
  • egoless mean to do life with far less ego; ego is much the enemy of the universe

  • it makes selfishness thrive; it generates most misinformation

  • it makes profitability the most important thing in human civilization


  • re TAP, engagement is the term used to indicate and establish that a TAPper has chosen to participate in a particular case-list

  • the opposite of engagement is skip

  • see skip


  • re TAP, entitlement is the concept that someone is entitled to something -

    • because of what they believe or do

  • TAP itself does NOT make any judgement about who should get what -

    • instead TAP defers to the controller of each limited thing -

      • to determine who should get what


  • TAP is very interested in promoting equality, but only with some concepts that are components of overall society and civilization

  • TAP does NOT believe in equality with all aspects of life, e.g. everyone cannot have everything everyone else has -

    • there are GREAT limitations and constraints, especially with the physical components of the world


  • re TAPable, a TAPper is considered an explorer when active in the game and seeking out info about entities and activity & results & stories data

  • TAPavatars are NOT explorers - they can initiate nothing in the TAPworld or game

external explorer

  • A TAPper is called an external explorer when just outside, but touching, an entity object within the TAPworld structure

    • this vs. being inside or internal to the object being explored