
  • re TAP, a case is what we call the platform object that states the intended want or need

  • it is usually a concise and clear statement or question

  • its title has limited characters, but also a graphic can be associated with the text to help set the intended context


  • a case-list is the whole new TAP infocomm object object

  • both the case and the list of logical possibility items that fulfill the intent of the case


  • re TAP civilization by default, unless otherwise indicated, means the human civilization of planet Earth and elsewhere, like the space station, moon and soon Mars

claim(ing) membership

  • re a membership in a TAPgroup, claiming membership means a TAPper wishes to tell the world that the particular TAPgroup is one the specific TAPper wants associated with their personal identity

closed TAPgroup

  • re TAPgroups, a closed TAPgroup or just closed group indicates a semi-private group that requires invitation to claim membership within


  • communication

  • re TAP, comm is the act of sharing info from mind to mind

  • see TAPcomm