reporter investigate and report this matter for the people of New Zealand to see what is really going on in New Zealand.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

The United Kingdom must intervene on New Zealand's flagrant violation of the international law

4 April 2024

House of the Lords

cc: Judicial Committee of the Privy Council; Rt Hon Rishi Sunak MP, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom; Rt Hon Christopher Luxon MP, Prime Minister of New Zealand; Rt Hon Chris Hipkins, former Prime Minister of New Zealand & leader of the opposition; Sir Geoffrey Palmer QC, former Prime Minster of New Zealand; Hon Sir Terence Arnold; former judge of the Supreme Court of New Zealand; and others

Dear Sir/Madam

The United Kingdom must act on the undisputed fact on New Zealand's violation of the international law.

New Zealand is sponsoring organised crimes, using or otherwise allowing the use of its state power and institutions for illicit ends in violation of the law.

As the state-sponsored organised crimes are extremely profitable for New Zealand, all New Zealand Courts function as the means and covers for clandestine publicly financed organised crimes, protected, supported, and concealed by the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand as part of its hidden official policy.

These organised crimes are very much entrenched and ubiquitous, as normalised part of the governance of New Zealand.

This matter requires international intervention; no one in the jurisdiction can do anything where the state is committing all kinds of crimes with impunity.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Must contact Mander J on the undisputed systemic organised crimes committed in Christchurch High Court

31 March 2024

The Otago Daily Times

cc: Hon Mark Mitchell, Police Minister; Hon Ginny Andersen, Spokesperson for Police, Labour Party; New Zealand Police

Dear Sir/Madam

Thank you for your continuous interest on systemic organised crimes committed in New Zealand Courts.

Attached, please find numerous false documents, using Mander J for fraud.

Your reporter must contact Mander J on these organised crimes.

This matter requires public scrutiny, and the people of New Zealand should be given the chance to know the truth.

The fact is undisputed; the systemic organised crimes, using New Zealand Courts as the means and covers for committing organised crimes are entrenched and normalised in New Zealand.

It is not hard to imagine that massive damages are by the organised criminal syndicates who are committing all kinds of crimes with impunity, using state power for illicit ends.

Your reporting on this matter will help ending the evil of these systemic organised crimes and use of New Zealand Courts as the instruments for the criminals to commit their crimes in violation of the law.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Subject: What is the reason for Judicial Conduct Commissioner not contacting Mander J on the fraud?

Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2023 06:14:55 +1300

From: Tatsuhiko Koyama

To: Judicial Conduct <JudicialConduct@jcc.govt.nz>

20 December 2023

Mr Alan Ritchie

Judicial Conduct Commissioner

cc: Hon Paul Goldsmith, Justice Minister; Ministry of Justice; Hon Mark Mitchell, Police Minister; Mr Andrew Coster, Police Commissioner; Hon Judith Collins, Attorney General; Crown Law; and others

Mr Alan Ritchie

Judicial Conduct Commissioner

Dear Mr Ritchie

Attached below, please find a copy of my email to you, dated 5 December 2023.

In this email, I wrote, "Attached, please find the evidence of systemic organised crimes committed in Christchurch High Court, using the name of Justice Mander for fraud", "This matter requires response from Justice Mander."

I understand that you are refusing to contact Mander J on the forgery, committed in Christchurch High Court.

What is the reason for you as Judicial Conduct Commissioner not contacting Mander J on the fraud?

It is very important that you respond to this matter very soon.

I look forward to hearing from you on this matter very soon.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Australia must intervene on New Zealand's flagrant violation of the international law

28 March 2024

Hon Mark Dreyfus KC

Attorney General of Australia

cc: Hon Judith Collins KC, attorney general of New Zealand; Hon David Parker, shadow attorney general

Dear Hon Mark Dreyfus KC

You must act on the undisputed fact of New Zealand's flagrant violation of the international law.

New Zealand will never stop its extremely lucrative publicly financed organised crimes, using state power for criminal ends, on its own.

Systemic organised crimes committed in and by state institutions are entrenched, widespread in New Zealand.

Duplicity of New Zealand is that these organised crimes are part of the hidden official policy, as they are protected, supported, and concealed by the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government.

The undisputed fact with the published evidence will not stop New Zealand from committing all kinds of organised crimes with impunity, and the criminals know fully well that their crimes will never be investigated, prosecuted, and reported.

This normality of New Zealand and its flagrant violation of the international law must be examined by overseas experts who are not tainted with undue influence of New Zealand.

Australia must intervene on New Zealand's flagrant violation of the international law.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Evil practice of New Zealand must end

27 March 2024

Rt Hon Christopher Luxon

Prime Minister of New Zealand

cc: Hon Mark Mitchell, Police Minister; Hon Paul Goldsmith, Justice Minister; Hon Judith Collins; Attorney-General; and others

Dear Prime Minister

You must have been advised by your officials, by now, that New Zealand is violating the international law by sponsoring organised crimes committed in the secrecy of the Court and Government.

They are normalised and ubiquitous as part of the hidden official policy of New Zealand, and the criminals are committing all kinds of crimes with impunity, knowing that they are protected, supported, and concealed by the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government.

Severe lack of professionalism among judges, lawyers, court registrars, government agents, journalists, and academics of New Zealand, is partly blamed for the systemic organised crimes, committed in and by public institutions in New Zealand.

These crimes would not have existed if any of them has acted, but none did.

Margaret Heffernan in "Wilful blindness" wrote, "Wilful blindness first emerged as a legal concept in the nineteenth century. ...English judicial authorities referred to the state of mind that accompanied one who ‘wilfully shut his eyes’ as ‘connivance’ or ‘constructive knowledge’", “... Judge Simeon Lake explained: 'You may find that a defendant had knowledge of a fact if you find that the defendant deliberately closed his eyes to what would otherwise have been obvious to him. Knowledge can be inferred if the defendant deliberately blinded himself to the existence of a fact.'"

A.     Some international experts raised their voices, which were not heard.

(1)     UK medical professional  -  "With the privy council now gone, this [certain systematic organised crime in New Zealand] needs to be exposed by the media of another country. I am a medical doctor, with 3 medical science books published internationally. I am also an authority on Narcissistic Personality Disorder, sociopathy and psychopathy - and the people we are dealing with are extreme examples of this trait. However, the problem in NZ is the apathy, timidity and cognitive dissonance of the people. We have built up conclusive evidence - all in the public domain. Are there any university professors of law who have the integrity to join our fight?"

(2)     NZ practising lawyer, educated in US  -  "I have been following with great interest the numerous communications that you have sent to the PM and other members of the Establishment, without knowing whether you have managed to achieve any satisfactory resolution of the issues you have mentioned. Like you, I too have been battling the very evident pathologies in the New Zealand 'Justice' system, so far without any success to speak of, despite my being active in it for the past 17 years since my enrolment in the High Court."

(3)     US lawyer  -  "I think the courts are really the most fundamental and important part of government. If you cannot get justice, none of your rights exist," "Life liberty and property cease to exist," "I think the word you're looking for [the criminals using the Courts for systematic organised crimes] is psychopathy," "Group psychopathy," "If you can reform the New Zealand courts with the support of New Zealand people, that will be a miracle.”

B.     Published evidence was ignored and not acted upon.









What New Zealand has been doing is undermining the rules based order of the international community.

New Zealand is sending clear messages to other nations how to commit organised crimes in duplicity, while being actively engaged in the international community.

Evil practice of New Zealand must end.

Truly yours

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

International community must act and intervene on the undisputed and totally proven state-sponsored organised crimes of New Zealand

26 March 2024

United Nations Human Rights

Office of the High Commissioner

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)

Palais Wilson

52 rue des Pâquis

CH-1201 Geneva, Switzerland

Dear Sir/Madam

The international community must act and intervene on the undisputed and totally proven state-sponsored organised crimes of New Zealand.

The fact is undisputed by anyone, and there is no controversy for the involvement of the United Nations on New Zealand's flagrant violation of the international law.

Without it, what New Zealand has been doing will spread far and wide, and it may erode and collapse the rules-based orders of the international community.

This matter requires your immediate attention and urgent action.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

New Zealand Media must report the undisputed systemic corruption and organised crimes committed in and by all New Zealand Courts

26 March 2024

New Zealand Media Council

cc: Hon Melissa Lee, Minister for Media and Communication; and others

Dear Sir/Madam

I must wonder why the undisputed and proven state-sponsored organised crime of New Zealand is not investigated nor reported by New Zealand Media.

New Zealand's state-sanctioned organised crimes would not have existed if any of the media reported, alerting the public and international community, rather than publishing fake news to protect the publicly financed organised crimes committed in public institutions of New Zealand, in violation of the law.

This matter requires your immediate attention.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Unsubscribing New Zealand Listener

Subject: Can you unsubscribe my subscription of New Zealand Listener?

Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2024 11:15:10 +0900

From: Tatsuhiko Koyama

To: #NZ-Listener-Mailbox <listener@aremedia.co.nz>

Can you unsubscribe my subscription of New Zealand Listener?

Subject: RE: New Zealand must honour the United Nations' Convention against Corruption

Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2024 02:03:55 +0000

From: #NZ-Listener-Mailbox <listener@aremedia.co.nz>

To: Tatsuhiko Koyama

Please unsubscribe the Listener from your email list. This is unsolicited.

From: Tatsuhiko Koyama

Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2024 3:01 PM

To: unodc@un.org

Cc: Christopher.Luxon@parliament.govt.nz; National Leader's Office <nlo@parliament.govt.nz>; botany@parliament.govt.nz; C.Luxon@ministers.govt.nz; information@dpmc.govt.nz; W.Peters@ministers.govt.nz; Winston Peters <Winston.Peters@parliament.govt.nz>; enquiries@mfat.govt.nz; media@mfat.govt.nz; fraud@mfat.govt.nz; chris.hipkins@parliament.govt.nz; kelston.eo@parliament.govt.nz; Carmel.Sepuloni@parliament.govt.nz; david.parker@parliament.govt.nz; #NZ-Listener-Mailbox <listener@aremedia.co.nz>; odt.editorial@alliedpress.co.nz; geoffrey.palmer@vuw.ac.nz; terence.arnold@chambers.co.nz; newsdesk@nzme.co.nz; contact@newsroom.co.nz; newstips@stuff.co.nz; news@newshub.co.nz; qanda@tvnz.co.nz

Subject: New Zealand must honour the United Nations' Convention against Corruption

26 March 2024

United Nations Office On Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Vienna International Centre

PO Box 500

A 1400 Vienna


cc: Rt Hon Christopher Luxon, Prime Minister of New Zealand; Rt Hon Winston Peters, Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of Foreign Affairs; and others

Dear Sir/Madam

The undisputed fact established that New Zealand is sponsoring organised crmes in violation of the international law.

The clandestine criminal operations of New Zealand are centrally organised and publicly financed and conducted in the secrecy of the Court and Government, as part of the hidden official policy of New Zealand.

As these organised crimes are state-sanctioned, they are protected, supported, and concealed by the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government, and the criminals are using state institutions and power to commit all kinds of crimes with impunity, knowing that their crimes will never be investigated by the law enforcement, never be prosecuted in New Zealand Courts, and never be reported by the media.

These state-sanctioned organised crimes are extremely profitable due to illicit use of public instituitons which are supported by taxpayers and illegal use of state power to commit all kinds of crimes in violation of the law.

Without international intervention, New Zealand will continue to sponsor organised crimes in violation of the international law, which may result in the erosion of rules based order of the international community.

The United Nations must act, along with those countries which have power to influence New Zealand and its clandestine organised crimes.

When the fact has not been disputed by anyone for several years, and the evidence is published for anyone to see; it is the time for the United Nations to act.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand


The United Nations Convention against Corruption is the only legally binding universal anti-corruption instrument. The Convention's far-reaching approach and the mandatory character of many of its provisions make it a unique tool for developing a comprehensive response to a global problem. The Convention covers five main areas: preventive measures, criminalization and law enforcement, international cooperation, asset recovery, and technical assistance and information exchange. The Convention covers many different forms of corruption, such as bribery, trading in influence, abuse of functions, and various acts of corruption in the private sector.


New Zealand ratified the treaty on 1 Dec 2015.


New Zealand must honour the United Nations' Convention against Corruption

26 March 2024

United Nations Office On Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Vienna International Centre

PO Box 500

A 1400 Vienna


cc: Rt Hon Christopher Luxon, Prime Minister of New Zealand; Rt Hon Winston Peters, Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of Foreign Affairs; and others

Dear Sir/Madam

The undisputed fact established that New Zealand is sponsoring organised crmes in violation of the international law.

The clandestine criminal operations of New Zealand are centrally organised and publicly financed and conducted in the secrecy of the Court and Government, as part of the hidden official policy of New Zealand.

As these organised crimes are state-sanctioned, they are protected, supported, and concealed by the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government, and the criminals are using state institutions and power to commit all kinds of crimes with impunity, knowing that their crimes will never be investigated by the law enforcement, never be prosecuted in New Zealand Courts, and never be reported by the media.

These state-sanctioned organised crimes are extremely profitable due to illicit use of public institutions which are supported by taxpayers and illegal use of state power to commit all kinds of crimes in violation of the law.

Without international intervention, New Zealand will continue to sponsor organised crimes in violation of the international law, which may result in the erosion of rules based order of the international community.

The United Nations must act, along with those countries which have power to influence New Zealand and its clandestine organised crimes.

When the fact has not been disputed by anyone for several years, and the evidence is published for anyone to see; it is the time for the United Nations to act.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand


The United Nations Convention against Corruption is the only legally binding universal anti-corruption instrument. The Convention's far-reaching approach and the mandatory character of many of its provisions make it a unique tool for developing a comprehensive response to a global problem. The Convention covers five main areas: preventive measures, criminalization and law enforcement, international cooperation, asset recovery, and technical assistance and information exchange. The Convention covers many different forms of corruption, such as bribery, trading in influence, abuse of functions, and various acts of corruption in the private sector.


New Zealand ratified the treaty on 1 Dec 2015.


New Zealand Media must report the undisputed systemic corruption and organised crimes committed in and by all New Zealand Courts

26 March 2024

Mr Jeremy Wilkinson

New Zealand Herald

Dear Mr Wilkinson

I have just read "Lawyer accused of misconduct for $390k in bank transfers from family trust."


What has not been reported by New Zealand Media is that the extremely serious problems of state-sanctioned organised crimes, committed in and by all New Zealand Courts, which are protected, supported, and concealed by the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government.

This fact has not been disputed by anyone, and the evidence is published for anyone to see.

Severe lack of professionalism in judges, lawyers, court staff, bureaucrats, journalists, academics is making this illicit, clandestine publicly funded criminal operations viable in public institutions of New Zealand.

What are the reasons that you are not reporting this undisputed fact?

Perhaps, that explains why systemic organised crimes are entrenched in public institutions, and the criminals feel extremely safe in committing all kinds of crimes with impunity, knowing that their organised crimes will never be investigated, prosecuted, and reported in New Zealand.

New Zealand journalists must act with the professionalism and report what has not been reported on the obvious and flagrant violation of the law in which state institutions and power are used for criminal purposes.

Please feel free to contact me, if you require more information on this matter.

Tatsuhiko Koyama

Sir Geoffrey must act on the undisputed systemic organised crimes committed in and by all New Zealand Courts

26 March 2024

Sir Geoffrey Palmer QC

Dear Sir Geoffrey

The situation in New Zealand is dire, and you must see the undisputed fact.

All New Zealand Courts, including the Supreme Court of New Zealand, are being used as the means and covers to commit all kinds of crimes with impunity in violation of the law.

The problem of New Zealand is so severe that these organised crimes will never be investigated by the law enforcement nor nor prosecuted in any of the New Zealand Courts, making the systemic organised crimes committed in and by public institutions extremely profitable and viable in New Zealand.

These organised crimes are state-sanctioned as they are committed in all New Zealand Courts, which are protected, supported, and concealed by the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government.

The fact has not been disputed by anyone, and the evidence is published for anyone to see.

If you have any doubt, please find the fact yourself.



* You can hear an imposter, acting as a judge in the fake hearing in the High Court of New Zealand.







* These false, forged documents (all confirmed) show the systemic nature of corruption, entrenched in New Zealand (please feel free to contact me if you require copies of the false, forged documents issued by various New Zealand Courts, including the Supreme Court of New Zealand).

This matter requires your immediate attention and urgent action.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Fraud in the Supreme Court of New Zealand

25 March 2024

Judicial Committee of the Privy Council

cc: Hon Paul Goldsmith, Justice Minister of New Zealand; Hon Judith Collins; Attorney-General of New Zealand; and others

Dear Sir/Madam

I am an enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand.

New Zealand has extremely severe problems in the governance.

All New Zealand Courts, including the Supreme Court of New Zealand, are being used as the means to commit all kinds of crimes with impunity.

Regardless of this undisputed fact, this matter will never be investigated by the law enforcement nor any regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government, making the clandestine criminal operations in and by public institutions extremely profitable and continuously viable in New Zealand.

Systemic nature of the organised crimes in public institutions, using state power for criminal purposes, is very much entrenched and can be found anywhere in New Zealand.

Without international intervention, New Zealand will continue to violate the international law flagrantly.

It is likely that what New Zealand has been doing clandestinely is spreading far and wide, undermining the rules based order of the global community.

This matter requires your immediate action.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Fraud in the Supreme Court of New Zealand

25 March 2024

Hon Sir Terence Arnold

Dear Sir Terence

Attached, please find a copy of my email to Rt Hon Christopher Luxon, Prime Minister of New Zealand, with the subject of "Prime Minister of New Zealand must not condone state-sponsored organised crimes by deliberately closing his eyes to the obvious and undisputed fact."

As you are fully aware, your name was used in the systemic organised crimes, committed in the Supreme Court of New Zealand.

Not doing anything on the undisputed fact of the commission of the crime is a crime committed by you.

Margaret Heffernan in "wilful blindness” wrote: "Wilful blindness first emerged as a legal concept in the nineteenth century. ...English judicial authorities referred to the state of mind that accompanied one who ‘wilfully shut his eyes’ as ‘connivance’ or ‘constructive knowledge’", “...in the transcript of the trial of Enron CEO Jeffrey Skilling and Chairman Kenneth Lay. Instructing the jury, Judge Simeon Lake explained: 'You may find that a defendant had knowledge of a fact if you find that the defendant deliberately closed his eyes to what would otherwise have been obvious to him. Knowledge can be inferred if the defendant deliberately blinded himself to the existence of a fact.'"

Your immediate action on this matter is required.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Prime Minister of New Zealand must not condone state-sponsored organised crimes by deliberately closing his eyes to the obvious and undisputed fact

25 March 2024

Rt Hon Christopher Luxon

Prime Minister of New Zealand

cc: Hon Mark Mitchell, Police Minister; Hon Paul Goldsmith, Justice Minister; Hon Judith Collins; Attorney-General; and others

Dear Prime Minister

You must have accepted the undisputed fact, by now, that New Zealand is sponsoring organised crimes in violation of the international law.

Then, not doing anything on the undisputed fact is a crime committed by you as Prime Minister of New Zealand.

Margaret Heffernan in "wilful blindness” wrote: "Wilful blindness first emerged as a legal concept in the nineteenth century. ...English judicial authorities referred to the state of mind that accompanied one who ‘wilfully shut his eyes’ as ‘connivance’ or ‘constructive knowledge’", “...in the transcript of the trial of Enron CEO Jeffrey Skilling and Chairman Kenneth Lay. Instructing the jury, Judge Simeon Lake explained: 'You may find that a defendant had knowledge of a fact if you find that the defendant deliberately closed his eyes to what would otherwise have been obvious to him. Knowledge can be inferred if the defendant deliberately blinded himself to the existence of a fact.'"

The insidious nature of systemic organised crimes, committed in and by public institutions, is that they are centrally organised and well-coordinated by those who are controlling state machinery to subvert the law and commit crimes, as part of the hidden official policy of New Zealand.

These crimes are perfect, as no investigation done by the law enforcement or regulatory agencies, no prosecution in New Zealand Courts, and no reporting by New Zealand Media.

Those criminals are routinely using public institutions for their criminal ends, and they are protected, supported, and concealed by the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government to commit crimes in violation of the law.

Prevailing normality of New Zealand, including the norms of entrenched, systemic organised crimes committee in and by public institutions, is abnormal from dominant international perspectives.

What has been, entrenched, widespread and normalised in New Zealand must be examined and questioned from wider perspectives as now New Zealand is actively engaged in the international community.

Prime Minister of New Zealand must not condone state-sponsored organised crimes by deliberately closing his eyes to the obvious and undisputed fact.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

State-sponsored organised crimes are atrocious, illegal, wrong, evil, and normalised in New Zealand

11 March 2024

Rt Hon Christopher Luxon

Prime Minister of New Zealand

Dear Prime Minister

You must read some of the international perspectives on state-sponsored organised crimes of New Zealand.

UK medical professional  -  "With the privy council now gone, this [certain systematic organised crime in New Zealand] needs to be exposed by the media of another country. I am a medical doctor, with 3 medical science books published internationally. I am also an authority on Narcissistic Personality Disorder, sociopathy and psychopathy - and the people we are dealing with are extreme examples of this trait. However, the problem in NZ is the apathy, timidity and cognitive dissonance of the people. We have built up conclusive evidence - all in the public domain. Are there any university professors of law who have the integrity to join our fight?"

NZ practising lawyer, educated in US  -  "I have been following with great interest the numerous communications that you have sent to the PM and other members of the Establishment, without knowing whether you have managed to achieve any satisfactory resolution of the issues you have mentioned. Like you, I too have been battling the very evident pathologies in the New Zealand 'Justice' system, so far without any success to speak of, despite my being active in it for the past 17 years since my enrolment in the High Court."

US lawyer  -  "I think the courts are really the most fundamental and important part of government. If you cannot get justice, none of your rights exist," "Life liberty and property cease to exist," "I think the word you're looking for [the criminals using the Courts for systematic organised crimes] is psychopathy," "Group psychopathy," "If you can reform the New Zealand courts with the support of New Zealand people, that will be a miracle.”

You must not interpret them as the triumph of successful propaganda and indoctrination of New Zealand.

You must accept that state-sponsored organised crimes are atrocious, illegal, wrong, evil, and normalised in New Zealand.

Prevailing international morality and law are against New Zealand's hidden official policy of duplicity and clandestine criminal operations committed in and by public institutions, using state power for illicit ends, in New Zealand.

The insidious nature of New Zealand's state-sponsored organised crimes is that they will never be investigated by the law enforcement, never be prosecuted in the Court, and never be reported by the Media, making these organised crimes flagrantly committed in violation of the law,  extremely profitable, viable, and totally invisible.

New Zealand has twin cultures of particularity: (1) the culture of impunity for the criminals who use New Zealand Courts as the means and covers to commit all kinds of crimes, while being protected, supported, and concealed by the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government; and (2) the national culture of indifference among the populace who are complicit in making clandestine publicly funded criminal enterprise continuously viable and thrive in New Zealand.

Massive damages are being done in and out of New Zealand, and worse what New Zealand has been doing is spreading far and wide, undermining the rules based order of the international community.

The undisputed fact of state-sponsored organised crimes of New Zealand must be accepted, and you, as Prime Minister of New Zealand, must take leadership on this matter and act now!

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Must see the undisputed fact and reality of New Zealand and its flagrant violation of the international law

9 March 2024

Mr Peter Garrett

Dear Mr Garrett

Today, I read "Temper of the times," published in New Zealand Listener.

The public perception of New Zealand is misleading, due to public disinformation by the Government and Court of New Zealand and fake news by New Zealand Media.

You must see the undisputed fact and reality, before making any comment on New Zealand.

Attached, please find my emails on the undisputed fact of New Zealand's flagrant violation of the international law by sponsoring organised crimes.

The fact has not been disputed for several years, and the evidence published for anyone to see.

What are chances that this matter will be investigated by the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government?

They are doing the opposite, protecting, supporting, and concealing the organised crimes which are committed in and by public institutions.

The culture of impunity is extremely strong on the part of the criminals, which is complemented by the culture of indifference on the part of populace, making the clandestine criminal operations in public institutions extremely profitable and viable enterprise in New Zealand.

It is my wish that you see the undisputed fact and reality of New Zealand, before making any public comment on New Zealand.

Yours sincerely 

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

New Zealand must act on the undisputed fact of state-sponsored organised crimes!

4 March 2024

Hon Mark Mitchell

Police Minister

Dear Police Minister

What makes you act as Police Minister for the undisputed systemic organised crimes committed in and by various public institutions of New Zealand?

All New Zealand Courts, including the Supreme Court of New Zealand, are being used as the means and covers for clandestine publicly funded criminal operations of New Zealand.

These crimes are extremely serious, as they are centrally organised clandestine criminal operations as part of the hidden official policy of New Zealand.

Due to the nature of state sponsorship, these organised crimes are protected, supported, and concealed by the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand, and they are very much entrenched, widespread and can be found anywhere in New Zealand.

The fact has been established, and the evidence is published for anyone to witness.

This matter requires your leadership.

Please feel free to contact me, if you require more information on this matter.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

New Zealand must act on the undisputed fact of state-sponsored organised crimes!

4 March 2024

Rt Hon Christopher Luxon MP

Prime Minister of New Zealand

cc: Rt Hon Chris Hipkins, leader, Labour Party; Rt Hon Winston Peters, Deputy Prime Minister; Hon David Seymour, Deputy Prime Minister; Hon Paul Goldsmith, Justice Minister of New Zealand; Hon Judith Collins; Attorney-General of New Zealand; and others

Dear Prime Minister

You, as Prime Minister of New Zealand, must act on the undisputed fact of state-sponsored organised crimes, committed in violation of the international law.

These crimes are centrally organised in and by state institutions of New Zealand as part of the hidden official policy of New Zealand.

As such, they are protected, supported, and concealed by the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government, making them extremely profitable and viable criminal operations in New Zealand.

They are very systemic, entrenched and can be found anywhere in New Zealand, and all New Zealand Courts, including the Supreme Court of New Zealand, are used as the means and covers to commit clandestine publicly funded organised crimes in New Zealand.


You can personally witness state-sponsored organised crimes of New Zealand.



* You can hear an imposter, acting as a judge in the fake hearing in the High Court of New Zealand.







* These false, forged documents (all confirmed) show the systemic nature of corruption, entrenched in New Zealand (please feel free to contact me if you require copies of the false, forged documents issued by various New Zealand Courts, including the Supreme Court of New Zealand).

New Zealand requires international intervention due to its flagrant violation of the international law.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Must act on the undisputed fact of New Zealand flagrantly violating the international law

2 March 2024

Dear Sirs/Madams

I am a Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand.

International community must unite and intervene on the undisputed fact of New Zealand's organised crimes in violation of the international law.

All New Zealand Courts, including the Supreme Court of New Zealand, are New Zealand's instruments to commit all kinds of crimes with impunity, protected, supported, and concealment by the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government.

These publicly funded organised crimes, committed in and by public institutions, are very systemic, entrenched, and can be found anywhere in New Zealand.

These organised crimes are state-sponsored organised crimes of New Zealand, and are centrally organised and well-coordinated as part of the hidden official policy of New Zealand.

Unfortunately, no New Zealand Media will report on this matter in New Zealand, making the publicly funded rackets invisible; they are extremely profitable criminal enterprise of New Zealand.

You can personally witness the atrocity of state-sponsored organised crimes of New Zealand.



* You can hear an imposter, acting as a judge in the fake hearing in the High Court of New Zealand.







* These fake, forged documents (all confirmed) show the systemic nature of corruption, entrenched in New Zealand.

You must act on the undisputed fact of New Zealand flagrantly violating the international law.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

International Bar Association must act and stop the clandestine systemic organised crimes committed in all New Zealand Courts

27 February 2024

International Bar Association

Chancery House

53-64 Chancery Lane



United Kingdoms

cc: Hon Paul Goldsmith, Justice Minister of New Zealand; Hon Judith Collins; Attorney-General of New Zealand; Justice Committee of New Zealand Parliament

Dear Sir/Madam

The undisputed fact shows that New Zealand sponsors organised crimes in its jurisdiction in violation of the international law.

These clandestine criminal operations are centrally organised and well coordinated as part of the hidden official policy of New Zealand Government.

Due to the protection, support, and concealment provided by the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government, these organised crimes are very much entrenched and can be found anywhere in New Zealand.

It is likely that what New Zealand has been doing clandestinely is spreading far and wide, undermining the rules based order of the global community.

International Bar Assocation must act and stop the clandestine systemic organised crimes committed all New Zealand Courts, including the Supreme Courtr of New Zealand.

If you require more information than what I have provided in this email, including attachments, please feel free to contact me.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Japan must act on the undisputed fact of state-sponsored organised crimes of New Zealand

27 February 2024

Embassy of Japan

Wellington, New Zealand

Dear Sir/Madam

The undisputed fact shows that New Zealand sponsors organised crimes in its jurisdiction in violation of the international law.

These clandestine criminal operations are centrally organised and well coordinated as part of the hidden official policy of New Zealand Government.

Due to the protection, support, and concealment provided by the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government, these organised crimes are very much entrenched and can be found anywhere in New Zealand.

It is likely that what New Zealand has been doing clandestinely is spreading far and wide, undermining the rules based order of the global community.

This matter requires Japan to act, along with other major powers, such as US, UK, EU, ensuring that New Zealand end its state-sponsored organised crimes and comply with the international law.

If you require more information than what I have provided in this email, including attachments, please feel free to contact me.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Now, all New Zealand Courts are being used as the means and covers to commit all kinds of crimes with impunity in violation of the international law

22 February 2024

Judicial Committee of the Privy Council

cc: Hon Paul Goldsmith, Justice Minister of New Zealand; Hon Judith Collins; Attorney-General of New Zealand; and others

Dear Sir/Madam

I am an enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand.

New Zealand has extremely severe problems in the governance.

All New Zealand Courts, including the Supreme Court of New Zealand, are being used as the means to commit all kinds of crimes with impunity.

Regardless of this undisputed fact, this matter will never be investigated by the law enforcement nor any regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government, making the clandestine criminal operations in and by public institutions extremely profitable and continuously viable in New Zealand.

Systemic nature of the organised crimes in public institutions, using state power for criminal purposes, is very much entrenched and can be found anywhere in New Zealand.

Without international intervention, New Zealand will continue to violate the international law flagrantly.

It is likely that what New Zealand has been doing clandestinely is spreading far and wide, undermining the rules based order of the global community.

This matter requires your immediate action.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

New Zealand must warn on its clandestine criminal operations committed in and by public institutions of New Zealand

15 February 2024

Rt Hon Christopher Luxon MP

Prime Minister of New Zealand

cc: Rt Hon Chris Hipkins, leader, Labour Party; Rt Hon Winston Peters, Deputy Prime Minister; Hon David Seymour, Deputy Prime Minister; and others

Dear Prime Minister

You, as Prime Minister of New Zealand, must act on the undisputed fact of systemic corruption and organised crimes committed in and by public institutions of New Zealand.

Systemic organised crimes committed in and by public institutions, including all New Zealand Courts, are centrally-organised and well-coordinated criminal operations of New Zealand.

They are integral part of the hidden official policy of New Zealand.

Due to the state sponsorship, these clandestine criminal operations are extremely profitable as all New Zealand Courts, including the Supreme Court of New Zealand, are the means and covers for the criminal operations, protected, supported, concealed by the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government.

The modus operandi is very much established and entrenched.

Normalisation of systemic organised crimes using state power and institutions, along with the culture of impunity on the part of criminals, are the result of state-sponsorship of New Zealand.

The seriousness of situations in New Zealand requires your immediate attention and urgent action.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Subject: Response from Crown Law Office

Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2024 15:22:44 +1300

From: Tatsuhiko Koyama

14 February 2024

Mr Andrew Coster

Police Commissioner

New Zealand Police

cc: Hon Mark Mitchell, Police Minister; Hon Ginny Andersen, Spokesperson for police, Labour Party; and others

Dear Police Commissioner

Today, I received a letter, attached, from Crown Law Office, stating: "The Crown Law Office does not itself conduct criminal investigations or prosecutions. Any complaint about alleged criminal offending should be made to the Police."

Attached, please find copies of emails from Hon Poto Williams, then Police Minister, stating, "We have transferred your matter onto Police National Headquarters to consider," and Hon Mark Mitchell, current Police Minister stating, "please do be assured that what you have raised is noted."

New Zealand has very serious problems: the undisputed fact shows that all New Zealand Courts, including the Supreme Court of New Zealand, are used as the means and covers for the organised criminal syndicates to commit all kinds of crimes with impunity.

You can personally witness this matter.



* You can hear an imposter, acting as a judge in the fake hearing in the High Court of New Zealand.







* These fake, forged documents (all confirmed) show the systemic nature of corruption, entrenched in New Zealand. If you require copies of these documents, please feel free to contact me.

For your information, Mr Andrew Straw, US lawyer and notary, issued his opinion on some of fake, forged documents, issued by New Zealand Courts.

* I attached a copy of his opinion for your information.

For your information, Ombudsman issued the reference number of 005846 on this matter.

This matter requires your immediate attention and criminal investigation by New Zealand Police.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Response from Crown Law Office

14 February 2024

Mr Andrew Coster

Police Commissioner

New Zealand Police

cc: Hon Mark Mitchell, Police Minister; Hon Ginny Andersen, Spokesperson for police, Labour Party; and others

Dear Police Commissioner

Today, I received a letter, attached, from Crown Law Office, stating: "The Crown Law Office does not itself conduct criminal investigations or prosecutions. Any complaint about alleged criminal offending should be made to the Police."

Attached, please find copies of emails from Hon Poto Williams, then Police Minister, stating, "We have transferred your matter onto Police National Headquarters to consider," and Hon Mark Mitchell, current Police Minister stating, "please do be assured that what you have raised is noted."

New Zealand has very serious problems: the undisputed fact shows that all New Zealand Courts, including the Supreme Court of New Zealand, are used as the means and covers for the organised criminal syndicates to commit all kinds of crimes with impunity.

You can personally witness this matter.



* You can hear an imposter, acting as a judge in the fake hearing in the High Court of New Zealand.







* These fake, forged documents (all confirmed) show the systemic nature of corruption, entrenched in New Zealand. If you require copies of these documents, please feel free to contact me.

For your information, Mr Andrew Straw, US lawyer and notary, issued his opinion on some of fake, forged documents, issued by New Zealand Courts.

* I attached a copy of his opinion for your information.

For your information, Ombudsman issued the reference number of 005846 on this matter.

This matter requires your immediate attention and criminal investigation by New Zealand Police.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Subject: Response to your emails [CLO-DOCS.SOL115.1350.FID504984]

Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2024 01:51:38 +0000

From: Crown Law Office (Criminal)

To: Tatsuhiko Koyama

Please find attached letter of today’s date from Briar Charmley.

Kind regards

Te Tari Ture o te Karauna Crown Law Office

19 Aitken Street | PO Box 2858 | Wellington 6011

Fwd: Attorney General must investigate the undisputed systemic organised crimes committed in New Zealand Courts and other public institutions

12 February 2024

Hon Paul Goldsmith

Justice Minister

cc: Ministry of Justice; and others

Dear Justice Minister

This email is to remind you of the very serious problems of the justice system of New Zealand.

All New Zealand Courts, including the Supreme Court of New Zealand, are being used as the means and covers for the organised criminal syndicates to commit all kinds of crimes with impunity.

These centrally-organised and well-coordinated criminal operations are conducted in the secrecy of the Court and Government.

Due to the nature of state-sponsored and government-sanctioned organised crimes, these crimes will never be investigated by the law enforcement nor regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government, making the clandestine criminal operations in and by public institutions invisible and viable.

Needless to say, New Zealand is in breach of the international law by sponsoring organised crimes which are committed in the secrecy of the Court and Government of New Zealand.

Normalisation and widespread of systemic organised crimes in public institutions of New Zealand are the evidence and consequence of clandestine criminal operations in state institutions, using state power for criminal ends, in New Zealand.

This matter requires your immediate attention and urgent action.

If you require more information than what I have provided, please feel free to contact me.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Attorney General must investigate the undisputed systemic organised crimes committed in New Zealand Courts and other public institutions

7 February 2024

Hon Judith Collins


Dear Attorney General

This email is to remind you of the undisputed fact of systemic organised crimes committed in New Zealand Courts, including the Supreme Court of New Zealand, along with several government agencies.

For your information, this matter has the reference number of 005846 at Ombudsman.

Due to the commission of organised crimes committed in New Zealand Courts and other public institutions of New Zealand, this matter must be investigated you, as Attorney General, along with New Zealand Police.

For your information, please find copies of the emails of Hon Mark Mitchell and Hon Nicola Willis acknowledging this matter.

If you require more information than what I have provided, please feel free to contact me.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Subject: Who are preventing the police from conducting criminal investigation on the undisputed organised crimes?

Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2024 09:19:38 +1300

From: Tatsuhiko Koyama

To: Christopher.Luxon@parliament.govt.nz <Christopher.Luxon@parliament.govt.nz>, National Leader's Office <nlo@parliament.govt.nz>, botany@parliament.govt.nz <botany@parliament.govt.nz>, C.Luxon@ministers.govt.nz, information@dpmc.govt.nz <information@dpmc.govt.nz>

CC: chris.hipkins@parliament.govt.nz, Winston Peters <winston.peters@parliament.govt.nz>, W.Peters@ministers.govt.nz, David.Seymour@parliament.govt.nz, D.Seymour@ministers.govt.nz

24 January 2024

Rt Hon Christopher Luxon MP

Prime Minister of New Zealand

cc: Rt Hon Chris Hipkins, leader, Labour Party; Rt Hon Winston Peters, Deputy Prime Minister; Hon David Seymour, Deputy Prime Minister

Dear Prime Minister

This email follows from my previous email, dated 18 January 2024, "Prime Minister must see the reality of systemic corruption of public institutions of New Zealand - part 2."

Now, you, as Prime Minister of New Zealand, must ask some simple questions.

(1)     Who are preventing the police from conducting criminal investigation on the undisputed organised crimes?

(2)     Why are the police covering up the systemic organised crimes committed in public institutions in New Zealand?

The systemic organised crimes exist in public institutions in New Zealand -- because of the state sponsorship.

They are centrally organised and coordinated, and entrenched and widespread in New Zealand -- because they are state-sponsored organised crimes.

Now, you must ask another simple question.

(3)     Are you going to ensure that New Zealand Police contact Justice Mander on the organised crimes committed in Christchurch High Court for using his name for fraud?

If you are not, you are part of the problem.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

New Zealand requires international intervention for its sponsoring organised crimes in violation of the international law

29 January 2024

To whom it may concern

The international community must unite and intervene on New Zealand and its state-sponsored organised crimes.

The fact has never been disputed by anyone, and now several members of New Zealand Parliament have even acknowledged it.

Without the intervention, New Zealand will not stop its extremely lucrative clandestine criminal operations, using state power and institutions for criminal ends.

The international community has the duty to intervene and stop the rogue state for sponsoring organised crimes in violation of the international law.

There is no political controversy for the international community to act on the undisputed fact.

This matter requires your immediate attention and urgent action.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Who are preventing the police from conducting criminal investigation on the undisputed organised crimes?

24 January 2024

Rt Hon Christopher Luxon MP

Prime Minister of New Zealand

cc: Rt Hon Chris Hipkins, leader, Labour Party; Rt Hon Winston Peters, Deputy Prime Minister; Hon David Seymour, Deputy Prime Minister

Dear Prime Minister

This email follows from my previous email, dated 18 January 2024, "Prime Minister must see the reality of systemic corruption of public institutions of New Zealand - part 2."

Now, you, as Prime Minister of New Zealand, must ask some simple questions.

(1)     Who are preventing the police from conducting criminal investigation on the undisputed organised crimes?

(2)     Why are the police covering up the systemic organised crimes committed in public institutions in New Zealand?

The systemic organised crimes exist in public institutions in New Zealand -- because of the state sponsorship.

They are centrally organised and coordinated, and entrenched and widespread in New Zealand -- because they are state-sponsored organised crimes.

Now, you must ask another simple question.

(3)     Are you going to ensure that New Zealand Police contact Justice Mander on the organised crimes committed in Christchurch High Court for using his name for fraud?

If you are not, you are part of the problem.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Systemic organised crimes committed in Christchurch High Court, covered up by Judicial Conduct Commissioner

23 January 2024

Hon Ginny Andersen

Spokesperson for Police

Labour Party

cc: New Zealand Police; Hon Mark Mitchell, Police Minister; Hon Rachel Brooking, MP for Dunedin; and others

Dear Hon Ginny Andersen

This email follows my previous email, dated 22 January 2024, "Organised crimes committed by EQC, Southern Response, and others."

Attached, please find information on systemic organised crimes, committed in Christchurch High Court, using the name of Mander J for fraud, which has been covered up by Mr Alan Ritchie, acting as Judicial Conduct Commissioner.

You must ask some simple and straightforward questions on this matter.

(1)     How difficult is it for the police to contact Mander J and ask him to produce a letter with his genuine signature on it?

* The police can use the letter for conducting forensic document examination, which can easily verify the conclusion and confirmation of forgery, by Mr Andrew Straw, US expert on handwriting (his analysis on this matter, done on or around 6 May 2016, is attached).

(2)     If the police are prevented from contacting Mander J on the undisputed systemic organised crimes, committed in Christchurch High Court, then, who should make the police accountable for the perverting the course of justice?

New Zealand has some very serious problems in the governance.

This matter requires your urgent action.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Subject: Reference number 005846 - Response from Judicial Conduct Commissioner

Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2024 13:56:23 +1300

From: Tatsuhiko Koyama

To: info@ombudsman.parliament.nz

CC: P.Goldsmith@ministers.govt.nz, paul.goldsmith@parliament.govt.nz <paul.goldsmith@parliament.govt.nz>, Mark.Mitchell@parliament.govt.nz, M.Mitchell@ministers.govt.nz, Andrew.coster@police.govt.nz <Andrew.coster@police.govt.nz>, duncan.webb@parliament.govt.nz <duncan.webb@parliament.govt.nz>, chchcentral@parliament.govt.nz <chchcentral@parliament.govt.nz>, criminal@crownlaw.govt.nz, contactus@justice.govt.nz <contactus@justice.govt.nz>, complaints@justice.govt.nz, official.correspondence@justice.govt.nz, ginny.andersen@parliament.govt.nz, ginny.andersenMP@parliament.govt.nz, rachel.brooking@parliament.govt.nz <rachel.brooking@parliament.govt.nz>, J.Collins@ministers.govt.nz, Judith.Collins@parliament.govt.nz, judith.collinspapakura@parliament.govt.nz, david.parker@parliament.govt.nz <david.parker@parliament.govt.nz>, listener@aremedia.co.nz, PhilTwyford.EA@parliament.govt.nz, Celia.Horner@parliament.govt.nz, news@tvnz.co.nz <news@tvnz.co.nz>, qanda@tvnz.co.nz <qanda@tvnz.co.nz>, news@newshub.co.nz <news@newshub.co.nz>, newstips@stuff.co.nz <newstips@stuff.co.nz>

12 January 2024


cc: Hon Paul Goldsmith, Justice Minister; Ministry of Justice; Hon Mark Mitchell, Police Minister; Mr Andrew Coster, Police Commissioner; Hon Judith Collins, Attorney General; Crown Law; and others

Dear Sir/Madam

Today, I received a response from Mr Alan Ritchie, Judicial Conduct Commissioner.

Attached, please find a letter of Mr Ritchie, dated 10 January 2024.

For your information, I lodged a complaint on this matter with your office on 5 December 2023, with the subject of "Reference number 005846 - Organised crimes committed in Christchurch High Court - using the name of Mander J for fraud" (attached, please find a copy of my email (PDF)).

Also, for your information, I made an enquiry to the Judicial Conduct Commissioner on 20 December 2023 regarding this matter, with the subject of "What is the reason for Judicial Conduct Commissioner not contacting Mander J on the fraud? (please find a copy of my email (PDF)).

Needless to say, Mr Ritchie is obstructing the course of justice in violation of the Crimes Act 1961.

This matter requires criminal investigation due to the apparent and obvious commission of the organised crimes in committed in Christchurch High Court, using the name of Mander J for fraud, and subsequent obstruction of the course of justice by Mr Ritchie acting as the judicial conduct commissioner.

Attached, please find the series of the false, forged documents, using the name of Mander J for fraud.

I understand that New Zealand Police can conduct forensic document examination on the false, forged documents.


New Zealand Police on its website, states, "The Document Examination Section is based in Wellington. It provides forensic investigation of documents associated with crime and other matters, for police and private clients. This includes using a range of scientific techniques to determine the authenticity and/or origin of documents and examining hand writing and signatures to determine authorship."


If you require more information on this matter, please feel free to contact me.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Organised crimes committed by EQC, Southern Response, and others 

22 January 2024

Hon Ginny Andersen

Spokesperson for Police

Labour Party

cc: New Zealand Police; Hon Mark Mitchell, Police Minister; Hon Rachel Brooking, MP for Dunedin; and others

Dear Hon Ginny Andersen

This email follows my previous email, dated 19 January 2024, "Police Minister responded on the state-sponsored organised crimes of New Zealand."

Attached, please find information on organised crimes, committed by EQC, Southern Response, and others.

The fact clearly establishes the commission of organised crimes by EQC, Southern Response, and others.

This matter requires criminal investigation by New Zealand Police.

It is my wish that the Labour Party will put pressure on the National Party-led coalition government on this matter, ensuring that the police are instructed to investigate the organised crimes.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Subject: Reference number 005846 - Response from EQC

Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2023 10:32:06 +1300

From: Tatsuhiko Koyama

To: info@ombudsman.parliament.nz

CC: Mark.Mitchell@parliament.govt.nz, mark.mitchellmp@parliament.govt.nz <mark.mitchellmp@parliament.govt.nz>, M.Mitchell@ministers.govt.nz, Stuart.Smith@parliament.govt.nz, megan.woods@parliament.govt.nz, megan.woodsmp@parliament.govt.nz

21 December 2023


cc: Hon Mark Mitchell, Minister responsible for Earthquake Commission;  Mr Stuart Smith, MP for Kaikoura;  Hon Dr Megan Woods, MP for Wigram

Dear Sir/Madam

I would like provide further information on the reference matter of 005846.

Today, I received a letter from EQC, dated 19 December 2023, attached.

This letter does not have the name of the author, except stating "Principal Advisor Government Relations."

This letter was emailed by Alexia Darby-Braddock,  Principal Advisor | Government Relations, EQC.

This letter states, "The name of any assessor appointed to assess a property for a reopened claim would be shared with the customer, along with the names of the appointed claim Settlement Specialist or Claim Manager," "You have the right to ask the Ombudsman to investigate and review this response."

This is another refusal by EQC to answer the following questions:

(a) Does EQC has any policy or procedure to conduct second assessment on settled claim?

(b) If there is, does your assessor conduct such second assessment without actually visiting the property for the assessment?

(c) Is there any reason that EQC cannot provide the name of the assessor on the second assessment on the claim?

For your information, I attached my email, dated 14 November 2023, and email from EQC, dated 23 November 2023, on this matter.

Due to the repeated refusal to answer the questions, this matter requires criminal investigation for the apparent and obvious fraud, committed by EQC.

Please feel free to contact me, if you require more information on this matter.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Police Minister responded on the state-sponsored organised crimes of New Zealand

19 January 2024

Hon Ginny Andersen

Spokesperson for Police

Labour Party

cc: New Zealand Police; Hon Mark Mitchell, Police Minister; Hon Rachel Brooking, MP for Dunedin; and others

Dear Hon Ginny Andersen

Yesterday, I received a response from Hon Mark Mitchell, Police Minister, regarding the state-sponsored organised crimes of New Zealand (please see a copy of his email, attached below).

I understand that now Police Minister is aware of the state-sponsored organised crimes of New Zealand.

But, I am very much concerned whether Police Minister will actually instruct New Zealand Police to investigate this matter.

Needless to say, if Police Minister is going to cover up the organised crimes, then he will be committing a crime under the Crimes Act 1961, but what are the chances that New Zealand Police will investigate and arrest Police Minister?

For your information, this matter was referred by Hon Poto Williams, then Police Minister, on or around 8 March 2022 (please see a copy of her email, attached), but so far nothing has happened.

Naturally, I am concerned whether this matter is going to be buried or otherwise continued to be suppressed, even though the fact of commissioning of the organised crimes has not been disputed by anyone and the evidence is published for anyone to see.



* Please feel free to contact me if you cannot download the false, forged documents.

It is my wish that the Labour Party will put pressure on the National Party-led coalition government on this matter.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Police Minister responded (18 January 2024)

Dear Tatsuhiko

On behalf of the Minister of Police, I acknowledge your email of 30 November 2023.

Thank you for taking the time to write, please do be assured that what you have raised is noted.

Ngā Mihi,


Police – Correspondence Administrator | Office of Hon Mark Mitchell

Minister of Corrections | Minister for Emergency Management and Recovery

Minister of Police | MP for Whangaparaoa

Website: www.Beehive.govt.nz

Private Bag 18041, Parliament Buildings, Wellington 6160, New Zealand

From: Tatsuhiko Koyama

Sent: Thursday, 30 November 2023 4:41 PM

To: Hon Mark Mitchell <Mark.Mitchell@parliament.govt.nz>

Subject: National Party-led coalition government must act immediately on the state-sponsored organised crimes of New Zealand

30 November 2023

Hon Mark Mitchell

Minister of Police

Dear Police Minister

I understand that it is the mandate of New Zealand Police to act on the undisputed systemic organised crimes, committed in New Zealand.

You, as Police Minister, must ensure that New Zealand Police act on the fact.

For your information, regarding this matter, I responses from several members of New Zealand Parliament, including Nicola Willis MP, deputy leader of National Party; Stuart Smith MP, National Party; Hon Dr Megan Woods MP, then Minister for Building and Construction, Labour Party; Hon Phil Twyford MP, Labour Party (please see copies of their emails, attached).

This matter requires your immediate attention and urgent action.

If you require more information on this matter, please feel free to contact me.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Subject: National Party-led coalition government must act immediately on the state-sponsored organised crimes of New Zealand

Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2023 09:47:26 +1300

From: Tatsuhiko Koyama

To: Chris.Bishop@parliament.govt.nz

CC: Kieran.Mcanulty@parliament.govt.nz

30 November 2023

Hon Chris Bishop MP

cc: Hon Kieran McAnulty MP

Dear Mr Bishop

Government must act on the undisputed fact of systemic organised crimes committed in public institutions.

The modus operandi of using state power for criminal ends is very much established in New Zealand, as systemic organised crimes are everywhere in New Zealand.

The norm of New Zealand must change.

New Zealand national culture, enabling the clandestine criminal operations in public institutions, must change.

It is my wish that the National Party-led coalition government act immediately on this matter.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Subject: Message from Rt Hon Theresa May, former prime minister of the United Kingdom

Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2023 07:49:48 +1300

From: Tatsuhiko Koyama

To: Christopher Luxon <Christopher.Luxon@parliament.govt.nz>, National Leader's Office <nlo@parliament.govt.nz>, botany@parliament.govt.nz, information@dpmc.govt.nz <information@dpmc.govt.nz>

CC: Enquiries.wellington@fcdo.gov.uk, mayt@parliament.uk, sharkeyj@parliament.uk, breakfast@tvnz.co.nz <breakfast@tvnz.co.nz>

30 November 2023

Rt Hon Christopher Luxon

Prime Minister of New Zealand

Dear Prime Minister

The undisputed fact shows that New Zealand is a rogue state, sponsoring organised crimes in violation of the international law.

Systemic nature of clandestine criminal operations in public institutions, using state power for illicit ends, must be considered as state-sponsored organised crimes, because these organised crimes are state-sanctioned as they are protected, supported, and supported by the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government.

The modus operandi of clandestine organised crimes is very much established, entrenched, and can be found everywhere in New Zealand.

Normalisation of organised crimes in public institutions and using state power for criminal ends in violation of the law is what makes the situation in New Zealand extremely sinister and very difficult to deal with in the jurisdiction where the Court, law enforcement, regulatory agencies, and media are united, interconnected to ensure the continuous viability of the clandestine criminal operations in the state institutions.

At this time, I would like to read a few passages from "the abuse of power" written by Rt Hon Theresa May, former prime minister of the United Kingdom, following:

Thus seeing the role of PM as a position of power could all too easily lead to abuse of that power. To a sense that you are set apart, above the rules. That there is one rule for you and another for everyone else. This attitude is not unique to politicians. It is seen elsewhere in the public sector and in the private sector too. It has led to a world where all too often people have taken certain decisions or undertaken certain actions simply because they could.

Sadly, this often combined with a desire to protect not only the individual taking the decision but the organisation of which they are a part. There is often a sense that protection of the institution  is more important than fairness, justice or seeking the truth. (p. 5)

It is highly recommended for New Zealand to seek international intervention, making it possible for New Zealand to establish the rules of law and proper constitutional governance in the jurisdiction.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Prime Minister must see the reality of systemic corruption of public institutions of New Zealand - part 2

18 January 2024

Rt Hon Christopher Luxon MP

Prime Minister of New Zealand

cc: Rt Hon Chris Hipkins, leader, Labour Party; Rt Hon Winston Peters, Deputy Prime Minister; Hon David Seymour, Deputy Prime Minister; and others

Dear Prime Minister

This email follows from my previous email, dated 16 January 2024, "Prime Minister must see the reality of systemic corruption of public institutions of New Zealand."

Attached, please find evidence of systemic organised crimes, committed in the Court of Appeal.

These false, forged documents simply represent just a tip of iceberg of systemic organised crimes committed in all New Zealand Courts, including the Supreme Court of New Zealand, as you have seen.

By personally witnessing the series of false, forged documents, created and used in New Zealand, you will appreciate the extent of corruption in public institutions of New Zealand where clandestine criminal operations are part of modus operandi.

Normalisation of using New Zealand Courts as the means and covers for the organised criminal syndicates to commit all kinds of crimes with impunity exists  because the protection, support, and concealment provided by the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government.

If you require more information than what I have provided, please feel free to contact me.

This matter requires your immediate attention and action.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Subject: Fraud in the Court of Appeal

Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2023 15:55:57 +1300

From: Tatsuhiko Koyama

To: Judicial Conduct <JudicialConduct@jcc.govt.nz>

19 December 2023

Mr Alan Ritchie

Judicial Conduct Commissioner

Dear Mr Ritchie

Attached, please find the evidence of fraud committed in the Court of Appeal.

If you require more information on this matter, please feel to contact me

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand


(1)     Paul Collins, Barrister, Shortland Chambers, sent his letter, dated 12 November 2013, with the false, forged document "Judgment of the Court Dated: 8 November 2013."

(f-1)     "Judgment of the Court Dated: 8 November 2013" enclosed in the letter of Paul Collins, dated 12 November 2013

* This document falsely states, "At 3:00pm on 17 April 2013, the Court of Appeal of New Zealand…delivered a judgment… The Court of Appeal determined:…The applicant must pay the respondent costs for a standard application on a band A basis and disbursements. With reference to Order C, the Court of Appeal orders the applicant to pay costs to the respondent in the sum of $3,383.00 and disbursements in the sum of $635.10…"

The following facts clearly establish this is a false statement.

(2) Paul Collins submitted four documents on the costs application, which was LATER than 17 April 2013, increasing the costs from $2,386.90 to $4,018.10 (these documents are attached).

(f-2)     Document, dated 24 April 2013: $2,386.90 ($1,782.00 + $604.90), enclosed in the letter of Paul Collins, dated 24 April 2013

(f-3)     Document, dated 26 April 2013: $2,848.90 ($2,244.00 + $604.90), enclosed in the letter of Paul Collins, dated 26 April 2013

(f-4)     Document, dated 22 May 2013: $2,879.10 ($2,244.00 + $635.10), enclosed in the letter of Paul Collins, dated 22 May 2013

(f-5)     Document, dated 6 November 2013: $4,018.10 ($3,383.00 + $635.10), enclosed in the letter of Paul Collins, dated 6 November 2013

(3) Clare O’Brien, Registrar, Court of Appeal, in her email, dated 8 November 2013, wrote, "the Orders were sealed and returned to Mr Collins on the day they were received in this office."

(f-6)     Email of Clare O'Brien, registrar, Court of Appeal, dated 11 November 2013

The evidence clearly establishes that the Court of Appeal (O’Regan P, Wild and White JJ) did not make the seal order, dated 8 November 2013, at 3:00 pm on 17 April 2013, as stated in the document, dated 8 November 2013.

Prime Minister must see the reality of systemic corruption of public institutions of New Zealand

16 January 2024

Rt Hon Christopher Luxon MP

Prime Minister of New Zealand

cc: Rt Hon Chris Hipkins, leader, Labour Party; Rt Hon Winston Peters, Deputy Prime Minister; Hon David Seymour, Deputy Prime Minister

Dear Prime Minister

This email follows from my previous email, dated 15 January 2024, "Prime Minister of New Zealand must act on the undisputed fact of organised crimes committed in Wellington High Court - part 2."

In my previous emails, you saw the evidence of organised crimes, committed in Wellington High Court, using the names of Clifford J and Collins J for fraud, and this is in addition to the evidence of the organised crimes, committed in the Supreme Court of New Zealand.

Due to the systemic nature of corruption in New Zealand Judiciary, organised crimes are committed in all New Zealand Courts, without any exception; please see the collection of false, forged documents, used in various New Zealand Courts, published in my website.


* Please feel free to contact me if you cannot download the false, forged documents.

Systemic organised crimes committed in New Zealand Courts do not exist in isolation, but are part of the centrally organised and coodinated state-sponsored organised crimes of New Zealand.

You, as Prime Minister of New Zealand, must see the reality of systemic corruption of public institutions of New Zealand.

Normalisation of using New Zealand Courts as the means and covers to carry out publicly funded clandestine criminal enterprise, state-sponsored organsed crimes of New Zealand, must end.

This matter requires your immediate attention and urgent action.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Subject: Covering up of the organised crimes by Judicial Conduct Commissioner

Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2023 16:57:58 +1300

From: Tatsuhiko Koyama

To: Judicial Conduct <JudicialConduct@jcc.govt.nz>

CC: P.Goldsmith@ministers.govt.nz, paul.goldsmith@parliament.govt.nz <paul.goldsmith@parliament.govt.nz>, Mark.Mitchell@parliament.govt.nz, M.Mitchell@ministers.govt.nz, Andrew.coster@police.govt.nz <Andrew.coster@police.govt.nz>, duncan.webb@parliament.govt.nz <duncan.webb@parliament.govt.nz>, chchcentral@parliament.govt.nz <chchcentral@parliament.govt.nz>, criminal@crownlaw.govt.nz, contactus@justice.govt.nz <contactus@justice.govt.nz>, complaints@justice.govt.nz, official.correspondence@justice.govt.nz, ginny.andersen@parliament.govt.nz, ginny.andersenMP@parliament.govt.nz, rachel.brooking@parliament.govt.nz <rachel.brooking@parliament.govt.nz>, J.Collins@ministers.govt.nz, Judith.Collins@parliament.govt.nz, judith.collinspapakura@parliament.govt.nz, david.parker@parliament.govt.nz <david.parker@parliament.govt.nz>, info@ombudsman.parliament.nz, listener@aremedia.co.nz, PhilTwyford.EA@parliament.govt.nz, Celia.Horner@parliament.govt.nz, news@tvnz.co.nz <news@tvnz.co.nz>, qanda@tvnz.co.nz <qanda@tvnz.co.nz>, news@newshub.co.nz <news@newshub.co.nz>, newstips@stuff.co.nz <newstips@stuff.co.nz>, Kelston Electorate Office (Carmel Sepuloni) <KelstonElectorateOffice.CarmelSepuloni@parliament.govt.nz>, Sheralynn.Tonu'u@parliament.govt.nz, Carmel.Sepuloni@parliament.govt.nz, megan.woods@parliament.govt.nz, megan.woodsmp@parliament.govt.nz, information@dpmc.govt.nz <information@dpmc.govt.nz>, C.Luxon@ministers.govt.nz, Christopher.Luxon@parliament.govt.nz <Christopher.Luxon@parliament.govt.nz>, National Leader's Office <nlo@parliament.govt.nz>, botany@parliament.govt.nz <botany@parliament.govt.nz>, chris.hipkins@parliament.govt.nz

20 December 2023

Mr Alan Ritchie

Judicial Conduct Commissioner

cc: Hon Paul Goldsmith, Justice Minister; Ministry of Justice; Hon Mark Mitchell, Police Minister; Mr Andrew Coster, Police Commissioner; Hon Judith Collins, Attorney General; Crown Law; and others

Mr Alan Ritchie

Judicial Conduct Commissioner

Dear Mr Ritchie

Attached, please find a copy of my email to Ombudsman, dated 8 December 2023.

Needless to say,  you received this email as this email was copied to you.

The website of Judicial Conduct Commissioner states the following:

In May 2023, Mary Ollivier, LLB was appointed as Deputy Commissioner. Ms Ollivier is the Commissioner at a dispute resolution organisation and spent over twenty years at the former Wellington District Law Society and then the New Zealand Law Society in professional standards and regulatory capacities, including a 15-month period as its Acting Executive Director.


Now, please see the email, 8 December 2023, attached.

This email states the following:

Mary Ollivier, General Manager Regulatory, New Zealand Law Society, made a false affidavit in the undisputed bankruptcy fraud committed in the High Court of New Zealand: "Affidavit of Mary Elizabeth Olliver in support of interlocutory application without notice for substituted service on judgement debtor SWORN 9 SEPTEMBER 2015."

* This is a false document and was created on 2 October 2015, NOT on 9 September 2015, in her effort to conceal the non-existent hearing in Dunedin High Court on 18 September 2015.

Your action on 19 December 2023 of sending me your decision, dated 18 December 2023, must be treated as your effort to cover up the organised crimes in which your deputy was involved.

I understand that you continue to refuse to respond on your refusal to contact any of the judges whose names were used for the fraud.

I send this email to you so that you will have an opportunity to respond on this matter.

As stated in my previous email, "I remain waiting for your reply on this matter."

I hope you will respond to this matter very soon.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Subject: Reference number 005846 - Bankruptcy fraud and bank robbery

Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2023 08:21:10 +1300

From: Tatsuhiko Koyama

To: info@ombudsman.parliament.nz >> Info <info@ombudsman.parliament.nz>

CC: contactus@justice.govt.nz, complaints@justice.govt.nz, official.correspondence@justice.govt.nz, judicialconduct@jcc.govt.nz, paul.goldsmithmp@parliament.govt.nz, paul.goldsmith@parliament.govt.nz, duncan.webb@parliament.govt.nz, chchcentral@parliament.govt.nz, oia@crownlaw.govt.nz, criminal@crownlaw.govt.nz, gjb@lcc.co.nz, bh@raydon.co.nz

8 December 2023


cc: Ministry of Justice; Judicial Conduct Commissioner; Hon Paul Goldsmith, Justice Minister; Dr Duncan Webb MP, Justice spokesperson, Labour Party; Crown Law; and others

Dear Sir/Madam

This is part 3 of the evidence of the organised crimes committed in relation to the insurance fraud, committed by EQC and Southern Response.

This email deals with the subsequent organised crimes committed, in relation to the insurance fraud committed by EQC and Southern Response and the series of organised crimes committed in Christchurch High Court and the Court of Appeal on this matter.

(c-1) Southern Response along with New Zealand Law Society used New Zealand Courts for bankruptcy fraud and bank robbery, aided by Insolvency and Trustee Service, Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (Rob McDonald, deputy assignee, Terry Marshall, MBIE).

(c-2)     Tina Chiles, executive assistance, regulatory, New Zealand Law Society, sent an email, dated 16 October 2014, extorting $37,157.98, using undisputed false, forged documents.

* Regarding the series of forgery, I will send another email on this matter later.

(c-3)     Mitch Singh, Associate, Glaister Ennor, used the false, forged, document, dated 28 May 2014, using the name of Clifford J for fraud, extorting $12,738.00.

* Regarding this forgery, I will send another email on this matter later.

(c-4)     Mary Ollivier, General Manager Regulatory, New Zealand Law Society, made a false affidavit in the undisputed bankruptcy fraud committed in the High Court of New Zealand: "Affidavit of Mary Elizabeth Olliver in support of interlocutory application without notice for substituted service on judgement debtor SWORN 9 SEPTEMBER 2015."

* This is a false document and was created on 2 October 2015, NOT on 9 September 2015, in her effort to conceal the non-existent hearing in Dunedin High Court on 18 September 2015.

* This false affidavit was sent by Brian Sceats, Deputy Registrar, Dunedin High Court, on 2 October 2015.

* There is a false, forged, document, dated 18 September 2015, on this matter: "Judgment of Associate Judge Osborne as to substituted service of bankruptcy notice" with an digital image of the signature of Associate Judge Osborne on the document.

* There is NO practice in the High Court of New Zealand to file a document as the original without actual signature of the person who created the document; it is forgery per se.

(c-5)     Mitch Singh, Associate, Glaister Ennor, added several more false, forged documents and increased the extorted amount to $46,310.48.

* Regarding the series of forgery, I will send another email on this matter later.

(c-6)     Hayley McKee, Senior Associate, Glaister Ennor, sent "Order adjudicating debtor bankrupt dated 3 March 2016," signed and sealed by D. McMillan, Deputy Registrar, New Zealand High Court, extorting $7,003.75.




* This is the evidence of fake hearing in Dunedin High Court on 3 March 2016.

FAKE NEWS PUBLISHED on 18 March 2016

Hamish McNeilly, Dunedin Bureau Chief, Stuff, attended the FAKE HEARING and published FAKE NEWS with false information which was not available to him nor could not be found anywhere in the public (fed false information), on 18 March 2016: “Decade-long legal stoush ends with lawyer declared bankrupt.”


* It is highly likely that New Zealand Law Society fed the false information to Hamish McNeilly to spread public disinformation on the bankruptcy fraud committed in the High Court of New Zealand, perhaps being feared that the recording of the FAKE HEARING was published in YouTube.

(c-7)     Email to Hamish McNeilly, on 1 April 2016


There was a concerted effort to remove the incriminating evidence of the FAKE HEARING published in YouTube.

(c-8)     "MINUTE OF DAVIDSON J (following memorandum of counsel for judgment creditor dated 9 March 2016 in relation to alleged recording of hearing by judgment debtor)," dated 12 April 2016, a false, forged document, using the name of Davidson J of Christchurch High Court for fraud, was sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court.

* This false, forged document states, "Mr Koyama is given the opportunity to respond to the memorandum of counsel dated 9 March 2016. He should respond given that he is said to be in breach of the Court's order that the hearing not be recorded. His response may be made by memorandum in the first instance, or otherwise as he considers appropriate by way of a proceeding in this Court. If so, it should be filed within 10 working days of this minute i.e. Wednesday 27 April 2016 at 5.00pm..."

* The fact proves itself; the recording of the FAKE HEARING still exists in the public domain.


(c-9)     Grant Slevin, Senior Investigating Solicitor, Insolvency and Trustee Service, Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, in his email, dated 12 December 2016, wrote, "Please find attached by way of filing and service a memorandum of counsel for the Assignee and an affidavit of service. I will file the originals by post today. I would be grateful if you could refer it to Associate Judge Osborne and let me know in due course if my appearance on Thursday 15 December is excused."

(c-10)     Grant Slevin, Solicitor for the Official Assignee, in his memorandum, dated 12 December 2016, wrote, "...counsel submits the hearing scheduled for 15 December should be vacated and a date in January 2017 allocated for a determination on the papers, or if the need arises, a case management conference by way of telephone conference. Counsel requests that his appearance on 15 December 2016 be excused."

(c-11)     "JUDGMENT OF ASSOCIATE JUDGE OSBORNE annulling adjudication," dated 13 December 2016, was sent twice by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, unsigned on 13 December 2016, one with a digital image of Associate Judge Osborne on 4 January 2017.

* There is NO practice in the High Court of New Zealand to file a document as the original without actual signature of the person who created the document; it is forgery per se.

(c-12)     Grant Slevin, Senior Investigating Solicitor, Insolvency and Trustee Service, Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, in his email, dated 23 December 2016, wrote, "If what you say is true you have committed an offence under s 433(f) Insolvency Act 2006 by leaving New Zealand without the Assignee’s consent. A person who commits this offence is liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or a fine not exceeding $5,000, or both."

The evidence, attached to this email, clearly establish the commission of series organised crimes committed by several actors, including New Zealand Law Society, law firms, lawyers, court officials (Ministry of Justice), government officials (Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment), and journalist (Stuff).

I will send more information regarding this matter later.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Organised crimes committed in Wellington High Court, using the name of Collins J for fraud

14 January 2024

Mr Alan Ritchie

Judicial Conduct Commissioner

cc: Hon Paul Goldsmith, Justice Minister; Ministry of Justice; Hon Mark Mitchell, Police Minister; Mr Andrew Coster, Police Commissioner; Hon Judith Collins, Attorney General; Crown Law; Ombudsman; and others

Dear Mr Ritchie

This email follows my email to you, dated 13 January 2024, titled, "Organised crimes committed in Wellington High Court, using the name of Clifford J for fraud."

As for my previous email, I am wondering if you have any inclination to contact Collins J on the organised crimes, using his name for fraud, committed in Wellington High Court.

Attached, please find a copy of my email, dated 19 December 2023, to you.

This matter requires your immediate response.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Subject: Fraud in Wellington High Court, using the name of Collins J for fraud

Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2023 16:08:41 +1300

From: Tatsuhiko Koyama

To: Judicial Conduct <JudicialConduct@jcc.govt.nz>

19 December 2023

Mr Alan Ritchie

Judicial Conduct Commissioner

Dear Mr Ritchie

Attached, please find the evidence of organised crimes committed in Wellington High Court, using the name of Collins J for fraud.

If you require more information on this matter, please feel to contact me

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand


(1)     There was NO hearing in Wellington High Court on 20 August 2014 in the case of CIV-2014-485-002343.

* There is no record in Wellington High Court to verify that there was a hearing in the Court on this matter on 20 August 2014.

(e-1)     "Legal discussion before the Hon Justice D Collins" sent by Michaela Stack, court registry office, High Court of New Zealand, on 8 September 2014

* This fake transcript was created and used for fraud.

* It is not possible to create a transcript without the recording from which to transcribe, and Wellington High Court cannot produce a copy of the recording of the hearing.

(2) The High Court of New Zealand did not have the jurisdiction to hear the case on 20 August 2014, since the Supreme Court of New Zealand had the jurisdiction on the case since 15 August 2014.

(e-2)     Letter of Supreme Court of New Zealand, dated 15 August 2014, by Ani chan, case officer, Supreme Court of New Zealand

(3) "Judgment dated 14 October 2014" falsely states, "This proceeding was heard on 20 August 2014 at Wellington before the Honourable Justice Collins, who, having heard from Paul Collins, counsel for the first respondent, and Helen Carrad, counsel for the second respondent, gives judgment that...The first respondent is entitled to scale 2B costs in the sum of $7,064.50 and disbursement of $50, set out in Schedule 1; The second respondent is entitled to scale 2B costs in the sum of $1,840.75, set out in Schedule 2."

(e-3)     "Judgment  Dated: 14 October" enclosed in the letter of Paul Collins, dated 21 November 2014

(4)     Helen Carrad, Crown Counsel, Crown Law, in her letter, dated 24 December 2014, attached, falsely states, "Following the judgment of Justice Collins [dated 14 October 2014, NOT 20 August 2014], counsel for the NZLS and counsel for the Attorney-General filed costs schedules in the High Court which set out the costs incurred by each party..."

(e-4)     Letter of Crown Law, dated 24 December 2014, by Helen Carrad, Crown counsel

* There was NO submissions by the parties on the costs.

* Wellington High Court cannot produce copies of the costs submissions by the parties in the case.

Organised crimes committed in Wellington High Court, using the name of Clifford J for fraud

13 January 2024

Mr Alan Ritchie

Judicial Conduct Commissioner

cc: Hon Paul Goldsmith, Justice Minister; Ministry of Justice; Hon Mark Mitchell, Police Minister; Mr Andrew Coster, Police Commissioner; Hon Judith Collins, Attorney General; Crown Law; Ombudsman; and others

Dear Mr Ritchie

I am wondering if you have any inclination to contact Clifford J on the organised crimes, using his name for fraud, committed in Wellington High Court.

Attached, please find a copy of my email, dated 19 December 2023, to you.

This matter requires your immediate response.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Subject: Fraud in Wellington High Court, using the name of Clifford J for fraud

Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2023 16:02:36 +1300

From: Tatsuhiko Koyama

To: Judicial Conduct <JudicialConduct@jcc.govt.nz>

19 December 2023

Mr Alan Ritchie

Judicial Conduct Commissioner

Dear Mr Ritchie

Attached, please find the evidence of organised crimes committed in Wellington High Court, using the name of Clifford J for fraud.

If you require more information on this matter, please feel to contact me

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand


(1)     There was NO hearing in Wellington High Court on 16 April 2014 in the case of CIV-2013-485-006873.

* There is no record in Wellington High Court to verify that there was a hearing in the Court on this matter on 16 April 2014.

(d-1)     "Legal discussion before the Hon Justice Clifford" sent by Michaela Stack, court registry office, High Court of New Zealand, on 8 September 2014

* This fake transcript was created and used for fraud.

* It is not possible to create a transcript without the recording from which to transcribe, and Wellington High Court cannot produce a copy of the recording of the hearing.

(2)     On 3 June 2014, Paul Collins emailed to Michaela Stack, Deputy Registrar, Wellington High Court, with four documents attached (letter, dated 3 June 2014; memorandum, dated 3 June 2014; "Judgment Dated:  June 2014"; "Order of the Court (costs) Dated:  June 2014").

(d-2)     Email of Paul Collins, dated 3 June 2014, with the attachments

(d-3)     "Judgment  Dated: 28 May 2014" enclosed in the letter of Paul Collins, dated 9 June 2014

* The date of submission of the four documents is 3 June 2014 which was later than 28 May 2014, the date when Anna Smith, Deputy Registrar, the High Court of New Zealand, supposedly signed and sealed.

* "Judgment  Dated: 28 May 2014" falsely states, "This proceeding was heard on 16 April 2014 at Wellington before the Honourable Justice Clifford, who, having heard from Paul Collins...gives judgement..."

Reference number 005846 - Response from Judicial Conduct Commissioner

12 January 2024


cc: Hon Paul Goldsmith, Justice Minister; Ministry of Justice; Hon Mark Mitchell, Police Minister; Mr Andrew Coster, Police Commissioner; Hon Judith Collins, Attorney General; Crown Law; and others

Dear Sir/Madam

Today, I received a response from Mr Alan Ritchie, Judicial Conduct Commissioner.

Attached, please find a letter of Mr Ritchie, dated 10 January 2024.

For your information, I lodged a complaint on this matter with your office on 5 December 2023, with the subject of "Reference number 005846 - Organised crimes committed in Christchurch High Court - using the name of Mander J for fraud" (attached, please find a copy of my email (PDF)).

Also, for your information, I made an enquiry to the Judicial Conduct Commissioner on 20 December 2023 regarding this matter, with the subject of "What is the reason for Judicial Conduct Commissioner not contacting Mander J on the fraud? (please find a copy of my email (PDF)).

Needless to say, Mr Ritchie is obstructing the course of justice in violation of the Crimes Act 1961.

This matter requires criminal investigation due to the apparent and obvious commission of the organised crimes in committed in Christchurch High Court, using the name of Mander J for fraud, and subsequent obstruction of the course of justice by Mr Ritchie acting as the judicial conduct commissioner.

Attached, please find the series of the false, forged documents, using the name of Mander J for fraud.

I understand that New Zealand Police can conduct forensic document examination on the false, forged documents.


New Zealand Police on its website, states, "The Document Examination Section is based in Wellington. It provides forensic investigation of documents associated with crime and other matters, for police and private clients. This includes using a range of scientific techniques to determine the authenticity and/or origin of documents and examining hand writing and signatures to determine authorship."


If you require more information on this matter, please feel free to contact me.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

New Zealand requires international intervention for its flagrant violation of the international law

11 January 2024

Rt Hon Winston Peters

Deputy Prime Minister

Foreign Affairs Minister

cc: Hon David Parker, Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs, Labour Party; and others

Dear Mr Peters

Today, belatedly, I read "Collision crossroads," written by Dr Peter Grace, lecturer, politics, University of Otago, published in New Zealand Listener, 13-19 January 2024.

In this article, Dr Grace wrote, "Peters has already pooh-poohed the idea of New Zealand having an 'independent' foreign policy, saying all states consider themselves to be independent. He also implied that values are not something we own exclusively, but which collectively drive the rules-based order."

I must wonder what you think of New Zealand as sponsoring organised crimes in violation of the international law, undermining "the rules-based order."

Needless to say, New Zealand's centrally organising and coordinating clandestine criminal operations in public institutions, using state power for criminal ends, must be considered as state-sponsored organised crimes.

These criminal operations exist in New Zealand because of the protection, support, and concealment provided the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government.

No one has disputed this fact for several years (and the evidence is published), and this fact is not controversial.

The systemic organised crimes committed in public institutions are modus operandi of New Zealand for which no question can be asked, no investigation can be done, no reporting can be allowed.

These crimes are very much entrenched and can be found everywhere in New Zealand, as the crimes are normalised and routinely committed in public institutions of New Zealand.

This matter requires international intervention, so that the people of New Zealand will be able to see the undisputed fact from different angles, giving them a sense of objective reality provided by the multiple perspectives of the international community.

This matter requires your immediate and urgent action.

Your truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

New Zealand requires international intervention for its flagrant violation of the international law

11 January 2024

Dear Sir/Madam

New Zealand requires international intervention for its flagrant violation of the international law.

The undisputed fact clearly indicates that New Zealand is sponsoring organised crimes in the secrecy.

In New Zealand, judicial institutions, including the Supreme Court of New Zealand, are used as the means and covers for the clandestine criminal operations, in violation of the law,  protected, supported, and concealed by the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government.

The systemic nature of criminal operations in public institutions clearly indicates that the clandestine criminal operations are centrally organised, coordinated, and executed as part of the hidden enduring state policy of New Zealand.

We must not allow New Zealand to use or otherwise allow its state institutions and state power for criminal purposes in violation of the international law.

The fact is undisputed, and it is the time for the international community to intervene on New Zealand's state-sponsored organised crimes.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Subject: Fraud in the Supreme Court of New Zealand and covering up by Judicial Conduct Commissioner

Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2023 08:24:32 +1300

From: Tatsuhiko Koyama

To: Judicial Conduct <JudicialConduct@jcc.govt.nz>

CC: terence.arnold@chambers.co.nz, P.Goldsmith@ministers.govt.nz, paul.goldsmith@parliament.govt.nz <paul.goldsmith@parliament.govt.nz>, Mark.Mitchell@parliament.govt.nz, M.Mitchell@ministers.govt.nz, Andrew.coster@police.govt.nz <Andrew.coster@police.govt.nz>, duncan.webb@parliament.govt.nz <duncan.webb@parliament.govt.nz>, chchcentral@parliament.govt.nz <chchcentral@parliament.govt.nz>, criminal@crownlaw.govt.nz, contactus@justice.govt.nz <contactus@justice.govt.nz>, complaints@justice.govt.nz, official.correspondence@justice.govt.nz, ginny.andersen@parliament.govt.nz, ginny.andersenMP@parliament.govt.nz, rachel.brooking@parliament.govt.nz <rachel.brooking@parliament.govt.nz>, J.Collins@ministers.govt.nz, Judith.Collins@parliament.govt.nz, judith.collinspapakura@parliament.govt.nz, david.parker@parliament.govt.nz <david.parker@parliament.govt.nz>, info@ombudsman.parliament.nz, listener@aremedia.co.nz, PhilTwyford.EA@parliament.govt.nz, Celia.Horner@parliament.govt.nz, news@tvnz.co.nz <news@tvnz.co.nz>, qanda@tvnz.co.nz <qanda@tvnz.co.nz>, news@newshub.co.nz <news@newshub.co.nz>, newstips@stuff.co.nz <newstips@stuff.co.nz>, Kelston Electorate Office (Carmel Sepuloni) <KelstonElectorateOffice.CarmelSepuloni@parliament.govt.nz>, Sheralynn.Tonu'u@parliament.govt.nz, Carmel.Sepuloni@parliament.govt.nz, megan.woods@parliament.govt.nz, megan.woodsmp@parliament.govt.nz, information@dpmc.govt.nz <information@dpmc.govt.nz>, C.Luxon@ministers.govt.nz, Christopher.Luxon@parliament.govt.nz <Christopher.Luxon@parliament.govt.nz>, National Leader's Office <nlo@parliament.govt.nz>, botany@parliament.govt.nz <botany@parliament.govt.nz>, chris.hipkins@parliament.govt.nz, contact@newsroom.co.nz <contact@newsroom.co.nz>, yournews@nzherald.co.nz <yournews@nzherald.co.nz>

21 December 2023

Mr Alan Ritchie

Judicial Conduct Commissioner

cc: Hon Paul Goldsmith, Justice Minister; Ministry of Justice; Hon Mark Mitchell, Police Minister; Mr Andrew Coster, Police Commissioner; Hon Judith Collins, Attorney General; Crown Law; and others

Mr Alan Ritchie

Judicial Conduct Commissioner

Dear Mr Ritchie

This email follows my previous emails, dated 20 December 2023, with the subjects of "What is the reason for Judicial Conduct Commissioner not contacting Mander J on the fraud?" "Crimes Act 1961 - what is obvious and undisputed must be accepted by New Zealand authorities," "Covering up of the organised crimes by Judicial Conduct Commissioner."

At this time, I would like to re-send you my email, dated 19 December 2023, attached below with the attachments.

It does not make any sense for you as Judicial Conduct Commissioner not making any enquiry on the fraud in which various names of judges of New Zealand Courts were used for committing all kinds of crimes.

Would it be your responsibility as Judicial Conduct Commissioner to contact those judges whose names were used for the systemic organised crimes committed in New Zealand Courts?

If you are covering the systemic organised crimes, then, your refusal to contact any of the judges whose names were used for the fraud must be considered as a crime.

So, I again ask you to respond on this matter.

I hope to receive your reply on this matter very soon.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Subject: Fraud in the Supreme Court of New Zealand

Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2023 16:28:22 +1300

From: Tatsuhiko Koyama

To: Judicial Conduct <JudicialConduct@jcc.govt.nz>

CC: terence.arnold@chambers.co.nz, Mark.Mitchell@parliament.govt.nz, M.Mitchell@ministers.govt.nz, Andrew.coster@police.govt.nz <Andrew.coster@police.govt.nz>

19 December 2023

Mr Alan Ritchie

Judicial Conduct Commissioner

cc: Hon Sir Terence Arnold, Thorndon Chambers; Hon Mark Mitchell, Police Minister; Mr Andrew Coster, Police Commissioner

Dear Mr Ritchie

I understand that you are seeking evidence on the systemic organised crimes committed in New Zealand Courts.

Attached, please find several evidence of false, forged documents, issued by the Supreme Court of New Zealand.

Given the fact that the name of Arnold J was used for the fraud, I copied this email to Hon Sir Terence Arnold.

Also, given the fact that the organised crimes were committed in New Zealand, I copied this email to Hon Mark Mitchell, Police Minister and Mr Andrew Coster, Police Commissioner.

If you require more information on this matter, please feel to contact me

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand



(1)     Paul Collins, Barrister, Shortland Chambers, sent "Judgment of the Court Dated: 20 October 2014" enclosed in his letter, dated 28 October 2014, extorting $2,550, using the false, forged document, dated 28 October 2014.

(h-1)     "Judgment of the Court Dated: 20 October 2014" enclosed in the letter of Paul Collins, dated 28 October 2014

(2)     On 20 October 2014, Ani Chan, case officer, Supreme Court, wrote, "The Court has received both your application for recall (dated 12 October 2014) and your application for leave to appeal (dated 15 October 2014)."

(h-2)     Letter of Ani Chan, case officer, Supreme Court, dated 20 October 2014

* Needless to say, once the application for leave to appeal was accepted by the Supreme Court, there should not be any decision made on the costs application in the case.


(3)     On 10 October 2014, Ani Chan, case officer, Supreme Court, sent "Judgment of the Court," dated 10 October 2014.

(h-3)     "Judgment of the Court," dated 10 October 2014, unsigned

(h-3)     Email of Ani Chan, case officer, Supreme Court, dated 10 October 2014

(h-3)     "Notice of result of application for leave to appeal," dated 10 October 2014, signed and sealed by Gordon Thatcher, registrar, Supreme Court

(4)     On 13 October 2014, Gordon Thatcher, registrar, Supreme Court, sent "Judgment of the Court," dated 10 October 2014, signed.

(h-4)     "Judgment of the Court," dated 10 October 2014, signed

(h-4)     Email of Gordon Thatcher, registrar, Supreme Court, dated 13 October 2014


(5)     The signature of Arnold J in the document, dated 10 October 2014, was examined by a handwritten expert.

Mr Andrew Straw, a US lawyer and public notary, was provided with three documents with the signatures of Mr Terence Arnold, Solicitor-General and Chief Executive, Crown Law Office, dated 30 June 2004, 30 May 2005, and 30 June 2007.

(h-5)     Report of Crown Law Office for the year ended 30 June 2004, signed by Terence Arnold, Solicitor-General and Chief Executive

(h-5)     Crown Law Office Statement of Intent for the year ending 30 June 2005, signed by Terence Arnold, Solicitor-General

(h-5)     Crown Law Office Statement of Intent for the year ending 30 June 2007, signed by Terence Arnold, Solicitor-General and Chief Executive

(6)     Mr Andrew Straw in "Analysis of signatures for detection of forgery," dated 6 May 2016, wrote, "...the letter A in Arnold is more angular and narrow in the true signatures than the one above. There appears to be no letter r in the first name in signature above, while the r in the true signatures is quite pronounced and consistent even over the course of 3 years. I believe there is a strong chance that a different person wrote the above signature, given the many differences."

(h-6)     "Analysis of signatures for detection of forgery," dated 6 May 2016, by Andrew Straw

(7)     The signature of Sir Terence Arnold is found in "Report of the Government Inquiry into Operation Burnham and related matters," published in July 2020.


* The signature on this document, dated July 2020, is similar to the signatures of the three above-mentioned documents, published by Crown Law Office.

* The signature on this document, dated July 2020, is different the signature found in the Supreme Court document, dated 10 October 2014, further conforming the forgery detected by Mr Andrew Straw.


(8)     New Zealand Police on its website, states, "The Document Examination Section is based in Wellington. It provides forensic investigation of documents associated with crime and other matters, for police and private clients. This includes using a range of scientific techniques to determine the authenticity and/or origin of documents and examining hand writing and signatures to determine authorship."


Reference number 005846 - Response from EQC

21 December 2023


cc: Hon Mark Mitchell, Minister responsible for Earthquake Commission;  Mr Stuart Smith, MP for Kaikoura;  Hon Dr Megan Woods, MP for Wigram

Dear Sir/Madam

I would like provide further information on the reference matter of 005846.

Today, I received a letter from EQC, dated 19 December 2023, attached.

This letter does not have the name of the author, except stating "Principal Advisor Government Relations."

This letter was emailed by Alexia Darby-Braddock,  Principal Advisor | Government Relations, EQC.

This letter states, "The name of any assessor appointed to assess a property for a reopened claim would be shared with the customer, along with the names of the appointed claim Settlement Specialist or Claim Manager," "You have the right to ask the Ombudsman to investigate and review this response."

This is another refusal by EQC to answer the following questions:

(a) Does EQC has any policy or procedure to conduct second assessment on settled claim?

(b) If there is, does your assessor conduct such second assessment without actually visiting the property for the assessment?

(c) Is there any reason that EQC cannot provide the name of the assessor on the second assessment on the claim?

For your information, I attached my email, dated 14 November 2023, and email from EQC, dated 23 November 2023, on this matter.

Due to the repeated refusal to answer the questions, this matter requires criminal investigation for the apparent and obvious fraud, committed by EQC.

Please feel free to contact me, if you require more information on this matter.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Fraud in the Supreme Court of New Zealand and covering up by Judicial Conduct Commissioner

21 December 2023

Mr Alan Ritchie

Judicial Conduct Commissioner

cc: Hon Paul Goldsmith, Justice Minister; Ministry of Justice; Hon Mark Mitchell, Police Minister; Mr Andrew Coster, Police Commissioner; Hon Judith Collins, Attorney General; Crown Law; and others

Mr Alan Ritchie

Judicial Conduct Commissioner

Dear Mr Ritchie

This email follows my previous emails, dated 20 December 2023, with the subjects of "What is the reason for Judicial Conduct Commissioner not contacting Mander J on the fraud?" "Crimes Act 1961 - what is obvious and undisputed must be accepted by New Zealand authorities," "Covering up of the organised crimes by Judicial Conduct Commissioner."

At this time, I would like to re-send you my email, dated 19 December 2023, attached below with the attachments.

It does not make any sense for you as Judicial Conduct Commissioner not making any enquiry on the fraud in which various names of judges of New Zealand Courts were used for committing all kinds of crimes.

Would it be your responsibility as Judicial Conduct Commissioner to contact those judges whose names were used for the systemic organised crimes committed in New Zealand Courts?

If you are covering the systemic organised crimes, then, your refusal to contact any of the judges whose names were used for the fraud must be considered as a crime.

So, I again ask you to respond on this matter.

I hope to receive your reply on this matter very soon.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Covering up of the organised crimes by Judicial Conduct Commissioner

20 December 2023

Mr Alan Ritchie

Judicial Conduct Commissioner

cc: Hon Paul Goldsmith, Justice Minister; Ministry of Justice; Hon Mark Mitchell, Police Minister; Mr Andrew Coster, Police Commissioner; Hon Judith Collins, Attorney General; Crown Law; and others

Mr Alan Ritchie

Judicial Conduct Commissioner

Dear Mr Ritchie

Attached, please find a copy of my email to Ombudsman, dated 8 December 2023.

Needless to say,  you received this email as this email was copied to you.

The website of Judicial Conduct Commissioner states the following:

In May 2023, Mary Ollivier, LLB was appointed as Deputy Commissioner. Ms Ollivier is the Commissioner at a dispute resolution organisation and spent over twenty years at the former Wellington District Law Society and then the New Zealand Law Society in professional standards and regulatory capacities, including a 15-month period as its Acting Executive Director.


Now, please see the email, 8 December 2023, attached.

This email states the following:

Mary Ollivier, General Manager Regulatory, New Zealand Law Society, made a false affidavit in the undisputed bankruptcy fraud committed in the High Court of New Zealand: "Affidavit of Mary Elizabeth Olliver in support of interlocutory application without notice for substituted service on judgement debtor SWORN 9 SEPTEMBER 2015."

* This is a false document and was created on 2 October 2015, NOT on 9 September 2015, in her effort to conceal the non-existent hearing in Dunedin High Court on 18 September 2015.

Your action on 19 December 2023 of sending me your decision, dated 18 December 2023, must be treated as your effort to cover up the organised crimes in which your deputy was involved.

I understand that you continue to refuse to respond on your refusal to contact any of the judges whose names were used for the fraud.

I send this email to you so that you will have an opportunity to respond on this matter.

As stated in my previous email, "I remain waiting for your reply on this matter."

I hope you will respond to this matter very soon.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Subject: Reference number 005846 - Bankruptcy fraud and bank robbery

Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2023 08:21:10 +1300

From: Tatsuhiko Koyama

To: info@ombudsman.parliament.nz >> Info <info@ombudsman.parliament.nz>

CC: contactus@justice.govt.nz, complaints@justice.govt.nz, official.correspondence@justice.govt.nz, judicialconduct@jcc.govt.nz, paul.goldsmithmp@parliament.govt.nz, paul.goldsmith@parliament.govt.nz, duncan.webb@parliament.govt.nz, chchcentral@parliament.govt.nz, oia@crownlaw.govt.nz, criminal@crownlaw.govt.nz, gjb@lcc.co.nz, bh@raydon.co.nz

8 December 2023


cc: Ministry of Justice; Judicial Conduct Commissioner; Hon Paul Goldsmith, Justice Minister; Dr Duncan Webb MP, Justice spokesperson, Labour Party; Crown Law; and others

Dear Sir/Madam

This is part 3 of the evidence of the organised crimes committed in relation to the insurance fraud, committed by EQC and Southern Response.

This email deals with the subsequent organised crimes committed, in relation to the insurance fraud committed by EQC and Southern Response and the series of organised crimes committed in Christchurch High Court and the Court of Appeal on this matter.

(c-1) Southern Response along with New Zealand Law Society used New Zealand Courts for bankruptcy fraud and bank robbery, aided by Insolvency and Trustee Service, Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (Rob McDonald, deputy assignee, Terry Marshall, MBIE).

(c-2)     Tina Chiles, executive assistance, regulatory, New Zealand Law Society, sent an email, dated 16 October 2014, extorting $37,157.98, using undisputed false, forged documents.

* Regarding the series of forgery, I will send another email on this matter later.

(c-3)     Mitch Singh, Associate, Glaister Ennor, used the false, forged, document, dated 28 May 2014, using the name of Clifford J for fraud, extorting $12,738.00.

* Regarding this forgery, I will send another email on this matter later.

(c-4)     Mary Ollivier, General Manager Regulatory, New Zealand Law Society, made a false affidavit in the undisputed bankruptcy fraud committed in the High Court of New Zealand: "Affidavit of Mary Elizabeth Olliver in support of interlocutory application without notice for substituted service on judgement debtor SWORN 9 SEPTEMBER 2015."

* This is a false document and was created on 2 October 2015, NOT on 9 September 2015, in her effort to conceal the non-existent hearing in Dunedin High Court on 18 September 2015.

* This false affidavit was sent by Brian Sceats, Deputy Registrar, Dunedin High Court, on 2 October 2015.

* There is a false, forged, document, dated 18 September 2015, on this matter: "Judgment of Associate Judge Osborne as to substituted service of bankruptcy notice" with an digital image of the signature of Associate Judge Osborne on the document.

* There is NO practice in the High Court of New Zealand to file a document as the original without actual signature of the person who created the document; it is forgery per se.

(c-5)     Mitch Singh, Associate, Glaister Ennor, added several more false, forged documents and increased the extorted amount to $46,310.48.

* Regarding the series of forgery, I will send another email on this matter later.

(c-6)     Hayley McKee, Senior Associate, Glaister Ennor, sent "Order adjudicating debtor bankrupt dated 3 March 2016," signed and sealed by D. McMillan, Deputy Registrar, New Zealand High Court, extorting $7,003.75.




* This is the evidence of fake hearing in Dunedin High Court on 3 March 2016.

FAKE NEWS PUBLISHED on 18 March 2016

Hamish McNeilly, Dunedin Bureau Chief, Stuff, attended the FAKE HEARING and published FAKE NEWS with false information which was not available to him nor could not be found anywhere in the public (fed false information), on 18 March 2016: “Decade-long legal stoush ends with lawyer declared bankrupt.”


* It is highly likely that New Zealand Law Society fed the false information to Hamish McNeilly to spread public disinformation on the bankruptcy fraud committed in the High Court of New Zealand, perhaps being feared that the recording of the FAKE HEARING was published in YouTube.

(c-7)     Email to Hamish McNeilly, on 1 April 2016


There was a concerted effort to remove the incriminating evidence of the FAKE HEARING published in YouTube.

(c-8)     "MINUTE OF DAVIDSON J (following memorandum of counsel for judgment creditor dated 9 March 2016 in relation to alleged recording of hearing by judgment debtor)," dated 12 April 2016, a false, forged document, using the name of Davidson J of Christchurch High Court for fraud, was sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court.

* This false, forged document states, "Mr Koyama is given the opportunity to respond to the memorandum of counsel dated 9 March 2016. He should respond given that he is said to be in breach of the Court's order that the hearing not be recorded. His response may be made by memorandum in the first instance, or otherwise as he considers appropriate by way of a proceeding in this Court. If so, it should be filed within 10 working days of this minute i.e. Wednesday 27 April 2016 at 5.00pm..."

* The fact proves itself; the recording of the FAKE HEARING still exists in the public domain.


(c-9)     Grant Slevin, Senior Investigating Solicitor, Insolvency and Trustee Service, Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, in his email, dated 12 December 2016, wrote, "Please find attached by way of filing and service a memorandum of counsel for the Assignee and an affidavit of service. I will file the originals by post today. I would be grateful if you could refer it to Associate Judge Osborne and let me know in due course if my appearance on Thursday 15 December is excused."

(c-10)     Grant Slevin, Solicitor for the Official Assignee, in his memorandum, dated 12 December 2016, wrote, "...counsel submits the hearing scheduled for 15 December should be vacated and a date in January 2017 allocated for a determination on the papers, or if the need arises, a case management conference by way of telephone conference. Counsel requests that his appearance on 15 December 2016 be excused."

(c-11)     "JUDGMENT OF ASSOCIATE JUDGE OSBORNE annulling adjudication," dated 13 December 2016, was sent twice by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, unsigned on 13 December 2016, one with a digital image of Associate Judge Osborne on 4 January 2017.

* There is NO practice in the High Court of New Zealand to file a document as the original without actual signature of the person who created the document; it is forgery per se.

(c-12)     Grant Slevin, Senior Investigating Solicitor, Insolvency and Trustee Service, Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, in his email, dated 23 December 2016, wrote, "If what you say is true you have committed an offence under s 433(f) Insolvency Act 2006 by leaving New Zealand without the Assignee’s consent. A person who commits this offence is liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or a fine not exceeding $5,000, or both."

The evidence, attached to this email, clearly establish the commission of series organised crimes committed by several actors, including New Zealand Law Society, law firms, lawyers, court officials (Ministry of Justice), government officials (Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment), and journalist (Stuff).

I will send more information regarding this matter later.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Crimes Act 1961 - what is obvious and undisputed must be accepted by New Zealand authorities

20 December 2023

Mr Alan Ritchie

Judicial Conduct Commissioner

cc: Hon Paul Goldsmith, Justice Minister; Ministry of Justice; Hon Mark Mitchell, Police Minister; Mr Andrew Coster, Police Commissioner; Hon Judith Collins, Attorney General; Crown Law; and others

Mr Alan Ritchie

Judicial Conduct Commissioner

Dear Mr Ritchie

I have given you an opportunity to reply for your refusal to contact any of the judges whose names were used for the fraud.

At this time, I disclose your document, dated 18 December 2023, which was attached to your email, dated 19 December 2023.

It is my hope that now you will feel compelled to respond on your refusal to contact any of the judges whose names were used for the fraud, rather than trying to cover up the organised crimes committed in New Zealand.

I believe that in New Zealand, as well as other jurisdictions, what is obvious and undisputed must be accepted by the authorities.

For your information, I would like to provide information on some relevant sections of the Crimes Act 1961 following:


66 Parties to offences

(1) Every one is a party to and guilty of an offence who—

(a) actually commits the offence; or

(b) does or omits an act for the purpose of aiding any person to commit the offence; or

(c) abets any person in the commission of the offence; or

(d) incites, counsels, or procures any person to commit the offence.

(2) Where 2 or more persons form a common intention to prosecute any unlawful purpose, and to assist each other therein, each of them is a party to every offence committed by any one of them in the prosecution of the common purpose if the commission of that offence was known to be a probable consequence of the prosecution of the common purpose.

71 Accessory after the fact

(1) An accessory after the fact to an offence is one who, knowing any person to have been a party to the offence, receives, comforts, or assists that person or tampers with or actively suppresses any evidence against him or her, in order to enable him or her to escape after arrest or to avoid arrest or conviction.

116 Conspiring to defeat justice

Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 7 years who conspires to obstruct, prevent, pervert, or defeat the course of justice in New Zealand or the course of justice in an overseas jurisdiction.

256 Forgery

(1) Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years who makes a false document with the intention of using it to obtain any property, privilege, service, pecuniary advantage, benefit, or valuable consideration.

257 Using forged documents

(1) Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years who, knowing a document to be forged,—

(a) uses the document to obtain any property, privilege, service, pecuniary advantage, benefit, or valuable consideration; or

(b) uses, deals with, or acts upon the document as if it were genuine; or

(c) causes any other person to use, deal with, or act upon it as if it were genuine.


I remain waiting for your reply on this matter.

I hope to receive your reply on this matter very soon.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

What is the reason for Judicial Conduct Commissioner not contacting Mander J on the fraud?

20 December 2023

Mr Alan Ritchie

Judicial Conduct Commissioner

cc: Hon Paul Goldsmith, Justice Minister; Ministry of Justice; Hon Mark Mitchell, Police Minister; Mr Andrew Coster, Police Commissioner; Hon Judith Collins, Attorney General; Crown Law; and others

Mr Alan Ritchie

Judicial Conduct Commissioner

Dear Mr Ritchie

Attached below, please find a copy of my email to you, dated 5 December 2023.

In this email, I wrote, "Attached, please find the evidence of systemic organised crimes committed in Christchurch High Court, using the name of Justice Mander for fraud", "This matter requires response from Justice Mander."

I understand that you are refusing to contact Mander J on the forgery, committed in Christchurch High Court.

What is the reason for you as Judicial Conduct Commissioner not contacting Mander J on the fraud?

It is very important that you respond to this matter very soon.

I look forward to hearing from you on this matter very soon.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

From: Tatsuhiko Koyama

Subject: Organised crimes committed in Christchurch High Court - using the name of Mander J for fraud

Date: 5 December 2023 at 8:46:19 AM NZDT

To: judicialconduct@jcc.govt.nz

Cc: official.correspondence@justice.govt.nz

5 December 2023

Office of the Judicial Conduct Commissioner

cc: Ministry of Justice

Dear Sir/Madam

Attached, please find the evidence of systemic organised crimes committed in Christchurch High Court, using the name of Justice Mander for fraud.

This matter requires response from Justice Mander.

Your immediate attention requires on this matter.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

FALSE, FORGED DOCUMENTS, USING THE NAME OF MANDER J FOR FRAUD (the evidence is attached to this email) 

Reference number 005846 - Systemic organised crimes committed in the High Court of New Zealand, using the name of Osborne J for fraud

19 December 2023


cc: Ministry of Justice; Judicial Conduct Commissioner; Hon Paul Goldsmith, Justice Minister; and others

Dear Sir/Madam

Attached, please find evidence of systemic organised crimes committed in the High Court of New Zealand, using the name of Osborne J for fraud, in violation of the Crimes Act 1961.

Needless to say, it is imperative to contact Osborne J as part of your investigation on this matter.

(1) FORGED DOCUMENT - “JUDGMENT OF ASSOCIATE JUDGE OSBORNE as to substituted service of Bankruptcy Notice,” dated 18 September 2015, (sent by Dunedin High Court on 1 October 2015)

* The signature on the document, dated 18 September 2015, is a computer-generated image, pasted on the document. There is NO practice in the High Court of New Zealand to put an digital image on the original court document. It is forgery per se.

(2) FORGED DOCUMENT - Handwritten minute of Associate Judge Osborne, dated 26 January 2016, (sent by Rebecca Fahey, Civil Caseflow Manager, Christchurch High Court, on 18 February 2016)

(3) FORGED DOCUMENT - “JUDGMENT OF ASSOCIATE JUDGE OSBORNE upon review of Deputy Registrar’s decision,” dated 1 March 2016, (sent by Keroli Smith, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 1 March 2016)

* There are two distinctly different signatures, clearly indicating forgery.

(4) FORGED DOCUMENT - "JUDGMENT OF ASSOCIATE JUDGE OSBORNE annulling adjudication," dated 13 December 2016, (Sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 4 January 2017)

* The signature on the document, dated 13 December 2016, is a computer-generated image, pasted on the document. There is NO practice in the High Court of New Zealand to put an digital image on the original court document. It is forgery per se.

(5) EXPERT OPINION - "Analysis of signatures for detection of forgery, dated 6 May 2016," Andrew Straw, US lawyer and notary public

(6) Memorandum of Grant Slevin, Senior Investigating Solicitor, Insolvency and Trustee Service, Minister of Business, Innovation and employment, dated 12 December 2016, stating: "...counsel submits the hearing scheduled for 15 December should be vacated and a date in January 2017 allocated for a determination on the papers, or if the need arises, a case management conference by way of telephone conference."

(7) Email of Grant Slevin, dated 23 December 2016, stating: "If what you say is true you have committed an offence under s 433(f) Insolvency Act 2006 by leaving New Zealand without the Assignee’s consent. A person who commits this offence is liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or a fine not exceeding $5,000, or both."

If you require more information on this matter, please feel free to contact me.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Judicial Conduct Commissioner was informed on the systemic organised crimes committed in the Supreme Court of New Zealand

19 December 2023

Mr Alan Ritchie

Judicial Conduct Commissioner

cc: Hon Sir Terence Arnold, Thorndon Chambers; Hon Mark Mitchell, Police Minister; Mr Andrew Coster, Police Commissioner

Dear Mr Ritchie

I understand that you are seeking evidence on the systemic organised crimes committed in New Zealand Courts.

Attached, please find several evidence of false, forged documents, issued by the Supreme Court of New Zealand.

Given the fact that the name of Arnold J was used for the fraud, I copied this email to Hon Sir Terence Arnold.

Also, given the fact that the organised crimes were committed in New Zealand, I copied this email to Hon Mark Mitchell, Police Minister and Mr Andrew Coster, Police Commissioner.

If you require more information on this matter, please feel to contact me

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand



(1)     Paul Collins, Barrister, Shortland Chambers, sent "Judgment of the Court Dated: 20 October 2014" enclosed in his letter, dated 28 October 2014, extorting $2,550, using the false, forged document, dated 28 October 2014.

(h-1)     "Judgment of the Court Dated: 20 October 2014" enclosed in the letter of Paul Collins, dated 28 October 2014

(2)     On 20 October 2014, Ani Chan, case officer, Supreme Court, wrote, "The Court has received both your application for recall (dated 12 October 2014) and your application for leave to appeal (dated 15 October 2014)."

(h-2)     Letter of Ani Chan, case officer, Supreme Court, dated 20 October 2014

* Needless to say, once the application for leave to appeal was accepted by the Supreme Court, there should not be any decision made on the costs application in the case.


(3)     On 10 October 2014, Ani Chan, case officer, Supreme Court, sent "Judgment of the Court," dated 10 October 2014.

(h-3)     "Judgment of the Court," dated 10 October 2014, unsigned

(h-3)     Email of Ani Chan, case officer, Supreme Court, dated 10 October 2014

(h-3)     "Notice of result of application for leave to appeal," dated 10 October 2014, signed and sealed by Gordon Thatcher, registrar, Supreme Court

(4)     On 13 October 2014, Gordon Thatcher, registrar, Supreme Court, sent "Judgment of the Court," dated 10 October 2014, signed.

(h-4)     "Judgment of the Court," dated 10 October 2014, signed

(h-4)     Email of Gordon Thatcher, registrar, Supreme Court, dated 13 October 2014


(5)     The signature of Arnold J in the document, dated 10 October 2014, was examined by a handwritten expert.

Mr Andrew Straw, a US lawyer and public notary, was provided with three documents with the signatures of Mr Terence Arnold, Solicitor-General and Chief Executive, Crown Law Office, dated 30 June 2004, 30 May 2005, and 30 June 2007.

(h-5)     Report of Crown Law Office for the year ended 30 June 2004, signed by Terence Arnold, Solicitor-General and Chief Executive

(h-5)     Crown Law Office Statement of Intent for the year ending 30 June 2005, signed by Terence Arnold, Solicitor-General

(h-5)     Crown Law Office Statement of Intent for the year ending 30 June 2007, signed by Terence Arnold, Solicitor-General and Chief Executive

(6)     Mr Andrew Straw in "Analysis of signatures for detection of forgery," dated 6 May 2016, wrote, "...the letter A in Arnold is more angular and narrow in the true signatures than the one above. There appears to be no letter r in the first name in signature above, while the r in the true signatures is quite pronounced and consistent even over the course of 3 years. I believe there is a strong chance that a different person wrote the above signature, given the many differences."

(h-6)     "Analysis of signatures for detection of forgery," dated 6 May 2016, by Andrew Straw

(7)     The signature of Sir Terence Arnold is found in "Report of the Government Inquiry into Operation Burnham and related matters," published in July 2020.


* The signature on this document, dated July 2020, is similar to the signatures of the three above-mentioned documents, published by Crown Law Office.

* The signature on this document, dated July 2020, is different the signature found in the Supreme Court document, dated 10 October 2014, further conforming the forgery detected by Mr Andrew Straw.


(8)     New Zealand Police on its website, states, "The Document Examination Section is based in Wellington. It provides forensic investigation of documents associated with crime and other matters, for police and private clients. This includes using a range of scientific techniques to determine the authenticity and/or origin of documents and examining hand writing and signatures to determine authorship."


Ombudsman investigates the undisputed state-sponsored organised crimes of New Zealand

11 December 2023

Mayor Jules Radich

Dunedin City Council

Dear Mayor

I received an email from Ombudsman, informing me that "Your case reference number is 005846. Once your complaint is assigned to an investigator, they will contact you" (a copy of this email is attached below).

Subsequent to the notification, I provided them with numerous information on the systemic organised crimes committed in public institutions of New Zealand (copies of my emails to Ombudsman are attached below without the attachments).

Organised crimes committed in the secrecy of the Court and Government are extremely profitable.

The continuous viability of clandestine criminal operations in state institutions is made possible by the concerted effort of the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government in providing protection, support, and concealment.

It is normalised and can be found everywhere in New Zealand.

There should not be any political hesitancy on this matter when the fact has not been disputed for several years and the evidence is published for anyone to see.

This matter requires all of us to act if we have any chance of ending the clandestine criminal operations in state institutions and end the evil practice of state-sponsored organised crimes of New Zealand.

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Ombudsman investigates the undisputed state-sponsored organised crimes of New Zealand

10 December 2023


I received an email from Ombudsman, informing me that "Your case reference number is 005846. Once your complaint is assigned to an investigator, they will contact you" (a copy of this email is attached below).

Subsequent to the notification, I provided them with numerous information on the systemic organised crimes committed in public institutions of New Zealand (copies of my emails to Ombudsman are attached below without the attachments).

Organised crimes committed in the secrecy of the Court and Government are extremely profitable.

The continuous viability of clandestine criminal operations in state institutions is made possible by the concerted effort of the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government in providing protection,,support, and concealment.

It is normalised and can be found everywhere in New Zealand.

New Zealand is a rogue state, using or otherwise allowing the use of state power and state institutions for criminal purposes in violation of the international law.

New Zealand will never stop the lucrative criminal operations on its own without international intervention.

The international community has the duty to intervene on New Zealand and stop its nefarious state-sponsored organised crimes.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Reference number 005846 - Fraud in the Supreme Court of New Zealand

8 December 2023


cc: Ministry of Justice; Judicial Conduct Commissioner; Hon Paul Goldsmith, Justice Minister; Dr Duncan Webb MP, Justice spokesperson, Labour Party; Crown Law; and others

Dear Sir/Madam

This is part 8 of the evidence of the organised crimes committed in relation to the insurance fraud, committed by EQC and Southern Response.

In my previous email, attached, I wrote, "Mitch Singh, Associate, Glaister Ennor, added several more false, forged documents and increased the extorted amount to $46,310.48."

I submit the evidence on this matter.

As in Dunedin High Court, Christchurch High Court, Wellington High Court, and the Court of Appeal, there are several false, forged documents created and used in the Supreme Court of New Zealand.



(1)     Paul Collins, Barrister, Shortland Chambers, sent "Judgment of the Court Dated: 20 October 2014" enclosed in his letter, dated 28 October 2014, extorting $2,550, using the false, forged document, dated 28 October 2014.

(h-1)     "Judgment of the Court Dated: 20 October 2014" enclosed in the letter of Paul Collins, dated 28 October 2014

(2)     On 20 October 2014, Ani Chan, case officer, Supreme Court, wrote, "The Court has received both your application for recall (dated 12 October 2014) and your application for leave to appeal (dated 15 October 2014)."

(h-2)     Letter of Ani Chan, case officer, Supreme Court, dated 20 October 2014

* Needless to say, once the application for leave to appeal was accepted by the Supreme Court, there should not be any decision made on the costs application in the case.


(3)     On 10 October 2014, Ani Chan, case officer, Supreme Court, sent "Judgment of the Court," dated 10 October 2014.

(h-3)     "Judgment of the Court," dated 10 October 2014, unsigned

(h-3)     Email of Ani Chan, case officer, Supreme Court, dated 10 October 2014

(h-3)     "Notice of result of application for leave to appeal," dated 10 October 2014, signed and sealed by Gordon Thatcher, registrar, Supreme Court

(4)     On 13 October 2014, Gordon Thatcher, registrar, Supreme Court, sent "Judgment of the Court," dated 10 October 2014, signed.

(h-4)     "Judgment of the Court," dated 10 October 2014, signed

(h-4)     Email of Gordon Thatcher, registrar, Supreme Court, dated 13 October 2014


(5)     The signature of Arnold J in the document, dated 10 October 2014, was examined by a handwritten expert.

Mr Andrew Straw, a US lawyer and public notary, was provided with three documents with the signatures of Mr Terence Arnold, Solicitor-General and Chief Executive, Crown Law Office, dated 30 June 2004, 30 May 2005, and 30 June 2007.

(h-5)     Report of Crown Law Office for the year ended 30 June 2004, signed by Terence Arnold, Solicitor-General and Chief Executive

(h-5)     Crown Law Office Statement of Intent for the year ending 30 June 2005, signed by Terence Arnold, Solicitor-General

(h-5)     Crown Law Office Statement of Intent for the year ending 30 June 2007, signed by Terence Arnold, Solicitor-General and Chief Executive

(6)     Mr Andrew Straw in "Analysis of signatures for detection of forgery," dated 6 May 2016, wrote, "...the letter A in Arnold is more angular and narrow in the true signatures than the one above. There appears to be no letter r in the first name in signature above, while the r in the true signatures is quite pronounced and consistent even over the course of 3 years. I believe there is a strong chance that a different person wrote the above signature, given the many differences."

(h-6)     "Analysis of signatures for detection of forgery," dated 6 May 2016, by Andrew Straw

(7)     The signature of Sir Terence Arnold is found in "Report of the Government Inquiry into Operation Burnham and related matters," published in July 2020.


* The signature on this document, dated July 2020, is similar to the signatures of the three above-mentioned documents, published by Crown Law Office.

* The signature on this document, dated July 2020, is different the signature found in the Supreme Court document, dated 10 October 2014, further conforming the forgery detected by Mr Andrew Straw.


(8)     New Zealand Police on its website, states, "The Document Examination Section is based in Wellington. It provides forensic investigation of documents associated with crime and other matters, for police and private clients. This includes using a range of scientific techniques to determine the authenticity and/or origin of documents and examining hand writing and signatures to determine authorship."


I am available to provide more information on this matter.

Please feel free to contact me for more information.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Reference number 005846 - Fraud in Wellington High Court

8 December 2023


cc: Ministry of Justice; Judicial Conduct Commissioner; Hon Paul Goldsmith, Justice Minister; Dr Duncan Webb MP, Justice spokesperson, Labour Party; Crown Law; and others

Dear Sir/Madam

This is part 7 of the evidence of the organised crimes committed in relation to the insurance fraud, committed by EQC and Southern Response.

In my previous email, attached, I wrote, "Mitch Singh, Associate, Glaister Ennor, added several more false, forged documents and increased the extorted amount to $46,310.48."

I submit the evidence on this matter.


(1)     On 2 December 2013, apparently, Paul Collins, Shortland Chambers, sent his letter, dated 2 December 2013, enclosing "Order of the Court (Costs) dated 4/6/2013."

(g-1)     "Order of the Court (Costs) dated 4/6/2013" enclosed in the letter of Paul Collins, dated 2 December 2013

Paul Collins, in his letter, dated 2 December 2013, stated, "I enclose a sealed duplicate original of the costs order made by the Court on 4 June 2013, which I received in the mail on Friday, 29 November, from the High Court Registry. You will see that costs have been ordered in the sum of $9,210 and disbursements of $1,439.88."


(2)     On 2 December 2013, the same day when Paul Collins supposedly sent the letter, Carolyn Pritchett, deputy registrar, High Court, Wellington, wrote, "This email is to remind you that this file is scheduled for a call in the Judges Chambers List on Monday, 9 December 2013 at 10.00 am. Appearances are required for the List."

(g-2)     Email of Carolyn Pritchett, deputy registrar, High Court, Wellington, dated 2 December 2013

(3)     Paul Collins FAILED to appear in the case management conference (CIV-2013-485-6873) in Wellington High Court on 9 December 2013.

(4)     Jay Fealofani, Civil Caseflow Manager, High Court Wellington, who signed and sealed "Order of the Court (Costs) dated 4/6/2013," did not know who made the decision.

(g-3)     Email of Jay Fealofani, Civil Caseflow Manager, High Court Wellington, dated 16 January 2014.

* He, in his email, dated 16 January 2014, wrote, "I will need to pull the file out to confirm my previous email as I was just going off the information contained in the order. I'll check the file to confirm and get back to you".

* Jay Fealofani NEVER got back on this matter, and the question was NEVER answered.

* Nobody knows who made the decision on 4 June 2013.


(5)     Greg Thomas, Convenor, Wellington Standards Committee 4, New Zealand Law Society, stated, “On 4 June 2013, the New Zealand Law Society, represented by Mr Collins, applied for and was awarded costs…”

(g-4)   Letter of Richard Moss, legal standards officer, New Zealand Law Society, dated 10 February 2014, enclosing "Notice of Decision by Wellington Standards Committee 3" by Greg Thomas, convenor, Wellington Standards Committee 3

(6)     Carolyn Pritchett, deputy registrar, Wellington High Court, in her email, dated 26 September 2014, stated, “It might be at the hearing or a Conference date that was when an oral application instead was made on 4 June 2013.”

(g-5)     Email of Carolyn Pritchett, deputy registrar, Wellington High Court, dated 26 September 2014

(7)     Jane Penney, registrar and court manager, High Court Wellington, in her email, dated 9 January 2017, wrote, "This is correct. This matter was dealt with on the papers," denying that there was any hearing on 4 June 2013 in Wellington High Court, responding to the question: "I understand that there was NO hearing on 4 June 2013. Does it mean that no one appeared in Wellington High Court on 4 June 2013 to make submissions (application on the costs)?"

(g-6)     Email of Jane Penney, registrar and court manager, High Court Wellington, dated 9 January 2017

(8)     There is NO mention on the costs decision, supposedly made on 4 June 2013, in the letter of Wellington High Court, dated 4 October 2013, when the case was accepted for an appeal.

(g-7)     Letter of J Pereira, deputy registrar, High Court of Wellington, dated 4 October 2013

* These above facts clearly indicate that Paul Collins forged the document, dated 4 June 2013, likely in late November 2013 (he wrote, "I received in the mail on Friday, 29 November, from the High Court Registry"), and asked the registrar to put the date of 4 June 2013 on the document, making sure that this order would not be challenged by the Appellant (Tatsuhiko Koyama) due to the expiry of the appealing period.

* The appellant (Tatsuhiko Koyama) was NEVER served with the application for the costs by Paul Collins, representing New Zealand Law Society, nor was he informed of the hearing on this matter which NEVER HAPPENED.


(9)     RESERVED JUDGMENT OF DOBSON J," dated 17 July 2012, was sent twice; one without any signature on 17 July 2012 by Sheena Piers, Team Leader (Civil), Ministry of Justice and one with a signature on 3 May 2017 by Official Correspondence, Ministry of Justice.

(g-8)     RESERVED JUDGMENT OF DOBSON J," dated 17 July 2012, unsigned

(g-8)     Email of Sheena Piers, team leader (civil), Ministry of Justice

(g-9)     RESERVED JUDGMENT OF DOBSON J," dated 17 July 2012, signed

(g-9)     Email of Ministry of Justice (official correspondence), dated 3 May 2017


(10)     Wellington High Court cannot produce a transcript of the hearing on 11 July 2012 in CIV 2010-485-1493 (apparently, there is no recording in the case exists from which to produce a transcript).

* The document, dated 17 July 2012, does not reflect what went on during the hearing in Wellington High Court on 11 July 2012, and some information contained in the document was not submitted to the Court by any party, clearly indicating that the document is complete fabrication.

(11)     Justice Robert Dobson signed a letter on 16 August 2012, which was about a month after the date of 17 July 2012 (the date of the document).

(g-10)     Letter of Justice Robert Dobson, dated 16 August 2012

(12)     There is stark difference in the signatures between the document, dated 17 July 2012, and the letter of Dobson J, dated 16 August 2012

(g-11)    Comparison of the signatures

The documents, attached to this email, are additional information on the systemic organised crimes committed in public institutions of New Zealand, in relation to the insurance fraud, committed by EQC and Southern Response.

I will send more information regarding this matter later.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Reference number 005846 - Fraud in the Court of Appeal

8 December 2023


cc: Ministry of Justice; Judicial Conduct Commissioner; Hon Paul Goldsmith, Justice Minister; Dr Duncan Webb MP, Justice spokesperson, Labour Party; Crown Law; and others

Dear Sir/Madam

This is part 6 of the evidence of the organised crimes committed in relation to the insurance fraud, committed by EQC and Southern Response.

In my previous email, attached, I wrote, "Mitch Singh, Associate, Glaister Ennor, added several more false, forged documents and increased the extorted amount to $46,310.48."

I submit the evidence on this matter.


(1)     Paul Collins, Barrister, Shortland Chambers, sent his letter, dated 12 November 2013, with the false, forged document "Judgment of the Court Dated: 8 November 2013."

(f-1)     "Judgment of the Court Dated: 8 November 2013" enclosed in the letter of Paul Collins, dated 12 November 2013

* This document falsely states, "At 3:00pm on 17 April 2013, the Court of Appeal of New Zealand…delivered a judgment… The Court of Appeal determined:…The applicant must pay the respondent costs for a standard application on a band A basis and disbursements. With reference to Order C, the Court of Appeal orders the applicant to pay costs to the respondent in the sum of $3,383.00 and disbursements in the sum of $635.10…"

The following facts clearly establish this is a false statement.

(2) Paul Collins submitted four documents on the costs application, which was LATER than 17 April 2013, increasing the costs from $2,386.90 to $4,018.10 (these documents are attached).

(f-2)     Document, dated 24 April 2013: $2,386.90 ($1,782.00 + $604.90), enclosed in the letter of Paul Collins, dated 24 April 2013

(f-3)     Document, dated 26 April 2013: $2,848.90 ($2,244.00 + $604.90), enclosed in the letter of Paul Collins, dated 26 April 2013

(f-4)     Document, dated 22 May 2013: $2,879.10 ($2,244.00 + $635.10), enclosed in the letter of Paul Collins, dated 22 May 2013

(f-5)     Document, dated 6 November 2013: $4,018.10 ($3,383.00 + $635.10), enclosed in the letter of Paul Collins, dated 6 November 2013

(3) Clare O’Brien, Registrar, Court of Appeal, in her email, dated 8 November 2013, wrote, "the Orders were sealed and returned to Mr Collins on the day they were received in this office."

(f-6)     Email of Clare O'Brien, registrar, Court of Appeal, dated 11 November 2013

The evidence clearly establishes that the Court of Appeal (O’Regan P, Wild and White JJ) did not make the seal order, dated 8 November 2013, at 3:00 pm on 17 April 2013, as stated in the document, dated 8 November 2013.

I will send more information regarding this matter later.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Reference number 005846 - Fraud in Wellington High Court, using the name of Collins J for fraud

8 December 2023


cc: Ministry of Justice; Judicial Conduct Commissioner; Hon Paul Goldsmith, Justice Minister; Dr Duncan Webb MP, Justice spokesperson, Labour Party; Crown Law; and others

Dear Sir/Madam

This is part 5 of the evidence of the organised crimes committed in relation to the insurance fraud, committed by EQC and Southern Response.

In my previous email, attached, I wrote, "Mitch Singh, Associate, Glaister Ennor, added several more false, forged documents and increased the extorted amount to $46,310.48."

I submit the evidence on this matter.


(1)     There was NO hearing in Wellington High Court on 20 August 2014 in the case of CIV-2014-485-002343.

* There is no record in Wellington High Court to verify that there was a hearing in the Court on this matter on 20 August 2014.

(e-1)     "Legal discussion before the Hon Justice D Collins" sent by Michaela Stack, court registry office, High Court of New Zealand, on 8 September 2014

* This fake transcript was created and used for fraud.

* It is not possible to create a transcript without the recording from which to transcribe, and Wellington High Court cannot produce a copy of the recording of the hearing.

(2) The High Court of New Zealand did not have the jurisdiction to hear the case on 20 August 2014, since the Supreme Court of New Zealand had the jurisdiction on the case since 15 August 2014.

(e-2)     Letter of Supreme Court of New Zealand, dated 15 August 2014, by Ani chan, case officer, Supreme Court of New Zealand

(3) "Judgment dated 14 October 2014" falsely states, "This proceeding was heard on 20 August 2014 at Wellington before the Honourable Justice Collins, who, having heard from Paul Collins, counsel for the first respondent, and Helen Carrad, counsel for the second respondent, gives judgment that...The first respondent is entitled to scale 2B costs in the sum of $7,064.50 and disbursement of $50, set out in Schedule 1; The second respondent is entitled to scale 2B costs in the sum of $1,840.75, set out in Schedule 2."

(e-3)     "Judgment  Dated: 14 October" enclosed in the letter of Paul Collins, dated 21 November 2014

(4)     Helen Carrad, Crown Counsel, Crown Law, in her letter, dated 24 December 2014, attached, falsely states, "Following the judgment of Justice Collins [dated 14 October 2014, NOT 20 August 2014], counsel for the NZLS and counsel for the Attorney-General filed costs schedules in the High Court which set out the costs incurred by each party..."

(e-4)     Letter of Crown Law, dated 24 December 2014, by Helen Carrad, Crown counsel

* There was NO submissions by the parties on the costs.

* Wellington High Court cannot produce copies of the costs submissions by the parties in the case.

I will send more information regarding this matter later.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Reference number 005846 - Fraud in Wellington High Court, using the name of Clifford J for fraud

8 December 2023


cc: Ministry of Justice; Judicial Conduct Commissioner; Hon Paul Goldsmith, Justice Minister; Dr Duncan Webb MP, Justice spokesperson, Labour Party; Crown Law; and others

Dear Sir/Madam

This is part 4 of the evidence of the organised crimes committed in relation to the insurance fraud, committed by EQC and Southern Response.

In my previous email, attached, I wrote, "Mitch Singh, Associate, Glaister Ennor, used the false, forged, document, dated 28 May 2014, using the name of Clifford J for fraud, extorting $12,738.00."

I submit the evidence on this matter.


(1)     There was NO hearing in Wellington High Court on 16 April 2014 in the case of CIV-2013-485-006873.

* There is no record in Wellington High Court to verify that there was a hearing in the Court on this matter on 16 April 2014.

(d-1)     "Legal discussion before the Hon Justice Clifford" sent by Michaela Stack, court registry office, High Court of New Zealand, on 8 September 2014

* This fake transcript was created and used for fraud.

* It is not possible to create a transcript without the recording from which to transcribe, and Wellington High Court cannot produce a copy of the recording of the hearing.

(2)     On 3 June 2014, Paul Collins emailed to Michaela Stack, Deputy Registrar, Wellington High Court, with four documents attached (letter, dated 3 June 2014; memorandum, dated 3 June 2014; "Judgment Dated:  June 2014"; "Order of the Court (costs) Dated:  June 2014").

(d-2)     Email of Paul Collins, dated 3 June 2014, with the attachments

(d-3)     "Judgment  Dated: 28 May 2014" enclosed in the letter of Paul Collins, dated 9 June 2014

* The date of submission of the four documents is 3 June 2014 which was later than 28 May 2014, the date when Anna Smith, Deputy Registrar, the High Court of New Zealand, supposedly signed and sealed.

* "Judgment  Dated: 28 May 2014" falsely states, "This proceeding was heard on 16 April 2014 at Wellington before the Honourable Justice Clifford, who, having heard from Paul Collins...gives judgement..."

I will send more information regarding this matter later.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Reference number 005846 - Bankruptcy fraud and bank robbery

8 December 2023


cc: Ministry of Justice; Judicial Conduct Commissioner; Hon Paul Goldsmith, Justice Minister; Dr Duncan Webb MP, Justice spokesperson, Labour Party; Crown Law; and others

Dear Sir/Madam

This is part 3 of the evidence of the organised crimes committed in relation to the insurance fraud, committed by EQC and Southern Response.

This email deals with the subsequent organised crimes committed, in relation to the insurance fraud committed by EQC and Southern Response and the series of organised crimes committed in Christchurch High Court and the Court of Appeal on this matter.

(c-1) Southern Response along with New Zealand Law Society used New Zealand Courts for bankruptcy fraud and bank robbery, aided by Insolvency and Trustee Service, Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (Rob McDonald, deputy assignee, Terry Marshall, MBIE).

(c-2)     Tina Chiles, executive assistance, regulatory, New Zealand Law Society, sent an email, dated 16 October 2014, extorting $37,157.98, using undisputed false, forged documents.

* Regarding the series of forgery, I will send another email on this matter later.

(c-3)     Mitch Singh, Associate, Glaister Ennor, used the false, forged, document, dated 28 May 2014, using the name of Clifford J for fraud, extorting $12,738.00.

* Regarding this forgery, I will send another email on this matter later.

(c-4)     Mary Ollivier, General Manager Regulatory, New Zealand Law Society, made a false affidavit in the undisputed bankruptcy fraud committed in the High Court of New Zealand: "Affidavit of Mary Elizabeth Olliver in support of interlocutory application without notice for substituted service on judgement debtor SWORN 9 SEPTEMBER 2015."

* This is a false document and was created on 2 October 2015, NOT on 9 September 2015, in her effort to conceal the non-existent hearing in Dunedin High Court on 18 September 2015.

* This false affidavit was sent by Brian Sceats, Deputy Registrar, Dunedin High Court, on 2 October 2015.

* There is a false, forged, document, dated 18 September 2015, on this matter: "Judgment of Associate Judge Osborne as to substituted service of bankruptcy notice" with an digital image of the signature of Associate Judge Osborne on the document.

* There is NO practice in the High Court of New Zealand to file a document as the original without actual signature of the person who created the document; it is forgery per se.

(c-5)     Mitch Singh, Associate, Glaister Ennor, added several more false, forged documents and increased the extorted amount to $46,310.48.

* Regarding the series of forgery, I will send another email on this matter later.

(c-6)     Hayley McKee, Senior Associate, Glaister Ennor, sent "Order adjudicating debtor bankrupt dated 3 March 2016," signed and sealed by D. McMillan, Deputy Registrar, New Zealand High Court, extorting $7,003.75.




* This is the evidence of fake hearing in Dunedin High Court on 3 March 2016.

FAKE NEWS PUBLISHED on 18 March 2016

Hamish McNeilly, Dunedin Bureau Chief, Stuff, attended the FAKE HEARING and published FAKE NEWS with false information which was not available to him nor could not be found anywhere in the public (fed false information), on 18 March 2016: “Decade-long legal stoush ends with lawyer declared bankrupt.”


* It is highly likely that New Zealand Law Society fed the false information to Hamish McNeilly to spread public disinformation on the bankruptcy fraud committed in the High Court of New Zealand, perhaps being feared that the recording of the FAKE HEARING was published in YouTube.

(c-7)     Email to Hamish McNeilly, on 1 April 2016


There was a concerted effort to remove the incriminating evidence of the FAKE HEARING published in YouTube.

(c-8)     "MINUTE OF DAVIDSON J (following memorandum of counsel for judgment creditor dated 9 March 2016 in relation to alleged recording of hearing by judgment debtor)," dated 12 April 2016, a false, forged document, using the name of Davidson J of Christchurch High Court for fraud, was sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court.

* This false, forged document states, "Mr Koyama is given the opportunity to respond to the memorandum of counsel dated 9 March 2016. He should respond given that he is said to be in breach of the Court's order that the hearing not be recorded. His response may be made by memorandum in the first instance, or otherwise as he considers appropriate by way of a proceeding in this Court. If so, it should be filed within 10 working days of this minute i.e. Wednesday 27 April 2016 at 5.00pm..."

* The fact proves itself; the recording of the FAKE HEARING still exists in the public domain.


(c-9)     Grant Slevin, Senior Investigating Solicitor, Insolvency and Trustee Service, Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, in his email, dated 12 December 2016, wrote, "Please find attached by way of filing and service a memorandum of counsel for the Assignee and an affidavit of service. I will file the originals by post today. I would be grateful if you could refer it to Associate Judge Osborne and let me know in due course if my appearance on Thursday 15 December is excused."

(c-10)     Grant Slevin, Solicitor for the Official Assignee, in his memorandum, dated 12 December 2016, wrote, "...counsel submits the hearing scheduled for 15 December should be vacated and a date in January 2017 allocated for a determination on the papers, or if the need arises, a case management conference by way of telephone conference. Counsel requests that his appearance on 15 December 2016 be excused."

(c-11)     "JUDGMENT OF ASSOCIATE JUDGE OSBORNE annulling adjudication," dated 13 December 2016, was sent twice by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, unsigned on 13 December 2016, one with a digital image of Associate Judge Osborne on 4 January 2017.

* There is NO practice in the High Court of New Zealand to file a document as the original without actual signature of the person who created the document; it is forgery per se.

(c-12)     Grant Slevin, Senior Investigating Solicitor, Insolvency and Trustee Service, Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, in his email, dated 23 December 2016, wrote, "If what you say is true you have committed an offence under s 433(f) Insolvency Act 2006 by leaving New Zealand without the Assignee’s consent. A person who commits this offence is liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or a fine not exceeding $5,000, or both."

The evidence, attached to this email, clearly establish the commission of series organised crimes committed by several actors, including New Zealand Law Society, law firms, lawyers, court officials (Ministry of Justice), government officials (Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment), and journalist (Stuff).

I will send more information regarding this matter later.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Reference number 005846 - Organised crimes committed in the Court of Appeal for fraud - part 2

7 December 2023


cc: Ministry of Justice; Judicial Conduct Commissioner; Hon Paul Goldsmith, Justice Minister; Dr Duncan Webb MP, Justice spokesperson, Labour Party; Crown Law; and others

Dear Sir/Madam

I would like to submit extra information on the organised crimes committed in the Court of Appeal, in relation to the insurance fraud, committed by EQC and Southern Response, following:

(1) Letter, dated 1 May 2015, by Grant Macdonald, partner, DLA Piper;

(2) Letter, dated 19 May 2015, by Clare O'Brien, registrar, the Court of Appeal;

(3) Email, dated 21 May 2015, by Grant Macdonald, partner, DLA Piper;

(4) "Notice of interlocutory application by respondent for order striking out appellants' appeal", dated 24 July 2015, by Grant Macdonald, partner, DLA Piper;

(5) "Affidavit of Sacha Frances Thom in support of interlocutory application by respondent for order striking out appellants' appeal, dated 24 July 2015, by Sacha Frances Thom, DLA Piper;

(6) Letter, dated 3 August 2015, by Grant Macdonald, partner, DLA Piper;

(7) Letter, dated 4 September 2015, by Grant Macdonald, partner, DLA Piper;

(8) Letter, dated 25 September 2015, by Grant Macdonald, partner, DLA Piper; and

(9) letter, dated 20 April 2016, by Kate Armstrong, legal risk advisor, Southern Response.

These documents are in addition to what I sent on the same subject matter today.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Reference number 005846 - Organised crimes committed in the Court of Appeal for fraud

7 December 2023


cc: Ministry of Justice; Judicial Conduct Commissioner; Hon Paul Goldsmith, Justice Minister; Dr Duncan Webb MP, Justice spokesperson, Labour Party; Crown Law; and others

Dear Sir/Madam

This is part 2 of the evidence of the organised crimes committed in relation to the insurance fraud, committed by EQC and Southern Response.

Attached, below, please find the evidence of false, forged documents, issued by the Court of Appeal, for fraud, in relation to the insurance fraud.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand


C.     FALSE, FORGED DOCUMENTS, ISSUED BY THE COURT OF APPEAL (the evidence is attached to this email)

(c-1) FALSE DOCUMENT - “MINUTE OF WHITE J,” dated 16 June 2015, (sent by Justine Bird, Court Registry Officer, Court of Appeal, on 16 June 2015)

* The Court of Appeal of New Zealand did NOT have the jurisdiction on the matter; Tatsuhiko Koyama was NOT in New Zealand on or around 16 June 2015.

* The signature on the document, dated 16 June 2015, is significantly different the true signature of Mr Douglas White QC.

* Jan A Flood, Registrar, University of Otago, in her email, dated 7 August 2015, wrote, "...Clare O'Brien, Court Manager/Registrar of the Court of Appeal. Her communication regarding the appropriateness of the Library allowing you to see the documents involved was: 'No you can't. No judgment or any documents get issued for public release with judge's signatures on them."

(c-2) FALSE DOCUMENT - “MINUTE AND DIRECTIONS OF WILD J,” dated 14 August 2015, (sent by Fiona McDonald, Fixtures Manager/Deputy Registrar, Court of Appeal, on 14 August 2015)

* There is NO signed original document in the official case file.

(c-3) FALSE DOCUMENT - “MINUTE AND DIRECTIONS OF THE COURT,” dated 29 September 2015, (Ellen France P, Wild and Cooper JJ), (sent by Fiona McDonald, Fixtures Manager/Deputy Registrar, Court of Appeal, on 29 September 2015)

* There is NO signed original document in the official case file.

(c-4) FALSE DOCUMENT - “JUDGMENT OF THE COURT,” dated 5 October 2015, (Ellen France P, Wild and Cooper JJ), (sent by Justine Bird, Court Registry Officer, Court of Appeal, on 5 October 2015)

* There is NO signed original document in the official case file.

(c-5) FALSE DOCUMENT - “Judgment for sealing,” dated 6 November 2015, (Ellen France P, Wild and Cooper JJ), (sent by Grant MacDonald on or around 17 November 2015)

Attached, please find the comparison of the signature of Mr Douglas White QC and the White J of the fake, forge document, dated 16 June 2015.

Organised crimes committed in Christchurch High Court - using the name of Mander J for fraud

5 December 2023

Hon Paul Goldsmith

Minister of Justice

Dear Justice Minister

Attached, please find the evidence of systemic organised crimes committed in Christchurch High Court, using the name of Justice Mander for fraud.

This matter requires your immediate attention.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Subject: Organised crimes committed in Christchurch High Court - using the name of Mander J for fraud

Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2023 08:46:19 +1300

From: Tatsuhiko Koyama

To: judicialconduct@jcc.govt.nz

CC: official.correspondence@justice.govt.nz

5 December 2023

Office of the Judicial Conduct Commissioner

cc: Ministry of Justice

Dear Sir/Madam

Attached, please find the evidence of systemic organised crimes committed in Christchurch High Court, using the name of Justice Mander for fraud.

This matter requires response from Justice Mander.

Your immediate attention requires on this matter.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

FALSE, FORGED DOCUMENTS, USING THE NAME OF MANDER J FOR FRAUD (the evidence is attached to this email)

(b-1) FALSE DOCUMENT - “MINUTE OF MANDER J,” dated 26 February 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 27 February 2015)

(b-2) FALSE DOCUMENT - Signed, “MINUTE OF MANDER J,” dated 26 February 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 24 August 2015)

(b-3) FALSE DOCUMENT - Handwritten minute of Mander J, dated 27 February 2015, (retrieved from the official court file found in Dunedin High Court on 19 February 2016)

(b-4) FALSE DOCUMENT - “MINUTE OF MANDER J,” dated 5 March 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 5 March 2015)

(b-5) FALSE DOCUMENT - Signed, “MINUTE OF MANDER J,” dated 5 March 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 13 March 2015)

(b-6) FALSE DOCUMENT - Unless order of Mander J, dated 12 March 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 12 March 2015)

(b-7) FALSE DOCUMENT - Handwritten minute of Mander J, dated 12 March 2015, (sent by sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 13 March 2015)

(b-8) FALSE DOCUMENT - Signed, “MINUTE OF MANDER J,” dated 13 March 2015, (sent by sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 13 March 2015)

* There is NO signed minute of Mander J, dated 13 March 2015, in the official court file.

(b-9) FALSE DOCUMENT - “MINUTE OF MANDER J,” dated 13 March 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 16 March 2015)

(b-10) FALSE DOCUMENT - “MINUTE OF MANDER J,” dated 17 March 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 17 March 2015)

(b-11) FALSE DOCUMENT - Signed, “MINUTE OF MANDER J,” dated 17 March 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 17 March 2015)

* There is NO signed minute of Mander J, dated 17 March 2015, in the official court file.

(b-12) FALSE DOCUMENT - Email of Mander J, dated 20 March 2015 (at 12:11 pm), (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 10 August 2015)

“Friday, 20 March 2015  12:11 p.m.”

"Amelia, I record a brief note of my decision. I don’t think I can wait any longer for the respondent’s response in order to give the appellants’ time to comply with the order.

The appellants’ application for an extension is declined.

The appellants cite Rule 12.7(1) HCRs as providing a time requirement for service, however this rule concerns summary judgment applications and does not apply for the present situation.

The appellants appeal remains extant notwithstanding the operation of the unless order.

I also note for completeness that a hearing of the respondent’s application was attempted to convened however the appellants declined to make themselves available despite repeated efforts by the registry. The matter was dealt with by way of memorandum.

The appellants have still not provided reasons for their non-compliance.

Mander J"

(b-13) FALSE DOCUMENT - Email of Mander J, dated 20 March 2015 (at 12:18 pm), (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 12 August 2015)

“Friday, 20 March 2015  12:18:41 p.m.”


Our emails passed. I have read the respondent’s submissions. My ruling stands and may be notified to the parties without modification.

Many thanks

Mander J”

(b-14) FALSE DOCUMENT - Order of Mander J, dated 20 March 2015 (at 12:26 pm), (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 20 March 2015)


From: "Nicholson, Amelia" <Amelia.Nicholson@justice.govt.nz>

Date: Thursday, 19 March 2015 at 2:13 PM

To: Tatsuhiko Koyama <tatsuhiko.koyama@gmail.com>

Cc: "Henaghan, Misha" <Misha.Henaghan@dlapf.com>, "Macdonald, Grant" <grant.macdonald@dlapiper.co.nz>, "Thom, Sacha" <sacha.thom@dlapiper.co.nz>

Subject: RE: Appellant's submissions - Koyama v Southern Response (CIV-2014-412-0202)

Dear Tatsuhiko,

Many thanks for your email. All our Christchurch Judges are in Wellington today and Friday attending a conference but as the Unless Order is for close of business tomorrow I will forward this application and any other relevant documents on to the Honourable Justice Mander to deal with as soon as he has the opportunity.

If counsel for the respondent wishes to reply to this application could they please let me know as soon as possible.

Kind regards,


From: "Nicholson, Amelia" <Amelia.Nicholson@justice.govt.nz>

Date: Friday, 20 March 2015 at 8:26 AM

To: "tatsuhiko.koyama@gmail.com" <tatsuhiko.koyama@gmail.com>, "Macdonald, Grant" <grant.macdonald@dlapiper.co.nz>, "Henaghan, Misha" <misha.henaghan@dlapiper.co.nz>, "Thom, Sacha" <sacha.thom@dlapiper.co.nz>

Subject: CIV-2014-412-000202 - Koyama v Southern Response Earthquake Services Limited

Dear Counsel and Mr and Ms Koyama,

Following the receipt of the appellants application for an extension of the unless order and the respondents memorandum in reply, the Honourable Justice Mander has minuted the above named matter as follows:

"The appellants' application for an extension is declined.

The appellants cite Rule 12.7(1) HCRs as providing a  time requirement for service, however this rule concerns summary judgment applications and does not apply to the present situation.

The appellants appeal remains extant notwithstanding the operation of the unless order.

I also note for completeness that a hearing of the respondent's application was attempted to be convened however the appellants declined to make themselves available despite repeated efforts by the Registry. The matter was dealt with by way of memorandum.

The appellants have still not provided reasons for their non-compliance.”

Kind regards,


Amelia Nicholson

Deputy Registrar | Christchurch High Court

DDI: +64 3 962 4273 | Ext 54273

From: "Nicholson, Amelia" <Amelia.Nicholson@justice.govt.nz>

Date: Monday, 10 August 2015 at 10:23 AM

To: Tatsuhiko Koyama <tatsuhiko.koyama@gmail.com>

Subject: RE: Request for a copy of the handwritten minute of Mander J, dated 20 March 2015

Dear Mr Koyama,

I do not have a hand written copy of this minute as the Honourable Justice Mander was in Auckland for a conference. This minute was given to me by way of email which I have attached a copy of now.

Kind regards,


* Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, was involved with Grant Macdonald, Misha Henaghan, and Sacha Thom of DLA Piper New Zealand in the confirmed insurance fraud, causing loss by deception, forgery, using false document for pecuniary advantage, in violation of the Crimes Act 1961.


(b-15) FALSE DOCUMENT - “JUDGMENT OF MANDER J,” dated 23 March 2015, (sent by Rebecca Fahey, Civil Caseflow Manager, Christchurch High Court, on 23 March 2015, on the same day when a telephone case management conference was held and before the scheduled hearing on 5 April 2015)

(b-16) FALSE DOCUMENT - Signed, “JUDGMENT OF MANDER J,” dated 23 March 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 24 March 2015)

(b-17) FALSE DOCUMENT - “JUDGMENT OF MANDER J,’ dated 26 May 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 26 May 2015)

(b-18) FALSE DOCUMENT - Signed, “JUDGMENT OF MANDER J,’ dated 26 May 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 5 August 2015)

* There is NO signed judgement of Mander J, dated 26 May 2015, in the official court file.

(b-19) FALSE DOCUMENT - Minute of Mander J, date 5 June 2016, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 5 June 2015)

(b-20) FALSE DOCUMENT - Handwritten minute of Mander J, dated 5 June 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 14 July 2015)

(b-21) FALSE DOCUMENT - “Order for Costs,” dated 12 June 2015, (sent by Grant Macdonald on or around 15 July 2015) - THIS DOCUMENT WAS SENT "AFTER" THE CASE WAS APPEALED TO THE COURT OF APPEAL, where the continuous stream of false, forged documents were made and used for fraud in the Court, conspiring to defeat justice, in violation of the Crimes Act 1961.

Attached, please find the legal opinion of Mr Andrew Straw, handwritten expert, on the forgery of the series of documents, using Mander J for fraud, for information.

Reference number 005846 - Organised crimes committed in Christchurch High Court - using the name of Mander J for fraud

5 December 2023


cc: Ministry of Justice

Dear Sir/Madam

I received your email, dated 4 December 2023, informing me that "case reference number is 005846," "Once your complaint is assigned to an investigator, they will contact you. You can contact us by calling 0800 802 602 or emailing info@ombudsman.parliament.nz."

I would like to add information on the insurance fraud.

This is part 1 of the evidence of the organised crimes committed in relation to the insurance fraud.

Attached, below, please find the evidence of false, forged documents, using Mander J of Christchurch High Court for fraud.

These documents were used in the legal proceedings in Christchurch High Court, after the commission of the insurance fraud.

Please also find the handwritten expert on the false, forged document for your information.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand


A.     INSURANCE FRAUD (the evidence has been already provided)

(a-1)     On or around 27 August 2012, Arrow International, on behalf of Southern Response, issued a full, detailed assessment report (dated 24 February 2012, revised 27 August 2012) on the earthquake damage on the property, located at 15 Bounty Street, Bryndwr, Christchurch, estimating the total amount of the repair of $228,846.55 ($218,519.55 + $10,127.00).

(a-2)     On 11 December 2013, I received a letter from Emma Brown, Southern Response, sending me a computer printout sheet, dated 19 August 2013, for their refusal to settle the insurance claim on the property.

* On 5 February 2018, I received an email from Leanne Stewart, Senior Investigator, Office of the Ombudsman, stating, "I have made some enquires of EQC regarding your complaint about access to the name of the person who generated the settlement recommendation dated 12 February 2014," "EQC has confirmed that the names of the EQC staff members who had completed assessment reports following onsite scoping visits at the property have been disclosed to you.”

* On 2 December 2013, I called Emma Brown, Southern Response, regarding the insurance claim, and she talked about alleged paper-based assessment on the claim by EQC.

This was more than more than 3 months prior to 12 February 2014 when the settlement recommendation was supposedly generated by EQC. this conversation was recorded.


* On 13 February 2014, I received a phone call from EQC in Dunedin, and staff at EQC did not mention any onsite scoping visits by EQC on the property in Christchurch; this conversation was recorded.


(a-3)     On 11 August 2014, I received "Response by defendant," dated 22 May 2014, stating, "On 26 August 2013, EQC sent the defendant a batch of reassessed claims which included a file note relating to the plaintiffs' claim," "EQC had completed a further, paper-based, review of the damage to the House on 29 March 2012...(Second EQC Assessment)," during the District Court proceeding (CIV-2014-012-186).

(a-4)     On 16 December 2014, I received an email from Sacha Thom, Solicitor, representing Southern Response, stating, "...Southern Response provide copies of:

1. The communication between Southern Response and EQC on 26 August 2013.

2. EQC’s second assessment completed on 29 March 2012.

We attach three documents and note that:

· On 26 August 2013, EQC physically handed to Southern Response these three documents as part of a weekly collection of a batch of documents relating to various claims.

· The first attachment is addressed to Southern Response employee Kate Legg because she was the person at Southern Response who requested the documents from EQC in relation to your claim.

· Southern Response understands that EQC inserted Southern Response’s logo at the top of the document in order to identify which insurer the document needed to be provided to.

·  The attached scope of works is the only document relating to EQC’s amended assessment that was provided to Southern Response.


The facts above clearly establish that Southern Response and EQC committed insurance fraud.

(1)     There was NO onsite scoping visits by EQC at the property in Christchurch for the settlement recommendation, dated 12 February 2014, as alleged by EQC, as I was in Dunedin on that day. Furthermore, on 13 February 2014, I actually received a phone call in Dunedin from EQC staff and there was NO mention of the onsite visit in Christchurch on 12 February 2014, a day before.

(2)     Southern Response repeatedly stated that the EQC assessment on the property was paper-based (NOT onsite scoping visit as alleged by EQC), and the date of the computer printout was 19 August 2013, which was about 6 months earlier than 12 February 2014 on which the settlement recommendation was supposedly generated by EQC.

(3)     EQC cannot provide the name of the staff who did the alleged assessment, dated 12 February 2014.

(4)     There is NO evidence that EQC actually conducted any assessment on the property on 29 March 2012; since in or around August 2011, about 7 months prior to March 2011, the handling of the claim was shifted from EQC to AMI Insurance after EQC settled the claim by paying the maximum liability of EQC under the Earthquake Commission Act1993 and was no longer handling the claim on that day.

(5)     The full, detailed assessment report, professionally done by Arrow International, on behalf of Southern Response (dated 24 February 2012, revised 27 August 2012), unequivocally establishes the total damage of $228,846.55.

(6)     The computer printout sheet, dated 19 August 2013, is a false, forged document which was used for the insurance fraud, committed by Southern Response.


B.     FALSE, FORGED DOCUMENTS, USING THE NAME OF MANDER J FOR FRAUD (the evidence is attached to this email)

(b-1) FALSE DOCUMENT - “MINUTE OF MANDER J,” dated 26 February 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 27 February 2015)

(b-2) FALSE DOCUMENT - Signed, “MINUTE OF MANDER J,” dated 26 February 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 24 August 2015)

(b-3) FALSE DOCUMENT - Handwritten minute of Mander J, dated 27 February 2015, (retrieved from the official court file found in Dunedin High Court on 19 February 2016)

(b-4) FALSE DOCUMENT - “MINUTE OF MANDER J,” dated 5 March 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 5 March 2015)

(b-5) FALSE DOCUMENT - Signed, “MINUTE OF MANDER J,” dated 5 March 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 13 March 2015)

(b-6) FALSE DOCUMENT - Unless order of Mander J, dated 12 March 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 12 March 2015)

(b-7) FALSE DOCUMENT - Handwritten minute of Mander J, dated 12 March 2015, (sent by sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 13 March 2015)

(b-8) FALSE DOCUMENT - Signed, “MINUTE OF MANDER J,” dated 13 March 2015, (sent by sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 13 March 2015)

* There is NO signed minute of Mander J, dated 13 March 2015, in the official court file.

(b-9) FALSE DOCUMENT - “MINUTE OF MANDER J,” dated 13 March 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 16 March 2015)

(b-10) FALSE DOCUMENT - “MINUTE OF MANDER J,” dated 17 March 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 17 March 2015)

(b-11) FALSE DOCUMENT - Signed, “MINUTE OF MANDER J,” dated 17 March 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 17 March 2015)

* There is NO signed minute of Mander J, dated 17 March 2015, in the official court file.

(b-12) FALSE DOCUMENT - Email of Mander J, dated 20 March 2015 (at 12:11 pm), (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 10 August 2015)

“Friday, 20 March 2015  12:11 p.m.”

"Amelia, I record a brief note of my decision. I don’t think I can wait any longer for the respondent’s response in order to give the appellants’ time to comply with the order.

The appellants’ application for an extension is declined.

The appellants cite Rule 12.7(1) HCRs as providing a time requirement for service, however this rule concerns summary judgment applications and does not apply for the present situation.

The appellants appeal remains extant notwithstanding the operation of the unless order.

I also note for completeness that a hearing of the respondent’s application was attempted to convened however the appellants declined to make themselves available despite repeated efforts by the registry. The matter was dealt with by way of memorandum.

The appellants have still not provided reasons for their non-compliance.

Mander J"

(b-13) FALSE DOCUMENT - Email of Mander J, dated 20 March 2015 (at 12:18 pm), (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 12 August 2015)

“Friday, 20 March 2015  12:18:41 p.m.”


Our emails passed. I have read the respondent’s submissions. My ruling stands and may be notified to the parties without modification.

Many thanks

Mander J”

(b-14) FALSE DOCUMENT - Order of Mander J, dated 20 March 2015 (at 12:26 pm), (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 20 March 2015)


From: "Nicholson, Amelia" <Amelia.Nicholson@justice.govt.nz>

Date: Thursday, 19 March 2015 at 2:13 PM

To: Tatsuhiko Koyama <tatsuhiko.koyama@gmail.com>

Cc: "Henaghan, Misha" <Misha.Henaghan@dlapf.com>, "Macdonald, Grant" <grant.macdonald@dlapiper.co.nz>, "Thom, Sacha" <sacha.thom@dlapiper.co.nz>

Subject: RE: Appellant's submissions - Koyama v Southern Response (CIV-2014-412-0202)

Dear Tatsuhiko,

Many thanks for your email. All our Christchurch Judges are in Wellington today and Friday attending a conference but as the Unless Order is for close of business tomorrow I will forward this application and any other relevant documents on to the Honourable Justice Mander to deal with as soon as he has the opportunity.

If counsel for the respondent wishes to reply to this application could they please let me know as soon as possible.

Kind regards,


From: "Nicholson, Amelia" <Amelia.Nicholson@justice.govt.nz>

Date: Friday, 20 March 2015 at 8:26 AM

To: "tatsuhiko.koyama@gmail.com" <tatsuhiko.koyama@gmail.com>, "Macdonald, Grant" <grant.macdonald@dlapiper.co.nz>, "Henaghan, Misha" <misha.henaghan@dlapiper.co.nz>, "Thom, Sacha" <sacha.thom@dlapiper.co.nz>

Subject: CIV-2014-412-000202 - Koyama v Southern Response Earthquake Services Limited

Dear Counsel and Mr and Ms Koyama,

Following the receipt of the appellants application for an extension of the unless order and the respondents memorandum in reply, the Honourable Justice Mander has minuted the above named matter as follows:

"The appellants' application for an extension is declined.

The appellants cite Rule 12.7(1) HCRs as providing a  time requirement for service, however this rule concerns summary judgment applications and does not apply to the present situation.

The appellants appeal remains extant notwithstanding the operation of the unless order.

I also note for completeness that a hearing of the respondent's application was attempted to be convened however the appellants declined to make themselves available despite repeated efforts by the Registry. The matter was dealt with by way of memorandum.

The appellants have still not provided reasons for their non-compliance.”

Kind regards,


Amelia Nicholson

Deputy Registrar | Christchurch High Court

DDI: +64 3 962 4273 | Ext 54273

From: "Nicholson, Amelia" <Amelia.Nicholson@justice.govt.nz>

Date: Monday, 10 August 2015 at 10:23 AM

To: Tatsuhiko Koyama <tatsuhiko.koyama@gmail.com>

Subject: RE: Request for a copy of the handwritten minute of Mander J, dated 20 March 2015

Dear Mr Koyama,

I do not have a hand written copy of this minute as the Honourable Justice Mander was in Auckland for a conference. This minute was given to me by way of email which I have attached a copy of now.

Kind regards,


* Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, was involved with Grant Macdonald, Misha Henaghan, and Sacha Thom of DLA Piper New Zealand in the confirmed insurance fraud, causing loss by deception, forgery, using false document for pecuniary advantage, in violation of the Crimes Act 1961.


(b-15) FALSE DOCUMENT - “JUDGMENT OF MANDER J,” dated 23 March 2015, (sent by Rebecca Fahey, Civil Caseflow Manager, Christchurch High Court, on 23 March 2015, on the same day when a telephone case management conference was held and before the scheduled hearing on 5 April 2015)

(b-16) FALSE DOCUMENT - Signed, “JUDGMENT OF MANDER J,” dated 23 March 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 24 March 2015)

(b-17) FALSE DOCUMENT - “JUDGMENT OF MANDER J,’ dated 26 May 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 26 May 2015)

(b-18) FALSE DOCUMENT - Signed, “JUDGMENT OF MANDER J,’ dated 26 May 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 5 August 2015)

* There is NO signed judgement of Mander J, dated 26 May 2015, in the official court file.

(b-19) FALSE DOCUMENT - Minute of Mander J, date 5 June 2016, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 5 June 2015)

(b-20) FALSE DOCUMENT - Handwritten minute of Mander J, dated 5 June 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 14 July 2015)

(b-21) FALSE DOCUMENT - “Order for Costs,” dated 12 June 2015, (sent by Grant Macdonald on or around 15 July 2015) - THIS DOCUMENT WAS SENT "AFTER" THE CASE WAS APPEALED TO THE COURT OF APPEAL, where the continuous stream of false, forged documents were made and used for fraud in the Court, conspiring to defeat justice, in violation of the Crimes Act 1961.

Attached, please find the legal opinion of Mr Andrew Straw, handwritten expert, on the forgery of the series of documents, using Mander J for fraud, for information.

Ombudsman investigates the insurance fraud committed by EQC and Southern Response (4 December 2023)

Acknowledgement re Case: 005846

Tēnā koe

We received your complaint about Insurance Fraud on 24 November 2023. Your case reference number is 005846.

Once your complaint is assigned to an investigator, they will contact you.

You can contact us by calling 0800 802 602 or emailing info@ombudsman.parliament.nz.

Office of the Ombudsman | Tari o te Kaitiaki Mana Tangata

Phone 04 473 9533 0800 802 602| Fax 04 471 2254

Email info@ombudsman.parliament.nz | www.ombudsman.parliament.nz

PO Box 10152, Level 7, SolNet House, 70 The Terrace, Wellington


Crimes Act 1961

240 Obtaining by deception or causing loss by deception

(1) Every one is guilty of obtaining by deception or causing loss by deception who, by any deception and without claim of right,—

(a) obtains ownership or possession of, or control over, any property, or any privilege, service, pecuniary advantage, benefit, or valuable consideration, directly or indirectly; or

(b) in incurring any debt or liability, obtains credit; or

(c) induces or causes any other person to deliver over, execute, make, accept, endorse, destroy, or alter any document or thing capable of being used to derive a pecuniary advantage; or

(d) causes loss to any other person.

(2) In this section, deception means—

(a) a false representation, whether oral, documentary, or by conduct, where the person making the representation intends to deceive any other person and—

(i) knows that it is false in a material particular; or

(ii) is reckless as to whether it is false in a material particular; or

(b) an omission to disclose a material particular, with intent to deceive any person, in circumstances where there is a duty to disclose it; or

(c) a fraudulent device, trick, or stratagem used with intent to deceive any person.

256 Forgery

(1) Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years who makes a false document with the intention of using it to obtain any property, privilege, service, pecuniary advantage, benefit, or valuable consideration.

257 Using forged documents

(1) Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years who, knowing a document to be forged,—

(a) uses the document to obtain any property, privilege, service, pecuniary advantage, benefit, or valuable consideration; or

(b) uses, deals with, or acts upon the document as if it were genuine; or

(c) causes any other person to use, deal with, or act upon it as if it were genuine.



From: Tatsuhiko Koyama 

Subject: Must be investigated by your office and regulator of EQC (and Southern Response)

Date: 24 November 2023 at 11:22:21 AM NZDT

To: Info <info@ombudsman.parliament.nz>, Stuart Smith <stuart.smith@parliament.govt.nz>, d.russell@ministers.govt.nz, Deborah.Russell@parliament.govt.nz

Cc: information@ifso.nz, fraud@icnz.org.nz

24 November 2023

Office of Ombudsman

Dear Sir/Madam

I received an email from Mr Brendan O’Carroll, First Response Co-ordinator, Insurance & Finance Services Ombudsman Scheme, today.

According to him, "This Office provides a dispute resolution service between our members and their customers. EQC is not a member of the IFSO Scheme. However, they are a member of the Parliamentary Ombudsman Scheme who is their dispute resolution service," "This Office is not a regulator or governing body so is unable to consider accusations of fraud against it’s members."

This matter must be investigated by your office and regulator of EQC (and Southern Response).

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Subject: Conclusive evidence of insurance fraud - this matter requires investigation

Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2023 09:43:10 +1300

From: Tatsuhiko Koyama

To: d.russell@ministers.govt.nz, Deborah.Russell@parliament.govt.nz

CC: Stuart Smith <stuart.smith@parliament.govt.nz>

24 November 2023

Hon Hon Dr Deborah Russell

Minister Responsible for the Earthquake Commission

Dear EQC Minister

Attached, please find the conclusive evidence of insurance fraud, committed by EQC and Southern Response.

This matte requires your urgent and immediate attention.

If you require more information than what I have provided already, please feel free to contact me.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Subject: Conclusive evidence of insurance fraud - this matter requires investigation

Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2023 09:33:34 +1300

From: Tatsuhiko Koyama <tatsuhiko.koyama@gmail.com>

To: info@ifso.nz

CC: fraud@icnz.org.nz

24 November 2023

Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsman Scheme

Dear Sir/Madam

Today, I was advised by Insurance Council of New Zealand to contact you on the matter of undisputed insurance fraud, committed by Southern Response and EQC.

Attached, please find information on this matter.

This matter requires investigation.

If you require more information on this matter.

Please feel free to contact me.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Subject: Failure to answer questions by EQC - admission on the insurance fraud by EQC

Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2023 12:10:03 +1300

From: Tatsuhiko Koyama

To: BuildingAndConstruction.Portfolio@parliament.govt.nz, Megan.WoodsMP@parliament.govt.nz, Megan.Woods@parliament.govt.nz, M.Woods@ministers.govt.nz, Celia.Horner@parliament.govt.nz, Stuart.Smith@parliament.govt.nz, tyrone.fields@ccc.govt.nz, kelly.barber@ccc.govt.nz, tim.scandrett@ccc.govt.nz, jake.mclellan@ccc.govt.nz, celeste.donovan@ccc.govt.nz, james.gough@ccc.govt.nz, andrei.moore@ccc.govt.nz, aaron.keown@ccc.govt.nz, sara.templeton@ccc.govt.nz, mark.peters@ccc.govt.nz, pauline.cotter@ccc.govt.nz, yani.johanson@ccc.govt.nz, victoria.henstock@ccc.govt.nz, tyla.harrisonhunt@ccc.govt.nz, melanie.coker@ccc.govt.nz, Sam.macdonald@ccc.govt.nz, mayor@dcc.govt.nz, Hon Phil Twyford EA <PhilTwyford.EA@parliament.govt.nz>, enquiries@sfo.govt.nz, mayor@dcc.govt.nz

CC: resolutions@eqc.govt.nz, info@eqc.govt.nz, complaints@eqc.govt.nz, claims@southernresponse.co.nz

23 November 2023

Dear Sir/Madam

Today, I received an email from EQC on the matter of insurance fraud committed by EQC, attached.

EQC’s failure to answer any of the questions in the inquiry must be considered as its admission on the commission of the insurance fraud.

The questions asked are following:

(a) Does EQC has any policy or procedure to conduct second assessment on settled claim?

(b) If there is, does your assessor conduct such second assessment without actually visiting the property for the assessment?

(c) Is there any reason that EQC cannot provide the name of the assessor on the second assessment on the claim?

This matter must be acted upon immediately by relevant authorities, due to the admission of EQC on the commission of the insurance fraud.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Failure to answer questions by EQC - admission on the insurance fraud by EQC (23 November 2023)

Dear Sir/Madam

Today, I received an email from EQC on the matter of insurance fraud committed by EQC, attached.

EQC’s failure to answer any of the questions in the inquiry must be considered as its admission on the commission of the insurance fraud.

The questions asked are following:

(a) Does EQC has any policy or procedure to conduct second assessment on settled claim?

(b) If there is, does your assessor conduct such second assessment without actually visiting the property for the assessment?

(c) Is there any reason that EQC cannot provide the name of the assessor on the second assessment on the claim?

This matter must be acted upon immediately by relevant authorities, due to the admission of EQC on the commission of the insurance fraud.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

> On 23/11/2023, at 11:34 AM, Resolutions Team <resolutions@eqc.govt.nz> wrote:

> Mr Koyama, 

> Thank you for your emails received on the 13th and 14th November 2023. 

> The issues you have raised relate to historical concerns which have previously been considered by Toka Tū Ake EQC and the subject of Court proceedings. 

> The documentation provided in your email dated 13th November 2023 does not alter our previous assessment and we remain satisfied that your Toka Tū Ake EQC claim has been dealt with appropriately. 

> Regards 

> Steven Hodgson  

> Workflow Coordinator I Kairuruku Rerenga Mahi   

> Toka Tū Ake | EQC 

> DDI: 03 669 8194 | Mobile: 027 370 9142 | Christchurch 

> www.eqc.govt.nz 


> 14 November 2023


> Dear Kim

> Thank you for responding to my email regarding the insurance fraud committed, involving EQC.

> As for the background, please read the following:


> (1) On or around 27 August 2012, Arrow International, on behalf of Southern Response, issued a full, detailed assessment report (dated 24 February 2012, revised 27 August 2012) on the earthquake damage on the property, located at 15 Bounty Street, Bryndwr, Christchurch, estimating the total amount of the repair of $228,846.55 ($218,519.55 + $10,127.00). Please see a copy of this document, attached.

> (2) On 11 December 2013, I received a letter from Emma Brown, Southern Response, sending me a computer printout sheet, dated 19 August 2013, for their refusal to settle the insurance claim on the property. Please see a copy of this document is attached.

> (3) On 2 December 2013, I called Emma Brown, Southern Response, regarding the insurance claim, and she talked about alleged paper-based assessment on the claim by EQC. This phone call was recorded.

> https://youtu.be/K4XPHfd3FJE

> (4) On 13 February 2014, I received a phone call from EQC in Dunedin, and staff at EQC did not mention any onsite scoping visits by EQC on the property in Christchurch. This phone call was recorded. Please see a copy of the transcript.

> https://youtu.be/x725ECxAnSM

> (5) On 11 August 2014, I received "Response by defendant," dated 22 May 2014, stating, "On 26 August 2013, EQC sent the defendant a batch of reassessed claims which included a file note relating to the plaintiffs' claim," "EQC had completed a further, paper-based, review of the damage to the House on 29 March 2012...(Second EQC Assessment)," during the District Court proceeding (CIV-2014-012-186). Please see a copy of this document, attached.

> (6) On 16 December 2014, I received an email from Sacha Thom, Solicitor, representing Southern Response, stating, "...Southern Response provide copies of:

> 1. The communication between Southern Response and EQC on 26 August 2013.

> 2. EQC’s second assessment completed on 29 March 2012.

> We attach three documents and note that:

> · On 26 August 2013, EQC physically handed to Southern Response these three documents as part of a weekly collection of a batch of documents relating to various claims.

> · The first attachment is addressed to Southern Response employee Kate Legg because she was the person at Southern Response who requested the documents from EQC in relation to your claim.

> · Southern Response understands that EQC inserted Southern Response’s logo at the top of the document in order to identify which insurer the document needed to be provided to.

> ·  The attached scope of works is the only document relating to EQC’s amended assessment that was provided to Southern Response.

> Please see copies of the documents, attached.

> (7) On 5 February 2018, I received an email from Leanne Stewart, Senior Investigator, Office of the Ombudsman, stating, "I have made some enquires of EQC regarding your complaint about access to the name of the person who generated the settlement recommendation dated 12 February 2014," "EQC has confirmed that the names of the EQC staff members who had completed assessment reports following onsite scoping visits at the property have been disclosed to you." Please see a copy of this email, attached.


> Could you answer the following questions?

> (a) Does EQC has any policy or procedure to conduct second assessment on settled claim?

> (b) If there is, does your assessor conduct such second assessment without actually visiting the property for the assessment?

> (c) Is there any reason that EQC cannot provide the name of the assessor on the second assessment on the claim?

> If you require more information than what I have provided, please feel free to contact me.

> Yours truly

> Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

> Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand


Ministry of Justice responded (17 November 2023)

Regarding New Zealand Law Society's direct involvement on the systemic organised crimes, using New Zealand Courts for fraud -see the evidence

Thank you for your email.

Your query has been forwarded to the relevant team  for follow up and response.

If you have any further queries please don’t hesitate to contact us. Alternatively, the information may be available on our website: justice.govt.nz

Ngā mihi,

Tina R

National Registry Officer

Registry Contact Centre

Ministry of Justice | Tāhū o te Ture

P  0800 268 787| www.justice.govt.nz


New Zealand Law Society accepted the jurisdiction of the Privacy Commissioner (1 December 2023)

1 December 2023

Privacy Commissioner

Dear Commissioner

The New Zealand Law Society has accepted the jurisdiction of the Privacy Commissioner, subjecting themselves to the Privacy Act 2020 by responding to the request made under the Privacy Act 2020.

Due to the acceptance, the Privacy Commissioner can investigate any matter which is appropriate for the commissioner to investigate, or otherwise refer to appropriate agencies of the government to investigate.

Additionally, the New Zealand Law Society has accepted the systemic organised crimes, committed by the New Zealand Law Society and its members, by not responding to the information provided to them, including the copies of the responses from several members of New Zealand Parliament, including Nicola Willis MP, deputy leader of National Party; Stuart Smith MP, National Party; Hon Dr Megan Woods MP, then Minister for Building and Construction, Labour Party; Hon Phil Twyford MP, Labour Party.

The fact of the commission of the organised crimes has not been disputed for several years, and that includes the New Zealand Law Society.

The evidence is published in the internet for anyone to see and hear.









The series of false, forged documents issued by New Zealand Courts, including the Supreme Court of New Zealand, shows the extremely serious problem of incapability of New Zealand Justice System to deliver any justice in New Zealand.

This matter requires you to investigate, or otherwise refer to appropriate governmental agencies, including Ministry of Justice, New Zealand Police, to investigate.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Subject: RE: New Zealand Law Society is asked on the collection of personal information and purpose of the collection again

Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2023 20:16:25 +0000

From: tatsuhi kokoyama Redirect <tatsuhikokoyamaRedirect@lawsociety.org.nz>

To: Tatsuhiko Koyama, Nikki De La Mare <Nikki.DeLaMare@lawsociety.org.nz>

CC: enquiries@privacy.org.nz <enquiries@privacy.org.nz>, paul.goldsmithmp@parliament.govt.nz <paul.goldsmithmp@parliament.govt.nz>, paul.goldsmith@parliament.govt.nz <paul.goldsmith@parliament.govt.nz>, frazer.barton@al.nz <frazer.barton@al.nz>, President <president@lawsociety.org.nz>, duncan.webb@parliament.govt.nz <duncan.webb@parliament.govt.nz>, chchcentral@parliament.govt.nz <chchcentral@parliament.govt.nz>

Good morning,

Please see my response from earlier this morning which advises the reason we use the Tatsuhi Kokoyama Redirect email address. It states:

“Good morning,

 My response is in the letter dated 10 February 2022.

“This is my final letter to inform you of how any emails, letters and attachments from you will be managed by the Society.

The Law Society considers it has addressed your complaints which are closed, and it has addressed your queries…

…Your correspondence repeatedly refers to the same matters and does not warrant any further consideration or response.

From today, any emails from you, regardless of who you address them to, will automatically filter to one email box. You will not receive any acknowledgement of receipt of your correspondence and no action will be taken on your correspondence while the matters pertain to the same previously addressed issues.

This does not prevent you from lodging a complaint about a fresh or new matter. If we consider a matter meets the criteria of a new complaint, we will contact you to advise the next steps.”

As such, your emails are filtered to the Tatsuhi Kokoyama Redirect <tatsuhikokoyamaRedirect@lawsociety.org.nz> for ease of administrating emails that are not relevant to any open complaint.

We regularly review these and only respond when necessary. It remains that we will not be responding to emails that refer to matters that have already been addressed or responded to by the Law Society.

 This is my final email in relation to the use of the Tatsuhi Kokoyama Redirect email address.”



Nikki De La Mare

National Complaints Manager, Lawyers Complaints Service

New Zealand Law Society  ·   Te Kahui Tūre o Aotearoa

DDI 04 889 4455 ·   Nikki.Delamare@lawsociety.org.nz

New Zealand Law Society is asked on the collection of personal information and purpose of the collection again

1 December 2023

Ms Nikki De La Mare

National Complaints Manager, Lawyers Complaints Service

New Zealand Law Society  ·   Te Kahui Tūre o Aotearoa

cc: Privacy Commissioner, and others

Dear Nikki

At this time, I would like to remind you of the obligation under the Privacy Act 2020.

The Privacy Act 2020 states the following:


4 Application of this Act

(1) This Act (except section 212) applies to—

(a) a New Zealand agency (A), in relation to any action taken by A (whether or not while A is, or was, present in New Zealand) in respect of personal information collected or held by A...

8 Meaning of New Zealand agency

In this Act, New Zealand agency—

(a) means—

(iii) a New Zealand private sector agency...

22 Information privacy principles

The information privacy principles are as follows:

Information privacy principle 3

Collection of information from subject

(1) If an agency collects personal information from the individual concerned, the agency must take any steps that are, in the circumstances, reasonable to ensure that the individual concerned is aware of—(a) the fact that the information is being collected; and

(b) the purpose for which the information is being collected...



The New Zealand Law Society is a New Zealand private sector agency and subject to the Privacy Act 2020.

The New Zealand Law Society is using my name as the email address of "tatsuhi kokoyama Redirect <tatsuhikokoyamaRedirect@lawsociety.org.nz>.",

Obviously, the New Zealand Law Society is collecting my personal information and storing my personal information.

I asked several times the following question: "Is there any reason for the New Zealand Law Society to create the email address of "tatsuhi kokoyama Redirect <tatsuhikokoyamaRedirect@lawsociety.org.nz>"?

Your continuous refusal to answer the question must be considered as a violation of the Privacy Act 2020.

Under the Privacy Act 2020, the New Zealand Law Society must take any steps that are reasonable to ensure that I am aware of the fact of my personal information is being collected, and the purpose for which the information is being collected.

For your information, I received several responses on the systemic organised crimes committed by the New Zealand Law Society and its members, from several members of New Zealand Parliament, including Nicola Willis MP, deputy leader of National Party; Stuart Smith MP, National Party; Hon Dr Megan Woods MP, then Minister for Building and Construction, Labour Party; Hon Phil Twyford MP, Labour Party (please see copies of their emails, attached).

This matter is very important, and you must respond to the inquiry immediately.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Subject: New Zealand Law Society's use the email address of "tatsuhi kokoyama Redirect"

Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2023 12:18:32 +1300

From: Tatsuhiko Koyama

To: Nikki.DeLaMare@lawsociety.org.nz

CC: paul.goldsmithmp@parliament.govt.nz, paul.goldsmith@parliament.govt.nz, r.paterson@auckland.ac.nz, jacinta.ruru@otago.ac.nz, jane.meares@cliftonchambers.co.nz, judith.collins@parliament.govt.nz, JudithCollinsPapakura <judith.collinspapakura@parliament.govt.nz>, frazer.barton@al.nz, president@lawsociety.org.nz

30 November 2023

Ms Nikki De La Mare

National Complaints Manager, Lawyers Complaints Service

New Zealand Law Society  ·   Te Kahui Tūre o Aotearoa

DDI 04 889 4455 ·   Nikki.Delamare@lawsociety.org.nz

Dear Nikki

You did not answer the question in my inquiry.

I asked, "Is there any reason for the New Zealand Law Society to create the email address of "tatsuhi kokoyama Redirect <tatsuhikokoyamaRedirect@lawsociety.org.nz>"?

I look forward to your answer to the question asked in the inquiry.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Subject: RE: Email address of "tatsuhi kokoyama Redirect <tatsuhikokoyamaRedirect@lawsociety.org.nz>"

Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2023 22:56:57 +0000

From: tatsuhi kokoyama Redirect <tatsuhikokoyamaRedirect@lawsociety.org.nz>

To: Tatsuhiko Koyama

Good morning,

I refer you to my letter (attached) dated 10 February 2022, specifically the following paragraph:

“From today, any emails from you, regardless of who you address them to, will automatically filter to one email box. You will not receive any acknowledgement of receipt of your correspondence and no action will be taken on your correspondence while the matters pertain to the same previously addressed issues. “

Kind regards


Nikki De La Mare

National Complaints Manager, Lawyers Complaints Service

New Zealand Law Society  ·   Te Kahui Tūre o Aotearoa

DDI 04 889 4455 ·   Nikki.Delamare@lawsociety.org.nz


Message from Rt Hon Theresa May, former prime minister of the United Kingdom

30 November 2023

Rt Hon Christopher Luxon

Prime Minister of New Zealand

Dear Prime Minister

The undisputed fact shows that New Zealand is a rogue state, sponsoring organised crimes in violation of the international law.

Systemic nature of clandestine criminal operations in public institutions, using state power for illicit ends, must be considered as state-sponsored organised crimes, because these organised crimes are state-sanctioned as they are protected, supported, and supported by the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government.

The modus operandi of clandestine organised crimes is very much established, entrenched, and can be found everywhere in New Zealand.

Normalisation of organised crimes in public institutions and using state power for criminal ends in violation of the law is what makes the situation in New Zealand extremely sinister and very difficult to deal with in the jurisdiction where the Court, law enforcement, regulatory agencies, and media are united, interconnected to ensure the continuous viability of the clandestine criminal operations in the state institutions.

At this time, I would like to read a few passages from "the abuse of power" written by Rt Hon Theresa May, former prime minister of the United Kingdom, following:

Thus seeing the role of PM as a position of power could all too easily lead to abuse of that power. To a sense that you are set apart, above the rules. That there is one rule for you and another for everyone else. This attitude is not unique to politicians. It is seen elsewhere in the public sector and in the private sector too. It has led to a world where all too often people have taken certain decisions or undertaken certain actions simply because they could. 

Sadly, this often combined with a desire to protect not only the individual taking the decision but the organisation of which they are a part. There is often a sense that protection of the institution is more important than fairness, justice or seeking the truth. (p. 5)

It is highly recommended for New Zealand to seek international intervention, making it possible for New Zealand to establish the rules of law and proper constitutional governance in the jurisdiction.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Problem of faction - acute problem inherent in a small nation such as New Zealand

29 November 2023

Mr Cass R. Sunstein

Robert Walmsley University Professor

Harvard Law School

Dear Prof Sunstein

I am an enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand.

Attached, please find information on state-sponsored organised crimes of New Zealand.

Systemic nature of clandestine criminal operations in public institutions, using state power for illicit ends, must be considered as state-sponsored organised crimes, because these organised crimes are state-sanctioned as they are protected, supported, and supported by the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government.

In New Zealand, all New Zealand Courts, including the Supreme Court of New Zealand, are being used as the means and covers for the organised criminal syndicates to commit all kinds of crimes in violation of the laws of New Zealand.

Unfortunately, the modus operandi is very much entrenched and can be anywhere in New Zealand, and there is nothing anyone can do in the jurisdiction.

New Zealand is a perfect case for which international intervention can be very useful to establish the rules of law and proper constitutional governance in the jurisdiction.

For your information, I have been getting some responses from members of New Zealand Parliament, including Ms Nicola Willis, deputy leader of the National Party, which is the major party for the coalition government of New Zealand.

This matter requires your attention.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Problem of faction - acute problem inherent in a small nation such as New Zealand

Dear Sir/Madam

I wish you, at this time, take time and read some pages from "this is not normal" written by Cass R. Sustein, professor at Harvard University, attached.

He wrote: "Crucially, the problem of faction was likely to be most, not least, severe in a small republic. In a small republic, a self-interested private group could easily seize political power and distribute wealth or opportunities in its favor. In the view of the federalists, this is precisely what had happened in the years since the Revolution. Factions had usurped the processes of state government, putting both liberty and property at risk." (p. 73)

The undisputed fact of endemic, systemic corruption in public institutions of New Zealand, is a symptom of broader governance problem.

In a small nation where the powerful and dominant factions, united, can easily control the state institutions and plunder and suppress their organised crimes, using state power, as in New Zealand.

In New Zealand, the viability of clandestine publicly funded organised crimes is made possible by the state authorities, providing protection, support, and concealment for the organised criminal syndicates.

The legal black hole of New Zealand can be attested by the undisputed fact that all New Zealand Courts, including the Supreme Court of New Zealand, are being used as the means and covers for committing all kinds of crimes with impunity, in violation of the law.

The New Zealand normal must be changed.

Normalisation of criminal use of public institutions must end.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Complicity in the systemic organised crimes committed in public institutions of New Zealand

Dear Sir/Madam

I wish you to take time and read the following passages from "wilful blindness" written by Margaret Heffernan:

I had first encountered the concept of wilful blindness in the transcript of the trial of Enron CEO Jeffrey Skilling and Chairman Kenneth Lay. Instructing the jury, Judge Simeon Lake explained: "You may find that a defendant had knowledge of a fact if you find that the defendant deliberately closed his eyes to what would otherwise have been obvious to him. Knowledge can be inferred if the defendant deliberately blinded himself to the existence of a fact.” (p. 2)

Wilful blindness first emerged as a legal concept in the nineteenth century. A judge in Regina vs Sleep ruled that an accused could not be convicted for possession of government property unless the jury found that he either knew the goods came from government stores or had ‘wilfully shut his eyes to the fact.’ Thereafter, English judicial authorities referred to the state of mind that accompanied one who ‘wilfully shut his eyes’ as ‘connivance’ or ‘constructive knowledge.’ Since then, lots of other phrases came in to play - deliberate or wilful ignorance, conscious avoidance and deliberate indifference. What they all have in common is the idea that there is an opportunity for knowledge, and a responsibility to be informed, but it is shirked. (pp. 3-4) 

The fact of systemic organised crimes committed in public institutions, including New Zealand Courts, is undisputed for several years, and the evidence is published in the internet for anyone to see and hear.

It is imperative that you act on the knowledge and undisputed fact.

Being complicit in the organised crimes is a crime, and this is regardless of your position in the government or parliament.

This matter requires your immediate and urgent action.

Truly yours

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Criminal conspiracy of New Zealand Law Society and systemic organised crimes committed in New Zealand Courts

28 November 2023

Rt Hon Christopher Luxon

Prime Minister of New Zealand

Dear Prime Minister

I understand that there will be the first cabinet meeting today.

Attached, please find information on the criminal conspiracy of New Zealand Law Society, the sole and exclusive regulator of legal profession in New Zealand and systemic organised crimes committed in New Zealand Courts.

The fact is entirely undisputed by anyone or any organisation.

The evidence is published for anyone to see.

This matter requires your immediate action.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Criminal conspiracy of New Zealand Law Society and systemic organised crimes committed in New Zealand Courts

28 November 2023

Hon Judith Collins


Dear Attorney General

Attached, please find information on the criminal conspiracy and organised crimes committed in New Zealand Courts.

This email is the first of the eight emails regarding on this matter.

The fact has not been disputed by anyone or any organisation for several years, and the evidence is published.

This matter requires your immediate attention.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand


Criminal conspiracy of New Zealand Law Society and systemic organised crimes committed in New Zealand Courts - part 1

Subject: What should Justice Osborne of Christchurch High Court do on the false, forged documents in which his name was used for fraud?

Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2022 07:33:10 +1300

From: Tatsuhiko Koyama

To: christchurchhc@justice.govt.nz

CC: christchurch.dc@justice.govt.nz, canterbury-westland@lawsociety.org.nz, Nikki.DeLaMare@lawsociety.org.nz, president@lawsociety.org.nz, casey@wainuichambers.co.nz, k.faafoi@ministers.govt.nz, mayor@ccc.govt.nz, mnz@raydon.co.nz, P.Williams@ministers.govt.nz, poto.williams@parliament.govt.nz, Sarah.ilamMP@parliament.govt.nz, duncan.webb@parliament.govt.nz, chchcentral@parliament.govt.nz, GerryBrownlee Office <gerrybrownlee.office@parliament.govt.nz>, geoffrey.palmer@vuw.ac.nz, mai.chen@chenpalmer.com, letters@press.co.nz, newsroom@stuff.co.nz, patrick.crewdson@stuff.co.nz, janine.fenwick@stuff.co.nz, mark.stevens@stuff.co.nz, bernadette.courtney@stuff.co.nz, geoff.collett@stuff.co.nz, natalie.crockett@stuff.co.nz, ursula.cheer@canterbury.ac.nz, lynne.taylor@canterbury.ac.nz, bronwyn.frost@canterbury.ac.nz, julie.scott@canterbury.ac.nz, helen.lu@canterbury.ac.nz, philip.joseph@canterbury.ac.nz, duncan.webb@canterbury.ac.nz, chenry.barrister@xtra.co.nz, ellist@tonyellis.co.nz, reception@adls.org.nz, paul.radich@cliftonchambers.co.nz, cultural.chc@wl.mofa.go.jp, Andrew Straw <andrew@andrewstraw.com>, j.ardern@ministers.govt.nz <j.ardern@ministers.govt.nz>, Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern <jacinda.ardern@parliament.govt.nz>, Christopher.Luxon@parliament.govt.nz, botany@parliament.govt.nz, nlo@parliament.govt.nz

6 February 2022

Hon Justice Osborne

Christchurch High Court

cc: New Zealand Law Society, Canterbury-Westland Branch; Hon Kris Faafoi, Minister of justice; Mayor Lianne Dalziel, Christchurch mayor; Mr Mark Zarifeh, Crown Solicitor based in Christchurch; Hon Poto Williams, MP for Christchurch East; Ms Sarah Pallett, MP for Ilam; Dr Duncan Webb MP, MP for Christchurch Central; Hon Gerry Brownlee; National Party List MP in Christchurch; Faculty of Law, University of Canterbury; and others

Dear Justice Osborne

What should you do on the false, forged documents in which your name was used in fraud?

You must personally witness the evidence of the systemic organised crimes in which your name was used for fraud in violation of the Crimes Act 1961.

(1) FORGED DOCUMENT - “JUDGMENT OF ASSOCIATE JUDGE OSBORNE as to substituted service of Bankruptcy Notice,” dated 18 September 2015, (sent by Dunedin High Court on 1 October 2015)


* The signature on the document, dated 18 September 2015, is a computer-generated image, pasted on the document. There is NO practice in the High Court of New Zealand to put an digital image on the original court document. It is forgery per se.

(2) FORGED DOCUMENT - Handwritten minute of Associate Judge Osborne, dated 26 January 2016, (sent by Rebecca Fahey, Civil Caseflow Manager, Christchurch High Court, on 18 February 2016)


(3) FORGED DOCUMENT - “JUDGMENT OF ASSOCIATE JUDGE OSBORNE upon review of Deputy Registrar’s decision,” dated 1 March 2016, (sent by Keroli Smith, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 1 March 2016)


* There are two distinctly different signatures, clearly indicating forgery.

(4) FORGED DOCUMENT - "JUDGMENT OF ASSOCIATE JUDGE OSBORNE annulling adjudication," dated 13 December 2016, (Sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 4 January 2017)


* The signature on the document, dated 13 December 2016, is a computer-generated image, pasted on the document. There is NO practice in the High Court of New Zealand to put an digital image on the original court document. It is forgery per se.

(5) EXPERT OPINION - "Analysis of signatures for detection of forgery, dated 6 May 2016," Andrew Straw, US lawyer and notary public


(6) Memorandum of Grant Slevin, Senior Investigating Solicitor, Insolvency and Trustee Service, Minister of Business, Innovation and employment, dated 12 December 2016, stating: "...counsel submits the hearing scheduled for 15 December should be vacated and a date in January 2017 allocated for a determination on the papers, or if the need arises, a case management conference by way of telephone conference."


(7) Email of Grant Slevin, dated 23 December 2016, stating: "If what you say is true you have committed an offence under s 433(f) Insolvency Act 2006 by leaving New Zealand without the Assignee’s consent. A person who commits this offence is liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or a fine not exceeding $5,000, or both."


Your continuous silence on this matter must be considered as aiding and abetting.

Your immediate action on this matter is very much expected.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Criminal conspiracy of New Zealand Law Society and systemic organised crimes committed in New Zealand Courts - part 2

Subject: New Zealand Media must report the undisputed state-sponsored organised crimes of New Zealand

Date: Mon, 7 Mar 2022 06:52:50 +1300

From: Tatsuhiko Koyama

To: breakfast@tvnz.co.nz <breakfast@tvnz.co.nz>, sevensharp@tvnz.co.nz <sevensharp@tvnz.co.nz>, qanda@tvnz.co.nz <qanda@tvnz.co.nz>, news@tvnz.co.nz <news@tvnz.co.nz>

CC: john@jgmatthews.co.nz <john@jgmatthews.co.nz>, k.faafoi@ministers.govt.nz <k.faafoi@ministers.govt.nz>, kris.faafoi@parliament.govt.nz <kris.faafoi@parliament.govt.nz>, contactus@justice.govt.nz <contactus@justice.govt.nz>, info@justice.govt.nz <info@justice.govt.nz>, Justice.winkelmann@courts.govt.nz <Justice.winkelmann@courts.govt.nz>, officeofthechiefjustice@justice.govt.nz <officeofthechiefjustice@justice.govt.nz>, SupremeCourt.SupremeCourt@justice.govt.nz <SupremeCourt.SupremeCourt@justice.govt.nz>, justice.thomas@justice.govt.nz <justice.thomas@justice.govt.nz>, christchurchhc@justice.govt.nz <christchurchhc@justice.govt.nz>, dunedin.dc@justice.govt.nz <dunedin.dc@justice.govt.nz>, poto.williams@parliament.govt.nz <poto.williams@parliament.govt.nz>, P.Williams@ministers.govt.nz <P.Williams@ministers.govt.nz>, Police <Police.portfolio@parliament.govt.nz>, Moana Fuli <Reremoana.Fuli@parliament.govt.nz>, Andrew.coster@police.govt.nz <Andrew.coster@police.govt.nz>, FMCTWP@police.govt.nz <FMCTWP@police.govt.nz>, southernfmc@police.govt.nz <southernfmc@police.govt.nz>, Online Reporting Team <OnlineReportingTeam@police.govt.nz>, Matthew McCallum <Matthew.McCallum@parliament.govt.nz>, enquiries@sfo.govt.nz <enquiries@sfo.govt.nz>, christine.meads@sfo.govt.nz <christine.meads@sfo.govt.nz>, d.clark@ministers.govt.nz <d.clark@ministers.govt.nz>, David.Clark@parliament.govt.nz <David.Clark@parliament.govt.nz>, dunedin@parliament.govt.nz <dunedin@parliament.govt.nz>, editor@odt.co.nz <editor@odt.co.nz>, odt.editorial@alliedpress.co.nz <odt.editorial@alliedpress.co.nz>, newstips@alliedpress.co.nz <newstips@alliedpress.co.nz>, voice@northeastvalley.org <voice@northeastvalley.org>, letters@press.co.nz <letters@press.co.nz>, newsroom@stuff.co.nz <newsroom@stuff.co.nz>, news@newshub.co.nz <news@newshub.co.nz>, nation@tv3.co.nz <nation@tv3.co.nz>, contact@newsroom.co.nz <contact@newsroom.co.nz>, briefing@newsroom.co.nz <briefing@newsroom.co.nz>, contact@icij.org <contact@icij.org>, yournews@nzherald.co.nz <yournews@nzherald.co.nz>, newstips@stuff.co.nz <newstips@stuff.co.nz>, news@dompost.co.nz <news@dompost.co.nz>, Andrew Straw <andrew@andrewstraw.com>, ti@transparency.org <ti@transparency.org>, info-us@transparency.org <info-us@transparency.org>, brussels@transparency.org <brussels@transparency.org>, admin@transparency.org.nz <admin@transparency.org.nz>, press@transparency.org <press@transparency.org>, info@thespinoff.co.nz <info@thespinoff.co.nz>, Service@americanbar.org <Service@americanbar.org>, csunstei@law.harvard.edu <csunstei@law.harvard.edu>, j.ardern@ministers.govt.nz <j.ardern@ministers.govt.nz>, Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern <Jacinda.Ardern@parliament.govt.nz>, nicky@paradise.net.nz <nicky@paradise.net.nz>, gavin.ellis@xtra.co.nz <gavin.ellis@xtra.co.nz>, alexiaCRussell@gmail.com <alexiaCRussell@gmail.com>, qiuyi.tan@nzme.co.nz <qiuyi.tan@nzme.co.nz>, listenerletters@aremedia.co.nz <listenerletters@aremedia.co.nz>, naomi.arnold@rnz.co.nz <naomi.arnold@rnz.co.nz>, kirsty.johnston@stuff.co.nz <kirsty.johnston@stuff.co.nz>, guyon.espiner@rnz.co.nz <guyon.espiner@rnz.co.nz>, enquiry@wl.mofa.go.jp <enquiry@wl.mofa.go.jp>, consular@wl.mofa.go.jp <consular@wl.mofa.go.jp>, jicc@wl.mofa.go.jp <jicc@wl.mofa.go.jp>, cultural.chc@wl.mofa.go.jp <cultural.chc@wl.mofa.go.jp>, f-kishida@kishida.gr.jp <f-kishida@kishida.gr.jp>, information@dpmc.govt.nz <information@dpmc.govt.nz>

7 March 2022


cc: Mr John Matthews, Canterbury Chambers; Hon Kris Faafoi, Minister of Justice, Minister of Broadcasting & Media; Ministry of Justice; Rt Hon Dame Helen Winkelmann, Chief Justice of New Zealand; Supreme Court of New Zealand; Justice Susan Thomas, Chief High Court Judge; Christchurch High Court; Dunedin High Court; Hon Poto Williams, Minister of Police, Minister responsible for Serious Fraud Office; Mr Andrew Coster, Police Commissioner, New Zealand Police; Serious Fraud Office; Hon Dr David Clark, MP for Dunedin; Transparency International; American Bar Association, New Zealand Media, and others

Dear Sir/Madam

Thank you very much for your continuous interest on the undisputed systemic corruption and organised crimes, committed in public institutions of New Zealand.

You must listen to the undisputed evidence of the FAKE HEARING in the High Court of New Zealand.


At this FAKE HEARING, someone impersonated Associate Judge John Matthews in the FAKE HEARING in Dunedin High Court on 3 March 2016.

This recording of the FAKE HEARING has been preserved, fortunately, even though some criminals attempted to remove the evidence of the organised crimes, committed in the High Court of New Zealand, from the public domain.

(1) After the FAKE HEARING, on 15 March 2016, I received a letter of Hayley McKee, Senior Associate, Glaister Ennor, dated 9 March 2016, enclosed with "Order Adjudicating Debtor Bankrupt," certified and issued by D. McMillan, Deputy Registrar, High Court, New Zealand, dated 3 March 2016.


On 12 April 2016, I received "MINUTE OF DAVIDSON J (following memorandum of counsel for judgment creditor dated 9 March 2016 in relation to alleged recording of hearing by judgment debtor)," dated 12 April 2016, a false, forged document, using the name of Davidson J of Christchurch High Court for fraud, from Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court.


This false, forged document states, "Mr Koyama is given the opportunity to respond to the memorandum of counsel dated 9 March 2016. He should respond given that he is said to be in breach of the Court's order that the hearing not be recorded. His response may be made by memorandum in the first instance, or otherwise as he considers appropriate by way of a proceeding in this Court. If so, it should be filed within 10 working days of this minute i.e. Wednesday 27 April 2916 at 5.00pm..."

Prior to the FAKE HEARING, I received two letters of extortion from Mitch Singh, Associate, Glaister Ennor, using several false, forged documents.

On 29 September 2015, I received the letter of extortion, dated 25 September 2015, and a false, forged document, using the name of Justice Clifford of the High Court of New Zealand for fraud, extorting  $12,738.


Enclosed in this letter, there was another false, forged document: “Order of Associate Judge Osborne as to substituted service of a bankruptcy notice,” dated 18 September 2015, signed by B D Sceats on 22 September 2015; there was no decision by Associate Judge Osborne on or around 18 September 2015 in this case.

On 5 February 2016, I received another letter of extortion, dated 28 January 2016, from Mitch Singh, using several judges of New Zealand Courts for fraud, extorting $46,310.48.


Regarding the false, forged documents used in the organised crimes, please read "Analysis of signatures for detection of forgery," by Mr Andrew Straw, handwritten expert.


The series of organised crimes committed in the secrecy of the Court and Government resulted in the bank robbery, aided by Insolvency and Trustee Service of Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment, stealing $114,222.03, while Southern Response and EQC of public institutions, committing insurance fraud.

Last year, on 19 October 2021, I received an email from Mr Matthew McCallum, Private Secretary (Serious Fraud Office), Office of Hon Poto Williams, stating, "...I understand that the SFO is also in receipt of your complaint," attached.


Crimes Act 1961

257 Using forged documents

(1) Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years who, knowing a document to be forged,--

(a) uses the document to obtain any property, privilege, service, pecuniary advantage, benefit, or valuable consideration; or

(b) uses, deals with, or acts upon the document as if it were genuine; or

(c) causes any other person to use, deal with, or act upon it as if it were genuine.

234 Robbery

(1) Robbery is theft accompanied by violence or threats of violence, to any person or property, used to extort the property stolen or to prevent or overcome resistance to its being stolen.

(2) Every one who commits robbery is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years.



On 30 October 2021, I received an email from American Bar Association, stating, "Your email [International oversight must be placed on New Zealand Judiciary on the proven systemic corruption in all New Zealand Courts] has been forward to the Rule of Law Initiative, and the appropriate staff person will respond to you shortly," attached.


The clear pattern of criminality in public institutions of New Zealand exists.

The systemic organised crimes are committed in the secrecy of the Court and Government, protected, supported, and concealed by the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government.

All New Zealand Courts, including the Supreme Court of New Zealand, are used as the means and covers for the organised criminal syndicates to commit all kinds of crimes with impunity, in violation of the laws of New Zealand and international law.



New Zealand Media must investigate and report the clandestine publicly funded criminal operations in public institutions of New Zealand, using state power for illicit purposes in violation of the laws of New Zealand (state-sponsored organised crimes of New Zealand).

The fact is undisputed by anyone, and thre is no reason for TV ONE, the state broadcaster, not to investigate and report the undisputed systemic corruption and organised crimes committed in public institutions of New Zealand.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand



(a-1)     On or around 27 August 2012, Arrow International, on behalf of Southern Response, issued a full, detailed assessment report (dated 24 February 2012, revised 27 August 2012) on the earthquake damage on the property, located at 15 Bounty Street, Bryndwr, Christchurch, estimating the total amount of the repair of $228,846.55 ($218,519.55 + $10,127.00).


(a-2)     On 11 December 2013, I received a letter from Emma Brown, Southern Response, sending me a computer printout sheet, dated 19 August 2013, for their refusal to settle the insurance claim on the property.


* On 5 February 2018, I received an email from Leanne Stewart, Senior Investigator, Office of the Ombudsman, stating, "I have made some enquires of EQC regarding your complaint about access to the name of the person who generated the settlement recommendation dated 12 February 2014," "EQC has confirmed that the names of the EQC staff members who had completed assessment reports following onsite scoping visits at the property have been disclosed to you.”


* On 2 December 2013, I called Emma Brown, Southern Response, regarding the insurance claim, and she talked about alleged paper-based assessment on the claim by EQC.

This was more than more than 3 months prior to 12 February 2014 when the settlement recommendation was supposedly generated by EQC. this conversation was recorded.


* On 13 February 2014, I received a phone call from EQC in Dunedin, and staff at EQC did not mention any onsite scoping visits by EQC on the property in Christchurch; this conversation was recorded.


(a-3)     On 11 August 2014, I received "Response by defendant," dated 22 May 2014, stating, "On 26 August 2013, EQC sent the defendant a batch of reassessed claims which included a file note relating to the plaintiffs' claim," "EQC had completed a further, paper-based, review of the damage to the House on 29 March 2012...(Second EQC Assessment)," during the District Court proceeding (CIV-2014-012-186).


(a-4)     On 16 December 2014, I received an email from Sacha Thom, Solicitor, representing Southern Response, stating, "...Southern Response provide copies of:

1. The communication between Southern Response and EQC on 26 August 2013.

2. EQC’s second assessment completed on 29 March 2012.

We attach three documents and note that:

· On 26 August 2013, EQC physically handed to Southern Response these three documents as part of a weekly collection of a batch of documents relating to various claims.

· The first attachment is addressed to Southern Response employee Kate Legg because she was the person at Southern Response who requested the documents from EQC in relation to your claim.

· Southern Response understands that EQC inserted Southern Response’s logo at the top of the document in order to identify which insurer the document needed to be provided to.

·  The attached scope of works is the only document relating to EQC’s amended assessment that was provided to Southern Response.



The facts above clearly establish that Southern Response and EQC committed insurance fraud.

(1)     There was NO onsite scoping visits by EQC at the property in Christchurch for the settlement recommendation, dated 12 February 2014, as alleged by EQC, as I was in Dunedin on that day. Furthermore, on 13 February 2014, I actually received a phone call in Dunedin from EQC staff and there was NO mention of the onsite visit in Christchurch on 12 February 2014, a day before.

(2)     Southern Response repeatedly stated that the EQC assessment on the property was paper-based (NOT onsite scoping visit as alleged by EQC), and the date of the computer printout was 19 August 2013, which was about 6 months earlier than 12 February 2014 on which the settlement recommendation was supposedly generated by EQC.

(3)     EQC cannot provide the name of the staff who did the alleged assessment, dated 12 February 2014.

(4)     There is NO evidence that EQC actually conducted any assessment on the property on 29 March 2012; since in or around August 2011, about 7 months prior to March 2011, the handling of the claim was shifted from EQC to AMI Insurance after EQC settled the claim by paying the maximum liability of EQC under the Earthquake Commission Act1993 and was no longer handling the claim on that day.

(5)     The full, detailed assessment report, professionally done by Arrow International, on behalf of Southern Response (dated 24 February 2012, revised 27 August 2012), unequivocally establishes the total damage of $228,846.55.


(6)     The computer printout sheet, dated 19 August 2013, is a false, forged document which was used for the insurance fraud, committed by Southern Response.




(b-1) FALSE DOCUMENT - “MINUTE OF MANDER J,” dated 26 February 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 27 February 2015)



(b-2) FALSE DOCUMENT - Signed, “MINUTE OF MANDER J,” dated 26 February 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 24 August 2015)



(b-3) FALSE DOCUMENT - Handwritten minute of Mander J, dated 27 February 2015, (retrieved from the official court file found in Dunedin High Court on 19 February 2016)


(b-4) FALSE DOCUMENT - “MINUTE OF MANDER J,” dated 5 March 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 5 March 2015)



(b-5) FALSE DOCUMENT - Signed, “MINUTE OF MANDER J,” dated 5 March 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 13 March 2015)



(b-6) FALSE DOCUMENT - Unless order of Mander J, dated 12 March 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 12 March 2015)


(b-7) FALSE DOCUMENT - Handwritten minute of Mander J, dated 12 March 2015, (sent by sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 13 March 2015)



(b-8) FALSE DOCUMENT - Signed, “MINUTE OF MANDER J,” dated 13 March 2015, (sent by sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 13 March 2015)



* There is NO signed minute of Mander J, dated 13 March 2015, in the official court file.

(b-9) FALSE DOCUMENT - “MINUTE OF MANDER J,” dated 13 March 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 16 March 2015)



(b-10) FALSE DOCUMENT - “MINUTE OF MANDER J,” dated 17 March 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 17 March 2015)



(b-11) FALSE DOCUMENT - Signed, “MINUTE OF MANDER J,” dated 17 March 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 17 March 2015)



* There is NO signed minute of Mander J, dated 17 March 2015, in the official court file.

(b-12) FALSE DOCUMENT - Email of Mander J, dated 20 March 2015 (at 12:11 pm), (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 10 August 2015)

“Friday, 20 March 2015  12:11 p.m.”

"Amelia, I record a brief note of my decision. I don’t think I can wait any longer for the respondent’s response in order to give the appellants’ time to comply with the order.

The appellants’ application for an extension is declined.

The appellants cite Rule 12.7(1) HCRs as providing a time requirement for service, however this rule concerns summary judgment applications and does not apply for the present situation.

The appellants appeal remains extant notwithstanding the operation of the unless order.

I also note for completeness that a hearing of the respondent’s application was attempted to convened however the appellants declined to make themselves available despite repeated efforts by the registry. The matter was dealt with by way of memorandum.

The appellants have still not provided reasons for their non-compliance.

Mander J"



(b-13) FALSE DOCUMENT - Email of Mander J, dated 20 March 2015 (at 12:18 pm), (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 12 August 2015)

“Friday, 20 March 2015  12:18:41 p.m.”


Our emails passed. I have read the respondent’s submissions. My ruling stands and may be notified to the parties without modification.

Many thanks

Mander J”



(b-14) FALSE DOCUMENT - Order of Mander J, dated 20 March 2015 (at 12:26 pm), (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 20 March 2015)



From: "Nicholson, Amelia" <Amelia.Nicholson@justice.govt.nz>

Date: Thursday, 19 March 2015 at 2:13 PM

To: Tatsuhiko Koyama <tatsuhiko.koyama@gmail.com>

Cc: "Henaghan, Misha" <Misha.Henaghan@dlapf.com>, "Macdonald, Grant" <grant.macdonald@dlapiper.co.nz>, "Thom, Sacha" <sacha.thom@dlapiper.co.nz>

Subject: RE: Appellant's submissions - Koyama v Southern Response (CIV-2014-412-0202)

Dear Tatsuhiko,

Many thanks for your email. All our Christchurch Judges are in Wellington today and Friday attending a conference but as the Unless Order is for close of business tomorrow I will forward this application and any other relevant documents on to the Honourable Justice Mander to deal with as soon as he has the opportunity.

If counsel for the respondent wishes to reply to this application could they please let me know as soon as possible.

Kind regards,



From: "Nicholson, Amelia" <Amelia.Nicholson@justice.govt.nz>

Date: Friday, 20 March 2015 at 8:26 AM

To: "tatsuhiko.koyama@gmail.com" <tatsuhiko.koyama@gmail.com>, "Macdonald, Grant" <grant.macdonald@dlapiper.co.nz>, "Henaghan, Misha" <misha.henaghan@dlapiper.co.nz>, "Thom, Sacha" <sacha.thom@dlapiper.co.nz>

Subject: CIV-2014-412-000202 - Koyama v Southern Response Earthquake Services Limited

Dear Counsel and Mr and Ms Koyama,

Following the receipt of the appellants application for an extension of the unless order and the respondents memorandum in reply, the Honourable Justice Mander has minuted the above named matter as follows:

"The appellants' application for an extension is declined.

The appellants cite Rule 12.7(1) HCRs as providing a  time requirement for service, however this rule concerns summary judgment applications and does not apply to the present situation.

The appellants appeal remains extant notwithstanding the operation of the unless order.

I also note for completeness that a hearing of the respondent's application was attempted to be convened however the appellants declined to make themselves available despite repeated efforts by the Registry. The matter was dealt with by way of memorandum.

The appellants have still not provided reasons for their non-compliance.”

Kind regards,


Amelia Nicholson

Deputy Registrar | Christchurch High Court

DDI: +64 3 962 4273 | Ext 54273



From: "Nicholson, Amelia" <Amelia.Nicholson@justice.govt.nz>

Date: Monday, 10 August 2015 at 10:23 AM

To: Tatsuhiko Koyama <tatsuhiko.koyama@gmail.com>

Subject: RE: Request for a copy of the handwritten minute of Mander J, dated 20 March 2015

Dear Mr Koyama,

I do not have a hand written copy of this minute as the Honourable Justice Mander was in Auckland for a conference. This minute was given to me by way of email which I have attached a copy of now.

Kind regards,



* Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, was involved with Grant Macdonald, Misha Henaghan, and Sacha Thom of DLA Piper New Zealand in the confirmed insurance fraud, causing loss by deception, forgery, using false document for pecuniary advantage, in violation of the Crimes Act 1961.


(b-15) FALSE DOCUMENT - “JUDGMENT OF MANDER J,” dated 23 March 2015, (sent by Rebecca Fahey, Civil Caseflow Manager, Christchurch High Court, on 23 March 2015, on the same day when a telephone case management conference was held and before the scheduled hearing on 5 April 2015)



(b-16) FALSE DOCUMENT - Signed, “JUDGMENT OF MANDER J,” dated 23 March 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 24 March 2015)



(b-17) FALSE DOCUMENT - “JUDGMENT OF MANDER J,’ dated 26 May 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 26 May 2015)



(b-18) FALSE DOCUMENT - Signed, “JUDGMENT OF MANDER J,’ dated 26 May 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 5 August 2015)



* There is NO signed judgement of Mander J, dated 26 May 2015, in the official court file.

(b-19) FALSE DOCUMENT - Minute of Mander J, date 5 June 2016, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 5 June 2015)


(b-20) FALSE DOCUMENT - Handwritten minute of Mander J, dated 5 June 2015, (sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, on 14 July 2015)



(b-21) FALSE DOCUMENT - “Order for Costs,” dated 12 June 2015, (sent by Grant Macdonald on or around 15 July 2015) - THIS DOCUMENT WAS SENT "AFTER" THE CASE WAS APPEALED TO THE COURT OF APPEAL, where the continuous stream of false, forged documents were made and used for fraud in the Court, conspiring to defeat justice, in violation of the Crimes Act 1961.


(b-22) FALSE DOCUMENT - “MINUTE OF WHITE J,” dated 16 June 2015, (sent by Justine Bird, Court Registry Officer, Court of Appeal, on 16 June 2015)



* The Court of Appeal of New Zealand did NOT have the jurisdiction on the matter; Tatsuhiko Koyama was NOT in New Zealand on or around 16 June 2015.

* The signature on the document, dated 16 June 2015, is significantly different the true signature of Mr Douglas White QC.


* Jan A Flood, Registrar, University of Otago, in her email, dated 7 August 2015, wrote, "...Clare O'Brien, Court Manager/Registrar of the Court of Appeal. Her communication regarding the appropriateness of the Library allowing you to see the documents involved was: 'No you can't. No judgment or any documents get issued for public release with judge's signatures on them."


(b-23) FALSE DOCUMENT - “MINUTE AND DIRECTIONS OF WILD J,” dated 14 August 2015, (sent by Fiona McDonald, Fixtures Manager/Deputy Registrar, Court of Appeal, on 14 August 2015)



* There is NO signed original document in the official case file.

(b-24) FALSE DOCUMENT - “MINUTE AND DIRECTIONS OF THE COURT,” dated 29 September 2015, (Ellen France P, Wild and Cooper JJ), (sent by Fiona McDonald, Fixtures Manager/Deputy Registrar, Court of Appeal, on 29 September 2015)



* There is NO signed original document in the official case file.

(b-25) FALSE DOCUMENT - “JUDGMENT OF THE COURT,” dated 5 October 2015, (Ellen France P, Wild and Cooper JJ), (sent by Justine Bird, Court Registry Officer, Court of Appeal, on 5 October 2015)



* There is NO signed original document in the official case file.

(b-26) FALSE DOCUMENT - “Judgment for sealing,” dated 6 November 2015, (Ellen France P, Wild and Cooper JJ), (sent by Grant MacDonald on or around 17 November 2015)


Criminal conspiracy of New Zealand Law Society and systemic organised crimes committed in New Zealand Courts - part 3

Subject: New Zealand Media must report the undisputed systemic corruption and organised crimes committed in public institutions of New Zealand

Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2022 06:35:20 +1300

From: Tatsuhiko Koyama

To: breakfast@tvnz.co.nz

CC: qanda@tvnz.co.nz, P.Williams@ministers.govt.nz, poto.williams@parliament.govt.nz <poto.williams@parliament.govt.nz>, Police <Police.portfolio@parliament.govt.nz>, Andrew.coster@police.govt.nz <Andrew.coster@police.govt.nz>, FMCTWP@police.govt.nz, southernfmc@police.govt.nz, OnlineReportingTeam@police.govt.nz, k.faafoi@ministers.govt.nz, kris.faafoi@parliament.govt.nz, contactus@justice.govt.nz, info@justice.govt.nz, WellingtonHC@justice.govt.nz, news@dompost.co.nz, newstips@stuff.co.nz, newsroom@stuff.co.nz, gavin.ellis@xtra.co.nz, alexiaCRussell@gmail.com, guyon.espiner@rnz.co.nz, melissa.lee@parliament.govt.nz, mayor@dcc.govt.nz, dcc@dcc.govt.nz, mayor@wcc.govt.nz, info@wcc.govt.nz, newswatch@bbc.co.uk, contact@9news.com.au, robert.patman@otago.ac.nz, politics@otago.ac.nz

18 March 2022



cc: Q+A With Jack Tame, TV ONE; Hon Poto Williams, Minister of Police; Mr Andrew Coster, Police Commissioner, New Zealand Police; Hon Kris Faafoi, Minister of Justice, Ministry of Justice; Wellington High Court; and others

Dear Sir/Madam

Thank you very much for your continuous interest on the systemic corruption and organised crimes committed in public institutions of New Zealand.

Attached, please find the undisputed evidence of systemic corruption and organised crimes committed in Wellington High Court.


These FAKE transcripts, attached, were issued by Michaela Stack, Deputy Registrar, Wellington High Court, on 8 September 2014.




These false documents were created and used for some criminal purposes, and the names of Justices Clifford and Collins of the High Court of New Zealand were used for fictitious (non-existent, sham) hearings in Wellington High Court as part of the systemic organised crimes committed in the Court.

A transcript must be made by someone transcribing a recording of something, and for a transcript to exist, there must be the applicable recording from which to transcribe.

These fake transcripts have NO applicable recordings; they are FAKE, beyond any reasonable doubt.

1.     You must contact Wellington High Court and Ministry of Justice to ask about the cases of (a) CIV-2013-485-006873 and (b) CIV-2014-485-002343, and why these FAKE transcripts exist even though there was NO hearing in the cases in Wellington High Court.

2.     You must also contact Justices Clifford and Collins and ask them about the fraud in which their names were used.


This fraud was followed by extortion by Paul Collins, Barrister, Shortland Chambers, representing New Zealand Law Society.

Attached, please also find the letters of Paul Collins, dated 9 June 2014, extorting $11,990.00 using a false, forged document, and 21 November 2014, extorting $8,955.25, using another false, forged document.



The false, forged, document, dated 28 May 2014, enclosed in the letter of Paul Collins, dated 9 June 2014, attached, falsely states, "This proceeding was heard on 16 April 2014 at Wellington before the Honourable Justice Clifford, who, having heard from Paul Collins...gives judgement..."

The other false, forged, document, dated 14 October 2014, enclosed in the letter of Paul Collins, dated 21 November 2014, attached, falsely states, "This proceeding was heard on 20 August 2014 at Wellington before the Honourable Justice Collins, who, having heard from Paul Collins, counsel for the first respondent, and Helen Carrad, counsel for the second respondent, gives judgment that...The first respondent is entitled to scale 2B costs in the sum of $7,064.50 and disbursement of $50, set out in Schedule 1; The second respondent is entitled to scale 2B costs in the sum of $1,840.75, set out in Schedule 2."

These are some of the several false, forged documents, used later in the bankruptcy fraud in the High Court of New Zealand, resulted in the bank robbery, by Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment, as explained in my earlier emails, attached below.


The undisputed fact clearly shows that the systemic corruption and organised crimes committed in the secrecy of the Court and Government are very much entrenched and widespread in New Zealand.

The organised criminal syndicates are flagrantly committing all kinds of crimes with impunity, in violation of the laws of New Zealand and international law, knowing that their crimes will never investigated by the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand.

The systemic corruption and organised crimes committed in the secrecy of the Court and Government exist, entrenched and widespread, because no media nor journalist investigates and reports this matter, denying the chance for the people of New Zealand discuss about this matter openly in public.

New Zealand Media must investigate and report the undisputed systemic corruption and organised crimes committed in public institutions of New Zealand, alerting the people of New Zealand and international community on this matter.

As stated in my email, dated 13 March 2022, attached below, "chances are that these undisputed systemic organised crimes will continue to be suppressed by the authorities, regardless of the veracity of the facts, unless the media report this matter, pressuring the government to actually investigate the systemic organised crimes rather than covering them up, ensuring the clandestine criminal operations in public institutions of New Zealand."

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Subject: New Zealand Media Council complicit in the systemic organised crimes committed in public institutions of New Zealand

Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2022 06:17:47 +1300

From: Tatsuhiko Koyama

To: breakfast@tvnz.co.nz

CC: qanda@tvnz.co.nz, P.Williams@ministers.govt.nz, poto.williams@parliament.govt.nz <poto.williams@parliament.govt.nz>, Police <Police.portfolio@parliament.govt.nz>, Andrew.coster@police.govt.nz <Andrew.coster@police.govt.nz>, FMCTWP@police.govt.nz, southernfmc@police.govt.nz, OnlineReportingTeam@police.govt.nz, k.faafoi@ministers.govt.nz, kris.faafoi@parliament.govt.nz, info@mediacouncil.org.nz, gavin.ellis@xtra.co.nz, alexiaCRussell@gmail.com, guyon.espiner@rnz.co.nz, melissa.lee@parliament.govt.nz

15 March 2022



cc: Q+A With Jack Tame, TV ONE; Hon Poto Williams, Minister of Police; Mr Andrew Coster, Police Commissioner, New Zealand Police; Hon Kris Faafoi, Minister of Justice, Minister of Broadcasting & Media; New Zealand Media Council; and others

Dear Sir/Madam

Thank you very much for your continuous interest on the undisputed systemic organised crimes committed in public institutions of New Zealand.

This email follows my email, dated 13 March 2022, attached below, "FAKE NEWS by New Zealand Media on the undisputed FAKE HEARING in the High Court of New Zealand."

The undisputed facts are (1) Stuff published the FAKE NEWS on 18 March 2016 on the undisputed FAKE HEARING in the High Court of New Zealand on 3 March 2016, and (2) New Zealand Media Council covered it up.

For your information, last year I received two emails, dated 9 June 2021, from New Zealand Media Council on this matter, attached.

The evidence clearly shows that New Zealand Media Council has been complicit in the undisputed systemic organised crimes, and this must be something that New Zealand Media need to report.

As stated in my email, dated 13 March 2022, attached below, "chances are that these undisputed systemic organised crimes will continue to be suppressed by the authorities, regardless of the veracity of the facts, unless the media report this matter, pressuring the government to actually investigate the systemic organised crimes rather than covering them up, ensuring the clandestine criminal operations in public institutions of New Zealand."

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Subject: FAKE NEWS by New Zealand Media on the undisputed FAKE HEARING in the High Court of New Zealand

Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2022 08:14:10 +1300

From: Tatsuhiko Koyama

To: qanda@tvnz.co.nz

CC: breakfast@tvnz.co.nz, info@mediacouncil.org.nz, P.Williams@ministers.govt.nz, poto.williams@parliament.govt.nz <poto.williams@parliament.govt.nz>, Police <Police.portfolio@parliament.govt.nz>, Andrew.coster@police.govt.nz <Andrew.coster@police.govt.nz>, FMCTWP@police.govt.nz, southernfmc@police.govt.nz, OnlineReportingTeam@police.govt.nz, newsroom@stuff.co.nz, newstips@stuff.co.nz, letters@press.co.nz, news@dompost.co.nz, k.faafoi@ministers.govt.nz, kris.faafoi@parliament.govt.nz

13 March 2022

Q+A With Jack Tame


cc: Breakfast, TV ONE; Stuff; New Zealand Media Council; Hon Poto Williams, Police Minister; Mr Andrew Coster, Police Commissioner, New Zealand Police; Hon Kris Faafoi, Minister of Justice, Minister of Broadcasting & Media

Dear Jack

I received an email, dated 8 March 2022, from Office of Hon Poto Williams, informing me that the information on the systemic organised crimes committed in public institutions of New Zealand was referred to Police National Headquarters, which was in response to my email to you, dated 6 March 2022, attached.

But, chances are that these undisputed systemic organised crimes will continue to be suppressed by the authorities, regardless of the veracity of the facts, unless the media report this matter, pressuring the government to actually investigate the systemic organised crimes rather than covering them up, ensuring the clandestine criminal operations in public institutions of New Zealand.

As stated in my email, dated 7 March 2022, attached below, the clear pattern of criminality of systemic organised crimes exist in New Zealand where all New Zealand Courts, including the Supreme Court of New Zealand, are used as the means and covers for the organised criminal syndicates to commit all kinds of crimes with impunity, protected, supported, and concealed by the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government, in violation of the laws of New Zealand and international law.



Now, as explained in my email, dated 7 March 2022, attached below, the FAKE HEARING took place in the High Court of New Zealand on 3 March 2016.

You must listen to the FAKE HEARING in the High Court of New Zealand in which someone impersonated Associate Judge John Matthews.


Several police officers have been informed on this matter, but nothing has been done, except they covered it up, allowing the organised criminal syndicates to continue committing crimes in the secrecy of the Court and Government, resulting in the bank robbery, aided and abetted by Insolvency and Trustee Service of Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment while Southern Response and EQC committing insurance fraud.

Hamish McNeilly, Dunedin Bureau Chief, Stuff, attended the FAKE HEARING and published FAKE NEWS with false information which was not available to him nor could not be found anywhere in the public (fed false information), on 18 March 2016: “Decade-long legal stoush ends with lawyer declared bankrupt” (the evidence of this FAKE NEWS is attached to this email).


The complaint on the FAKE NEWS, published by Hamish McNeilly, was not investigated by Press Council (New Zealand Media Council); Mary Major, Executive Director, Press Council, covered it up (please see the email of Mary Major, dated 8 Mary 2017, attached).

Will Hamish McNeilly and Mary Major be contacted by New Zealand Police as part of the criminal investigation?


Crimes Act 1961

71 Accessory after the fact

(1) An accessory after the fact to an offence is one who, knowing any person to have been a party to the offence, receives, comforts, or assists that person or tampers with or actively suppresses any evidence against him or her, in order to enable him or her to escape after arrest or to avoid arrest or conviction.



The facts have not been undisputed by anyone for a long time, but the systemic organised crimes committed in the secrecy of the Court and Government have been covered up by the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government.

Should the systemic organised crimes committed in the secrecy of the Court and Government continue to be normalised as part of the governance of New Zealand?

The media in New Zealand must report this matter so that the people of New Zealand will have a chance to debate on this very important matter of the governance of New Zealand openly in public.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Subject: Prime Minister must fight against the undisputed systemic corruption and organised crimes committed in public institutions of New Zealand

Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2022 06:08:52 +1300

From: Tatsuhiko Koyama

To: j.ardern@ministers.govt.nz <j.ardern@ministers.govt.nz>, Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern <jacinda.ardern@parliament.govt.nz>, information@dpmc.govt.nz <information@dpmc.govt.nz>

CC: breakfast@tvnz.co.nz, qanda@tvnz.co.nz, k.faafoi@ministers.govt.nz, kris.faafoi@parliament.govt.nz, info-us@transparency.org <info-us@transparency.org>, brussels@transparency.org <brussels@transparency.org>, ti@transparency.org <ti@transparency.org>, admin@transparency.org.nz, press@transparency.org, Christopher.Luxon@parliament.govt.nz, botany@parliament.govt.nz, National Leader's Office <nlo@parliament.govt.nz>

11 March 2022

Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern

Prime Minister of New Zealand

cc: Breakfast, Q+A With Jack Tame, TV ONE; Hon Kris Faafoi, Minister of Justice, Minister of Broadcasting & Media; Transparency International; Mr Christopher Luxon MP, Leader of the opposition

Dear Prime Minister

New Zealand has very serious problems in the governance.

The problems must have existed for a very long time.

New Zealand has twin problems of significance: (1) national courts are non-existent or unable to function, and (2) national authorities have been unwilling or unable to carry out a genuine investigation.

Compounding the problems, no journalist nor media will investigate nor report this matter, making sure the viability of systemic organised crimes committed in the secrecy of the Court and Government.

This matter is not unnoticed by organisations and people overseas.

On 30 October 2021, I received an email from American Bar Association, stating, "Your email [International oversight must be placed on New Zealand Judiciary on the proven systemic corruption in all New Zealand Courts] has been forward to the Rule of Law Initiative, and the appropriate staff person will respond to you shortly," attached.

A UK medical practitioner wrote, "With the privy council now gone, this [certain systematic organised crime in New Zealand] needs to be exposed by the media of another country. I am a medical doctor, with 3 medical science books published internationally. I am also an authority on Narcissistic Personality Disorder, sociopathy and psychopathy - and the people we are dealing with are extreme examples of this trait. However, the problem in NZ is the apathy, timidity and cognitive dissonance of the people. We have built up conclusive evidence - all in the public domain. Are there any university professors of law who have the integrity to join our fight?"

A US-educated New Zealand lawyer wrote, "I have been following with great interest the numerous communications that you have sent to the PM and other members of the Establishment, without knowing whether you have managed to achieve any satisfactory resolution of the issues you have mentioned. Like you, I too have been battling the very evident pathologies in the New Zealand 'Justice' system, so far without any success to speak of, despite my being active in it for the past 17 years since my enrolment in the High Court."

Criminals in New Zealand have created and are maintaining collusive and interconnected networks in which they work in tandem to commit all kinds of crimes with impunity, knowing that their crimes are protected, supported, and concealed by law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government.

The clandestine criminal operations in public institutions of New Zealand are made viable by multiple factors in and out of public institutions.

Particular to New Zealand, two monopoly organisations exist to protect the clandestine organised crimes committed in public institutions of New Zealand.

(1) New Zealand Law Society, the exclusive regulator of the legal profession in New Zealand, exists to commit organised crimes by itself and protect criminals who use New Zealand Courts as the means and covers for the clandestine criminal operations in the secrecy of the Court and Government.

(2) New Zealand Media Council, the exclusive regulator of the media in New Zealand, exists to protect journalists who publish fake news and legitimatise public disinformation disseminated by New Zealand Courts and other public institutions of New Zealand.

The national culture is nurtured by the combination of public disinformation, indoctrination, and state-propaganda, and, cloaked within this culture, the insidious culture of impunity exists, pervading the mind of judges, lawyers, public officials, police officers, journalists, and others who no longer see anything wrong with what is normalised in New Zealand.

This matter requires your leadership as Prime Minister of New Zealand.

When the fact of the systemic corruption and organised crimes in public institutions of New Zealand is undisputed by anyone, it is not your option not to do anything.

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Criminal conspiracy of New Zealand Law Society and systemic organised crimes committed in New Zealand Courts - part 4

Subject: New Zealand Media must report the collusive and interconnecting nature of the systemic organised crimes of New Zealand

Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2022 07:16:41 +1300

From: Tatsuhiko Koyama

To: qanda@tvnz.co.nz

CC: breakfast@tvnz.co.nz, P.Williams@ministers.govt.nz, poto.williams@parliament.govt.nz <poto.williams@parliament.govt.nz>, Police <Police.portfolio@parliament.govt.nz>, Andrew.coster@police.govt.nz <Andrew.coster@police.govt.nz>, FMCTWP@police.govt.nz, southernfmc@police.govt.nz, OnlineReportingTeam@police.govt.nz, k.faafoi@ministers.govt.nz, kris.faafoi@parliament.govt.nz, contactus@justice.govt.nz, info@justice.govt.nz, d.parker@ministers.govt.nz, david.parker@parliament.govt.nz, contactus@crownlaw.govt.nz, melissa.lee@parliament.govt.nz, news@dompost.co.nz, newstips@stuff.co.nz, newsroom@stuff.co.nz, newswatch@bbc.co.uk, contact@9news.com.au, guyon.espiner@rnz.co.nz, mayor@wcc.govt.nz, info@wcc.govt.nz, mayor@dcc.govt.nz, dcc@dcc.govt.nz

20 March 2022

Q+A With Jack Tame


cc: Breakfast, TV ONE; Hon Poto Williams, Police Minister; Mr Andrew Coster, Police Commissioner, New Zealand Police; Hon Kris Faafoi, Minister of Justice, Minister of Broadcasting & Media; Ministry of Justice; Hon David Parker, Attorney-General; Crown Law; and others

Dear Jack

Thank you for your continuing interest on the systemic corruption in public institutions of New Zealand.

The corruption in New Zealand is collusive and interconnecting, and this may be the reason why the systemic corruption and organised crimes in public institutions are very much entrenched and widespread in New Zealand.

As explained in my previous email to Breakfast, TV ONE, dated 18 March 2022, attached below, there are FAKE transcripts in the cases of CIV-2013-485-006873 and CIV-2014-485-002343, and there were NO hearings in Wellington High Court in these cases on 16 April 2014 and 20 August 2014.

Now, you have to witness the collusive and interconnecting nature of the organised crimes in New Zealand.

A.     "Judgment Dated: 28 May 2014"

"Judgment Dated: 28 May 2014" was enclosed in the letter of Paul Collins, Barrister, Shortland Chambers, dated dated 9 June 2014, attached.


(1) There was NO hearing in Wellington High Court on 16 April 2014 in the case of CIV-2013-485-006873.

(2) On 3 June 2014, Paul Collins emailed to Michaela Stack, Deputy Registrar, Wellington High Court, on 3 June 2014, four documents [letter, dated 3 June 2014; memorandum, dated 3 June 2014; "Judgment Dated:  June 2014"; "Order of the Court (costs) Dated:  June 2014"] (the email of Paul Collins, dated 3 June 2014, is attached).






(3) The date of submission of the four documents is 3 June 2014 which was later than 28 May 2014, the date when Anna Smith, Deputy Registrar, the High Court of New Zealand, supposedly signed and sealed.


(4) "Judgment Dated: 28 May 2014" falsely states, "This proceeding was heard on 16 April 2014 at Wellington before the Honourable Justice Clifford, who, having heard from Paul Collins...gives judgement..."


B.     "Judgment dated 14 October 2014"

"Judgment dated dated 14 October 2014" was enclosed in the letter of Paul Collins, dated dated 21 November 2014, attached.


(1) There was NO hearing in Wellington High Court on 20 August 2014 in the case of the case of CIV-2014-485-002343.

(2) The High Court of New Zealand did not have the jurisdiction to hear the case on 20 August 2014, since the Supreme Court of New Zealand had the jurisdiction on the case since 15 August 2014 (the letter of the Supreme Court, dated 15 August 2014, is attached).


(3) The draft of "Judgment dated  November 2014" was apparently received by Wellington High Court on 19 November 2014 which was later than 14 October 2014, the date when Anna Smith, Deputy Registrar, the High Court of New Zealand, supposedly signed and sealed.


(4) Helen Carrad, Crown Counsel, Crown Law, in her letter, dated 24 December 2014, attached, falsely states, "Following the judgment of Justice Collins [dated 14 October 2014, NOT 20 August 2014], counsel for the NZLS and counsel for the Attorney-General filed costs schedules in the High Court which set out the costs incurred by each party..."; there was NO submissions by the parties on the costs and Wellington High Court cannot produce copies of the costs submissions by the parties in the case.


(5) "Judgment dated 14 October 2014" falsely states, "This proceeding was heard on 20 August 2014 at Wellington before the Honourable Justice Collins, who, having heard from Paul Collins, counsel for the first respondent, and Helen Carrad, counsel for the second respondent, gives judgment that...The first respondent is entitled to scale 2B costs in the sum of $7,064.50 and disbursement of $50, set out in Schedule 1; The second respondent is entitled to scale 2B costs in the sum of $1,840.75, set out in Schedule 2."



Crimes Act 1961

66 Parties to offences

(1) Every one is a party to and guilty of an offence who--

(a) actually commits the offence; or

(b) does or omits an act for the purpose of aiding any person to commit the offence; or

(c) abets any person in the commission of the offence; or

(d) incites, counsels, or procures any person to commit the offence.

(2) Where 2 or more persons form a common intention to prosecute any unlawful purpose, and to assist each other therein, each of them is a party to every offence committed by any one of them in the prosecution of the common purpose if the commission of that offence was known to be a probable consequence of the prosecution of the common purpose.


C.     Collusive and interconnecting nature of the systemic organised crimes of New Zealand

Just for this example, the organised crimes were committed by several parties, including several lawyers of New Zealand, New Zealand Law Society, Crown Law, Wellington High Court, and Supreme Court of New Zealand.

Corruption in New Zealand is systemic, entrenched, and widespread, and its nature is collusive, interconnecting, and very corrosive.

A US lawyer wrote, "I think the courts are really the most fundamental and important part of government. If you cannot get justice, none of your rights exist," "Life liberty and property cease to exist," "I think the word you're looking for [the criminals using the Courts for systematic organised crimes] is psychopathy," "Group psychopathy," "If you can reform the New Zealand courts with the support of New Zealand people, that will be a miracle."

New Zealand Media must report this matter so that the people of New Zealand will be informed about the serious problems in the public administration of New Zealand.

As stated in my email, dated 13 March 2022, attached below, "chances are that these undisputed systemic organised crimes will continue to be suppressed by the authorities, regardless of the veracity of the facts, unless the media report this matter, pressuring the government to actually investigate the systemic organised crimes rather than covering them up, ensuring the clandestine criminal operations in public institutions of New Zealand."

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Criminal conspiracy of New Zealand Law Society and systemic organised crimes committed in New Zealand Courts - part 5

Subject: New Zealand Media must report the systemic organised crimes committed in the Supreme Court of New Zealand

Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2022 06:08:43 +1300

From: Tatsuhiko Koyama

To: breakfast@tvnz.co.nz

CC: qanda@tvnz.co.nz, P.Williams@ministers.govt.nz, poto.williams@parliament.govt.nz <poto.williams@parliament.govt.nz>, Police <Police.portfolio@parliament.govt.nz>, Andrew.coster@police.govt.nz <Andrew.coster@police.govt.nz>, FMCTWP@police.govt.nz, southernfmc@police.govt.nz, OnlineReportingTeam@police.govt.nz, k.faafoi@ministers.govt.nz, kris.faafoi@parliament.govt.nz, contactus@justice.govt.nz, info@justice.govt.nz, SupremeCourt.SupremeCourt@justice.govt.nz, d.parker@ministers.govt.nz, david.parker@parliament.govt.nz, contactus@crownlaw.govt.nz, melissa.lee@parliament.govt.nz, news@dompost.co.nz, newstips@stuff.co.nz, newsroom@stuff.co.nz, newswatch@bbc.co.uk, contact@9news.com.au, guyon.espiner@rnz.co.nz, mayor@wcc.govt.nz, info@wcc.govt.nz, mayor@dcc.govt.nz, dcc@dcc.govt.nz, Andrew Straw <andrew@andrewstraw.com>, geoffrey.palmer@vuw.ac.nz, paul.radich@cliftonchambers.co.nz, reception@adls.org.nz, Dr Tony Ellis <ellist@tonyellis.co.nz>, C. S. Henry, Barrister <chenry.barrister@xtra.co.nz>, j.ardern@ministers.govt.nz <j.ardern@ministers.govt.nz>, Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern <jacinda.ardern@parliament.govt.nz>, Christopher.Luxon@parliament.govt.nz, botany@parliament.govt.nz, f-kishida@kishida.gr.jp, enquiry@wl.mofa.go.jp <enquiry@wl.mofa.go.jp>, consular@wl.mofa.go.jp, correspondence@ustr.eop.gov <correspondence@ustr.eop.gov>, AucklandACS@state.gov <AucklandACS@state.gov>, fcocorrespondence@fco.gov.uk <fcocorrespondence@fco.gov.uk>, delegation-new-zealand@eeas.europa.eu <delegation-new-zealand@eeas.europa.eu>, Justice.winkelmann@courts.govt.nz, officeofthechiefjustice@justice.govt.nz, info-us@transparency.org <info-us@transparency.org>, brussels@transparency.org <brussels@transparency.org>, ti@transparency.org <ti@transparency.org>, admin@transparency.org.nz, press@transparency.org

22 March 2022



cc: Q+A With Jack Tame, TV ONE; Hon Poto Williams, Minister of Police; Mr Andrew Coster, Police Commissioner, New Zealand Police; Hon Kris Faafoi, Minister of Justice; Ministry of Justice; Rt Hon Dame Helen Winkelmann, Chief Justice of New Zealand; Supreme Court of New Zealand; Hon David Parker, Attorney-General; Crown Law; Transparency International, and others

Dear Sir/Madam

Thank you very much for your continuous interest on the systemic corruption and organised crimes committed in the secrecy of the Court and Government of New Zealand.

You have witnessed the systemic organised crimes committed in the High Court of New Zealand, including Wellington, Christchurch, and Dunedin High Court (please see the emails attached below).

All New Zealand Courts are being used as the instruments for the organised criminal syndicates to commit all kinds of crimes with impunity in violation of the laws of New Zealand.

Unfortunately, the Supreme Court of New Zealand, the highest court in New Zealand, is just another such instrument for the organised criminal syndicates to commit organised crimes in New Zealand, leaving New Zealand as the biggest LEGAL BLACKHOLE in the Pacific.

As in the undisputed fraud in Wellington High Court in the cases of CIV-2013-485-006873 and CIV-2014-485-002343 (please see the emails attached below), there was NO hearing in the Supreme Court of New Zealand in the case of SC 83/2014.

As in the Wellington High Court fraud, there are several false, forged, documents, issued by the Supreme Court of New Zealand.

A.     "Judgment of the Court Dated: 20 October 2014"

"Judgment of the Court Dated: 20 October 2014" was enclosed in the letter of Paul Collins, Barrister, Shortland Chambers, dated dated 28 October 2014, extorting $2,550, attached.

This is a false, forged document, along with other false, forged documents, used later in the bankruptcy fraud in the High Court of New Zealand, resulted in the bank robbery, by Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment, as explained in my earlier emails, attached below.

For your information, on 20 October 2014, Ani Chan, Case Officer, Supreme Court, wrote, "The Court has received both your application for recall (dated 12 October 2014) and your application for leave to appeal (dated 15 October 2014)" (a copy of this letter is attached).

B.     "JUDGMENT OF THE COURT," dated 10 October 2014

This is a false, forged document of the Supreme Court of New Zealand, sent by Gordon Thatcher, Registrar, Supreme Court, on 13 October 2014.



For your information, I received "Notice of result of application for leave to appeal," dated and sealed by Gordon Thatcher, Registrar of the Supreme Court of New Zealand, on 10 October 2014, attached.


C.     Forgery confirmed by the expert

The signature of Arnold J in the document, dated 10 October 2014, was examined by a handwritten expert.

Mr Andrew Straw, a US lawyer and public notary, was provided with four documents with the signatures of Mr Terence Arnold, Solicitor-General and Chief Executive, Crown Law Office, dated 30 June 2004, 30 May 2005, and 30 June 2007, attached.




In "Analysis of signatures for detection of forgery," dated 6 May 2016, attached, he wrote, "...the letter A in Arnold is more angular and narrow in the true signatures than the one above. There appears to be no letter r in the first name in signature above, while the r in the true signatures is quite pronounced and consistent even over the course of 3 years. I believe there is a strong chance that a different person wrote the above signature, given the many differences."


D.     Forensic document examination

New Zealand Police on its website, states, "The Document Examination Section is based in Wellington. It provides forensic investigation of documents associated with crime and other matters, for police and private clients. This includes using a range of scientific techniques to determine the authenticity and/or origin of documents and examining hand writing and signatures to determine authorship."


For your information, the signature of Sir Terence Arnold is also found in "Report of the Government Inquiry into Operation Burnham and related matters," published in July 2020.


The forged document, dated 10 October 2014, must be examined by the document examination section of New Zealand Police.

How easy is it for New Zealand Police simply to contact Sir Terence Arnold and inquire about the forgery committed in the Supreme Court of New Zealand in which his name was used in the fraud?

E.     Conclusion

The patterns of the criminality is very similar in all New Zealand Courts (please see the attached emails on the systemic organised crimes committed in New Zealand Courts).

All New Zealand Courts, without any exception, are used as the means and covers for the organised criminal syndicates to commit all kinds of crimes with impunity in the secrecy of the Court and Government.

These clandestine organised crimes are publicly funded criminal operations in public institutions of New Zealand, protected, supported, and concealed by the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government.

Normalisation of the systemic organised crimes in public institutions must be investigated by competent authorities with responsible oversight.

The people of New Zealand must be informed about this matter and provided with an opportunity to discuss about this matter openly in public.

As stated in my email, dated 13 March 2022, attached below, "chances are that these undisputed systemic organised crimes will continue to be suppressed by the authorities, regardless of the veracity of the facts, unless the media report this matter, pressuring the government to actually investigate the systemic organised crimes rather than covering them up, ensuring the clandestine criminal operations in public institutions of New Zealand."

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Criminal conspiracy of New Zealand Law Society and systemic organised crimes committed in New Zealand Courts - part 6

Subject: New Zealand Media must report the systemic organised crimes committed in the Court of Appeal of New Zealand

Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2022 06:10:34 +1300

From: Tatsuhiko Koyama

To: breakfast@tvnz.co.nz

CC: qanda@tvnz.co.nz, P.Williams@ministers.govt.nz, poto.williams@parliament.govt.nz <poto.williams@parliament.govt.nz>, Police <Police.portfolio@parliament.govt.nz>, Andrew.coster@police.govt.nz <Andrew.coster@police.govt.nz>, FMCTWP@police.govt.nz, southernfmc@police.govt.nz, OnlineReportingTeam@police.govt.nz, k.faafoi@ministers.govt.nz, kris.faafoi@parliament.govt.nz, contactus@justice.govt.nz, info@justice.govt.nz, Courtofappeal@justice.govt.nz, d.parker@ministers.govt.nz, david.parker@parliament.govt.nz, contactus@crownlaw.govt.nz, melissa.lee@parliament.govt.nz, news@dompost.co.nz, newstips@stuff.co.nz, newsroom@stuff.co.nz, guyon.espiner@rnz.co.nz, mayor@wcc.govt.nz, info@wcc.govt.nz, mayor@dcc.govt.nz, dcc@dcc.govt.nz, registrar@otago.ac.nz, gavin.ellis@xtra.co.nz, news@newshub.co.nz, Office of Hon Mark Mitchell MP <mark.mitchellmp@parliament.govt.nz>, letters@nzherald.co.nz, odt.editorial@alliedpress.co.nz, editor@odt.co.nz, newstips@alliedpress.co.nz, contact@newsroom.co.nz, mayor@ccc.govt.nz, brian.dickey@mc.co.nz, mnz@raydon.co.nz, robin.bates@rpblaw.co.nz, steve.manning@elvidges.co.nz, jacinda@hamiltonlegal.nz, mary-jane.thomas@prlaw.co.nz, natalie@kfw.co.nz, cec@candmlegal.co.nz, julie.richardson@elvidges.co.nz

23 March 2022



cc: Q+A With Jack Tame, TV ONE; Hon Poto Williams, Minister of Police; Mr Andrew Coster, Police Commissioner, New Zealand Police; Hon Kris Faafoi, Minister of Justice; Ministry of Justice; Court of Appeal; Hon David Parker, Attorney-General; Crown Law; and others

Dear Sir/Madam

Thank you very much for your continuous interest on the systemic corruption and organised crimes committed in public institutions of New Zealand.

You have witnessed the fraud in the High Court (Wellington, Christchurch, Dunedin), and Supreme Court of New Zealand.

Now, you must witness the organised crimes committed in the Court of Appeal of New Zealand.

Two sets of fraud were committed in the Court of Appeal in two separate legal proceedings on two different legal matters.

A.     "Judgment of the Court Dated: 8 November 2013"

"Judgment of the Court Dated: 8 November 2013" was closed in the letter of Paul Collins, Barrister, Shortland Chambers, dated 12 November 2013.


This document falsely states, "At 3:00pm on 17 April 2013, the Court of Appeal of New Zealand…delivered a judgment… The Court of Appeal determined:…The applicant must pay the respondent costs for a standard application on a band A basis and disbursements. With reference to Order C, the Court of Appeal orders the applicant to pay costs to the respondent in the sum of $3,383.00 and disbursements in the sum of $635.10…"

The following facts clearly establish this is a false statement.

(1) Paul Collins submitted four documents on the costs application, which was LATER than 17 April 2013, increasing the costs from $2,386.90 to $4,018.10 (these documents are attached).

a. Document, dated 24 April 2013: $2,386.90 ($1,782.00 + $604.90)


b. Document, dated 26 April 2013: $2,848.90 ($2,244.00 + $604.90)


c. Document, dated 22 May 2013: $2,879.10 ($2,244.00 + $635.10)


d. Document, dated 6 November 2013: $4,018.10 ($3,383.00 + $635.10)


(2) Clare O’Brien, Registrar, Court of Appeal, in her email, dated 8 November 2013, wrote, "the Orders were sealed and returned to Mr Collins on the day they were received in this office" (her email, dated 8 November 2013, is attached).


The fact, undisputed by anyone, is that the Court of Appeal (O’Regan P, Wild and White JJ) did not make the seal order, dated 8 November 2013, at 3:00 pm on 17 April 2013, as stated in the document, dated 8 November 2013.

The false, forged, document, dated 8 November 2013, is one of the several false, forged, documents, used later in the bankruptcy fraud in the High Court, resulted in the bank robbery committed by Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment, as explained in my earlier emails, attached below.

B.     "MINUTE OF WHITE J," dated 16 June 2015

DLA Piper (Grant Macdonald, Misha Henaghan, Sacha Thom), represending Southern Response, committed the fraud in the Court, following the undisputed insurance fraud committed by Southern Response (see the emails attached below).

"Minute of White J," dated 16 June 2015, was sent by Justine Bird, Court Registry Officer, Court of Appeal on 16 June 2015, attached.



The follow facts clearly indicate the document, dated 16 June 2015, is a false, forged, document.

(1) Grant Macdonald, in his email, dated 20 May 2015, wrote, "We confirm that we were not served with your application to dispense with security. Your application was forwarded to us by the Registrar, who asked us to provide any comments to her" (his email, dated 20 May 2015, is attached).

(2) The Court of Appeal did not have the jurisdiction to hear the case as the appellant was not in New Zealand on 16 July 2015.

(3) Jan A Flood, Registrar, University of Otago, in her email, dated 7 August 2015, wrote, "...Clare O'Brien, Court Manager/Registrar of the Court of Appeal. Her communication regarding the appropriateness of the Library allowing you to see the documents involved was: 'No you can't. No judgment or any documents get issued for public release with judge's signatures on them" (her email, dated 7 August 2015, is attached).


(4) The signature of the document, dated 16 June 2015, is significantly different from the signature of Douglas White QC in his letter, dated 29 July 2009 (the link to his letter, dated 29 July 2009, is below).

"Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Income Sharing with Patent Attorneys) Regulations," dated 29 July 2009, Douglas White QC


Please see the comparison of the signatures, attached.

New Zealand Police must conduct forensic document examination on the document, dated 16 June 2015.

How easy is it for New Zealand Police to contact Mr Douglas White and inquire about the forgery committed in the Court of Appeal in which his name was used for fraud?

Grant Macdonald later sent “Judgment for sealing,” dated 6 November 2015, signed and sealed by Justice Bird, Deputy Registar, Court of Appeal,

enclosed in his letter, dated 17 November 2015, attached, using the names of Ellen France P, Wild and Cooper JJ of the Court of Appeal for extortion.


For your information, Southern Response, along with New Zealand Law Society and Crown Law Office, participated in the bankruptucy fraud and bank robbery while committing insurance fraud, as explained in my previous emails attached below.

C.     Conclusion

A US-educated New Zealand lawyer wrote, "I have been following with great interest the numerous communications that you have sent to the PM and other members of the Establishment, without knowing whether you have managed to achieve any satisfactory resolution of the issues you have mentioned. Like you, I too have been battling the very evident pathologies in the New Zealand 'Justice' system, so far without any success to speak of, despite my being active in it for the past 17 years since my enrolment in the High Court."

The Court of Appeal of New Zealand is just another instrument for the organised criminal syndicates to commit all kinds of crimes with impunity.

The multiple layers in the justice system nor pultiple judges in judicial proceedings have NO impact whatsoever on the systemic corruption in New Zealand Judiciary which provides ALL New Zealand Courts, without any exception, as the means and covers for the organised criminal syndicates to commit all kinds of crimes with impunity.

The insidious situation is created and maintained by the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government which provide protection, support, and concealment for the organised criminal sydicates which are using state power and machinery to commit crimes in violation of the laws of New Zealand.

The people of New Zealand must be informed of the clandestine organised crimes committed in public institutions of New Zealand.

As stated in my email, dated 13 March 2022, attached below, "chances are that these undisputed systemic organised crimes will continue to be suppressed by the authorities, regardless of the veracity of the facts, unless the media report this matter, pressuring the government to actually investigate the systemic organised crimes rather than covering them up, ensuring the clandestine criminal operations in public institutions of New Zealand."

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Criminal conspiracy of New Zealand Law Society and systemic organised crimes committed in New Zealand Courts - part 7

Subject: New Zealand Media must report the collusive nature of the systemic organised crimes committed in New Zealand Courts

Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2022 06:07:46 +1300

From: Tatsuhiko Koyama

To: breakfast@tvnz.co.nz

CC: qanda@tvnz.co.nz, P.Williams@ministers.govt.nz, poto.williams@parliament.govt.nz <poto.williams@parliament.govt.nz>, Police <Police.portfolio@parliament.govt.nz>, Andrew.coster@police.govt.nz <Andrew.coster@police.govt.nz>, FMCTWP@police.govt.nz, southernfmc@police.govt.nz, OnlineReportingTeam@police.govt.nz, k.faafoi@ministers.govt.nz, kris.faafoi@parliament.govt.nz, contactus@justice.govt.nz, info@justice.govt.nz, WellingtonHC@justice.govt.nz, Justice.winkelmann@courts.govt.nz, officeofthechiefjustice@justice.govt.nz, mayor@wcc.govt.nz, info@wcc.govt.nz, mayor@dcc.govt.nz, dcc@dcc.govt.nz, Office of Hon Mark Mitchell MP <mark.mitchellmp@parliament.govt.nz>, melissa.lee@parliament.govt.nz, gavin.ellis@xtra.co.nz, news@newshub.co.nz, news@dompost.co.nz, newstips@stuff.co.nz, newsroom@stuff.co.nz, guyon.espiner@rnz.co.nz, letters@nzherald.co.nz, odt.editorial@alliedpress.co.nz, editor@odt.co.nz, newstips@alliedpress.co.nz, contact@newsroom.co.nz, contactus@crownlaw.govt.nz, Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern <jacinda.ardern@parliament.govt.nz>, j.ardern@ministers.govt.nz <j.ardern@ministers.govt.nz>, information@dpmc.govt.nz <information@dpmc.govt.nz>, sevensharp@tvnz.co.nz, newswatch@bbc.co.uk, contact@9news.com.au, robert.patman@otago.ac.nz, politics@otago.ac.nz, president@lawsociety.org.nz, casey@wainuichambers.co.nz, service@americanbar.org, csunstei@law.harvard.edu, president@harvard.edu

24 March 2022



cc: Q+A With Jack Tame, TV ONE; Hon Poto Williams, Minister of Police; Mr Andrew Coster, Police Commissioner, New Zealand Police; Hon Kris Faafoi, Minister of Justice; Ministry of Justice; Wellington High Court; Rt Hon Dame Winkelmann, Chief Justice of New Zealand; Ms Tiana Epati, President, New Zealand Law Society, American Bar Association; and others

Dear Sir/Madam

Thank you very much for your continuous interest on the systemic corruption and organised crimes committed in public institutions of New Zealand.

This email provides you with the clear picture of the collusive nature of the systemic organised crimes committed in Wellington High Court.

This is probably the hallmark of the entrenched, widespread corruption in the judiciary of New Zealand.

The following evidence should be considered with other evidence of the systemic organised crimes committed in the High Court, Court of Appeal, and Supreme Court of New Zealand, explained in the previous emails.

A.     Order of the Court (Costs) dated 4/6/2013

“Order of the Court (Costs) dated 4/6/2013" was closed in the letter of Paul Collins, Barrister, Shortland Chambers, dated 2 December 2013.


Paul Collins, in his letter, dated 2 December 2013, stated, "I enclose a sealed duplicate original of the costs order made by the Court on 4 June 2013, which I received in the mail on Friday, 29 November, from the High Court Registry. You will see that costs have been ordered in the sum of $9,210 and disbursements of $1,439.88."

“Order of the Court (Costs) dated 4/6/2013" is another false, forged, document, used by Paul Collins for his criminal purpose of extortion.


1.     There was NO hearing in Wellington High Court on 4 June 2013, and there was NO application submitted to Wellington High Court on or around 4 June 2013 in this case.

* This FAKE decision came out of nowhere.

2.     On 2 December 2013, when Paul Collins wrote his letter, Carolyn Pritchett, Deputy Registrar, High Court, Wellington, wrote, "This email is to remind you that this file is scheduled for a call in the Judges Chambers List on Monday, 9 December 2013 at 10.00 am. Appearances are required for the List" (her email, dated 2 December 2013, is attached).


Paul Collins FAILED to appear in the case management conference (CIV-2013-485-6873) in Wellington High Court on 9 December 2013.

For your information, CIV-2010-486-001493 and CIV-2013-485-6873 dealt the same subject matter, and New Zealand Law Society was sued for Human Rights and Privacy violations; at this point, the fraud in the Court was not yet discovered, which is obviously much more serious in terms of violation of the laws of New Zealand.

3.     Jay Fealofani, Civil Caseflow Manager, High Court Wellington, who signed and sealed "Order of the Court (Costs) dated 4/6/2013," did not know who made the decision.

He, in his email, dated 16 January 2014, wrote, "I will need to pull the file out to confirm my previous email as I was just going off the information contained in the order. I'll check the file to confirm and get back to you" (his email, dated 16 January 2014, is attached).

Jay Fealofani NEVER got back on this matter, and the question was NEVER answered.

* Nobody knows who made the decision on 4 June 2013.

4.     Greg Thomas, Convenor, Wellington Standards Committee 4, New Zealand Law Society, FALSELY stated, “On 4 June 2013, the New Zealand Law Society, represented by Mr Collins, applied for and was awarded costs…” (the letter of New Zealand Law Society, dated 10 February 2014, is attached).


Jane Penney, Registrar and Court Manager, High Court Wellington, in her email, dated 9 January 2017, wrote, "This is correct. This matter was dealt with on the papers," denying that there was any hearing on 4 June 2013 in Wellington High Court,  responding to the question: "I understand that there was NO hearing on 4 June 2013. Does it mean that no one appeared in Wellington High Court on 4 June 2013 to make submissions (application on the costs)?" (her email, dated 9 January 2017, is attached).


5.     Carolyn Pritchett, Deputy Registrar, Wellington High Court, in her email, dated 26 September 2014, FALSELY stated, “It might be at the hearing or a Conference date that was when an oral application instead was made on 4 June 2013.”


Jane Penney who already denied any hearing on this matter in her email, dated 9 January 2017, wrote, in her email, dated 3 February 2017, "I am unable to comment on Ms Pritchett's email," "we will not enter into further communication on this matter" (her email, dated 3 February 2017, is attached)


6.     There is NO mention on the costs decision, supposedly made on 4 June 2013, in the letter of Wellington High Court, dated 4 October 2013, when the case was accepted for an appeal (the letter of Wellington High Court, dated 4 October 2013, is attached).


These above facts clearly indicate that Paul Collins forged the document, dated 4 June 2013, likely in late November 2013 (he wrote, "I received in the mail on Friday, 29 November, from the High Court Registry"), and asked the registrar to put the date of 4 June 2013 on the document, making sure that this order would not be challenged by the Appellant (Tatsuhiko Koyama) due to the expiry of the appealing period.

The appellant (Tatsuhiko Koyama) was NEVER served with the application for the costs by Paul Collins, representing New Zealand Law Society, nor was he informed of the hearing on this matter which NEVER HAPPENED.

The false, forged, document, dated 4 June 2013, is one of the several false, forged, documents, used later in the bankruptcy fraud in the High Court, resulted in the bank robbery committed by Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment, as explained in my earlier emails, attached below.

B.     RESERVED JUDGMENT OF DOBSON J, dated 17 July 2012

"RESERVED JUDGMENT OF DOBSON J," dated 17 July 2012, was sent twice; one without any signature on 17 July 2012 by Sheena Piers, Team Leader (Civil), Ministry of Justice (her email, dated 17 July 2012, is attached), and one with a signature on 3 May 2017 by Official Correspondence, Ministry of Justice (the email of Ministry of Justice, dated 3 May 2017, is attached).





(1) Wellington High Court cannot produce a transcript of the hearing on 11 July 2012 in CIV 2010-485-1493 (apparently, there is no recording in the case exists from which to produce a transcrpt).

The document, dated 17 July 2012, does not reflect what went on during the hearing in Wellington High Court on 11 July 2012, and some information contained in the document was not submitted to the Court by any party, clearly indicating that the document is complete fabrication.

(2) Justice Robert Robson signed a letter on 16 August 2012, which was about a month after the date of 17 July 2012 (the date of the document) (his letter, dated 16 August 2012, is attached).


(3) There is stark difference in the signatures between the document, dated 17 July 2012, and the letter of Dobson J, dated 16 August 2012, (comparison of signatures attached).


C.     Undisputed systemic organised crimes committed in New Zealand Courts must be investigated by New Zealand Police

New Zealand Police must conduct forensic document examination on the document, dated 17 July 2012, along with other forged documents which were used in the organised crimes.

Crimes Act 1961

66 Parties to offences

(1) Every one is a party to and guilty of an offence who—

(a) actually commits the offence; or

(b) does or omits an act for the purpose of aiding any person to commit the offence; or

(c) abets any person in the commission of the offence; or

(d) incites, counsels, or procures any person to commit the offence.

(2) Where 2 or more persons form a common intention to prosecute any unlawful purpose, and to assist each other therein, each of them is a party to every offence committed by any one of them in the prosecution of the common purpose if the commission of that offence was known to be a probable consequence of the prosecution of the common purpose.

71 Accessory after the fact

(1) An accessory after the fact to an offence is one who, knowing any person to have been a party to the offence, receives, comforts, or assists that person or tampers with or actively suppresses any evidence against him or her, in order to enable him or her to escape after arrest or to avoid arrest or conviction.

116 Conspiring to defeat justice

Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 7 years who conspires to obstruct, prevent, pervert, or defeat the course of justice in New Zealand or the course of justice in an overseas jurisdiction.

256 Forgery

(1) Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years who makes a false document with the intention of using it to obtain any property, privilege, service, pecuniary advantage, benefit, or valuable consideration.

(2) Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years who makes a false document, knowing it to be false, with the intent that it in any way be used or acted upon, whether in New Zealand or elsewhere, as genuine.

(3) Forgery is complete as soon as the document is made with the intent described in subsection (1) or with the knowledge and intent described in subsection (2).

(4) Forgery is complete even though the false document may be incomplete, or may not purport to be such a document as would be binding or sufficient in law, if it is so made and is such as to indicate that it was intended to be acted upon as genuine.

(5) Every person is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years who, without reasonable excuse, sells, transfers, or otherwise makes available any false document knowing it to be false and to have been made with the intention that it be used or acted on (in New Zealand or elsewhere) as genuine.

257 Using forged documents

(1) Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years who, knowing a document to be forged,--

(a) uses the document to obtain any property, privilege, service, pecuniary advantage, benefit, or valuable consideration; or

(b) uses, deals with, or acts upon the document as if it were genuine; or

(c) causes any other person to use, deal with, or act upon it as if it were genuine.

(2) For the purposes of this section, a document made or altered outside New Zealand in a manner that would have amounted to forgery if the making or alteration had been done in New Zealand is to be regarded as a forged document.


D.     Conclusion

These organised crimes committed in Wellington High Court are just another examples of the systemic nature of corruption in the judiciary of New Zealand which provides all New Zealand Courts, without any exception, for the organised crime syndicates to commit all kinds of crimes with impunity.

The clandestine criminal operations in the secrecy of the Court and Government exist because of the protection, support, and concealment provided by judges, court registrars, New Zealand Law Society, the sole and exclusive regulator of the legal profession in New Zealand, public officials, police officers, and others.

A UK medical practitioner wrote, "With the privy council now gone, this [certain systematic organised crime in New Zealand] needs to be exposed by the media of another country. I am a medical doctor, with 3 medical science books published internationally. I am also an authority on Narcissistic Personality Disorder, sociopathy and psychopathy - and the people we are dealing with are extreme examples of this trait. However, the problem in NZ is the apathy, timidity and cognitive dissonance of the people. We have built up conclusive evidence - all in the public domain. Are there any university professors of law who have the integrity to join our fight?"

New Zealand Media must report this matter so that the people of New Zealand will be informed on the systemic corruption in public institutions of New Zealand.

As stated in my email, dated 13 March 2022, attached below, "chances are that these undisputed systemic organised crimes will continue to be suppressed by the authorities, regardless of the veracity of the facts, unless the media report this matter, pressuring the government to actually investigate the systemic organised crimes rather than covering them up, ensuring the clandestine criminal operations in public institutions of New Zealand."

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Criminal conspiracy of New Zealand Law Society and systemic organised crimes committed in New Zealand Courts - part 8

Subject: New Zealand Media must report on the criminal conspiracy of New Zealand Law Society and its involvement in the systemic organised crimes

Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2022 07:37:36 +1300

From: Tatsuhiko Koyama

To: breakfast@tvnz.co.nz

CC: qanda@tvnz.co.nz, P.Williams@ministers.govt.nz, poto.williams@parliament.govt.nz <poto.williams@parliament.govt.nz>, Police <Police.portfolio@parliament.govt.nz>, Police <Police.portfolio@parliament.govt.nz>, FMCTWP@police.govt.nz, southernfmc@police.govt.nz, OnlineReportingTeam@police.govt.nz, k.faafoi@ministers.govt.nz, kris.faafoi@parliament.govt.nz, contactus@justice.govt.nz, info@justice.govt.nz, president@lawsociety.org.nz, casey@wainuichambers.co.nz, office@wainuichambers.co.nz, reception@wainuichambers.co.nz, mayor@wcc.govt.nz, info@wcc.govt.nz, mayor@dcc.govt.nz, dcc@dcc.govt.nz, Office of Hon Mark Mitchell MP <mark.mitchellmp@parliament.govt.nz>, melissa.lee@parliament.govt.nz, news@newshub.co.nz, news@dompost.co.nz, newstips@stuff.co.nz, newsroom@stuff.co.nz, guyon.espiner@rnz.co.nz, letters@nzherald.co.nz, contact@newsroom.co.nz, listenerletters@aremedia.co.nz, odt.editorial@alliedpress.co.nz, editor@odt.co.nz, newstips@alliedpress.co.nz, dunedin.dc@justice.govt.nz, j.ardern@ministers.govt.nz <j.ardern@ministers.govt.nz>, Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern <jacinda.ardern@parliament.govt.nz>, information@dpmc.govt.nz <information@dpmc.govt.nz>, shelley.griffiths@otago.ac.nz, law@otago.ac.nz, pauline.ellwood@otago.ac.nz, bridgette.toy-cronin@otago.ac.nz, andrew.geddis@otago.ac.nz, len.andersen@otago.ac.nz, selene.mize@otago.ac.nz, service@americanbar.org, ingrid.leary@parliament.govt.nz, taierimp@parliament.govt.nz, rachel.brooking@parliament.govt.nz, d.parker@ministers.govt.nz, david.parker@parliament.govt.nz, duncan.webb@parliament.govt.nz, chchcentral@parliament.govt.nz, service@americanbar.org, president@harvard.edu, csunstei@law.harvard.edu

25 March 2022



cc: Q+A With Jack Tame, TV ONE; Hon Poto Williams, Minister of Police; Mr Andrew Coster, Police Commissioner, New Zealand Police; Hon Kris Faafoi, Minister of Justice; Ministry of Justice; Dunedin High Court; Ms Tiana Epati, President, New Zealand Law Society; American Bar Association; and others

Dear Sir/Madam

Thank you very much for your continuous interest on the systemic corruption and organised crimes committed in public institutions of New Zealand.

In New Zealand, New Zealand Law Society enjoys its statutory monopoly to regulate the legal profession.

A.     Lawyers and Conveyancers Act (Lawyers: Conduct and Client Care) Rules 2008

Rules of conduct and client care for lawyers

Chapter 2 Rule of law and administration of justice

2 A lawyer is obliged to uphold the rule of law and to facilitate the administration of justice.

2.1 The overriding duty of a lawyer is as an officer of the court.

2.2 A lawyer must not attempt to obstruct, prevent, pervert, or defeat the course of justice.

Proper purpose

2.3 A lawyer must use legal processes only for proper purposes. A lawyer must not use, or knowingly assist in using, the law or legal processes for the purpose of causing unnecessary embarrassment, distress, or inconvenience to another person’s reputation, interests, or occupation.

Assisting in fraud or crime

2.4 A lawyer must not advise a client to engage in conduct that the lawyer knows to be fraudulent or criminal, nor assist any person in an activity that the lawyer knows is fraudulent or criminal. A lawyer must not knowingly assist in the concealment of fraud or crime.

2.4.1 A lawyer may assist a client in seeking to avoid or minimise any penalty or adverse effects that flow from fraud or crime.


2.5 A lawyer must not certify the truth of any matter to any person unless he or she believes on reasonable grounds that the matter certified is true after having taken appropriate steps to ensure the accuracy of the certification.

2.6 If a lawyer subsequently discovers that a certificate given by the lawyer was or has become inaccurate or incomplete to a material extent, the lawyer must immediately take reasonable steps to correct the certificate.



A lawyer must not threaten, expressly or by implication, to make any accusation against a person or to disclose something about any person for any improper purpose.

Reporting misconduct

2.8 Subject to the obligation on a lawyer to protect privileged communications, a lawyer who has reasonable grounds to suspect that another lawyer may have engaged in misconduct must make a confidential report2 to the Law Society at the earliest opportunity.

2.8.1 This rule applies despite the lawyer’s duty to protect confidential non-privileged information.

2.8.2 If a report by a lawyer to the Law Society may breach the lawyer’s duty to protect confidential non-privileged information, the lawyer should also advise the lawyer’s client of the report.

2.8.3 A report submitted in accordance with rules 2.8 and 2.9 must--

(a) be in written form; and

(b) identify--

(i) the person making the report; and

(ii) the person or persons to whom the report relates; and

(c) specify details of the alleged conduct; and

(d) be supported by any appropriate documentation held by or available to the person making the report.


This rule does not apply to--

(a) a lawyer who has received information in the course of providing confidential advice, guidance, or support to another lawyer, including a member of a panel under a “friend” system, unless disclosure of the information is necessary to—

(i) prevent the anticipated or proposed commission of a crime or fraud; or

(ii) prevent a serious risk to the health or safety of any person; or

(b) a lawyer who is a victim of the suspected misconduct; or

(c) circumstances where a lawyer reasonably believes the disclosure would pose a serious risk to the health (including mental health) or safety of a victim.

2.9 Subject to the obligation on a lawyer to protect privileged communications, a lawyer who has reasonable grounds to suspect that another lawyer may have engaged in unsatisfactory conduct may make a confidential report to the Law Society.

2.9.1 This rule applies despite the lawyer’s duty to protect confidential non-privileged information.


B.     Criminal conspiracy of New Zealand Law Society and its involvement in the undisputed systemic organised crimes

You must witness the criminal conspiracy of New Zealand Law Society and its involvement in the undisputed systemic organised crimes committed in the secrecy of the Court and Government.

1.     Tina Chiles, Executive Assistant - Regulatory, New Zealand Law Society, sent an email, dated 16 October 2014, extorting $37,157.98, using undisputed false, forged documents (her email, dated 16 October 2014, is attached).


2.     Mitch Singh, Associate, Glaister Ennor, used the false, forged, document, dated 28 May 2014, using the name of Clifford J for fraud, extorting $12,738.00.


3.     Mary Ollivier, General Manager Regulatory, New Zealand Law Society, made a false affidavit in the undisputed bankruptcy fraud committed in the High Court of New Zealand: "Affidavit of Mary Elizabeth Olliver in support of interlocutory application without notice for substituted service on judgement debtor SWORN 9 SEPTEMBER 2015" (this document, dated 9 September 2015, is attached)


This is a false document and was created on 2 October 2015, NOT on 9 September 2015, in her effort to conceal the non-existent hearing in Dunedin High Court on 18 September 2015.

This false affidavit was sent by Brian Sceats, Deputy Registrar, Dunedin High Court, on 2 October 2015 (his emails, dated 2 October 2015, are attached).


There is a false, forged, document, dated 18 September 2015, on this matter: "Judgment of Associate Judge Osborne as to substituted service of bankruptcy notice" with an digital image of the signature of Associate Judge Osborne on the document,


* There is NO practice in the High Court of New Zealand to file a document as the original without actual signature of the person who created the document; it is forgery per se.

4.     Mitch Singh, Associate, Glaister Ennor, added several more false, forged documents and increased the extorted amount to $46,310.48.




6.     Hayley McKee, Senior Associate, Glaister Ennor, sent "Order adjudicating debtor bankrupt dated 3 March 2016," signed and sealed by D. McMillan, Deputy Registrar, New Zealand High Court, extorting $7,003.75.


7.      New Zealand Law Society made the claim of $51,326.23, using various false, forged, documents for the organised crimes (the claim, dated 6 April 2016, sent by Rob McDonald, Deputy Assignee, Insolvency and Trustee Service, Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment, is attached).

8.     Hamish McNeilly, Dunedin Bureau Chief, Stuff, attended the FAKE HEARING and published FAKE NEWS with false information which was not available to him nor could not be found anywhere in the public (fed false information), on 18 March 2016: “Decade-long legal stoush ends with lawyer declared bankrupt.”



* It is highly likely that New Zealand Law Society fed the false information to Hamish McNeilly to spread public disinformation on the bankruptcy fraud committed in the High Court of New Zealand, perhaps being feared that the recording of the FAKE HEARING was published in YouTube.

* New Zealand Police must contact Hamish McNeilly and find out who fed the false information on the FAKE NEWS.

9.     There was a concerted effort to remove the incriminating evidence of the FAKE HEARING published in YouTube.

"MINUTE OF DAVIDSON J (following memorandum of counsel for judgment creditor dated 9 March 2016 in relation to alleged recording of hearing by judgment debtor)," dated 12 April 2016, a false, forged document, using the name of Davidson J of Christchurch High Court for fraud, was sent by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court.


This false, forged document states, "Mr Koyama is given the opportunity to respond to the memorandum of counsel dated 9 March 2016. He should respond given that he is said to be in breach of the Court's order that the hearing not be recorded. His response may be made by memorandum in the first instance, or otherwise as he considers appropriate by way of a proceeding in this Court. If so, it should be filed within 10 working days of this minute i.e. Wednesday 27 April 2016 at 5.00pm..."

* The fact proves itself; the recording of the FAKE HEARING still exists in the public domain.

10.     Grant Slevin, Senior Investigating Solicitor, Insolvency and Trustee Service, Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, in his email, dated 12 December 2016, wrote, "Please find attached by way of filing and service a memorandum of counsel for the Assignee and an affidavit of service. I will file the originals by post today. I would be grateful if you could refer it to Associate Judge Osborne and let me know in due course if my appearance on Thursday 15 December is excused."


Grant Slevin, Solicitor for the Official Assignee, in his memorandum, dated 12 December 2016, wrote, "...counsel submits the hearing scheduled for 15 December should be vacated and a date in January 2017 allocated for a determination on the papers, or if the need arises, a case management conference by way of telephone conference. Counsel requests that his appearance on 15 December 2016 be excused."


11.     "JUDGMENT OF ASSOCIATE JUDGE OSBORNE annulling adjudication," dated 13 December 2016, was sent twice by Amelia Nicolson, Deputy Registrar, Christchurch High Court, unsigned on 13 December 2016, one with a digital image of Associate Judge Osborne on 4 January 2017.


* There is NO practice in the High Court of New Zealand to file a document as the original without actual signature of the person who created the document; it is forgery per se.

12.     Grant Slevin, Senior Investigating Solicitor, Insolvency and Trustee Service, Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, in his email, dated 23 December 2016, wrote, "If what you say is true you have committed an offence under s 433(f) Insolvency Act 2006 by leaving New Zealand without the Assignee’s consent. A person who commits this offence is liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or a fine not exceeding $5,000, or both."


13.     Neil Mallon, General Manager Regulatory, New Zealand Law Society, in his letter, dated 26 February 2018, wrote, "your previous complaints against Mr Collins, Mr Singh, Ms McKee and Mr Slevin...the Lawyers Complaints Service is not able to review or reconsider decisions that have been issued by a Standards Committee. Nor is it able to reopen the complaints the decisions related to" (his letter, dated 26 February 2018, is attached).

14.     Malcolm Ellis, Deputy Manager, Complaints Service, New Zealand Law Society, in his email, dated 30 June 2020, wrote, "We have noted your advice that the information you have presented in your 3 emails has been referred to the NZ Police. Please let us know when the NZ Police has concluded its investigation and the result of that investigation" (his email, dated 30 June 2020, is attached).

15.     Malcolm Ellis, Complaints Service, New Zealand Law Society, in his email, dated 2 December 2020, wrote, "We need to know the outcome of any police investigations" (his email, dated 2 December 2020, is attached).

* Is there any need for New Zealand Law Society to know about the police investigation?

* Is this the evidence of New Zealand Law Society trying to obstruct, prevent, pervert, or defeat the course of justice?

16.     Nikki De La Mare, National Complaints Manager, New Zealand Law Society, in her letter, dated 9 July 2021, wrote, "The NZ Law Society has nothing to respond to as we consider the matter is closed. As per our previous advice, we will deal with the Police directly should they contact us for information or evidence" (her letter, dated 9 July 2021, is attached).

17.     Nikki De La Mare, National Complaints Manager, New Zealand Law Society, in her letter, dated 10 February 2022, wrote, "The Law Society considers it has addressed your complaints which are closed, and it has addressed your queries. We have informed you we would deal with the Police directly should they contact us. We are not able to require other lawyers to deal with the Police. That is for them to decide" (her letter, dated 10 February 2022, is attached).

C.     Total regulatory failure of New Zealand Law Society as the statutory regulator of the legal profession in New Zealand

New Zealand Law Society, the sole and exclusive regulator of the legal profession of New Zealand, represents the total regulatory failure in the legal profession in New Zealand.

This statutory monopoly, tasked to regulate the legal profession in New Zealand, actively commits crimes and protects the clandestine criminal scheme in which the organised criminal syndicates commit all kinds of crimes with impunity in the secrecy of the Court and Government, using state machinery and power for illicit purposes in violation of the laws of New Zealand.

The people of New Zealand must know the criminal conspiracy of New Zealand and its involvement in the systemic organised crimes committed in public institutions of New Zealand.

New Zealand Media must report this matter so that the people of New Zealand will become aware of what New Zealand Law Society is doing and its part in the systemic corruption and organised crimes in New Zealand Judiciary.

As stated in my email, dated 13 March 2022, attached below, "chances are that these undisputed systemic organised crimes will continue to be suppressed by the authorities, regardless of the veracity of the facts, unless the media report this matter, pressuring the government to actually investigate the systemic organised crimes rather than covering them up, ensuring the clandestine criminal operations in public institutions of New Zealand."

Yours truly

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand


Who will make New Zealand Prime Minister accountable on the clandestine publicly funded criminal operations in New Zealand Courts and other public institutions of New Zealand? (30 January 2023)

New Zealand has many serious problems, and some of them are fundamental, compounding existing problems by suppressing them, rather than remedying them.

The core of the problem is that basically New Zealand has no functional oversight on public administration and is the biggest legal blackhole in the Pacific.

The problem is governance, so changing governments will not solve the fundamental deficit in the public administration of New Zealand.

Cultural problem (lack of internal morality in the legal profession of New Zealand - entrenched and widespread): New Zealand Law Society, the sole and exclusive regulator of the legal profession in New Zealand is committing organised crimes and protecting, supporting, and concealing clandestine criminal operation in the public institutions of New Zealand.

Institutional problem (clandestine publicly funded criminal operations in the secrecy of the Court and Government): New Zealand Justice System is incapable of delivering justice as all New Zealand Courts, including the Supreme Court of New Zealand, are used as the means and covers for the organised criminal syndicates to commit all kinds of crimes with impunity.

These problems are entrenched, widespread, and systemic in New Zealand.

Who will make New Zealand Prime Minister accountable on the clandestine publicly funded criminal operations in New Zealand Courts and other public institutions of New Zealand?

Yours sincerely

Tatsuhiko Koyama, BA, JD, PGDipHealSc, MHealSc, DipGrad

Enrolled Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand


The clandestine publicly funded criminal enterprise of New Zealand


KIWI COURT: a sinister version of kangaroo court where no law, fact, common sense is relevant; no judge will hear the cases; court decisions are forged without having any actual hearing, or heard by an imposter; false information is disseminated by the Court, Government, and Media of New Zealand, ensuring the continual viability of the publicly funded criminal operations in the secrecy of New Zealand Courts.

New Zealand Judiciary is the total institution of New Zealand, providing all the Courts of New Zealand, from the District Court to the Supreme Court of New Zealand, as the means and covers for the organised criminal syndicates to commit all kinds of crimes with impunity, supported, protected, and concealed by New Zealand Government (the clandestine state-sponsored organised crimes of New Zealand).


This is not normal: The politics of everyday expectations (2021), Cass R. Sustein

“...the problem of faction was likely to be most, not least, severe in a small republic. In a small republic, a self-interested private group could easily seize political power and distribute wealth or opportunities in its favor. In the view of the federalists, this is precisely what happened in the years since the Revolution. Factions had usurped the processes of state government, putting both liberty and property at risk.” (p. 73)

"If people are surrounded by conduct that is morally abominable, or seeing a lot of it, they will not disapprove of, and may even be fine with, conduct that is morally bad (but not abominable). That is the power of the normal: our moral judgments are often a product of what else we see, and when what we see is very, very bad, we might not disapprove of the bad, or even the very bad. We might see it as fine, or even as good." (p.  21)

"…the fight against corruption depends upon it [the judicial system]. The expanding arsenal of anti-corruption weapons includes new national and international laws against corruption that rely on fair and impartial judicial systems for enforcement. Where judicial corruption occurs, the damage can be pervasive and extremely difficult to reverse. Judicial corruption undermines citizens’ morale, violates human rights, harms their job prospects and national development and depletes the quality of governance." (Preface, "Global corruption report 2007: Corruption and Judicial Systems," published by Transparency International)


"Corruption is an insidious plague that has a wide range of corrosive effects on societies. It undermines democracy and the rule of law, leads to violations of human rights, distorts markets, erodes the quality of life and allows organised crime, terrorism and other threats to human security to flourish. This evil phenomenon is found in all countries-big and small, rich and poor…" (Forward, UN Convention against Corruption)



The normalisation of systemic organised crimes in public institutions, including all New Zealand Courts, must be part of the national culture of New Zealand, which consists of twin subparts: (1) the culture of impunity and (2) nationwide indifference, allowing the atrocity of state-sponsored organised crimes and making the clandestine publicly funded criminal operations viable in New Zealand.

New Zealand has the very insidious culture of impunity: (1) national courts are non-existent or unable to function [all New Zealand Courts, from the District Court to the Supreme Court of New Zealand, are being used the means and covers for organised crimes], and (2) national authorities have been unwilling or unable to carry out a genuine investigation [the clandestine publicly funded criminal operations are made possible and continued to be viable in New Zealand because of the protection, support, and concealment provided by the law enforcement and regulatory agencies of New Zealand Government].

 When the international community allows New Zealand to sponsor, protect, support, and conceal the clandestine publicly funded organised crimes in public institutions of New Zealand, the state-sponsored organised crimes will continue unabated in the secrecy of the Court and Government of New Zealand.

A UK medical professional wrote, "With the privy council now gone, this [certain systematic organised crime in New Zealand] needs to be exposed by the media of another country. I am a medical doctor, with 3 medical science books published internationally. I am also an authority on Narcissistic Personality Disorder, sociopathy and psychopathy - and the people we are dealing with are extreme examples of this trait. However, the problem in NZ is the apathy, timidity and cognitive dissonance of the people. We have built up conclusive evidence - all in the public domain. Are there any university professors of law who have the integrity to join our fight?"

A US lawyer wrote, "I think the courts are really the most fundamental and important part of government. If you cannot get justice, none of your rights exist," "Life liberty and property cease to exist," "I think the word you're looking for [the criminals using the Courts for systematic organised crimes] is psychopathy," "Group psychopathy," "If you can reform the New Zealand courts with the support of New Zealand people, that will be a miracle."

A US-educated New Zealand lawyer wrote, "I have been following with great interest the numerous communications that you have sent to the PM and other members of the Establishment, without knowing whether you have managed to achieve any satisfactory resolution of the issues you have mentioned. Like you, I too have been battling the very evident pathologies in the New Zealand 'Justice' system, so far without any success to speak of, despite my being active in it for the past 17 years since my enrolment in the High Court."

A US lawyer wrote, "Mr Koyama has become such an expert on court integrity, instead of him knocking on the window from the outside, he should be invited to act in the capacity of an inspector of courts. After seeing years of his work and exceptional diligence and persistence, taking advantage of his skills officially seems the only logical outcome."


Evidence of systemic corruption and organised crimes  committed in New Zealand Courts









NZ Has World's Most Corrupt Judiciary, interviewed by Vinny Eastwood




Tatsuhiko Koyama speaks

Systemic corruption and state-sponsored organised crimes of New Zealand


Regulation of the legal profession in New Zealand


Upside Down

Just look at us. Everything is backwards, everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, psychiatrists destroy minds, scientists destroy truth, major media destroys information, religions destroy spirituality and governments destroy freedom.

Michael Ellner

When nothing seems to help, I go back and look at a stonecutter hammering away at his rock perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred-and-first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not the last blow that did it, but all that had been gone before.

Jaco Riis, Danish American journalist and social reformer

A bad system will beat a good person every time.

W.E. Deming, American statistician

Background of Tatsuhiko Koyama


* Bachelor of Arts (Economics, Mathematics Education) 

- Certified secondary school teacher (US)

- Professional computer programmer (COBOL)

- Work experiences in managing business operations (US, Japan, New Zealand)


* Juris Doctor

- Experience in law firms (US)

- Legal counsel for multinational corporations (Japan)

- Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand

Health Science

* Postgraduate Diploma in Health Sciences

* Master of Health Sciences


* Diploma for Graduates

* Contacting details of Tatsuhiko Koyama

EMAIL: tatsuhiko.koyama@gmail.com