Teacher Tips

HBLT teaching method

  1. Hook - Grab the students' attention

    • prepare the learner, guide them to anticipate the teaching

    • A good HOOK will bring the learner to class mentally, and prepare him/her to relate to the scripture

  2. Book - Grasp the truth

    • read the passage well, present the background and develop an understanding of the text

      • you could ask a student to read

      • use appropriate voice inflection and emphases

      • provide information about the author, setting, context, theme etc

      • present the content and the key points with creativity

      • make sure to take the class to the truth of scripture

  3. Look - Grapple the truth

    • look at the key questions concerning the text, what did the passage say to the original audience and what does it say to us today. Look at how the student could and should live their lives based on what these scriptures teach us

    • examine how this truth from the passage impacts our lives from Monday throughout the coming week

  4. Took - Graft into life

    • what will the students take away from the lesson and place into their daily life?

    • give a brief invitation in the closing moment to allow students to decide how to apply it to themselves.

(extracted from http://www.sundayschoolleader.com/category/hook-book-look-took/)

Resources for Sunday School Lessons / Kids Sermon

Resources for Games

  • Asphalt Green - Games for social distancing

  • Book -(in TapKids library) - 180 Faith-charged Games for Children's Ministry

  • Book (in TapKids library) - The Humongous Book of Games for Children's Ministry

More resources on HBLT

How to engage children

  1. Provide an interactive environment

    • eg. collaborate with other children, solve problems, manipulate objects, or exercise independence

  2. Plan ahead with classroom preparation

  3. Relationship matter

    • understanding what communicates best to the children you serve will make the learning experience meaningful and memorable.

  4. Commit to long-term benefits

    • it takes time for information to be processed. Therefore be committed for the long-term knowing that you are an integral part of the process.

  5. Repetition is vital

    • allow children the opportunity to tell and retell the story in their own way. Have them recite a verse or an important concept over and over again. Make it fun and exciting.

(extracted from https://www.sundayschoolleader.com/five-ways-to-engage-children-in-sunday-school/)